141 research outputs found

    Text mining for Swiss-Prot curation: A story of success and failure

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    A text mining group has been set up at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, with objective to develop and adapt information retrieval and extraction tools to help Swiss-Prot curators in their daily annotation work. After over 7 year activities, this group has gathered a significant amount of experience about the need in text mining for biocuration.

The first observation we made is that there is no “in-a-box” solution which can satisfy every needs. Each curator has his/her own strategy to find information from the literature and none of the existing information retrieval systems is able to compete with it, more for reason of habits than for reason of performance. Second observation: to be completely operative, an information retrieval system should be embedded in the annotation platform. For instance, it should be possible to copy/paste information, such as the article reference or some interesting sentences, directly in the database format. Most of the existing online programs are hardly adaptable for this task and their use usually results in additional editing efforts for the curators. From this observation, we can derive the fact that integrating text mining services is usually more costly than expected since wrappers and user interfaces need significant developments sometimes fairly user-specific.

After noticing these problems in the design and use of a generic information retrieval system for the Swiss-Prot curators, we focused our effort on text mining applications for database update. The follow-up of the literature is essential in the process of database maintenance and there are needs for automatic information extraction tools on a large panel of topics. We developed several IE applications in the field of:
-	PTM information (phosphorylation, glycosylation, disulfide bridge)
-	Subcellular localization
-	Variant/mutation detection and characterization
-	New sequence with enzymatic activities
-	New characterization of enzymes.
These tools are integrated into pipelines which follow PubMed daily outcomes and generate list of selected abstracts with highlights on the relevant sentences. These procedures are done independently of the usual annotation workflow, so that curators can mine these preselected data whenever they work on database entry updates.

To conclude, we have identified big challenges in text mining services after discussion with the curators. One of them is the detection of novel information, especially those related to a new function or a new characterization of a protein or one of its close homologues. We are currently working on this task in the framework of the collaborative project “EAGL”. Another challenge is definitely the large-scale screening of newly published full-text papers to complement the often incomplete information in abstracts. This becomes more and more indispensable, not really for the annotation of widely studied “hot” proteins, but to find new data on uncharacterized ones. For instance, when no gene name has been attributed to a sequence, the only way to retrieve information is to use the orf names, which are never provided in abstracts.

Finally, one should definitely stress that many of these information retrieval and extraction tasks could be greatly simplified with the requirement of metadata at the article submission time, such as an official HGNC gene name or a UniProt reference

    GPSDB: a new database for synonyms expansion of gene and protein names

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    Summary: We present a new database, GPSDB (Gene and Protein Synonyms DataBase) which collects gene/protein names, in a species specific way, from 14 main biological resources. A web-based search interface gives access to the database: given a gene/protein name, it retrieves all synonyms for this entity and queries Medline with a set of user-selected terms. Availability: GPSDB is freely available from http://biomint.oefai.at/ Contact: [email protected]

    Les migrations rurales des Kabyé et des Losso (Togo)

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    B. Lucien Brun analyse la colonisation agricole de la plaine centrale du Togo par les Kabyé et les Losso à partir d'un travail de terrain effectué fin 1960. La description des milieux d'origine et d'immigration permet de poser les problèmes soulevés par l'occupation des terres neuves. Cette analyse est complétée par le récit de la "descente" des paysans du Nord (permettant de percevoir les causes, circonstances et objectifs de la migration), et d'un examen de la situation nouvelle. L'étude de A.M. Pillet Schwartz, s'appuyant sur une enquête de terrain du début 1980, constitue une actualisation du texte précédent. Une nouvelle dynamique du peuplement s'esquisse dont la migration classique nord-sud n'est plus qu'une composante. La migration est aujourd'hui en concurrence avec les projets de développement initiés par l'Etat. Les projets tendent à imposer des systèmes intensifs, synomymes de modernisation, mais aussi d'aliénation

    Schistosomiasis Coinfection in Children Influences Acquired Immune Response against Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Antigens

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    Background: Malaria and schistosomiasis coinfection frequently occurs in tropical countries. This study evaluates the influence of Schistosoma haematobium infection on specific antibody responses and cytokine production to recombinant merozoite surface protein-1-19 (MSP1-19) and schizont extract of Plasmodium falciparum in malaria-infected children. Methodology: Specific IgG1 to MSP1- 19, as well as IgG1 and IgG3 to schizont extract were significantly increased in coinfected children compared to P. falciparum mono-infected children. Stimulation with MSP1- 19 lead to a specific production of both interleukin-10 (IL-10) and interferon-c (IFN-c), whereas the stimulation with schizont extract produced an IL-10 response only in the coinfected group. Conclusions: Our study suggests that schistosomiasis coinfection favours anti-malarial protective antibody responses, which could be associated with the regulation of IL-10 and IFN-c production and seems to be antigen-dependent. This study demonstrates the importance of infectious status of the population in the evaluation of acquired immunity against malari

    JAK inhibition in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome: a monocentric multidisciplinary real-world approach study

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    International audienceThe paradigm type I interferonopathy Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS) is most typically characterized by severe neurological involvement. AGS is considered an immune-mediated disease, poorly responsive to conventional immunosuppression. Premised on a chronic enhancement of type I interferon signaling, JAK1/2 inhibition has been trialed in AGS, with clear improvements in cutaneous and systemic disease manifestations. Contrastingly, treatment efficacy at the level of the neurological system has been less conclusive. Here, we report our real-word approach study of JAK1/2 inhibition in 11 patients with AGS, providing extensive assessments of clinical and radiological status; interferon signaling, including in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); and drug concentrations in blood and CSF. Over a median follow-up of 17 months, we observed a clear benefit of JAK1/2 inhibition on certain systemic features of AGS, and reproduced results reported using the AGS neurologic severity scale. In contrast, there was no change in other scales assessing neurological status; using the caregiver scale, only patient comfort, but no other domain of everyday-life care, was improved. Serious bacterial infections occurred in 4 out of the 11 patients. Overall, our data lead us to conclude that other approaches to treatment are urgently required for the neurologic features of AGS. We suggest that earlier diagnosis and adequate central nervous system penetration likely remain the major factors determining the efficacy of therapy in preventing irreversible brain damage, implying the importance of early and rapid genetic testing and the consideration of intrathecal drug delivery

    Biomonitoring of complex occupational exposures to carcinogens: The case of sewage workers in Paris

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sewage workers provide an essential service in the protection of public and environmental health. However, they are exposed to varied mixtures of chemicals; some are known or suspected to be genotoxics or carcinogens. Thus, trying to relate adverse outcomes to single toxicant is inappropriate. We aim to investigate if sewage workers are at increased carcinogenic risk as evaluated by biomarkers of exposure and early biological effects.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>This cross sectional study will compare exposed sewage workers to non-exposed office workers. Both are voluntaries from Paris municipality, males, aged (20–60) years, non-smokers since at least six months, with no history of chronic or recent illness, and have similar socioeconomic status. After at least 3 days of consecutive work, blood sample and a 24-hour urine will be collected. A caffeine test will be performed, by administering coffee and collecting urines three hours after. Subjects will fill in self-administered questionnaires; one covering the professional and lifestyle habits while the a second one is alimentary. The blood sample will be used to assess DNA adducts in peripheral lymphocytes. The 24-hour urine to assess urinary 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2'-deoxy-Guanosine (8-oxo-dG), and the in vitro genotoxicity tests (comet and micronucleus) using HeLa S3 or HepG2 cells. In parallel, occupational air sampling will be conducted for some Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Volatile Organic Compounds. A weekly sampling chronology at the offices of occupational medicine in Paris city during the regular medical visits will be followed. This protocol has been accepted by the French Est III Ethical Comitee with the number 2007-A00685-48.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Biomarkers of exposure and of early biological effects may help overcome the limitations of environmental exposure assessment in very complex occupational or environmental settings.</p