3,756 research outputs found

    Central Exclusive Di-jet Production at the Tevatron

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    We perform a phenomenological analysis of dijet production in double pomeron exchange at the Tevatron. We find that the CDF Run I results do not rule out the presence of an exclusive dijet component, as predicted by Khoze, Martin and Ryskin (KMR). With the high statistics CDF Run II data, we predict that an exclusive component at the level predicted by KMR may be visible, although the observation will depend on accurate modelling of the inclusive double pomeron exchange process. We also compare to the predictions of the DPEMC Monte Carlo, which contains a non-perturbative model for the central exclusive process. We show that the perturbative model of KMR gives different predictions for the di-jet ET dependence in the high di-jet mass fraction region than non-perturbative models.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Experiences and perceptions of Spring Lane Sure Start Children's Centre

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    Spring Lane Sure Start Children’s Centre was designated in September 2007, and ‘officially opened’ in February 2009. The Centre is housed in refurbished premises within a nursery/school complex in the heart of Northampton and offers diverse health, childcare, early education and support services delivered by a multi-professional team. These services and activities are available to children aged 0-5 years old, and their parents/carers, residing within a catchment area comprising eight ‘Super Output Areas’ in the Castle and St. James ward of Northampton. In April 2009, the Centre for Children and Youth (CCY) – a research centre based at The University of Northampton – was commissioned by Spring Lane Sure Start Children’s Centre to collate and gather evaluative data regarding experiences and perceptions of the Children’s Centre during its first year of activitie

    Yoga for anxiety: a systematic review of the research evidence

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    Between March and June 2004, a systematic review was carried out of the research evidence on the effectiveness of yoga for the treatment of anxiety and anxiety disorders. Eight studies were reviewed. They reported positive results, although there were many methodological inadequacies. Owing to the diversity of conditions treated and poor quality of most of the studies, it is not possible to say that yoga is effective in treating anxiety or anxiety disorders in general. However, there are encouraging results, particularly with obsessive compulsive disorder. Further well conducted research is necessary which may be most productive if focused on specific anxiety disorders

    Proceedings of the workshop "Standard Model at the LHC" University College London 30 March - 1 April 2009

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    Proceedings from a 3-day discussion on Standard Model discoveries with the first LHC dataComment: 9 contributions to the proceedings of the LHC Standard Model worksho

    RC J1148+0455 identification: gravitational lens or group of galaxies ?

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    The structure of the radio source RC B1146+052 of the ``Cold'' catalogue is investigated by data of the MIT-GB-VLA survey at 4850 MHz. This source belongs to the steep spectrum radio sources subsample of the RC catalogue. Its spectral index is α\alpha = -1.04. The optical image of this source obtained with 6m telescope is analysed. The radio source center is situated in a group of 8 galaxies of about 24m^m in the R-filter. The possible explanations of the complex structure of radio components are considered.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, uses psfig.sty. This was the poster as presented on Gamow Memorial Internat. Conference GMIC'99 "Early Universe: Cosmological Problems and Instrumental Technologies" in St.Petersburg, 23-27 Aug., 1999. Submitted to Proceedings to be published in A&A Transaction

    Discovery of an X-ray Jet and Extended Jet Structure in the Quasar PKS 1055+201

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    This letter reports rich X-ray jet structures found in the Chandra observation of PKS 1055+201. In addition to an X-ray jet coincident with the radio jet we detect a region of extended X-ray emission surrounding the jet as far from the core as the radio hotspot to the North, and a similar extended X-ray region along the presumed path of the unseen counterjet to the Southern radio lobe. Both X-ray regions show a similar curvature to the west, relative to the quasar. We interpret this as the first example where we separately detect the X-ray emission from a narrow jet and extended, residual jet plasma over the entire length of a powerful FRII jet.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap. J. Letters. 4 pages, 3 figure

    Towards Computing Inferences from English News Headlines

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    Newspapers are a popular form of written discourse, read by many people, thanks to the novelty of the information provided by the news content in it. A headline is the most widely read part of any newspaper due to its appearance in a bigger font and sometimes in colour print. In this paper, we suggest and implement a method for computing inferences from English news headlines, excluding the information from the context in which the headlines appear. This method attempts to generate the possible assumptions a reader formulates in mind upon reading a fresh headline. The generated inferences could be useful for assessing the impact of the news headline on readers including children. The understandability of the current state of social affairs depends greatly on the assimilation of the headlines. As the inferences that are independent of the context depend mainly on the syntax of the headline, dependency trees of headlines are used in this approach, to find the syntactical structure of the headlines and to compute inferences out of them.Comment: PACLING 2019 Long paper, 15 page

    The politics of in/visibility: carving out queer space in Ul'yanovsk

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    <p>In spite of a growing interest within sexualities studies in the concept of queer space (Oswin 2008), existing literature focuses almost exclusively on its most visible and territorialised forms, such as the gay scene, thus privileging Western metropolitan areas as hubs of queer consumer culture (Binnie 2004). While the literature has emphasised the political significance of queer space as a site of resistance to hegemonic gender and sexual norms, it has again predominantly focused on overt claims to public space embodied in Pride events, neglecting other less open forms of resistance.</p><p> This article contributes new insights to current debates about the construction and meaning of queer space by considering how city space is appropriated by an informal queer network in Ul’ianovsk. The group routinely occupied very public locations meeting and socialising on the street or in mainstream cafĂ©s in central Ul’ianovsk, although claims to these spaces as queer were mostly contingent, precarious or invisible to outsiders. The article considers how provincial location affects tactics used to carve out communal space, foregrounding the importance of local context and collective agency in shaping specific forms of resistance, and questioning ethnocentric assumptions about the empowering potential of visibility.</p&gt

    Whose voices should shape global health education? Curriculum codesign and codelivery by people with direct expertise and lived experience

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    There are contrasting opinions of what Global Health (GH) curricula should contain and limited discussion on whose voices should shape it. In GH education, those with first-hand expertise of living and working in the contexts discussed in GH classrooms are often absent when designing curricula. To address this, we developed a new model of curriculum co-design called Virtual Roundtable for Collaborative Education Design (ViRCoED). This paper describes the rationale and outputs of the ViRCoED approach in designing a new section of the Global Health BSc curriculum at Imperial College London, with a focus on healthcare in the Syrian conflict. The team, importantly, involved partners with lived and/or professional experience of the conflict as well as alumni of the course, and educators in all stages of design and delivery through to marking and project evaluation. The project experimented with disrupting power dynamics and extending ownership of the curriculum beyond traditional faculty by co-designing and co-delivering module contents together with colleagues with direct expertise and experience of the Syrian context. An authentic approach was applied to assessment design using real-time syndromic healthcare data from the Aleppo and Idlib Governorates. We discuss the challenges involved in our collaborative partnership and describe how it may have enhanced the validity of our curriculum with students engaging in a richer representation of key health issues in the conflict. We observed an enhanced self-reflexivity in the students’ approach to quantitative data and its complex interpretation. The dialogic nature of this collaborative design was also a formative process for partners and an opportunity for GH educators to reflect on their own positionality. The project aims to challenge current standards and structures in GH curriculum development and gesture towards a GH education sector eventually led by those with lived experience and expertise to significantly enhance the validity of GH education

    Thin disc, Thick Disc and Halo in a Simulated Galaxy

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    Within a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation, we form a disc galaxy with sub- components which can be assigned to a thin stellar disc, thick disk, and a low mass stellar halo via a chemical decomposition. The thin and thick disc populations so selected are distinct in their ages, kinematics, and metallicities. Thin disc stars are young (<6.6 Gyr), possess low velocity dispersion ({\sigma}U,V,W = 41, 31, 25 km/s), high [Fe/H], and low [O/Fe]. The thick disc stars are old (6.6<age<9.8 Gyrs), lag the thin disc by \sim21 km/s, possess higher velocity dispersion ({\sigma}U,V,W = 49, 44, 35 km/s), relatively low [Fe/H] and high [O/Fe]. The halo component comprises less than 4% of stars in the "solar annulus" of the simulation, has low metallicity, a velocity ellipsoid defined by ({\sigma}U,V,W = 62, 46, 45 km/s) and is formed primarily in-situ during an early merger epoch. Gas-rich mergers during this epoch play a major role in fuelling the formation of the old disc stars (the thick disc). This is consistent with studies which show that cold accretion is the main source of a disc galaxy's baryons. Our simulation initially forms a relatively short (scalelength \sim1.7 kpc at z=1) and kinematically hot disc, primarily from gas accreted during the galaxy's merger epoch. Far from being a competing formation scenario, migration is crucial for reconciling the short, hot, discs which form at high redshift in {\Lambda}CDM, with the properties of the thick disc at z=0. The thick disc, as defined by its abundances maintains its relatively short scale-length at z = 0 (2.31 kpc) compared with the total disc scale-length of 2.73 kpc. The inside-out nature of disc growth is imprinted the evolution of abundances such that the metal poor {\alpha}-young population has a larger scale-length (4.07 kpc) than the more chemically evolved metal rich {\alpha}-young population (2.74 kpc).Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. This version after helpful referee comments. Comments welcome to [email protected]
