9 research outputs found

    Jan Majchrowski, Wojewoda w dawnej Polsce, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2019, ss. 256.

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    Recenzja książki: Jan Majchrowski, Wojewoda w dawnej Polsce, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2019, ss. 256

    Jan Majchrowski, Wojewoda w dawnej Polsce, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2019, ss. 256.

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    Recenzja książki: Jan Majchrowski, Wojewoda w dawnej Polsce, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2019, ss. 256

    Funkcje kontrolne parlamentów na ziemiach polskich w początkach XIX w.

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    One of the aspects of the principle of separation of powers in the state is control of the executive by the legislature. As regards the Polish lands in the early nineteenth century, we can speak about Polish parliamentarism only in the Duchy of Warsaw, the Kingdom of Poland and the Republic of Cracow. Although these states did not recognize the principle of parliamentary accountability, their parliaments voiced criticism of the authorities and there occurred the problem of controlling the executive. Parliament of the Duchy of Warsaw tried to usurp this right itself. Parliament of the Kingdom of Poland claimed the right to charge a civil officer of the government with crimes committed while in office. In that state the ability to control emerged during the November Uprising. In the Republic of Cracow all attempts at obtaining the right of control encountered the objection on the part of three supervising neighbours (Russia, Prussia, and Austria).  One of the aspects of the principle of separation of powers in the state is control of the executive by the legislature. As regards the Polish lands in the early nineteenth century, we can speak about Polish parliamentarism only in the Duchy of Warsaw, the Kingdom of Poland and the Republic of Cracow. Although these states did not recognize the principle of parliamentary accountability, their parliaments voiced criticism of the authorities and there occurred the problem of controlling the executive. Parliament of the Duchy of Warsaw tried to usurp this right itself. Parliament of the Kingdom of Poland claimed the right to charge a civil officer of the government with crimes committed while in office. In that state the ability to control emerged during the November Uprising. In the Republic of Cracow all attempts at obtaining the right of control encountered the objection on the part of three supervising neighbours (Russia, Prussia, and Austria). &nbsp

    Praca komisji skarbowych w ocenie deputacji kontrolujących Sejmu Wielkiego

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    Modern executive authorities created in the final years of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were controlled by legislative. Sejm elected members of special auditing committees to examine them. Audit procedure was also adopted to verify activities of treasury commissions, but it was ineffective due to lack of time for comprehensive inspection. Only during the Four-Year Sejm (which worked in a continuous manner) full-range examination of treasury commissions and state finance was possible. Although the Four-Year Sejm did not give vote of confidence for treasury commissions, it ordered to print comprehensive reports prepared by the two auditing committees (the first committee examined the Treasury Commission of Crown, the second – the Treasury Commission of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania). These reports are almost unknown, but extremely significant historical documents. They contain proposals for reforms, evidence of the existing irregularities and problems of tax administration in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.Powołanie nowoczesnych organów władzy wykonawczej w czasach stanisławowskich zrodziło potrzebę stworzenia mechanizmu ich kontroli. Powierzono ją sejmowi, który wybierał do tych czynności specjalne deputacje. Kontrola ta w przypadku komisji skarbowych pozostawiała wiele do życzenia przede wszystkim ze względu na szczupłość czasu przeznaczonego na kontrolę. Dopiero podczas Sejmu Czteroletniego, który obradował w sposób ciągły, możliwe było wnikliwe zbadanie funkcjonowania skarbowości. Choć Sejm nie udzielił absolutorium komisjom skarbowym, to nakazał wydrukować obszerne sprawozdania przygotowane przez dwie deputacje kontrolujące (jedna badała Komisję Skarbu Koronnego, druga – Komisję Skarbu Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego). Sprawozdania te stanowią niezwykle cenne, a prawie niewykorzystane dokumenty. Zawierają one propozycje reform oraz świadczą o istniejących nieprawidłowościach i problemach działalności administracji skarbowej Rzeczypospolitej

    Konferencja naukowa „Statut 1588 r.” w Mińsku

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    Początki nauk prawno-finansowych w Polsce (do 1918 r.)

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    Kwestie polityczno-państwowe i ich konsekwencje (które w tym miejscu nie będą poruszane) miały przemożny wpływ na rozwój polskiej nauki prawa, czy nauki w ogóle. Ostatnie lata przynoszą wzmożone zainteresowanie historycznym rozwojem prawa finansowego w Polsce. W prowadzonych dociekaniach pomijane są jednakże jego początki, co powoduje, iż powstaje wrażenie, jakby nauka prawa finansowego zaczęła się dopiero wraz z zakończeniem I wojny światowej

    Funkcje kontrolne parlamentów na ziemiach polskich w początkach XIX w.

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    One of the aspects of the principle of separation of powers in the state is control of the executive by the legislature. As regards the Polish lands in the early nineteenth century, we can speak about Polish parliamentarism only in the Duchy of Warsaw, the Kingdom of Poland and the Republic of Cracow. Although these states did not recognize the principle of parliamentary accountability, their parliaments voiced criticism of the authorities and there occurred the problem of controlling the executive. Parliament of the Duchy of Warsaw tried to usurp this right itself. Parliament of the Kingdom of Poland claimed the right to charge a civil officer of the government with crimes committed while in office. In that state the ability to control emerged during the November Uprising. In the Republic of Cracow all attempts at obtaining the right of control encountered the objection on the part of three supervising neighbours (Russia, Prussia, and Austria).  One of the aspects of the principle of separation of powers in the state is control of the executive by the legislature. As regards the Polish lands in the early nineteenth century, we can speak about Polish parliamentarism only in the Duchy of Warsaw, the Kingdom of Poland and the Republic of Cracow. Although these states did not recognize the principle of parliamentary accountability, their parliaments voiced criticism of the authorities and there occurred the problem of controlling the executive. Parliament of the Duchy of Warsaw tried to usurp this right itself. Parliament of the Kingdom of Poland claimed the right to charge a civil officer of the government with crimes committed while in office. In that state the ability to control emerged during the November Uprising. In the Republic of Cracow all attempts at obtaining the right of control encountered the objection on the part of three supervising neighbours (Russia, Prussia, and Austria). &nbsp