163 research outputs found

    Accesibilidad web. La nueva era de las WCAG 2.1, la transición de las futuras WCAG 3.0.

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    Durante las últimas décadas se han realizado esfuerzos por parte de los diferentes sectores de la sociedad para eliminar las barreras tanto físicas como tecnológicas para que todos los ciudadanos se pudieran desenvolver en cualquier medio sin ningún tipo de restricción, independientemente de su discapacidad. La accesibilidad Web cobra especial importancia en este ámbito, ya que aporta soluciones para que cualquier usuario pueda acceder al contenido Web, cuando existe una limitación física o tecnológica. Ahora nos encontramos ante un momento de transición, donde las Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) cobran especial relevancia para adaptarse a las actuales necesidades tecnológicas como una nueva versión recomendada de accesibilidad Web. Este estudio aporta una propuesta de mejora en el método de análisis de accesibilidad Web basado en herramientas de evaluación automáticas que complementan la revisión manual del experto, facilitando la valoración de los resultados obtenidos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Exploring WHO communication during the COVID 19 pandemic through the WHO website based on W3C guidelines: accessible for all?

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    Health crisis situations generate greater attention and dependence on reliable and truthful information from citizens, especially from those organisations that represent authority on the subject, such as the World Health Organization (WHO). In times of global pandemics such as COVID-19, the WHO message “health for all” takes on great communicative importance, especially from the point of view of the prevention of the disease and recommendations for action. Therefore, any communication must be understandable and accessible by all types of people, regardless of their technology, language, culture or disability (physical or mental), according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), taking on special relevance for public health content. This study analysed whether the WHO is accessible in its digital version for all groups of citizens according to the widely accepted standards in the field of the Internet. The conclusion reached was that not all the information is accessible in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, which implies that there are groups that are, to some extent, left out, especially affecting the elderly. This study can contribute to the development of proposals and suggest ways in which to improve the accessibility of health content to groups especially vulnerable in this pandemic.This research has received funds from a Plan Propio of University of Malaga and UMA18-FEDERJA-148

    Digital accessibility of smart cities - tourism for all and reducing inequalities: Tourism Agenda 2030

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    Purpose: There is widespread agreement that the tourism sector should address the issue of sustainability. The purpose of this study is to analyze the digital accessibility of the cities awarded as European Capitals of Smart Tourism for their innovative, accessible and sustainable practices by the European Commission. Design/methodology/approach: An analysis of the digital level of accessibility of 50 uniform resource locator (URL) of European cities was undertaken. The analysis followed the international evaluation requirements of the World Wide Web (W3C). Findings: The results show that none of the official Web pages analyzed obtained 100% in relation to the digital accessibility requirements. The main factors that pose barriers to communication and interaction were identified. Practical implications: The paper encourages smart tourism destinations to overcome the challenge of matching both dimensions of accessibility to obtain barrier-free information to ensure cities are inclusive and sustainable in line with Agenda 2030 (sustainable development goal [SDG] 11). Originality/value: The concept of tourism for all receives special attention in the sector, and this notion is reflected in the UN SDGs. However, accessibility has not been extensively analyzed in relation to the cohesion between the digital and the physical dimension. Tourism research tends to focus on accessible experiences within destinations. This paper introduces a new insight into the key issue of digital accessibility, which can promote destination choice and influence the tourism experience.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Explorando la accesibilidad digital de las smart cities en Europa como destino turístico inteligente. ¿comunicación para todos?

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    El concepto de “smart city” tiene un significado amplio que no solo se asocia al área tecnológica, sino que también engloba a personas y comunidades. Dentro de la industria turística, un destino inteligente implica que tanto los ciudadanos como los visitantes se beneficien de unos servicios que mejoran su calidad de vida. En 2020, la Comisión Europea reconocía a las ciudades europeas con prácticas turísticas inovadoras, accesibles y sostenibles. El concepto “turismo para todos” cobra especial relevancia, asociado al hecho de que todas las personas, independientemente de su discapacidad o su edad, puedan acceder al contenido que se les ofrece. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar en qué medida el conjunto ciudades reconocidas cumplen con la accesibilidad digital. Los resultados muestran que el nivel de cumplimiento de la accesibilidad web de estas ciudades inteligentes europeas podría calificarse bajo en relación a los estandares requeridos por la comunidad internacional.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Ukrainian Women’s Entrepreneurship and Business Ecosystem during the War: New Challenges for Development.

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    This research focuses on the key aspects of the basis of women’s entrepreneurship in the particular case of the Ukrainian ecosystem of entrepreneurship. Even in wartime, entrepreneurship is a chance to overcome circumstances, and it should be developed for women and men. A correla- tion regression analysis and simulation modeling were carried out in order to rank the priorities for the development of types of economic activity of small business entities managed by women, mak- ing it possible to substantiate the forecast of the development of women’s entrepreneurship in Ukraine for 2024–2026. The findings show the positive impact of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the need to continue to strengthen policies that encourage and facilitate female entrepreneurship. This analysis provides three types of development scenarios for women’s entrepreneurship in Ukraine.This document has been funded by Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022, Min- istry of Science and Innovation, State Research Agency (FEDER, EU). Grant number: PID2022- 139037OB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE; and Funding for Open Access Charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA

    Sampling uncertainty associated with western Mediterranean pelagic fish abundance estimates derived from acoustic data.

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    Acoustic surveys are used worldwide for the assessment of pelagic fish stocks. In the Spanish Mediterranean area acoustic surveys are performed annually in late autumn and cover the entire continental shelf between 30 and 200 m depth. This survey was initiated to obtain estimates of anchovy recruitment (Engraulis encrasicolus), but additionally provide a general overview of the whole pelagic fish community in the study area during the time of the year it is performed. Our study area has a diverse assemblage of small and medium-sized pelagic fish (up to nine species) and thus we rely on the proportion of species obtained in middle-water pelagic fishing trawls to attribute the amount of echo corresponding to every single species and estimate their abundance. Although uncertainties may arise from many different sources (e.g. transducer motion, target strength, migration) we focus our study on the estimation of overall sampling uncertainty, one of the main contributors to random error. We apply geostatistical techniques to deal with spatial correlation and discuss benefits and pitfalls in their application. Although transitive geostatistics have seldom been used, most probably due to their inability to produce spatial maps of abundance and variance estimations, they constitute a powerful tool to routinely estimate sampling variance and its variation in time in a multi-specific context. They may also help to assess the effects of varying sampling intensity and could potentially be useful to detect possible processing errors, for example, in echogram scrutinizing. These techniques may therefore potentially help improve both the precision and the accuracy of acoustic dat

    Diagnostic accuracy of small breast epithelial mucin mRNA as a marker for bone marrow micrometastasis in breast cancer: a pilot study

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    [Abstract] Background. Detection of isolated tumour cells (ITC) in the blood or minimal deposits in distant organs such as bone marrow (BM) could be important to identify breast cancer patients at high risk of relapse or disease progression. PCR amplification of tissue or tumour selective mRNA is the most powerful analytical tool for detection of this micrometastasis. We have evaluated for the first time, the diagnostic accuracy of small breast epithelial mucin (SBEM) as a potential marker for BM micrometastasis in breast cancer. Methods. A nested RT-PCR assay for detection of SBEM mRNA was compared with immunocytochemistry (ICC) with anticytokeratin AE1/AE3 antibody in paired samples obtained from the BM of breast cancer patients. Associations of SBEM mRNA detection in BM and clinical and pathological parameters were evaluated. SBEM mRNA status and time to breast cancer progression were analysed using Kaplan–Meyer curves. Results. Fifty stages I–IV breast cancer female patients were prospectively included in our study. SBEM specific transcript was found in BM in 26% of the patients. Detection rate was similar to the percentage of patients with ITCs detected using ICC (24%). SBEM mRNA in BM aspirates were significantly associated with presence of clinically active disease, including locally advanced and metastatic patients (47%, P = 0.021) and tumours with positive hormonal receptors (36.7%, P = 0.035). In addition association with Her2/neu over-expression (44.4%, P = 0.051) and low proliferating tumours (36%, P = 0.067) were close to significant levels. When we analysed time to breast cancer progression adjusting for grade or hormone receptor status, presence of SBEM mRNA in BM defines distinct prognostic groups. Conclusions. SBEM might represent a suitable marker for molecular detection of ITCs in BM in breast cancer patients. Analysis of prognostic value for SBEM mRNA-based assay should take into account the heterogeneity and different molecular subtypes of breast cancer.Universidade da Coruña; 2000-543525601

    Evaluación del proyecto de Sistematización e Informatización del Inventario de Yacimientos Arqueológicos de Andalucía

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    La finalidad del presente artículo es presentar la evaluación del Proyecto de Sistematización e Informatización del Inventario de Yacimientos Arqueológicos de Andalucía (IYAA), llevado a cabo durante los años 1996 y 1997. La necesidad de gestionar eficazmente el conjunto de la información disponible en el IYYA con una aplicación informática adecuada a tal efecto condujo al diseño de la Base de Datos del Patrimonio Arqueológico de Andalucía (ARQUEOS), a través de una colaboración establecida entre el Centro de Documentación del IAPH y el Servicio de Protección del Patrimonio Histórico de la DGBBCC. Los autores explican en este texto el proceso seguido y las primeras conclusiones extraídas del proyecto, al mismo tiempo que exponen un conjunto de propuestas para mejorar el servici

    La Base de Datos de Ciudades Históricas de Andalucía: un instrumento para la Ordenación del Territorio y la protección del Patrimonio Histórico

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    Se presenta una aplicación informática para la gestión y el conocimiento de las Ciudades Históricas andaluzas desarrollada conjuntamente por técnicos de la Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transporte y de la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía en el marco del proyecto europeo de cooperación ¿Redes de Ciudades Históricas de Influencia Islámica en el Sur de la Península Ibérica y Norte de Marruecos¿. El objetivo de esta iniciativa es contar con un instrumento que resulte útil en las actuaciones sobre ordenación del territorio y gestión del Patrimonio Histórico. En líneas generales se expone el alcance, el ámbito, los contenidos, la estructura informática de la aplicación y las perspectivas de continuidad del proyecto