56 research outputs found

    Nutrient release through litterfall in short rotation poplar crops in mediterranean marginal land

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    Producción CientíficaA detailed knowledge of how poplar leaf litter decomposes under Mediterranean marginal conditions can help to minimize fertilization inputs and determine the profitability and sustainability of energy crops established in these particularly sensitive areas for bioenergy. Leaf litter decomposition was monitored for 32 months using the litterbag technique in a poplar crop under short rotation conditions in a marginal Mediterranean area. In addition, nutrient dynamics, together with the production and composition of the woody and foliar biomass produced, were studied for a period of four years. Leaf litter decomposition was relatively slow, particularly during the winter months, and accelerated in early spring, coinciding with the rainy season. At the end of the decomposition study 50% of the initial litterfall was decomposed, releasing roughly 60% of the N, 40% of the K, and 70% of the P initially present in fresh leaves. Annual yields of 6.0 dry Mg ha−1 were obtained. The aerial biomass produced the first year of the second rotation cycle extracted 83, 8.7, and 29 kg ha−1 of N, P, and K, respectively, whereas the amount of nutrients that were estimated to be naturally supplied to the system through leaf litter decomposition were 180 kg ha−1 of N, 19 kg ha−1 of P, and 30 kg ha−1 of K. Therefore, four years after establishing the energy crop, leaf litter was able to release higher amounts of primary macronutrients into the environment than the nutrient uptake by the produced aboveground biomass (woody and foliar biomass).Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España - FEDER (PS-120000-2005-6

    Organic versus conventional methods of fertilization and weed control in a long term rotation of cereals in semiarid Spain

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    Under semiarid conditions the response of cereal crops to chemical fertilizers and weed control practices with herbicides is often reduced. In fact, the economic profitability of agricultural production in many dryland regions is critically affected by high costs of inputs and low crop yields. As a solution, cropping systems like organic farming, obtaining similar yields and promoting environmental sustainability by reducing fertilizer and herbicides, could be an alternative to conventional systems. In this study, 23 trials were performed in five semiarid regions of Spain during 5 yr to compare different fertilizers and weed control methods on durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) yields. The following rotation pattern was developed on the experimental plots: fallow-barley-ground ploughed vetch (Vicia sativa L.)-durum wheat. Plots either received organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, or no fertilizer. In addition, three levels of weed control were applied in cereal plots: flex-tine harrow tillage, conventional herbicide, and no weeding. The results indicated that neither the fertilization nor the weed control have effect on the yield cro

    Influencia de la terapia ocupacional en el lenguaje en un caso de demencia con cuerpos de Lewy

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    Con este trabajo pretendemos estudiar la influencia de la terapia ocupacional en un caso de demencia con cuerpos de Lewy, una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que cursa con deterioro cognitivo progresivo. Ésta es la segunda causa de demencia, después del Alzheimer, suponiendo de un 10% al 25% de todas las demencias en la población. El trabajo desde terapia ocupacional estará orientado, en todo momento, a mejorar la funcionalidad y calidad de vida, además de disminuir la repercusión de la enfermedad sobre el cuidador principal. La metodología de intervención estará centrada en el área del lenguaje, con el objetivo de mejorar tanto la fluencia verbal como la memoria semántica. A la hora de estructurar nuestro trabajo, nos hemos basado en el Marco de Trabajo de la terapia ocupacional, además de seguir la filosofía del Modelo de Ocupación Humana. La intervención se hará según las bases del Marco Cognitivo-Conductual, por lo que utilizaremos el mini examen cognoscitivo de Lobo (1974) para valorar el deterioro cognitivo, además del Set-test de Isaac específico del lenguaje. Como escalas complementarias para una valoración global hemos utilizado: Índice de Barthel para ABVD, escala de Lawton y Brody para evaluar el grado de independencia en AIVD; escala de Yesavage para el estado emocional; y el listado de intereses para conocer sus motivaciones. Tras el análisis de los resultados, se ha demostrado que la terapia ocupacional es efectiva para mejorar las capacidades del lenguaje afectadas por la demencia, aumentando además la satisfacción personal de la propia persona y calidad de vida

    Beneficios de la terapia ocupacional en la orientación témporo-espacial y personal en un paciente con demencia vascular

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    En las personas que padecen una patología vascular cerebral, como ACV, se producen una serie de secuelas, entre ellas deterioro cognitivo, que puede manifestarse en diferentes grados dependiendo de la intensidad y localización de la lesión. Cuando se diagnostica un deterioro dentro de esta patología y, además, se da en personas mayores, la progresión del mismo está ligada a múltiples factores del envejecimiento provocando un deterioro mayor de curso fluctuante. Al agravarse dicho deterioro nos encontramos con una demencia vascular que origina diversas afectaciones cognitivas dando lugar a la desorientación, temporal, espacial y personal, entre otras. Desde este trabajo, queremos presentar una intervención basada en un tratamiento de terapia ocupacional, centrado en la orientación témporo-espacial y personal, en una paciente geriátrica dentro de una institución. Con ello, buscamos demostrar los beneficios de nuestro trabajo en este tipo de patologías dentro de una institución, así como conseguir una mejoría en las capacidades cognoscitivas incrementando la calidad de vida. Para ello, la intervención está centrada en el Marco cognitivo conductual y en el MOHO a la hora de trabajar de manera holística a través de ocupaciones significativas, utilizando el Marco de trabajo de terapia ocupacional como herramienta para centrar los objetivos. Tras la valoración de los resultados, finalmente, se corrobora que la terapia ocupacional aporta efectos beneficiosos dentro de la patología descrita, siendo necesaria una intervención continuada y prolongada en el tiempo

    Flame confinement in biomass combustion systems for particles abatement

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    This is an open access article under the CC BY licenseThis work explores the use of open-pore, inert ceramic foams with different pore sizes as particle abatement systems in small biomass combustion systems. Porous foams made of silicon carbide with pore sizes 10 to 60 pores-per-inch were installed in an in-house designed combustion unit operated with wood pellets. Their effects on the temperature distribution inside the chamber, particulate and gases emissions were studied using different airflow rates in the reaction-limited regime (low equivalence ratio) to minimise stoichiometric factors. The influence of pore size, foam position with respect to the flame and space velocity were assessed. The confinement of the flame with inert foams was found to substantially modify the temperature distribution in the combustion chamber, improve the air-fuel mixture, and favour the thermal decomposition of the pellet, leading to a reduction in particulate emissions when compared to free-flame combustion at the same experimental conditions. In general, the amount of particulate matter was found to decrease by up to one order of magnitude as the pore size of the foam was reduced, while the temperature gradient in the combustion chamber was increased. Nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide emissions were essentially unchanged, irrespectively of the pore size of the foam. It is expected that these values will be improved with longer residence times, as happens in operations with reduced excess air ratios. These results suggest that it is possible to control pollutants derived from domestic heating within the most restrictive current regulations on particulate emissions by integrating flame confinement designs with better operating practices and efficient abatement systems.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT2016-76526-RFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional US-1265636Universidad de Sevilla VI PPI T-U

    Mesenchymal Stem Cell Migration and Proliferation Are Mediated by Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 alpha Upstream of Notch and SUMO Pathways

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are effective in treating several pathologies. We and others have demonstrated that hypoxia or hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1 alpha) stabilization improves several MSC functions, including cell adhesion, migration, and proliferation, thereby increasing their therapeutic potential. To further explore the mechanisms induced by HIF-1 alpha in MSCs, we studied its relationship with Notch signaling and observed that overexpression of HIF-1 alpha in MSCs increased protein levels of the Notch ligands Jagged 1-2 and Delta-like (Dll) 1, Dll3, and Dll4 and potentiated Notch signaling only when this pathway was activated. Crosstalk between HIF and Notch resulted in Notch-dependent migration and spreading of MSCs, which was abolished by gamma-secretase inhibition. However, the HIF-1-induced increase in MSC proliferation was independent of Notch signaling. The ubiquitin family member, small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO), has important functions in many cellular processes and increased SUMO1 protein levels have been reported in hypoxia. To investigate the potential involvement of SUMOylation in HIF/Notch crosstalk, we measured general SUMOylation levels and observed increased SUMOylation in HIF-1-expressing MSCs. Moreover, proliferation and migration of MSCs were reduced in the presence of a SUMOylation inhibitor, and this effect was particularly robust in HIF-MSCs. Immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated SUMOylation of the intracellular domain of Notch1 (N1ICD) in HIF-1-expressing MSCs, which contributed to Notch pathway activation and resulted in increased levels of N1ICD nuclear translocation as assessed by subcellular fractionation. SUMOylation of N1ICD was also observed in HEK293T cells with stabilized HIF-1 alpha expression, suggesting that this is a common mechanism in eukaryotic cells. In summary, we describe, for the first time, SUMOylation of N1ICD, which is potentiated by HIF signaling. These phenomena could be relevant for the therapeutic effects of MSCs in hypoxia or under conditions of HIF stabilization.This work was supported, in part, by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI13/00414, PI16/0107, RE-TICS RD12/0019/0025 to P.S. and RETICS RD12/0019/0003 (TERCEL) to J.L.D.L.P cofunded by FEDER ``una manera de hacer Europa. It was also supported by the Regenerative Medicine Program of Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Valencian Community to Centro de Investigacion Principe Felipe. The authors are grateful to Dr. A. Dorronsoro for critical review of the work and Dr. K McCreath for manuscript editing.S

    The effects of integrated food and bioenergy cropping systems on crop yields, soil health, and biomass quality: The EU and Brazilian experience

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    Integrated food and bioenergy production is a promising way to ensure regional/national food and energy security, efficient use of soil resources, and enhanced biodiversity, while contributing to the abatement of CO2 emissions. The objective of this study was to assess alternative crop rotation schemes as the basis for integrating and enhancing the sustainable biomass production within the food-energy agricultural context. Sunn hemp (Crotalaria spp.) in rotation with wheat (Triticum spp.) in the EU and with sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) in Brazil were evaluated. Sunn hemp did not negatively affect crop's productivity and soil fertility; wheat grain yields were maintained around the mean regional production levels (6, 7, 3 and Mg ha(-1) in Greece, Italy, and Spain, respectively), and the cumulative biomass in the extended rotation (wheat straw+sunn hemp) was between 1.5 and 2.0 times higher than in the conventional rotation. In Brazil, sugarcane stalks yield in clay soils increased by around 15 Mg ha(-1) year(-1) under sunn hemp rotation in comparison with bare fallow. Moreover, sunn hemp in the EU rotations did not have negative effects on soil available macronutrients, organic matter, pH, and cation exchange capacity, neither on C and N stocks in Brazil. The qualitative characteristics (mineral, ash, and hemicelluloses contents) of the cumulated biomass were somehow higher (in average +26%, +35%, and +3.4%, respectively) than in the conventional system. In summary, in temperate and tropical climates the integration of dedicated biomass legume crops within conventional systems could lead to enhanced biomass availability, crop diversification, and efficient use (in space and time) of the land resources

    1,4-Bis(alkylamino)benzo[g]phthalazines able to form dinuclear complexes of Cu(II) which as free ligands behave as SOD inhibitors and show efficient in vitro activity against Trypanosoma cruzi

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    The synthesis of a new series of 1,4-bis(alkylamino)benzo[g]phthalazines 1–3 is reported, and their ability to form dinuclear complexes with Cu(II) assayed. The geometry of the complexes is dependent on the nature of the electron-donor sites at the sidechains. Compounds 1 and 2, that contain sp3 or sp2 nitrogens at the end of the alkylamino groups, originate monopodal dinuclear complexes which seem to include endogenous OH bridges, and the sidechains seem to actively participate in complexation. However, the substitution of nitrogen by oxygen in 3 leads to a tripodal dinuclear complex in which the sidechains are not involved. The in vitro antiparasitic activity on Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes and amastigotes and the SOD activity inhibition have been evaluated for compounds 1–3, and, as expected, 1 and 2 show in all cases relevant results, whereas 3 is always the less active among the three substrates tested.The authors thank the Spanish Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia for the economical support given to this work (SAF99-0066)