2,019 research outputs found

    Analysis and Quality Control from ARIMA Modeling

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    In this paper, we use ARIMA modelling to estimate a set of characteristics of a short-term indicator (for example, the index of industrial production), as trends, seasonal variations, cyclical oscillations, unpredictability, deterministic effects (as a strike), etc. Thus for each sector and product (more than 1000), we construct a vector of values corresponding to the above-mentioned characteristics, that can be used for data editing

    Rationality, preferences and irregular war

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    We suppose that civilians under threat prefer certain situations within a context of irregular war and endangered survival; they will prefer those situations associated with greater probabilities of survival. Using lexicographical preferences and belief systems, we have shown that civilians will choose not to remain in situations having a lower probability of survival. Linking into social networks allows for shorter deliberation processes, lower decision costs and faster convergence towards collective decision-making. Civilian displacement thus becomes the outcome of a rational decision-making procedure.Survival

    Parental perceptions of neighborhood effects in Latino comunas: the script of "the delinquent" in understanding drug use, violence, and social disorganization

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    OBJECTIVES: To obtain rich information about how adult Latinos living in high-poverty/high-drug use neighborhoods perceive and negotiate their environment. METHODS: In 2008, thirteen adult caregivers in Santiago, Chile were interviewed with open-ended questions to ascertain beliefs about neighborhood effects and drug use. ANALYSIS: Inductive analysis was used to develop the codebook/identify trends. DISCUSSION: Residents externalized their understanding of drug use and misuse by invoking the concept of delinquent youth. A typology of their perceptions is offered. Learning more about residents’ circumstances may help focus on needs-based interventions. More research with Latino neighborhoods is needed for culturally-competent models of interventions.The present study received support from National Hispanic Science Network Fellows Summer grant awarded to the lead author. The study was also partially supported by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01:DA021181) and the Vivian A. and James L. Curtis School of Social Work Research and Training Center, University of Michigan. (National Hispanic Science Network; R01:DA021181 - National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse; Vivian A. and James L. Curtis School of Social Work Research and Training Center, University of Michigan

    Disentangling age and cohort effects in coresidence with adult children among the elderly in Catalonia

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    Cross-sectional studies show an apparent increase in parent-child coresidence with age when mature adult age, and particularly among the elderly. This paper seeks new insights on their living arrangements in the Spanish region of Catalonia by applying Age Period Cohort analysis to census microdata. Results reveal that the increase in the age at which intergenerational coresidence occurs is mainly related to its lower propensity among younger (i.e. more recent) cohorts during the transition to old ages. Also, the analysis reveals that the impact of widowhood, which has a greater impact among men than among women, decreases among more recent cohortsLos estudios transversales muestran un aparente aumento de la coresidencia entre padres e hijos con la edad cuando las edades maduras envejecen y, en particular, entre los ancianos. Este artículo busca profundizar en las formas de convivencia de los mayores en la región española de Cataluña mediante la aplicación de análisis de Edad Período Cohorte a microdatos censales. Los resultados revelan que el incremento en la edad a la cual se da la coresidencia intergeneracional está principalmente relacionado su menor propensión entre las cohorte más jóvenes (es decir, más recientes) durante su transición a la vejez. Asimismo, el análisis revela que el impacto de la viudedad, que tiene un mayor impacto entre los hombres, disminuye entre las generaciones más reciente

    Technical translation as specialization: an engineer at work?

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    El área o campo temático en el que se va a especializar es una decisión que todo traductor debe tomar al iniciar su andadura profesional. La traducción técnica es una de las posibles opciones para aquellos traductores que hayan concluido su formación inicial. Asimismo, en un mercado cada vez más basado en la industria y la innovación, este campo proporciona excelentes oportunidades laborales para el traductor. En el presente trabajo deseamos exponer las vías por las que un graduado en Traducción e Interpretación puede optar para especializarse en el amplio mundo de la traducción técnica, en concreto para los idiomas inglés, alemán y español. Analizaremos los resultados de un cuestionario dirigido a traductores que ejercen su actividad profesional en este campo, a modo de ejemplos de la realidad laboral del mercado español.The area or field of specialization is a choice every translator should make at the beginning of their professional career. Technical translation is one of the available options for translators who have just finished their initial training. Furthermore, this field provides excellent working opportunities for translators in a market increasingly relying on industry and innovation. In the present communication, the different paths of specialization in this broad area available for a graduate in Translation and Interpreting are discussed. The proposed languages are English, German and Spanish. Besides, the results of a questionnaire filled by translators who work in this field will be analysed in order to provide some insight into the actual situation in the Spanish labour market

    Specialised translation and interpreting in the Spanish nuclear industry

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    El presente estudio tiene por objeto el trabajo del traductor e intérprete profesional en el ámbito de las centrales nucleares españolas. Se analizarán los campos del conocimiento relevantes para el traductor e intérprete en dicho ámbito, incluida la tecnología nuclear, disciplinas relacionadas y otras. Asimismo, se expondrán las técnicas de interpretación, géneros textuales y situaciones comunicativas habituales en este sector. Finalmente, se reflexionará sobre el papel del traductor e intérprete en entornos altamente especializados, sus repercusiones y los requisitos que debe cumplir para desempeñar correctamente su labor, así como las posibilidades de documentación en el ámbito nuclear y técnico en general.Our study focuses on the task of professional translators and interpreters working in the context of nuclear power plants in Spain. The fields of knowledge relevant to translators and interpreters in this sector will be discussed, including nuclear technology, related fields and other. Besides, the most frequent interpretation techniques, textual genres and communicative situations in this setting shall be analised. Finally, we will look at the role of translators and interpreters in highly specialized settings, the implications of their work and the requisites they must fulfil in order to carry out their professional work, as well as documentation sources in nuclear and technical settings in general

    Unveiling meanings about equity and equality: A tour of instruments and eductional policies aimed at the transformation for gender equality from the right to education

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    This article allows us to travel through different supranational and international educational policies, as well as studies and reports of educational policies, in order to reveal the deep implications that are in parity - gender equality approaches in education. The route will also give us the evolution, as well as the steps forward and backward, related to the Right for Education from the gender equality approach. We will be aware of the transformational impact that the recent theoretical and methodological approaches developed by UNESCO offer to gender equality, against other approaches from supranational policies that focus on gender parity. Finally, we offer some clues about how important is the Right for Education from a gender perspective in the new post-2015 global agendaEl presente artículo nos permite transitar por diferentes instrumentos educativos internacionales, así como por estudios e informes de políticas educativas, para ir desvelando las implicaciones profundas que se encuentran en los enfoques de paridad-igualdad de género en la educación. El recorrido que realizaremos nos ofrecerá igualmente la evolución, y los pasos dados hacia delante y hacia atrás, del derecho a la educación desde la perspectiva de la igualdad de género, pudiendo tomar conciencia del potencial transformador que albergan las recientes aproximaciones teóricas y metodológicas desarrolladas por organismos como UNESCO, frente a políticas supranacionales que han priorizado la paridad de género frente a la igualdad de género. Ofreceremos algunas claves sobre la relevancia del derecho a la educación desde la perspectiva de género en la nueva agenda mundial post-201

    Citizens’ attention in Madrid City through the study of personalized records

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    [EN] The datification of our daily lives in the Big Data era is producing a huge amount of information about processes and activities that were previously invisible or at least difficult to grasp, leading to new opportunities and challenges for analysis. Examples of some data available are the tens of million of Personalized Attention Records that can be downloaded from the open data portal offered by the local government of Madrid City. These records become a sort of counterpart from the call receiver’s perspective of the Call Detail Records produced by telecom providers. They are stored as a result of a front office tool retaining some information from a range of different communication channels to manage the interaction with users. The paper explores the data contained on these Personalized Attention Records to help improve customer attention services. It emphasizes the study of the topics that concern the citizens and the different channels dealing with the services, using Natural Language Processing and other tools.Rey Del Castillo, P. (2020). Citizens’ attention in Madrid City through the study of personalized records. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2020.2020.11359OCS192