27 research outputs found

    Estonia “has not time” : Existential Politics at the End of Empire

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    This article is about the Estonian transition from the era of perestroika to the 1990s. It suggests that the Estonian national movement considered the existence of the nation to be threatened. Therefore, it used the window of opportunity presented by perestroika to take control of time and break free of the empire. This essay has the following theoretical premises. First, Estonia was not engaged in “normal politics” but in something that I will conceptualise, following the Copenhagen School, as “existential politics.” Second, the key feature of existential politics is time. I will draw on the distinction, made in the ancient Greek thought, between the gods Chronos and Kairos. By applying these concepts to Estonia, I suggest Kairos presented the opportunity to break the normal flow of time and the decay of Socialism (Chronos) in order to fight for the survival of the Estonian nation. The third starting point is Max Weber’s historical sociology, particularly his notion of “charisma,” developed in Stephen Hanson’s interpretation of the notions of time in Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism. Based on this, I will argue that Estonian elites thought they were living in extraordinary times that required the breaking of the normal flow of time, which was thought to be corroding the basis of the nation’s existence.Peer reviewe


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    Oskust teha Esimesest maailmasĂ”jast Ă”igeid jĂ€reldusi on peetud sĂ”dade- vahelise perioodi sĂ”jalise efektiivsuse vĂ”tmeteguriks.1 Eestit vĂ”ib vaadelda kui riiki, mis toetus eelmises sĂ”jas edu toonud kontseptsioonidele ja praktikale, mille muutis anakronistlikuks enne Teist maailmasĂ”da aset leidnud kiire ĂŒhiskondlik ja sĂ”jan- duslik areng. Paraku saavad igasugused hinnangud Eesti sĂ”javĂ€e vĂ”imetele 1939. aastal ja 1940. aastatel toetuda vaid kaudsetele tĂ”enditele ja spekulatsioonidele, sest Eesti poliitiline ja sĂ”javĂ€eline juhtkond otsustas mitte vĂ”idelda. Otsust alistuda NĂ”u- kogude Liidu ĂŒlekaaluka jĂ”u ees vĂ”ib isegi pidada mĂ€rgiks, et tunnetati realistlikult vĂ€ikeriigi piiratud vĂ”imalusi. Teisest kĂŒljest annavad sĂ”javĂ€ejuhtide kĂŒsitavad operatsioonilised ja taktikalised ideed ning ĆĄabloonsed ja liigoptimistlikud sĂ”javĂ€e- manöövrite stsenaariumid, mis torkasid silma vĂ€lisriikide sĂ”javĂ€eataĆĄeedele, pĂ”hjust analĂŒĂŒsida kriitiliselt 1930. aastate Eesti sĂ”jalist ettevalmistust

    Tiina Tamman, August Torma: sÔdur, saadik, salaagent

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    Balti riikide kĂŒsimus liitlasriikide suhetes, 1941−1942 (I)

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    Introduction to the No 9 (2019) issue of Estonian yearbook of Military History

    Preparing for War in the 1930s: The myth of the Independence War and LaidonerÂŽs "active defence"

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    Preparing for War in the 1930s: The myth of the Independence War and LaidonerÂŽs "active defence

    Western policies and the impact of tradition at critical junctures: the Baltic states after the First World War and the Cold War

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    An introduction to the special issue on Baltic independence in the twentieth century, Ajalooline Ajakiri. The Estonian Historical Journal No 3/4 (2016)