100 research outputs found

    Asymmetries of Knowledge and Epistemic Change in Social Gaming Interaction

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    While a growing number of studies investigate the role of knowledge and interactional management of knowledge asymmetries in conversation analysis, the epistemic organization of multilingual and second language interactions is still largely unexplored. This article addresses this issue by investigating how knowledge asymmetries and changing positions with regard to knowledge impact social interaction in multilingual gaming activities. Drawing on a collection of video recordings of social gaming sessions collected over a two year period and involving the same two participants, we examine how the participants orient to knowledge and deal with knowledge asymmetries while solving game-related problems and tasks. In addition to detailed analysis of local aspects of epistemic organization, we examine how the participants’ epistemic positions change over time. Findings show that epistemic changes impact the social organization of the gaming activities and constitute the situation as a learning event.Peer reviewe

    The interactional management of discipline and morality in the classroom: An introduction

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    This special issue of Linguistics and Education deals with a specific domain of activities related to the management of discipline in classrooms. Matters of authority and discipline have been widely discussed in educational research literature. Yet, only a handful of studies have investigated how matters of discipline and the boundaries of acceptable behaviour are managed and negotiated locally in the interactional activities that constitute the social world of the classroom. This volume addresses the issue of how teachers, and sometimes students, actually deal with the problem of addressing, referring to, and evaluating unauthorized or inappropriate conduct. The focus is on activities through which teachers and students manage expectations concerning the social and moral order of classroom conduct. These are investigated through the detailed analytic lens of conversation analysis. In this introduction we offer a necessarily selective overview of previous work on classroom interaction, present the key principles of conversation analysis, and introduce the contributions included in this volume. © 2011 Elsevier Inc

    The essence of wellbeing tourism – Case Peurunka

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    The article discusses the versatility of wellbeing in the context of a tourism destination. The main objective of the study is to examine how the customers of a Finnish tourism resort perceive wellbeing and how the findings could be utilized in developing the wellbeing tourism. In addition, the study aims to provide new and profitable information for the wellbeing tourism research since the customers’ perceptions of wellbeing have been studied relatively little in the academic context. Based on the data of semi-structured interviews conducted in spring 2013, the article introduces the six wellbeing tourist types established as a result of the study: 1) socially oriented type, 2) physical activity -oriented type, 3) work-oriented type, 4) money and service -oriented tourist type, 5) health-oriented tourist type and 6) recreation-oriented type. The types complement the previous findings and serve as characterizations of the nature of wellbeing tourists.The article discusses the versatility of wellbeing in the context of a tourism destination. The main objective of the study is to examine how the customers of a Finnish tourism resort perceive wellbeing and how the findings could be utilized in developing the wellbeing tourism. In addition, the study aims to provide new and profitable information for the wellbeing tourism research since the customers’ perceptions of wellbeing have been studied relatively little in the academic context. Based on the data of semi-structured interviews conducted in spring 2013, the article introduces the six wellbeing tourist types established as a result of the study: 1) socially oriented type, 2) physical activity -oriented type, 3) work-oriented type, 4) money and service -oriented tourist type, 5) health-oriented tourist type and 6) recreation-oriented type. The types complement the previous findings and serve as characterizations of the nature of wellbeing tourists

    Towards the Essence of Andragogy – A Hermeneutical Reading of Grundtvig, Knowles, Lindeman and Savićević

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    The aim of this study is to search for the essence of andragogy through a critical examination of andragogy theorists and thereby increase the theoretical understanding of andragogy. Systematic reviews in 2013 and in 2021 led us to probe more deeply into andragogical writings in search of the essence of andragogy. Writings by four classic theorists representing different andragogical approaches – Grundtvig, Knowles, Lindeman and Savićević – were selected for hermeneutic text interpretation. Based on the results, we formulated, as constituting the essence of andragogy, three intertwined principles: 1) lived experience, 2) reciprocal interaction, and 3) “power with”. Each principle expresses the qualities that describe its nature. These three principles are necessary and sufficient conditions for the andragogy to be present. If one of these principles is lacking, the wholeness of andragogy is absent, and the phenomenon does not exist

    Students´ working life competence as a goal of university of applied sciences

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella opiskelijoiden käsityksiä ammattikorkeakoulu- osaamisesta. Ammattikorkeakoulun perustehtävänä on työelämän kehittämisen tukeminen ja osaavien työntekijöiden kouluttaminen työelämään. Opiskelijoiden osaamisen keskeisimpänä tavoitteena on työelämätaitojen kehittyminen teoriaa ja käytäntöä yhdistämällä. Artikkeli perustuu Suomen ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijakuntien liiton eri koulutusalojen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen yhdeksälle opiskelijalle tehtyyn haastattelututkimukseen, jossa on analysoitu fenomenografisella lähestymistavalla opiskelijoiden käsityksiä ammattikorkeakouluoppimisen ja -osaamisen kehittämisestä. Tulosten mukaan opiskelijoiden käsitykset ammattikorkeakouluosaamisesta varioivat viitenä teemana: opiskelijan kasvuprosessina, ammatillisena tietona, opettamisena, yhteisönä ja yhteisöllisyytenä.Oppimisen ja opettamisen kontekstina on pääosin luokkahuone, jossa opettaja jakaa tietoa. Opettaja toimii pääosin yksin eikä verkostoituminen toisten kanssa tai työelämässä oppiminen tule esille. Ammattikorkeakoulukulttuurilta opiskelijat odottavat ammattikorkeakouluun kuuluvaa omaleimaisuutta. Tutkimus lisää ja vahvistaa tietoa ammattikorkeakoulun opetuksen ja osaamisen kehittämiseksi.The purpose of this study is to observe and monitor the competence level of the University of Applied Sciences from its students’ perspective. The key objective of the University is to support the development of an individuals working life as well as further enhancing their skillset. The main goal of the education system is the development of employability via combining theoretical and practical learning. This article is based on the interview for nine students from The Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences, from different programs of different universities of applied sciences and analyzed by phenomenographic approach students´ conceptions of developing of learning and competence at university of applied sciences. The results show that students´ conceptions of the competence at university of applied sciences vary in five themes: the crowing process of student, professional knowledge, teaching, community and communality. Learning and teaching context is mainly classroom, in which teacher divides knowledge. Teacher acts mainly alone and there seems to be no networking with other and learning at working life. Students wait for originality from the culture of university of applied sciences. This research increases and confirms the knowledge of developing teaching and competence at university of applied sciences

    Patients' narratives of patient education in physiotherapy after total hip arthroplasty

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    Objective The aim of this study was to explore patients' narratives of patient education in physiotherapy after a total hip arthroplasty (THA). Method The data was collected via open thematic interviews from ten patients who had had a primary THA. The interviews were analysed using a qualitative, narrative method. Results Three story models of patient education in physiotherapy were identified: Supportive patient education in physiotherapy, Co-operative patient education in physiotherapy and Contradictory patient education in physiotherapy. The emphasis of narration in the first story model was on the trust in the guidance, functioning interaction in the second and insufficient patient education in physiotherapy in the third story model. Discussion According to the results of this study, patients with THA experience functioning interaction and trust in the patient education in physiotherapy as enhancing the rehabilitation process. Conversely insufficient patient education about exercising and follow-up physiotherapy made the patients feel insecure and according to them might have slowed down the rehabilitation process. These findings can be utilized in planning and improving patient education in physiotherapy after THA.Peer reviewe

    Lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeinen fysioterapeuttinen ohjaus fysioterapeuttien kuvaamana

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    Lonkan tekonivelleikkausten sekä leikkauksen jälkeistä fysioterapiaa tarvitsevien määrä kasvaa väestön ikääntyessä. Kuntoutumisen kannalta fysioterapeuttinen ohjaus on tärkeää. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella fysioterapeuttien käsityksiä lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeisestä fysioterapeuttisesta ohjauksesta. Laadullisen tutkimuksen aineistona oli fysioterapeuttisten ohjaustilanteiden (n=7) kuvanauhojen pohjalta tehdyt recall-haastattelut. Aineiston fenomenografisessa analyysissä muodostettiin kolme hierarkkista kuvauskategoriaa, jotka olivat suppeammasta laajempaan: asiantuntijalähtöinen fysioterapeuttinen ohjaus, potilaan yksilöllisyyttä arvostava fysioterapeuttinen ohjaus sekä fysioterapeuttinen ohjaus osana potilaan kuntoutumista. Nämä kategoriat sisälsivät kuusi ohjaustilanteita kuvaavaa teemaa ja niiden variaatiot: potilaan osallistuminen, kehollinen ohjaus, eettisyys ohjaussuhteessa, fysioterapeutin asiantuntijuus, yhteistyö ja terveydenhuoltojärjestelmän eettisyys. Fysioterapeuttisen ohjauksen onnistumisen kannalta kriittiset tekijät fysioterapeuttien ohjauskäsityksissä olivat potilaskeskeisyys, moniammatillinen yhteistyö ja kuntoutumisprosessin jatkuvuus. Abstract Physiotherapists’ perceptions of patient counseling after total hip arthroplasty (THA) The number of total hip arthroplasties is growing due to the fact that THA is a cost-effective procedure moving people quickly from poor to good functional capacity. The aim of the qualitative study was to explore physiotherapists’ perceptions of post-operative patient counseling. The data of this study consisted of seven physiotherapy situations with inpatients in hospital setting. Data were collected by open recall-interviews based on videotapes of patient counseling situations. The data were analyzed according to phenomenographic approach, which revealed three hierarchical categories: therapist-centered patient counseling, patient counseling which values patient’ individuality and patient counseling as part of individual rehabilitation process. Six themes that varied hierarchically in three categories describing different ways of understanding patient counseling were found: patients’ active participation, counseling for movement awareness, ethical counseling relationship, physiotherapy expertise, cooperation, and ethicality of national health care system. The critical variation between categories manifested as patient-centeredness, multiprofessional cooperation and the continuity of rehabilitation process

    Kuntoutujat toimijoina – Neljä tarinamallia kuntoutumisesta

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    Kuntoutuspalvelujen kehittäminen edellyttää kuntoutujien kokemusten ymmärtämistä. Lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen läpikäynti nivelrikon vuoksi on varsin yleistä, joten näistä kuntoutujista tarvitaan tutkimustietoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli ymmärtää lonkan nivelrikkoa sairastavien kuntoutumisprosessia tekonivelleikkauksen läpikäyvien kuntoutujien kertomana. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kymmenen lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen läpikäyneen henkilön haastatteluista, jotka tehtiin ennen leikkausta ja sen jälkeen. Kolmivaiheisen narratiivisen analyysin tuloksena aineistosta muotoutui neljä kuntoutumisen tarinamallia: Kuntoutumisen oikeus, Autonominen kuntoutuminen, Kuntoutumisen turvattomuus ja Luottavainen kuntoutuminen. Kuntoutumisen tarinamallit kertovat ristiriitaisista vuorovaikutusprosesseista puutteellisin resurssein toimivan julkisen terveydenhuollon ja terveydenhuoltopalveluja tarvitsevien välillä. Terveydenhuollon työntekijät näyttäytyvät tarinamalleissa uhreina ja kuntoutujat selviytymään pakotettuina. Tulosten perusteella terveydenhuollon haasteena on kehittää kuntoutujan kuulemista ja osallisuutta kuntoutumisprosessissa
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