999 research outputs found

    On the bryogeography of Western Melanesian Lejeuneaceae : with comments on their epiphyllous occurrence

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    The phytogeography of Western Melanesian (Papua New Guinea, West Irian and the Solomon Islands) Lejeuneaceae was studied on the basis of previous literature and the Huon Peninsula material from the Koponen-Norris expedition. The largest portion of the Lejeuneaceae belong to Western Melanesian and Malaysian endemics. The number of Western Melanesian endemic Lejeuneaceae (20.5 %) is, however, somewhat lower than generally in hepatics (38.2 %). This is apparently due to the large number of epiphyllous taxa in the Lejeuneaceae, a group especially widespread in lowland rainforests

    On the asexual reproduction of Plagiochila pluma Steph.

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    Four types of asexual reproduction in Plagiochila and the Plagiochilaceae are known: propagules, caducous leaves, gemmae and cladia. Plagiochila pluma Steph. has caducous leaves and teeth with regenerants. The terms for asexual reproduction modes in liverworts are briefly discussed and new definitions proposed

    Preliminary list of bryophytes of Heishiding Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province, China

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    Thirty-seven species of hepatics and 66 species of mosses are reported from Heishiding Nature Reserve, including eight taxa new to China and one species new to mainland China. The new taxa for China are Ectropothecium aneitense Broth., Gammiella tonkinensis (Broth. & Par.) Tan, G. touwii Tan, Hypnum fauriei Card., Papillidiopsis complanata (Dix.) Buck & Tan, Syrrhopodon prolifer Schwaegr. var. papillosum (C.Müll.) Reese, Trichosteleum pseudo-mammosum Fleisch., and Trichostomum crispulum Bruch; and the species new to mainland China is Isocladiella surcularis (Dix.) Tan & Mohamed. The phytogeography of the area and the bryophytes are discussed

    VERKKOLASKUTUSOHJEET PK-YRITYKSILLE : Yritysverkkopankkien verkkolaskutuspalvelut

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    Verkkolaskutus on yleistynyt melko hyvin, mutta etenkin pk-yrityksissä se on käynyt hitaammin. Syitä tähän on monia, mutta epätietoisuus ja erilaisten laskutuspalveluiden runsas määrä ovat voineet hidastaa verkkolaskutukseen siirtymistä yrityksissä. Verkkolaskutus tuo paljon etuja sekä laskun lähettäjälle että vastaanottajalle. Opinnäytetyö on kehittämistyö, jonka tarkoituksena on laatia pk-yrityksille pankkikohtaiset verkkolaskutusohjeet yritysverkkopankkien verkkolaskutuspalveluista. Ohjeet laadittiin toimeksiantajan asiakkaiden yhteistyökumppaneita varten. Lisäksi aineiston perusteella laadittiin yhteenvetoraportti pankkien tarjoamista verkkolaskutuspalveluista. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on selkeyttää ja sitä kautta edistää pk-yritysten siirtymistä verkkolaskutukseen. Aineisto työhön kerättiin pääosin pankkien yrityspalveluista vastaavien toimihenkilöiden kanssa käytyjen haastatte-luiden avulla. Lisäksi apuna käytettiin pankkien Internet-sivuja sekä pankkitoimihenkilöiden antamia ohjeita ja tie-dotteita. Tutkimustapana käytettiin laadullista eli kvalitatiivista tutkimusta ja haastattelut tehtiin avoimina yksilö-haastatteluina kunkin toimihenkilön kanssa, sillä tavoitteena oli saada mahdollisimman kattava ja luotettava aineisto. Haastattelut käytiin joko kasvotusten, puhelimitse tai sähköpostitse. Työtä varten haastateltiin seuraavia pankkeja: Pohjois-Savon Osuuspankki, Säästöpankki Optia, POP Pankki, Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Nordea, Aktia ja Ålandsbanken. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys käsitti verkkolaskutusta yleisesti sekä pankkien tarjoamia verkkolaskutuspalveluita ja se koottiin verkkolaskutukseen liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta, tutkimuksista ja elektronisista julkaisuista sekä kerättyä aineistoa hyödyntäen. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että pankkien verkkolaskutuspalvelut eroavat paljon toisistaan, jonka vuoksi niitä on myös vaikea vertailla keskenään. Suurin erottava tekijä verkkolaskutuspalveluissa on kuitenkin niiden hinnoitteluperiaat-teet. Laadituista ohjeista ja raportista tehtiin suunnitelmien mukaisesti selkeät ja kattavat. Toimeksiantajan pyynnöstä laadittuja ohjeita ja raporttia ei kuitenkaan julkaista tässä työssä.E-invoicing has become more and more common but especially in small and medium-sized enterprises the progress has been slower. There can be various reasons for this slow progress but unawareness and the large number of different invoicing solutions might be noteworthy explanations why e-invoicing has not been introduced in many companies. E-invoicing gives plenty of advantages for both the sender and the recipient of the invoice. This thesis is a development work and its aim was to make e-invoicing instructions of each bank's e-invoicing solu-tions used in online banking service. The instructions were made for the cooperation partners of the commissioners customers. Additionally, a summary report of the banks' e-invoicing solutions was made. The aim of this thesis was to clarify the current e-invoicing alternatives and make small and medium-sized enterprises' transition to e-invoicing smooth. The information for this survey was collected mainly by interviewing bank employees in charge of business services. The banks' Internet pages as well as instructions and handouts used by clerical workers were also helpful while collecting the information. The goal was to get as comprehensive and reliable information as possible, which is why the research method chosen was a qualitative method in form of unstructured interviews conducted individually with each employee. The interviews were executed either face to face, through phone or through e-mail. The following banks were interviewed for the study: Pohjois-Savon Osuuspankki, Säästöpankki Optia, POP Pankki, Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Nordea, Aktia, Ålandsbanken. The theoretical framework was based on e-invoicing in general and banks' e-invoicing solutions. The information about e-invoicing was gathered from literature, researches, electronic publications and this study. The study showed that the e-invoicing solutions of banks vary which makes it difficult to compare them. The major difference in e-invoicing solutions is the pricing principles. The instructions and the report were made clear and extensive as planned. At the commissioner's request neither the instructions nor summary report are published in this thesis

    Ancient Roman Timepieces

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    The hour was Ancient Rome’s smallest unit of time, but their hour was different than today’s version. Three main types of timepieces used in ancient Roman times were the sundial, klepsydra, and obelisk. These were used by the elite and public to tell and keep track of time in their growing society. Ancient Roman dials were often crudely constructed, but the acceptance of approximation made them acceptable. Portable dials offered more freedom to Roman travelers, but adjustments were manual. Knowing the time based on the stars, Earth, and Sun is often ignored when modern people check the time

    Loch Ness Monster and Her Impact on Culture

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    The Loch Ness Monster is a creature of unproven existence that lives in Loch Ness. Scholars have found references to Nessie since c. 500 CE. In May 1933, a new road was built creating new visibility and increasing sightings. The monster became popular, and people began watching for the creature along the coast. Travelers became inspired to visit in hopes of seeing Nessie. Experts explain the brain makes leaps to comprehend incomplete information. The Loch Ness Monster has increased tourism for decades, and many people still have hope that there are unimaginable creatures in the dark parts of our planet

    An Examination of Setting in Six Selected Short Novels of Katherine Anne Porter

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    This study will examine various aspects of Katherine Anne Porter\u27s use of setting in six selected short novels

    Avantgarde Suomessa

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    Avant-garde in Finland is the first book to provide an overarching introduction to avant-garde art by Finnish artists. The articles in the book discuss the application and development of the cultural ideas of the avant-garde in Finnish art from the early 20th century till the present day. The book focusses on the social, political, and artistic characteristics of avant-garde art and their manifestation in Finnish avant-garde literature, visual arts, architecture, fashion, and music. The book shows the remarkable role of women artists in the development of the Finnish avant-garde. Many artists and groups are presented in the book for the first time. At the same time, the articles highlight connections between well-known Finnish artists and international avant-garde movements that have not been recognized in earlier research. A key theme of the book is the tension between the internationality of avant-garde and the nationalist elements of Finnish culture. The book is peer-reviewed, and its authors are eminent senior scholars and younger researchers.Peer reviewe

    Learning the hard way – How a narrative structure can bring out the positive power of failure

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    Tämä taiteen maisterin opinnäyte käsittelee tarinankerrontaa ja epäonnistumista selvittääkseen, onko epäonnistumisella positiivinen puoli, ja jos mahdollista, miten sen voi löytaa. Voiko epäonnistumisesta tulla pohja henkilokohtaiselle kasvulle ja myönteiselle voimalle? Työn taiteellinen osuus koostuu tietokirjasta nimeltä Kantapään kautta, jonka olen kirjoittanut Miika Peltolan kanssa. Kirjaa varten haastattelimme 15 suomalaista eri alojen ammattilaista, jotka ovat tunnettuja niin menestyksestään kuin epäonnistumisistaan, heidän epäonnistumisen kokemuksistaan ja niistä yli pääsemisestä. Kantapään kautta -kirja julkaistiin Tammen kautta Suomessa tammikuussa 2012. Tyon teoreettisessa osassa sukellan syvemmälle siihen, miten tarinat ja narratiivit liittyvät epäonnistumisen positiivisen puolen loytämiseen. Tämän osan ydin on epäonnistumistarinan kertominen sankarin arkkityypin kautta. Arkkityyppiä sovelletaan kirjan haastateltaviin. Sankaritarinan raamina olen käyttänyt Joseph Campbellin Monomyyttiä (Hero's Journey). Käsittelen epäonnistumisen kokemusta liittämällä sen suurempaan narratiiviseen rakenteeseen, jolloin sen myönteiset puolet voidaan huomata paremmin.This Master’s thesis studies storytelling and failure to find out if there is a positive side to failure and other negative experiences, and if possible, how it can be found. Can failure become a foundation for personal growth and positive vigor? The production part of the thesis consists of a non-fiction book by the author and Miika Peltola, Kantapään kautta (rough translation: The Hard Way). For the book we interviewed 15 Finnish professionals from different fields, who are well known for their success as well as failure, about their experiences of failure and getting over it. Kantapään kautta was published in Finland by Tammi in January 2012. In the theoretical part of the thesis I dive deeper into how narratives, stories, tie into finding the positive side of failure. Telling a failure story through the role of one archetype, the hero, is the core of this part. The archetype of the hero is applied to the characters of the book, the Finnish interviewees. As a frame of the hero story I use the Monomyth (Hero’s Journey) by Joseph Campbell. With the pattern, I treat the experience of failure by fitting it in a larger perspective from which its possible positive outcomes can be perceived