14 research outputs found

    Étude de convivialité de l’utilisation d’un agenda électronique par des personnes souffrant de schizophrénie

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    La schizophrénie est associée à des troubles du fonctionnement mnésique et exécutif qui altèrent la capacité des patients à organiser leurs Activités de la Vie Quotidienne (AVQ). Afin d’améliorer leur autonomie et d’alléger la charge de leurs aidants, nous proposons de programmer des organiseurs en fonction des besoins spécifiques de chaque patient. Ces agendas électroniques permettent de rappeler au patient ses AVQ, et d’augmenter la communication avec l’aidant. Cette étude de convivialité vérifie que l’organiseur pressenti est fonctionnel. Malgré les problèmes techniques rencontrés, tous les participants ont été séduits par l’utilisation des organiseurs. Les aidants ont été convaincus que ces outils amélioreraient la qualité de vie des patients et constitueraient un complément de travail précieux. Les agendas seront améliorés d’après les commentaires des participants et testés dans une étude ultérieure.Mnesic and executive troubles elicited by schizophrenia decrease patient’s capacity to organise their Daily Living Activities (DLA). According to the needs of each patient, PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) were programmed in order to improve their autonomy and to reduce the load of their carers and relatives. These electronic diaries recall patient’s DLA and increase communication with carer. This conviviality study aims at verify that the material is operational. Despite some technical problems, all participants reported a great interest for the use of these diaries. Carers were convinced that these tools would represent an invaluable complement of work, and would improve the quality of life of their patients by bringing them more autonomy. According to the participants reports, PDA will be enhanced and tested in a subsequent study.La esquizofrenia está asociada a los trastornos del funcionamiento mnésico y de ejecución que alteran la capacidad de los pacientes para organizar sus Actividades de la Vida Cotidiana (AVQ). A fin de mejorar su autonomía y de aligerar la carga de sus ayudantes, proponemos programar los organizadores en función de las necesidades específicas de cada paciente. Estas agendas electrónicas permiten al paciente recordar sus AVQ y aumentar la comunicación con el ayudante. Este estudio de la facilidad de uso verifica que el organizador potencial sea funcional. A pesar de los problemas técnicos encontrados, todos los participantes fueron seducidos por el uso de los organizadores. Los ayudantes se convencieron de que estas herramientas mejoran la calidad de vida de los pacientes y constituirían un complemento de trabajo precioso. Las agendas serán mejoradas conforme a los comentarios de los participantes y se probarán en un estudio posterior.A esquizofrenia é associada a transtornos do funcionamento mnésico e executivo que alteram a capacidade dos pacientes em organizar suas Atividades da Vida Cotidiana (Activités de la Vie Quotidienne – AVQ). A fim de melhorar sua autonomia e tornar mais leve a carga de seus auxiliares, propomos programar agendas eletrônicas em função das necessidades específicas de cada paciente. Estes aparelhos permitem lembrar ao paciente suas AVQ, e aumentar a comunicação com o auxiliar. Este estudo de convivialidade verifica se a agenda pressentida é funcional. Apesar dos problemas técnicos que ocorreram, todos os participantes ficaram seduzidos pela utilização das agendas eletrônicas. Os auxiliares ficaram convencidos de que estas ferramentas melhoraram a qualidade de vida dos pacientes e constituiriam um complemento de trabalho precioso. As agendas serão modificadas, segundo os comentários dos participantes, e testadas em um estudo futuro

    Prospective and multicentre study of radiofrequency treatment in anal fistula

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: The most effective treatment for anal fistula is fistulotomy, but it involves a risk of anal incontinence. To reduce this morbidity, sphincter-sparing treatments have been developed, but their success in real life is often less than 50%. The aim is to determine clinical healing rate 6 months after radiofrequency treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We planned to evaluate 50 patients from 3 French proctology centres. Treatment efficacy was evaluated at 6 and 12 months by means of clinical and magnetic resonance imaging examination. We evaluated morbidity and healing prognostic factors. RESULTS: Fifty patients with a mean age of 51years [22-82] were included. Eleven patients had a low transsphincteric fistula(LTS), 21 high transsphincteric fistula(HTS), 8 complex fistula and 9 Crohn’s disease fistula. After 6 months, 17 patients (34.7%) had a clinically healed fistula, including 5 (45.5%) with LTS fistula, 7 (33.3%) with HTS fistula, 1 (12.5%) with complex fistula, 4 (44.4%) with Crohn’s disease, with no significant difference between these fistula types (p:0.142). At 12 months, the healing rate was identical. MRI in 15 out of 17 clinically healed patients showed a deep remission of 73.3% at 12 months. Energy power was associated with the success of the treatment. There was an 8.2% incidence of post-surgical complications with 4.1% being abscesses (one required surgical management). Postoperative pain was minor. No new cases or deterioration of continence have been shown. CONCLUSION: Radiofrequency is effective in less than 50% of the cases as an anal fistula treatment in this first prospective study, with low morbidity and no effect on continence. Clinical healing was deep (MRI) in ¾ at 1 year. The increase in energy power during the procedure seems to be a key point to be analysed to optimise results

    Decision-making algorithm for the STARR procedure in obstructed defecation syndrome: position statement of the group of STARR pioneers

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    Internal rectal prolapse (rectal intussusception) and rectocele are frequent clinical findings in patients suffering from refractory constipation that may be best characterized as obstructive defecation syndrome. However, there is still no clear evidence whether the stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR) procedure provides a safe and effective surgical option for symptom resolution in patients with obstructive defecation syndrome, as evidence-based guidelines and functional long-term results are still missing. On the basis of the need for objective evaluation, a European group of experts was founded (Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection Pioneers). Derived from 2 meetings (October 26-28, 2006, Gouvieux, France and November 28-29, 2007, St Gallen, Switzerland) a concept for treatment options in patients suffering from obstructive defecation syndrome was developed, including a clear decision-making algorithm specifically focusing on the role of the stapled transanal rectal resection procedure based on clinical symptoms and dynamic imaging and inclusion and exclusion criteria for the stapled transanal rectal resection procedure

    geonetwork/core-geonetwork: GeoNetwork 4.2.7

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    <p>https://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork/files/GeoNetwork_opensource/v4.2.7/</p> <p>GeoNetwork 4.2.7 release is a minor release.</p> <h1>List of changes</h1> <p>Release highlights:</p> <ul> <li><a href="https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/7403">Add more db information to the site information page</a></li> <li><a href="https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/7446">Fix cookies path when deployed on root "/" context</a></li> <li><a href="https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/7501">Security / Jolokia update</a></li> </ul> <p>and more ... see <a href="https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A4.2.6+is%3Aclosed">4.2.7 issues</a> and <a href="https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pulls?page=3&q=is%3Apr+milestone%3A4.2.7+is%3Aclosed">pull requests</a> for full details.</p&gt