148 research outputs found

    Trophic history of French sub-alpine lakes over the last ~150 years: phosphorus reconstruction and assessment of taphonomic biases

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    Like many lakes worldwide, French sub-alpine lakes (lakes Annecy, Bourget and Geneva) have suffered from eutrophication in the mid-20th century. Although restoration measures have been undertaken and resulted in significant reductions in nutrient inputs and concentrations over the last 30 years in all three lakes, the limnological monitoring does not extend back far enough to establish the reference conditions, as defined by the European Water Framework Directive. The over-arching aim of this work was to reconstruct, using a paleolimnological approach, the pre-eutrophication levels and subsequent temporal changes in the lakes trophic status over the last century. The objectives were three-fold: i) to test whether fossil diatoms archived in deep sediment cores adequately reflect past changes in the planktonic diatom communities for these deep sub-alpine lakes based on data from lake Geneva; ii) to investigate changes in the diatom communities over the last 150 years in the three lakes; and iii) to infer the past total phosphorus (TP) concentrations of the lakes from a diatom based transfer function. Annual paleolimnological and limnological diatom countings for lake Geneva were strongly correlated over the last 30 years. Most notable differences essentially resulted from both taphonomic and depositional biases, as evidenced by the underestimation of thin skeleton species such as Asterionella formosa and Diatoma tenuis in the paleolimnological dataset and the presence of many benthic taxa. The fossil diatom records revealed shifts in the communities in the three lakes over time, most of which were changes typically associated with nutrient enrichment. Indeed, in all three lakes, the proportion of Cyclotella spp. was very high before the 1950s, but these species were then replaced by more eutrophic taxa, such as Stephanodiscus spp, by the mid-20th century. From the 1980s, some but not all diatom species typical of re-oligotrophicated conditions (i.e. Cyclotella sp.) re-appeared in all three lakes. Yet, not all changes that occurred in the diatom communities since then may be attributed to decreasing TP. TP concentrations inferred from weighted averaging with classical deshrinking in lake Annecy and lake Geneva and weighted averaging with inverse deshrinking in Lake Bourget were very close to the monitored values. Comparisons of diatom-inferred TP concentrations to other paleo-proxies for trophic status revealed though that the transfer functions were rather insensitive to changes occurring below 10 ?g L-1, which limits the study ability to set accurate TP reference conditions below this threshold. However, current diatom community compositions arestill rather different from the pre-eutrophication ones, suggesting that reference conditions are still not achieved

    A Second Actin-Like MamK Protein in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 Encoded Outside the Genomic Magnetosome Island

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    Magnetotactic bacteria are able to swim navigating along geomagnetic field lines. They synthesize ferromagnetic nanocrystals that are embedded in cytoplasmic membrane invaginations forming magnetosomes. Regularly aligned in the cytoplasm along cytoskeleton filaments, the magnetosome chain effectively forms a compass needle bestowing on bacteria their magnetotactic behaviour. A large genomic island, conserved among magnetotactic bacteria, contains the genes potentially involved in magnetosome formation. One of the genes, mamK has been described as encoding a prokaryotic actin-like protein which when it polymerizes forms in the cytoplasm filamentous structures that provide the scaffold for magnetosome alignment. Here, we have identified a series of genes highly similar to the mam genes in the genome of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1. The newly annotated genes are clustered in a genomic islet distinct and distant from the known magnetosome genomic island and most probably acquired by lateral gene transfer rather than duplication. We focused on a mamK-like gene whose product shares 54.5% identity with the actin-like MamK. Filament bundles of polymerized MamK-like protein were observed in vitro with electron microscopy and in vivo in E. coli cells expressing MamK-like-Venus fusions by fluorescence microscopy. In addition, we demonstrate that mamK-like is transcribed in AMB-1 wild-type and ΔmamK mutant cells and that the actin-like filamentous structures observed in the ΔmamK strain are probably MamK-like polymers. Thus MamK-like is a new member of the prokaryotic actin-like family. This is the first evidence of a functional mam gene encoded outside the magnetosome genomic island

    Magnetic hybrid Pd/Fe-oxide nanoparticles meet the demands for ablative thermo-brachytherapy

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    Objective: To investigate the potential of hybrid Pd/Fe-oxide magnetic nanoparticles designed for thermo-brachytherapy of breast cancer, considering their specific loss power (SLP) and clinical constraints in the applied magnetic field. Methods: Hybrid nanoparticles consisting of palladium-core and iron oxide shell of increasing thickness, were suspended in water and their SLPs were measured at varying magnetic fields (12–26 mT peak) and frequencies (50–730 kHz) with a commercial alternating magnetic field generator (magneTherm™ Digital, nanoTherics Ltd.). Results: Validation of the heating device used in this study with commercial HyperMag-C nanoparticles showed a small deviation (±4%) over a period of 1 year, confirming the reliability of the method. The integration of dual thermometers, one in the center and one at the bottom of the sample vial, allowed monitoring of homogeneity of the sample suspensions. SLPs measurements on a series of nanoparticles of increasing sizes showed the highest heating for the diameter of 21 nm (SLP = 225 W/g) at the applied frequencies of 346 and 730 kHz. No heating was observed for the nanoparticles with the size &lt;14 nm, confirming the importance of the size-parameter. The heating ability of the best performing Pd/Fe-oxide-21 was calculated to be sufficient to ablate tumors with a radius ±4 and 12 mm using 10 and 1 mg/mL nanoparticle concentration, respectively. Conclusions: Nanoparticles consisting of non-magnetic palladium-core and magnetic iron oxide shell are suitable for magnetic hyperthermia/thermal ablation under clinically safe conditions of 346 kHz and 19.1 mT, with minimal eddy current effects in combination with maximum SLP.</p

    Magnetic hybrid Pd/Fe-oxide nanoparticles meet the demands for ablative thermo-brachytherapy

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    Objective: To investigate the potential of hybrid Pd/Fe-oxide magnetic nanoparticles designed for thermo-brachytherapy of breast cancer, considering their specific loss power (SLP) and clinical constraints in the applied magnetic field. Methods: Hybrid nanoparticles consisting of palladium-core and iron oxide shell of increasing thickness, were suspended in water and their SLPs were measured at varying magnetic fields (12–26 mT peak) and frequencies (50–730 kHz) with a commercial alternating magnetic field generator (magneTherm™ Digital, nanoTherics Ltd.). Results: Validation of the heating device used in this study with commercial HyperMag-C nanoparticles showed a small deviation (±4%) over a period of 1 year, confirming the reliability of the method. The integration of dual thermometers, one in the center and one at the bottom of the sample vial, allowed monitoring of homogeneity of the sample suspensions. SLPs measurements on a series of nanoparticles of increasing sizes showed the highest heating for the diameter of 21 nm (SLP = 225 W/g) at the applied frequencies of 346 and 730 kHz. No heating was observed for the nanoparticles with the size &lt;14 nm, confirming the importance of the size-parameter. The heating ability of the best performing Pd/Fe-oxide-21 was calculated to be sufficient to ablate tumors with a radius ±4 and 12 mm using 10 and 1 mg/mL nanoparticle concentration, respectively. Conclusions: Nanoparticles consisting of non-magnetic palladium-core and magnetic iron oxide shell are suitable for magnetic hyperthermia/thermal ablation under clinically safe conditions of 346 kHz and 19.1 mT, with minimal eddy current effects in combination with maximum SLP.</p

    A generalized model for monitor units determination in ocular proton therapy using machine learning:A proof-of-concept study

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    Objective. Determining and verifying the number of monitor units is crucial to achieving the desired dose distribution in radiotherapy and maintaining treatment efficacy. However, current commercial treatment planning system(s) dedicated to ocular passive eyelines in proton therapy do not provide the number of monitor units for patient-specific plan delivery. Performing specific pre-treatment field measurements, which is time and resource consuming, is usually gold-standard practice. This proof-of-concept study reports on the development of a multi-institutional-based generalized model for monitor units determination in proton therapy for eye melanoma treatments. Approach. To cope with the small number of patients being treated in proton centers, three European institutes participated in this study. Measurements data were collected to address output factor differences across the institutes, especially as function of field size, spread-out Bragg peak modulation width, residual range, and air gap. A generic model for monitor units prediction using a large number of 3748 patients and broad diversity in tumor patterns, was evaluated using six popular machine learning algorithms: (i) decision tree; (ii) random forest, (iii) extra trees, (iv) K-nearest neighbors, (v) gradient boosting, and (vi) the support vector regression. Features used as inputs into each machine learning pipeline were: Spread-out Bragg peak width, range, air gap, fraction and calibration doses. Performance measure was scored using the mean absolute error, which was the difference between predicted and real monitor units, as collected from institutional gold-standard methods. Main results. Predictions across algorithms were accurate within 3% uncertainty for up to 85.2% of the plans and within 10% uncertainty for up to 98.6% of the plans with the extra trees algorithm. Significance. A proof-of-concept of using machine learning-based generic monitor units determination in ocular proton therapy has been demonstrated. This could trigger the development of an independent monitor units calculation tool for clinical use.</p

    A generalized model for monitor units determination in ocular proton therapy using machine learning:A proof-of-concept study

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    Objective. Determining and verifying the number of monitor units is crucial to achieving the desired dose distribution in radiotherapy and maintaining treatment efficacy. However, current commercial treatment planning system(s) dedicated to ocular passive eyelines in proton therapy do not provide the number of monitor units for patient-specific plan delivery. Performing specific pre-treatment field measurements, which is time and resource consuming, is usually gold-standard practice. This proof-of-concept study reports on the development of a multi-institutional-based generalized model for monitor units determination in proton therapy for eye melanoma treatments. Approach. To cope with the small number of patients being treated in proton centers, three European institutes participated in this study. Measurements data were collected to address output factor differences across the institutes, especially as function of field size, spread-out Bragg peak modulation width, residual range, and air gap. A generic model for monitor units prediction using a large number of 3748 patients and broad diversity in tumor patterns, was evaluated using six popular machine learning algorithms: (i) decision tree; (ii) random forest, (iii) extra trees, (iv) K-nearest neighbors, (v) gradient boosting, and (vi) the support vector regression. Features used as inputs into each machine learning pipeline were: Spread-out Bragg peak width, range, air gap, fraction and calibration doses. Performance measure was scored using the mean absolute error, which was the difference between predicted and real monitor units, as collected from institutional gold-standard methods. Main results. Predictions across algorithms were accurate within 3% uncertainty for up to 85.2% of the plans and within 10% uncertainty for up to 98.6% of the plans with the extra trees algorithm. Significance. A proof-of-concept of using machine learning-based generic monitor units determination in ocular proton therapy has been demonstrated. This could trigger the development of an independent monitor units calculation tool for clinical use.</p

    Doses to internal organs for various breast radiation techniques - implications on the risk of secondary cancers and cardiomyopathy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breast cancers are more frequently diagnosed at an early stage and currently have improved long term outcomes. Late normal tissue complications induced by adjuvant radiotherapy like secondary cancers or cardiomyopathy must now be avoided at all cost. Several new breast radiotherapy techniques have been developed and this work aims at comparing the scatter doses of internal organs for those techniques.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A CT-scan of a typical early stage left breast cancer patient was used to describe a realistic anthropomorphic phantom in the MCNP Monte Carlo code. Dose tally detectors were placed in breasts, the heart, the ipsilateral lung, and the spleen. Five irradiation techniques were simulated: whole breast radiotherapy 50 Gy in 25 fractions using physical wedge or breast IMRT, 3D-CRT partial breast radiotherapy 38.5 Gy in 10 fractions, HDR brachytherapy delivering 34 Gy in 10 treatments, or Permanent Breast <sup>103</sup>Pd Seed Implant delivering 90 Gy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For external beam radiotherapy the wedge compensation technique yielded the largest doses to internal organs like the spleen or the heart, respectively 2,300 mSv and 2.7 Gy. Smaller scatter dose are induced using breast IMRT, respectively 810 mSv and 1.1 Gy, or 3D-CRT partial breast irradiation, respectively 130 mSv and 0.7 Gy. Dose to the lung is also smaller for IMRT and 3D-CRT compared to the wedge technique. For multicatheter HDR brachytherapy a large dose is delivered to the heart, 3.6 Gy, the spleen receives 1,171 mSv and the lung receives 2,471 mSv. These values are 44% higher in case of a balloon catheter. In contrast, breast seeds implant is associated with low dose to most internal organs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present data support the use of breast IMRT or virtual wedge technique instead of physical wedges for whole breast radiotherapy. Regarding partial breast irradiation techniques, low energy source brachytherapy and external beam 3D-CRT appear safer than <sup>192</sup>Ir HDR techniques.</p

    Comparison of stereotactic radiotherapy and protons for uveal melanoma patients

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    Background and purpose: Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common primary ocular malignancy. We compared fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) with proton therapy, including toxicity risks for UM patients. Materials and methods: For a total of 66 UM patients from a single center, SRT dose distributions were compared to protons using the same planning CT. Fourteen dose-volume parameters were compared in 2-Gy equivalent dose per fraction (EQD2). Four toxicity profiles were evaluated: maculopathy, optic-neuropathy, visual acuity impairment (Profile I); neovascular glaucoma (Profile II); radiation-induced retinopathy (Profile III); and dry-eye syndrome (Profile IV). For Profile III, retina Mercator maps were generated to visualize the geographical location of dose differences. Results: In 9/66 cases, (14 %) proton plans were superior for all dose-volume parameters. Higher T stages benefited more from protons in Profile I, especially tumors located within 3 mm or less from the optic nerve. In Profile II, only 9/66 cases resulted in a better proton plan. In Profile III, better retina volume sparing was always achievable with protons, with a larger gain for T3 tumors. In Profile IV, protons always reduced the risk of toxicity with a median RBE-weighted EQD2 reduction of 15.3 Gy. Conclusions: This study reports the first side-by-side imaging-based planning comparison between protons and SRT for UM patients. Globally, while protons appear almost always better regarding the risk of optic-neuropathy, retinopathy and dry-eye syndrome, for other toxicity like neovascular glaucoma, a plan comparison is warranted. Choice would depend on the prioritization of risks.</p

    TUmor-volume to breast-volume RAtio for improving COSmetic results in breast cancer patients (TURACOS); a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Cosmetic result following breast conserving surgery (BCS) for cancer influences quality of life and psychosocial functioning in breast cancer patients. A preoperative prediction of expected cosmetic result following BCS is not (yet) standard clinical practice and therefore the choice for either mastectomy or BCS is still subjective. Recently, we showed that tumour volume to breast volume ratio as well as tumour location in the breast are independent predictors of superior cosmetic result following BCS. Implementation of a prediction model including both factors, has not been studied in a prospective manner. This study aims to improve cosmetic outcome by implementation of a prediction model in the treatment decision making for breast cancer patients opting for BCS. Methods/design: Multicentre, single-blinded, randomized controlled trial comparing standard preoperative work-up to a preoperative work-up with addition of the prediction model. Tumour volume to bre

    Automatic coronary artery calcium scoring on radiotherapy planning CT Scans of breast cancer patients: Reproducibility and association with traditional cardiovascular risk factors

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    Objectives Coronary artery calcium (CAC) is a strong and independent predictor of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. This study assesses reproducibility of automatic CAC scoring on radiotherapy planning computed tomography (CT) scans of breast cancer patients, and examines its association with traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Methods This study included 561 breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy between 2013 and 2015. CAC was automatically scored with an algorithm using supervised pattern recognition, expressed as Agatston scores and categorized into five categories (0, 1-10, 11-100, 101-400, >400). Reproducibility between automatic and manual expert scoring was assessed in 79 patients with automatically determined CAC above zero and 84 randomly selected patients without automatically determined CAC. Interscan reproducibility of automatic scoring was assessed in 294 patients having received two scans (82% on the same day). Association between CAC and CVD risk factors was assessed in 36 patients with CAC scores >100, 72 randomly selected patients with scores 1-100, and 72 randomly selected patients without CAC. Reliability was assessed with linearly weighted kappa and agreement with proportional agreement. Results 134 out of 561 (24%) patients had a CAC score above zero. Reliability of CVD risk categorization between automatic and manual scoring was 0.80 (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.74-0.87), and slightly higher for scans with breath-hold. Agreement was 0.79 (95% CI: 0.72-0.85). Interscan reliability was 0.61 (95% CI: 0.50-0.72) with an agreement of 0.84 (95% CI: 0.80-0.89). Ten out of 36 (27.8%) patients with CAC scores above 100 did not have other cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusions Automatic CAC scoring on radiotherapy planning CT scans is a reliable method to assess CVD risk based on Agatston scores. One in four breast cancer patients planned for radiotherapy have elevated CAC score. One in three patients with high CAC scores don't have other CVD risk factors and wouldn't have been identified as high risk
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