1,081 research outputs found

    Emerging Role of microRNAs in Stroke Protection Elicited by Remote Postconditioning

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    Remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) represents an innovative and attractive neuroprotective approach in brain ischemia. The purpose of this intervention is to activate endogenous tolerance mechanisms by inflicting a subliminal ischemia injury to the limbs, or to another “remote” region, leading to a protective systemic response against ischemic brain injury. Among the multiple candidates that have been proposed as putative mediators of the protective effect generated by the subthreshold peripheral ischemic insult, it has been hypothesized that microRNAs may play a vital role in the infarct-sparing effect of RIC. The effect of miRNAs can be exploited at different levels: (1) as transducers of protective messages to the brain or (2) as effectors of brain protection. The purpose of the present review is to summarize the most recent evidence supporting the involvement of microRNAs in brain protection elicited by remote conditioning, highlighting potential and pitfalls in their exploitation as diagnostic and therapeutic tools. The understanding of these processes could help provide light on the molecular pathways involved in brain protection for the future development of miRNA-based theranostic agents in stroke

    Improving Compliance With Preventive Care: Cooperation in Mutual Health Insurance

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    Preventive care should be subsidized in traditional insurance contracts since policyholders ignore the benefit of their prevention choice on the insurance premium (Ellis and Manning, 2007 JHE). We study participating policies as risk-sharing agreements among policyholders who decide how much to invest in secondary prevention. We explore under which conditions these policies allow partial or even full internalization of prevention benefits in an environment with repeated interactions between policy holders. Welfare generated by the risk-sharing agreement is increasing with the size of the pool, but at the same time the pool size must not be too large for cooperation to sustain the internalization benefits.

    On the social (sub)optimality of divisionalization under product differentiation

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    We revisit the interplay between differentiation and divisionalization in a duopoly version of Ziss (Econ Lett 59:133\u2013138, 1998). We model divisionalization as a discrete problem to prove that (i) firms may choose not to become multidivisional; and (ii) there may arise asymmetric outcomes in mixed strategies, due to the existence of multiple symmetric equilibria. If industry-wide divisionalization is the unique equilibrium, it can be socially efficient provided goods are almost perfect substitutes. Even small degrees of differentiation may suffice to make industry-wide divisionalization socially desirable because of the prevalence of consumers\u2019 taste for variety over the replication of fixed costs


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    Objective: Laryngeal hemiplegia, also known as vocal fold paralysis, causes severe communicative disability. Although voice therapy is commonly considered to be beneficial for improving the voice quality in several voice disorders, there are only a few papers that present scientific evidence of the effectiveness of voice therapy in treating the disabilities of laryngeal hemiplegia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of voice therapy in patients with laryngeal hemiplegia and to evaluate the role of the time gap between onset of laryngeal hemiplegia and initiation of therapy. Design: A prospective study comparing subjects treated either within or more than 3 months after the onset of laryngeal hemiplegia. Subjects: The study involved 30 laryngeal patients with hemiplegia (16 males, 14 females, age range 15–80 years). Methods: All patients underwent videolaryngostroboscopy, maximum phonation time measurement, GIRBAS perceptual evaluation, Voice Handicap Index self-assessment and Multi-Dimensional Voice Program voice analysis before and after therapy. Results: In all tests, there were significant improvements in voice quality, both in the group treated within 3 months after the onset of laryngeal hemiplegia and in the group treated after this time. Conclusion: Voice therapy is effective in treating laryn geal hemiplegia even if treatment is delayed by more than 3 months from onset of laryngeal hemiplegia

    The hypoxia sensitive metal transcription factor MTF-1 activates NCX1 brain promoter and participates in remote postconditioning neuroprotection in stroke

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    Remote limb ischemic postconditioning (RLIP) is an experimental strategy in which short femoral artery ischemia reduces brain damage induced by a previous harmful ischemic insult. Ionic homeostasis maintenance in the CNS seems to play a relevant role in mediating RLIP neuroprotection and among the effectors, the sodium-calcium exchanger 1 (NCX1) may give an important contribution, being expressed in all CNS cells involved in brain ischemic pathophysiology. The aim of this work was to investigate whether the metal responsive transcription factor 1 (MTF-1), an important hypoxia sensitive transcription factor, may (i) interact and regulate NCX1, and (ii) play a role in the neuroprotective effect mediated by RLIP through NCX1 activation. Here we demonstrated that in brain ischemia induced by transient middle cerebral occlusion (tMCAO), MTF-1 is triggered by a subsequent temporary femoral artery occlusion (FAO) and represents a mediator of endogenous neuroprotection. More importantly, we showed that MTF-1 translocates to the nucleus where it binds the metal responsive element (MRE) located at −23/−17 bp of Ncx1 brain promoter thus activating its transcription and inducing an upregulation of NCX1 that has been demonstrated to be neuroprotective. Furthermore, RLIP restored MTF-1 and NCX1 protein levels in the ischemic rat brain cortex and the silencing of MTF-1 prevented the increase of NCX1 observed in RLIP protected rats, thus demonstrating a direct regulation of NCX1 by MTF-1 in the ischemic cortex of rat exposed to tMCAO followed by FAO. Moreover, silencing of MTF-1 significantly reduced the neuroprotective effect elicited by RLIP as demonstrated by the enlargement of brain infarct volume observed in rats subjected to RLIP and treated with MTF-1 silencing. Overall, MTF-dependent activation of NCX1 and their upregulation elicited by RLIP, besides unraveling a new molecular pathway of neuroprotection during brain ischemia, might represent an additional mechanism to intervene in stroke pathophysiology

    Printing zno inks: From principles to devices

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    Solution-based printing approaches permit digital designs to be converted into physical objects by depositing materials in a layer-by-layer additive fashion from microscale to nanoscale resolution. The extraordinary adaptability of this technology to different inks and substrates has received substantial interest in the recent literature. In such a context, this review specifically focuses on the realization of inks for the deposition of ZnO, a well-known wide bandgap semiconductor inorganic material showing an impressive number of applications in electronic, optoelectronic, and piezoelectric devices. Herein, we present an updated review of the latest advancements on the ink formulations and printing techniques for ZnO-based nanocrystalline inks, as well as of the major applications which have been demonstrated. The most relevant ink-processing conditions so far explored will be correlated with the resulting film morphologies, showing the possibility to tune the ZnO ink composition to achieve facile, versatile, and scalable fabrication of devices of different natures

    Phasor-FLIM analysis of cellulose paper ageing mechanism with carbotrace 680 dye

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    Ageing of paper is a complex process of great relevance for application purposes because of its widespread use as support for information storage in books and documents, and as common low-cost and green packaging material, to name a few. A key factor in paper ageing is the oxidation of cellulose, a macromolecule of natural origin that constitutes the main chemical component of paper. Such a complex process results in changes in the cellulose polymeric chains in chemical and structural properties. The scope of this work is to explore the effects of oxidation of cellulose as one of the principal mechanisms of ageing of paper using a fluorescence-based approach. To this aim, fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) measurements on pure cellulose samples stained using Carbotrace 680 dye were performed, and data were analyzed by phasor approach. The comparison with results from conventional techniques allowed to map paper microstructure as a function of the sample oxidation degree correlating the fluorescence-lifetime changes to cellulose oxidation. A two-step oxidation kinetics that produced specific modification in paper organization was highlighted indicating that FLIM measurements using Carbotrace 680 dye may provide a simple tool to obtain information on the oxidation process also adding spatial information at sub-micrometric scale

    Risk factors for HBV/HIV/HCV in drug addicts: a survey of attendees of a Department of Pathological Dependence

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    Introduction. This study aims to determine risk factors for the acquisition of HIV, HBV and HCV infections among Injection Drug Users (IDUs) who attended the out-patient clinic of the Department of Pathological Dependence at Bari Hospital in Bari Province (Italy). Methods. The study was conducted in the year 2008 using the information available in the out-patient files of 291 drug addicts who were undergoing treatment. Results. Their average age was 29.3 and 133 (45.7%) of them were affected by HIV/ HBV/ HCV. The use of injected heroin, being separated or divorced, and having committed a crime were found to be risk factors for infection by HIV/ HBV/ HCV, while having a school diploma or a university degree and the use of cannabinoids were negatively associated with the infective diseases. Discussion and conclusions. While the data from the Italian Departments of Pathological Dependence concerning HIV diffusion in treated patients have been showing a reduction in the number of cases of seropositivity, drug addiction in industrialized countries is still the second most important risk factor, after promiscuous sexual behaviour, for infection by parenteral transmission. Correct risk assessment is essential for the planning of effective strategies for primary and secondary prevention