395 research outputs found

    Bonneval (Loïc), Les agents immobiliers. Pour une sociologie des acteurs du marché du logement

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    L’ouvrage que Loïc Bonneval consacre aux agents immobiliers propose d’aborder la question du logement dans sa dimension marchande. Si la théorie économique a produit un nombre important de travaux portant sur les dynamiques de prix ou des logiques d’achat et de vente de biens immobiliers, les sociologues ont souvent privilégié l’angle de la sociologie urbaine ou des politiques publiques pour réfléchir aux questions relatives au logement. Dans une perspective de sociologie économique, Bonneval s’intéresse aux agents immobiliers en tant qu’intermédiaires de marchés. En s’interrogeant sur le rôle de ces acteurs économiques dans l’appariement de l’offre et de la demande de biens immobiliers, le livre questionne plus largement la façon dont le travail marchand de ces agents contribue à construire et structurer le jugement et les choix résidentiels des ménages. [Premier paragraphe

    Le Club de Rome et l'environnement

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    L'eau, un domaine de prédilection pour la Coopération

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    Relations professionnelles et gestion des ressources humaines

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    L'existence de deux approches du facteur humain dans l'entreprise, celle de l'analyse des relations du travail et celle des techniques de gestion du personnel, parait relever au premier abord de démarches hétéronomes voire incompatibles. Une connaissance approfondie de leurs apports respectifs dans la gestion des entreprises est nécessaire pour comprendre qu'en réalité la synthèse se fait sur le terrain en raison de la nature indissociable des aspects de la gestion du personnel que chacune éclaire, et qu'au niveau de la recherche et de l'enseignement, une fusion devrait se produire à terme.The existence of two approaches to the human factor in organizations, that of analysis of labour relations and that of the techniques of personnel management, appear initially to raise divergent, even incompatible approaches. A deeper knowledge of their respective contributions to the management of organizations is necessary in order to understand that a synthesis can be reached through the indisociable aspects of personnel management each deals with. At the level of research and teaching, an integration should eventually corne about.The management of human resources has become a vital dimension of growing importance in the overall strategy of organizations. The context of economic crisis, the necessity of undertaking industrial reconversions and the reduction of the duration of work, as well as the demands of technological change, ail force organizations to better manage the human factor. This is true even if they are not convinced by the arguments of Peter Drucker, who has held for some time that people are the organization's most important asset. Personnel management techniques have evolved from a primitive, purely logistic stage, through an intermediate one based on forecasting, to the most recent stage of developing human potential. And in the process, they have provided us with tools of analysis and decision-making. Industrial Relations as an academic field has been influenced by different currents of thought and thinkers (such as J. Dunlop, A. Flanders, C.J. Margerison and R. Hyman), and in turn it has had a significant impact on management practices. Analysis of labour relations at diverse levels, from the shop floor to international relations, enables us to determine relative importance of value Systems, institutions, management methods, and technology. It favours exporting and importing new ideas. In view of the fact that no organization can disengage itself from the weight of legal restraints and practices governing personnel management, every manager has to keep himself abreast of labour relations in his decision-making. The development of «participation» and «workers' control» limits managements room for manoeuvre in numerous areas. In France, the Auroux legislation of 1982 aimed at creating a new role for labour within the organization. This has meant that most management decisions are now submitted to a form of consultation through the Organizational Committee (Comite d'entreprise), and require a minimum of consensus in order to be put into practice. The realities of daily life in the organization favour integrating Industrial Relations with the Management of Human Resources. Labour relations constitute a major, permanent preoccupation of upper management, who are often insufficiently trained in this vital facet of their task to cope with it. This is particularly the case in France where the prestige of the «Grandes ecoles» is linked more with mathematics than with any other concentration. However, reality is forcing management to adopt a social strategy, often with reference to intuition and direct experience, even in areas known to be the least conflict-oriented. In several countries, the scientific study of organizational practices, regarding the improvement of working conditions, reveals that it involves social strategy including elements of productivity-oriented negotiations. Decision-making is not solely the resuit of technico-economic criteria, but also of the search for a compromise solution which is socially acceptable and arrived at through an inter-active process. Finally, the growing complexity of the organization's environment and increasing influence on the internai functioning of organizations, requires the development of socio-political talents, as well as abilities in communications and negotiations. And it also requires the capacity to interact with internai and external partners, and to resolve complex problems involving ideology and culture, as well as the ability to manage in certain conditions of power-sharing. Innovative organizational practices reveal that a synthesis of these capabilities is possible, leading to new ways of managing manpower.The minimal importance placed in France on Industrial Relations teaching in the training of all varieties of management personnel, including specialists specifically in administration, constitutes an obvious lag and a failure to adapt to organizational needs in spite of reality. This situation cannot resist under the impact of social pressure for education, in spite of the current accent on scientific research. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations are two separate fields of research, where specialists with different types of training work virtually without dialogue. The lack of a relevant professional journal in France, comparable to the English-language journals in existence elsewhere, inhibits the discimination of research results not only to a scientific community divided by its academic disciplines, but also to organizational heads and various social interest groups. One way to improve this state of affaire is by changing the traditional approach of researchers. A new approach could produce socially useful results. It should be based onconcrète problems and needs observed at the organizational level, onclose collaboration between researcher and on-the-spot personnel, and onthe creation of multidisciplinary groups. This would fill the gap until researchers in management itself acquire the multidisciplinary training necessary in the management of human resources

    Aspecto atual dos grandes problemas da HistĂłria de Roma

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    La maîtrise de la vitesse: clé du succès de l'entreprise - essai sur la dynamique des entreprises

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    Comment choisir le ou les marchés d’intervention de l’entreprise pour obtenir la dynamique la plus forte, à une période donnée ? Comment organiser et gérer les capacités dynamiques de l’entreprise pour utiliser au mieux les opportunités dynamiques offertes par les marchés à moyen-long terme ? Comment s’adapter à court terme aux variations du marché grâce au développement des flexibilités de l’entreprise ? Pour répondre de manière opérationnelle à ces questions, nous proposons dans cet ouvrage un ensemble d’outils de gestion, spécialisés, basés sur des concepts innovants sur les plans théorique et pratique. Dans ce cadre, nous présenterons successivement : A) Des outils d’analyse et d’évaluation des capacités dynamiques à moyen terme et des flexibilités à court terme de l’entreprise ; B) Des outils de préparation et de choix des actions les plus efficaces en termes de : évaluation prévisionnelle des potentialités dynamiques des marchés et des segments ; évaluation des actions de dynamisme de l’entreprise sur ces marchés et segments. C) Des règles de gestion efficaces tirées de l’utilisation de ces outils

    Specifying with SACSO

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    The aim of our approach is to improve the requirement specification step, which is very important during system development. But rather than study languages, models and tools in the requirement specification context, we work on the formalization of the design specification we call method. Our goal is to describe a multi-method system, a system which allows the user to define his own method or to use predefined ones. During the design specification step, the system will guide the specifier in terms of the chosen method

    Are the distributions of variations of circle of Willis different in different populations? – Results of an anatomical study and review of literature

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have proposed correlation between variants of the cerebral arterial circle (also known as circle of Willis) and some cerebrovascular diseases. Differences in the incidence of these diseases in different populations have also been investigated. The study of variations in the anatomy of the cerebral arterial circle may partially explain differences in the incidence of some of the cerebrovascular diseases in different ethnic or racial groups. While many studies have investigated the variations in the anatomy of each segment of the cerebral arterial circle, few have addressed the variants of the cerebral arterial circle as a whole. Similarly, the frequency of occurrence of such variants in different ethnic or racial groups has not been compared. METHODS: 102 brains of recently deceased Iranian males were dissected, in order to observe variations in the anatomy of the cerebral arterial circle. The dissection process was recorded on film and digitized. One resized picture from each dissection, showing complete circle has been made available online. The variations of the circle as whole and segmental variations were compared with previous studies. RESULTS: On the whole, the frequencies of the different variants of the entire cerebral arterial circle and segmental variations were comparable with previous studies. More specifically variants with uni- and bilateral hypoplasia of posterior communicating arteries were the most common in our study, similar to the previous works. No hypoplasia of the precommunicating part of the left anterior cerebral artery (A1), aplasia of A1 or the precommunicating part of the posterior cerebral artery (P1) was seen. In 3% both right and left posterior communcating arteries were absent. CONCLUSION: The anatomical variations found in the cerebral arterial circle of the Iranian males in the current study were not significantly different to those of more diverse populations reported in the literature. While taking into account potential confounding factors, the authors conclude that based on available studies, there is no evidence suggesting that the distributions of the variations of cerebral arterial circle differ in different populations

    MemĂłria e esquecimento: narrativa sobre imperador romano e senado

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    G. Devoto, Gli antichi Italici (dans la Collana storica, dirigée par Codignola), 1932

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    Piganiol André. G. Devoto, Gli antichi Italici (dans la Collana storica, dirigée par Codignola), 1932. In: Revue des Études Anciennes. Tome 34, 1932, n°4. pp. 442-443
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