184 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Changes and Tourist Usefulness of the Natural Environment at Koronowski Bay - Suggested Research Method

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    Praca dotyczy analizy przemian, jakie wywołała działalność turystyczna w środowisku przyrodniczym obszarów położonych nad Zalewem Koronowskim. Autor, posługując się własną metodą badawczą prezentuje zarówno pozytywne, jak i negatywne skutki działalności turystycznej na badanym obszarze za okres osiemnastu lat (1974-1992)

    The Warsaw Stock Exchange Index WIG: Modelling and Forecasting

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    In this paper we have assessed an influence of the NYSE Stock Exchange indexes (DJIA and NASDAQ) and European Stock indexes (DAX and FTSE) on the Warsaw Stock Exchange index WIG within a framework of a GARCH model. By applying a procedure of checking predictive quality of econometric models as proposed by Fair and Shiller (1990), we have found that the NYSE market has relatively more power than European markets in explaining the WSE index WIG.Warsaw Stock Exchange, stock index, GARCH model, forecasting

    Digital trust – asystematic literature review

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    Digital technologies, such as social networks, smartphones, block chains or big data, have become an indispensable part of our lives in recent years. They have a significant impact on our daily lives, even in crucial areas such as health, finance, and education. Recognising this, organisations presently face a difficult challenge – to create consumer digital trust. It should be noted that most studies have focused on the establishment of digital trust without identifying and considering the basic definition of “digital trust”. The purpose of this article is to provide insights regarding the state of the art of digital trust, and to suggest areas for future research. Using a systematic literature review, this paper provides an overview of the literature. The most important conclusion to be derived from this study is that there is no single generally accepted definition of digital trust. Although the early research on “digital trust” can be traced back to 1996, it was only after 2016 that the number of papers on this topic increased substantially.©2021 Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii WSB. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia is published under a Creative Commons BY-SA license.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Efficiency public higher education institutions

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    Edukacja wyższa jest zaliczana do dóbr merytorycznych (społecznie pożądanych). Ze względu na to, że w wielu krajach rządy interweniują w mechanizm rynkowy wspierając szkolnictwo wyższe, pojawia się istotne pytanie o efektywność sektora publicznego w alokacji rzadkich zasobów gospodarczych. W artykule podjęto dyskusję na temat efektywności publicznych szkół wyższych i metod jej pomiaru, koncentrując uwagę na Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Dokonano przeglądu literatury zagranicznej i krajowej w tym zakresie. W artykule zaprezentowano również wyniki wstępnych badań w zakresie wskaźnika efektywności DEA dla trzynastu wydziałów Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. W badaniach zastosowano model CCR ukierunkowany na maksymalizację efektów. W modelu uwzględniono jedną zmienną po stronie nakładów i trzy zmienne po stronie efektów. Cztery wydziały uznano za w pełni efektywne, zaś pozostałych dziewięć za nieefektywne. Istnieje potrzeba kontynuacji badań na większej, ale wewnętrznie jednorodnej próbie badawczej.Higher education is classified in the category of merit goods. Due to the fact that in many countries, governments interfere in the market mechanism by supporting higher education institutions, there arises an important question of the efficiency of the public sector in the allocation of scarce economic resources. The paper discusses the efficiency of public higher education institutions and its measurement methods, focusing on the non-parametric method – Data Envelopment Analysis. A review of the relevant domestic and international literature is included. The author presents the results of research into the DEA efficiency ratio for thirteen faculties of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The analysis was conducted using the CCR model aimed at maximizing effects. The model featured one input and three outputs. Four faculties were found efficient, and the remaining nine - inefficient. There is a need to continue research using alternative methods of measurement.Joanna Baran: [email protected]ł Pietrzak: [email protected] Pietrzak: [email protected] Baran – Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w WarszawieMichał Pietrzak – Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w WarszawiePiotr Pietrzak – Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w WarszawieAnsoff H. I. 1985 Zarządzanie strategiczne, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa.Bates J. M. 1993 The efficiency of local education authorities, „Oxford Review of Education”, no. 19(3).Bowden E. V., Bowden J. H. 2002 Ekonomia. Nauka zdrowego rozsądku, Fundacja Innowacja, Warszawa.Celik O., Ecer A. 2009 Efficiency in accounting education: evidence from Turkish Universities, „Critical Perspectives on Accounting”, no. 20.Chakraborty K., Biswas B., Lewis W. C. 2001 Measurement of technical efficiency in public education: A stochastic and nonstochastic production function approach, „Southern Economic Journal”, no. 67(4).Charnes A., Cooper W.W., Rhodes E. 1981 Evaluating Program and Managerial Efficiency: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to Program Follow Through, „Management Science”, no. 27.Charnes A., Cooper W. W., Lewin A. Y., Seiford L. M. 1994 Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory, Methodology and Application, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston – Dordrecht – Londyn.Coase R. 2013 Firma, rynek i prawo, OficynaWolters Kluwer Business, Warszawa.Cooper W.W., Seiford L. M., Tone K. 2007 Data Envelopment Analysis: A Comprehensive Text with Models, Applications, References and DEA-Solver Software, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.Ćwiąkała-Małys A. 2009 Pomiar efektywności procesu kształcenia w publicznym szkolnictwie akademickim, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław.Färe R., Grosskopf S., Lindgren B., Roos P. 1992 Productivity changes in Swedish pharmacies 1980-1989. A non-parametric Malmquist approach, „Journal of Productivity Analysis”, no. 3(1).Fijor J. M. 2011 Czy dobra publiczne są naprawdę publiczne?, „Studia Ekonomiczne. Economic Studies”, no. 1(68).Gorynia M., Jaworska B., Owczarzak R. 2005 Zarządzanie strategiczne jako próba syntezy teorii przedsiębiorstwa, „Ekonomista”, nr 5.Guzik B. 2009 Podstawowe modele DEA w badaniu efektywności gospodarczej i społecznej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, Poznań.Hollingsworth B., Dawson P., Maniadakis N. 1999 Measurement of health care. A review of non-parametric methods and applications, „Health Care Management Science”, no. 2(3).Hood Ch. 1991 A Public Management for All Seasons?, „Public Administration”, no. 69.Jacobs R. 2001 Alternative Methods to Examine Hospital Efficiency: Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis, „Health Care Management Science”, no. 4.Johnes J., Yu L. 2008 Measuring the research performance of Chinese higher education institutions using data envelopment analysis, „China Economic Review”, no. 19.Kao C., Hung H.-T. 2008 Efficiency analysis of university departments: An empirical study, „Omega”, no. 36.Leitner K., Prikoszovits J., Schaffhauser-Linzatti M., Stowasser R., Wagner K. 2007 The impact of size and specialization on universities’ department performance: a DEA analysis applied to Austrian universities, „Higher Education”, no. 53.Leja K. 2013 Zarządzanie uczelnią. Koncepcje i współczesne wyzwania, Oficyna Wolters Kluwer Business, Warszawa.Mancebon M.J., Bandres E. 1999 Efficiency Evaluation in Secondary Schools: the key role of model specification and of ex post analysis of results, „Education Economics”, no. 7.Morawski R.Z. 1999 Kryteria efektywności instytucji akademickich, [w:] Model zarządzania publiczną instytucją akademicką, Woźnicki J. (red.), Wydawnictwo Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa.Mucha J. 2006 Interwencje państwa w systemie opieki zdrowotnej. Racje ekonomiczne, „Polityka Społeczna”, nr 7.Musgrave R. A. 1987 Merit Goods, [in:] The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economic. First Edition, Vol. III, Eatwell J., Milgate M., Newman P. (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, Londyn.Nazarko J., Komuda M., Kuźmicz K., Szebzda E., Urban J. 2008 Metoda DEA w badaniu efektywności instytucji sektora publicznego na przykładzie szkół wyższych, „Badania Operacyjne i Decyzje”, nr 4.O’Flynn, J. 2007 From New Public Management to Public Value: Paradigmatic Change and Managerial Implications, „The Australian Journal of Public Administration”, no. 66.Parker, L.D. 2012 From Privatised to Hybrid Corporatised Higher Education: A Global Financial Management Discourse, „Financial Accountability & Management”, no. 28.Pasewicz W., Świtłyk M. 2010 Zastosowanie DEA do oceny efektywności technicznej działalności dydaktycznej uczelni publicznych w 2005 roku, „Folia Pomeranae Universitatis Technologiae Stetinensis. Oeconomica”, nr 280.Pietrzak M. 2013a Potrzeba kontroli zarządczej w publicznych szkołach wyższych, [w:] Rachunkowość a controlling, E. Nowak, M. Nieplowicz (red.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław.Strategia Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie do 2020 roku 2013b, Pietrzak M. (red.), Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa.Porter M. E. 1992 The Competitive Advantage of Nations, The Macmilan Press, Londyn/Basingstoke.Powell R. 2005 AQA Advanced Economics, Philip Allan Updates, Londyn.Roll Y., Hayuth Y. 1993 Port Performance Comparison Applying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), „Maritime Policy and Management”, no. 20.Saunders E. S. 2003 Cost efficiency in ARL academic libraries, „The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances”, no. 16(1).Schimank U. 2005 New Public Management and the Academic Profession: Reflections on the German Situation, „Minerva”, no. 43.Sprawozdanie Rektora SGGW prof. dr. hab. Alojzego Szymańskiego z działalności uczelni za rok 2012, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa.Sun S. 2004 Assessing joint maintenance shops in the Taiwanese army using Data Envelopment Analysis, „Journal of Operations Management”, no. 22(3).Szkoły wyższe i ich finanse 2011, Wydawnictwo GUS, Warszawa.Świtłyk M., Pasewicz W. 2009 Efektywność techniczna kształcenia w państwowych wyższych szkołach zawodowych w latach 2004-2006, „Folia Pomeranae Universitatis Technologiae Stetinensis. 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    The determinants of the decision making process for purchasing fashion products in the e-commerce industry in light of research

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    PURPOSE: The development of the Internet as well as constantly changing fashion trends make consumers more willing to shop online. Entrepreneurs from the e-commerce industry must take care of the image of their brand in order to remain recognizable against the competition and attract as many recipients as possible. The main objective of the research was to try to determine the factors and motives influencing purchasing decisions among consumers of fashion products on the e-commerce market in Poland.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study uses the method of analyzing the literature on the subject, as well as the analysis of source data, including e.g., data from mass statistics. Theoretical considerations were supported by the authors’ own research. The sample selection method used was a non-random method of purposeful character. The sample included people of different ages, with different income levels, who regularly shop in the clothing and footwear category via the Internet. The study was conducted using an online questionnaire. One of the tools of quantitative methods, i.e., a questionnaire, was used in the study. The study was conducted online using the Google Forms tool with 758 respondents in the period November and December 2022.FINDINGS: Contemporary buyers are seeing more and more benefits of e-commerce. First of all, they appreciate the 24/7 availability of clothing and footwear e-shops. The factor determining the attractiveness of e-commerce is also saving time for commuting to shops or shopping malls. Customers are also more and more convinced to e-shopping due to the wider and more interesting offer available in online stores. However, the study showed that young people with experience in navigating websites are still the most common online consumers. The Covid 19 pandemic was undoubtedly a turning point in the wider development and growth of this form of trade also among older groups of buyers who were not inclined to this form. Online shopping is becoming more and more popular in the following years and may become an effective alternative to the traditional form of satisfying shopping needs, not only among young people.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article contains information on the current and future shape of the functioning of the e-commerce market in Poland against the background of the situation in this respect in the world. The e-commerce trend is becoming more and more visible in the vast majority of industries, but it is also gaining strength in the case of an ever-wider group of loyal customers.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The study contains important information on the factors and motives influencing purchasing decisions among buyers of fashion products in Poland via ecommerce.peer-reviewe

    Efektywności i skuteczność kształcenia w publicznym szkolnictwie wyższym w Polsce

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    Ze względu na trwające prace nad reformą szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce w artykule podjęto dyskusję na temat efektywności i skuteczności kształcenia akademickiego. Dokonano przeglądu literatury zagranicznej i krajowej w tym zakresie. W artykule zaprezentowano również wyniki wstępnych badań, które dotyczyły 58 uczelni podlegających nadzorowi Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (MNiSW). W pomiarze efektywności działalności dydaktycznej wykorzystano podejście nieparametryczne (metodę DEA) – model BCC ukierunkowany na maksymalizację efektów. Zaś w pomiarze skuteczności zastosowano hierarchiczną metodę aglomeracyjną (metoda Warda), jako miarę odległości wykorzystano odległość euklidesową

    Efficiency of the Education System (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary) in Particular Voivodeships of Poland

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    The reform of the Polish education system (both lower and higher education) that was carried out in recent years has shown the need to improve the efficiency of schools. Therefore, it is reasonable to analyse and evaluate the efficiency of educational centres before implementing reforms. Educational units influence the development of human capital, which should translate into an increase in the wealth of a given region. To our knowledge, there is a lack of research on the technical efficiency of the primary, secondary and tertiary education systems in particular Polish voivodeships. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to present the results of studies on the efficiency of the three levels of the Polish education sector in 2016. The non-radial Slack-Based Directional Distance Function (SBDDF) model, which belongs to the nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, was used to test the efficiency. The number of teachers employed in particular voivodeships, as well as the number of schools and universities were assumed as inputs. The number of pupils and students was assumed as outputs. We hypothesise that there is a positive correlation between the efficiency of the education system and the labour market economic indicators in the province. The hypothesis was verified positively as the findings showed that the higher the education system efficiency indicator in a given voivodeship, the greater the number of the SME sector companies per 10,000 inhabitants, the higher the gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and the lower the percentage of the unemployed in the region. The study results may be of use to various groups of stakeholders, in particular, employees of ministries responsible for the functioning of primary, secondary and tertiary education.

    Efficiency of the Education System (Primary, Secondary and Tertiary) in Particular Voivodeships of Poland

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    The reform of the Polish education system (both lower and higher education) that was carried out in recent years has shown the need to improve the efficiency of schools. Therefore, it is reasonable to analyse and evaluate the efficiency of educational centres before implementing reforms. Educational units influence the development of human capital, which should translate into an increase in the wealth of a given region. To our knowledge, there is a lack of research on the technical efficiency of the primary, secondary and tertiary education systems in particular Polish voivodeships. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to present the results of studies on the efficiency of the three levels of the Polish education sector in 2016. The non-radial Slack-Based Directional Distance Function (SBDDF) model, which belongs to the nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, was used to test the efficiency. The number of teachers employed in particular voivodeships, as well as the number of schools and universities were assumed as inputs. The number of pupils and students was assumed as outputs. We hypothesise that there is a positive correlation between the efficiency of the education system and the labour market economic indicators in the province. The hypothesis was verified positively as the findings showed that the higher the education system efficiency indicator in a given voivodeship, the greater the number of the SME sector companies per 10,000 inhabitants, the higher the gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and the lower the percentage of the unemployed in the region. The study results may be of use to various groups of stakeholders, in particular, employees of ministries responsible for the functioning of primary, secondary and tertiary education.

    Wireless Communication Solution for Distributed Structural Health Monitoring

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    This paper describes a design of wireless distributed SHM (Structure Health Monitoring) system with a particular emphasis on comparison of wireless communication standards. The presented solution is being deployed in the TULCOEMPA project. Several wireless communication standards are compared, with their benefits, disadvantages and typical areas of application. A choice of proper ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) band and reasons for use of Wireless Sensor Networks are also discussed. The last part of this paper presents the proposed structure and designed prototype. The chosen architecture of the system and the program algorithm used for communication and measurements are described