124 research outputs found

    Liegnitz, Mała Moskwa, Legnica ̶wiele miast w jednym mieście. Metaforyczne pogranicze kulturowe (Liegnitz, Small Moscow, Legnica – many cities in one city. Metaphorical cultural borderland)

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    Стаття присвячена Леґніці – місту, яке з огляду на багатоетнічну історію можна вважати метафоричним культурним прикордонням. Авторка представила нарис історії Леґніци. Описала відносини між представниками різних народів та етнічних груп, які зробили свій вклад у творення міста. Увагу зосереджено на відносинах між поляками та німцями, а також між поляками та військовими Червоної армії, цивільними, що їх супроводжували. Головна теза статті стверджує, що спосіб мислення мешканців міста залежить, зокрема, від історії місця проживання, панівної в ньому атмосфери, настрою та характеру. Тому в цій статті здійснено спробу дати відповідь на питання: «Який вплив на ментальність мешканців здійснює проведення дитинства і щоденне життя у багатокультурному просторі міста?». (Article concerns Legnica as a metaphorical cultural borderland, which stems from a multinational/multiethnic history. Author presented an overview of the Legnica’s history. Basing on it she attempted to show the situation of this cultural borderland, by analyzing the relationship between the inhabitants from different cultures. Main attention was focused on the relationship between Poles and Germans, and between the Poles and soldiers of the Red Army and civilians, who came with them to Legnica from USSR. The author assumed that the multicultural environment of the place of settlement may have an impact on inhabitants’ way of thinking. Therefore, the article is an attempt to answer the questions, how the fact that inhabitants of Legnica were growing up and live everyday life in an multinational/ multiethnic environment affect their mentality.

    Identification of mathematical model and parameter estimation of erythromycin migration in two different porous media, based on column tests

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    The amount of pharmaceuticals found in groundwater has risen over the last few years. Erythromycin is an example of an antibiotic widely used in human health care and veterinary practice that can be transported into the subsurface. The aim of the presented research was to 1) determine the mathematical model of erythromycin migration in two different porous media, 2) estimate the model parameters and 3) compare the migration of the antibiotic in the investigated media. The research was conducted in a specially prepared laboratory stand where column tests were performed. One column was filled with glass granules (70% SiO2, 600–800 μm in diameter) and the second column was filled with a natural sediment (sandur sand). The migration of a conservative tracer and erythromycin was examined in both columns. The experiments were performed in two separate steps. In the first step, a conservative tracer, subject to advection and dispersion processes, was injected into the column and its transport was investigated. The second step involved investigating the migration of erythromycin. A conductivity meter was installed at the output of the column in order to determine tracer concentrations based on calibration curves. Short-time pulse injections and continuous injection were applied during the experiments. An interpretation of the experiments results was conducted in the MATLAB environment. A mathematical model of erythromycin migration was determined from the shape of pulse breakthrough curves, which were characterized by a set of descriptors: the time of maximum tracer concentration at the output tmax, the spread of the breakthrough curve s, and relative tracer recovery e. This procedure involved implementing an identification algorithm developed by the authors. It was proved that the migration of erythromycin is best described by a hybrid model that assumes the coexistence of equilibrium and non-equilibrium sorption. In the next stage of the research, the transport and sorption parameters were estimated through numerical optimization procedures. The convergence between theoretical and experimental breakthrough curves was analysed qualitatively by calculating the root mean square error RMSE and correlation coefficient r

    Blockchain: A Coordination Mechanism

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    Blockchain technology is firmly established in the public awareness as a revolutionary new technology underpinning cryptocurrency. However, its potential applications can be found across sectors and industries in providing a novel way of producing coordination necessary to transact online, making it a timely invention in the age of progressing digitalization and increasing demands for efficiency and security of online transactions, and a promising research topic addressing the growing academic interest in the coordination aspect of the contract scholarship. The aim of this conceptual paper is to model blockchain as a coordination mechanism for online transactions. Three key aspects of coordination with blockchains are identified and examined – (1) producing consensus about the facts relevant to a transaction, (2) coding contracts, and (3) autonomously executing transactions. They are argued to be integral parts of the mechanism, jointly enabling blockchains to function as a complete mechanism of coordination for online transactions. The model is intended to inform debates on the prospects for the blockchain technology and can be further used to integrate coordination and contract scholarship. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p


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    Стаття демонструє результати антропологічних польових досліджень, які проводилися серед лемківської спільноти. Методологія дослідження звертається до засад антропології речей. Дослідження проведено на основі розмов про історію речей, які разом з лемками були перенесені під час акції «Вісла» (1947). Це були, наприклад, ікони, вбрання, книги. У розповідях про предмети виявлялося багато інформації, що стосувалася формування ідентичності лемків, а тому автор зосереджується саме на цьому питанні. Стаття є частиною магістерської роботи на тему «Лемківські речі: спроба використання антропології речей в дослідженнях, що стосуються лемківської культури», яка була захищена під керівництвом др. габ. Ярослава Сирника в 2012 році на кафедрі етнології і культурної антропології Вроцлавського університету. (The article based on anthropological fieldwork conducted among the Lemko community. The research methodology based on the assumptions of anthropology of things. The study consisted of interviews about the history of things, which had been taken by Lemkos in the time of resettlement during the operation «Vistula» (1947). That were, inter alia, the holy pictures, clothes and books. The stories of those objects contained a lot of information about process of changing the identity of Lemko people, which is why the article focuses primarily on this aspect. This article is a part of a thesis «Lemko's things. Attempting to use anthropology of things in studies of Lemko culture» defended under the direction of dr. hab. Jaroslaw Syrnyk in 2012 at the University of Wroclaw in the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology.

    Visual Detection of Cryptic Prey by Blue Jays (\u3ci\u3eCyanocitta cristata\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Blue jays learned to respond differentially to the presence or absence of Catocala moths in slides. This detection of the moths by the jays was affected by the background upon which the moth was placed and its body orientation, thus providing an objective measure of crypticity. These procedures are useful for the study of visual detection of prey

    Visual Detection of Cryptic Prey by Blue Jays (\u3ci\u3eCyanocitta cristata\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Blue jays learned to respond differentially to the presence or absence of Catocala moths in slides. This detection of the moths by the jays was affected by the background upon which the moth was placed and its body orientation, thus providing an objective measure of crypticity. These procedures are useful for the study of visual detection of prey

    Clash of interests on the path of sustainable development implementation

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this article is to identify and determine the influence of key interest groups in terms of implementing sustainable development principles.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Analysis of processes and behaviour of institutions and social groups using statistical data.FINDINGS: Sustainable development appears today to be the most rational response of societies to the global problems of humanity. Despite widespread understanding and recognition as well as various initiatives, progress in implementing the principles of sustainable development is far from being satisfactory. Antipodally, transnational corporations based on the logic of microeconomic rationality continue to grow in strength. Therefore, it is very important to identify and seek opportunities to strengthen forces and interests that are guided by an equal consideration of economic, social and environmental factors in the implemented activities. The analysis of the issue shows the key role of the state in this process, but also of non-governmental organisations which, thanks to their activity and organisation, are able to effectively influence their surroundings to follow the principles of sustainable development. Countries with the highest number of NGOs also lead the sustainability ranking. There is great causative potential for regulated financial markets to increasingly involve financial institutions in sustainability criteria in their own operations and those of their clients. The European Union's regulations and initiatives, which provide directional support for UN programmes, play a very important role in this process.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The conducted analysis shows that combining the interests and activities of informal institutions, alongside selective support of the formal ones, synergistically strenghtens the implementation of sustainable development principles.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The analysis is part of a search for causal factors enabling the dissemination and acceleration of the implementation of sustainable development principles in the world.peer-reviewe