152 research outputs found

    Inclusivity, Horizontal Homosociality and Controlled Participation of “The Others” : Negotiations of Masculinity and Ageing in Two Older Men’s Communities

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Theories of inclusive masculinity and horizontal homosociality describe how previously marginalized forms of masculinity are becoming socially acceptable. Studies within these theoretical frameworks have largely focused on privileged groups of men and men’s changing attitudes towards homosexuality. This raises questions about the extent to which the theories apply to marginalized groups of men and other inequalities between men. In this article, we analyse ethnographic data from two Finnish older men’s communities that emphasize equality between men as an essential part of their ethos, and ask how inclusive practices and horizontal homosociality operate in these communities. Our intersectional analysis shows that older men’s communities may involve varying levels of inclusive practices that do not necessarily relate to sexuality but, instead, to other aspects of inequality. Future studies should consider the contextuality of men’s practices and the intersectional differences between men that are the subjects of these inclusive or exclusionary practices.Peer reviewe

    Mies ja terveellisyyden dilemmat

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    Kontekstuaalinen vaihtelu miesten puheessa terveydestä: yksilöhaastatteluiden ja ryhmäkeskustelujen vertaileva analyysi

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    Miesten terveystutkimuksen perusolettamuksena on ollut ajatus siitä, että miehisyyden mallien ja terveystietoisuuden välillä on ristiriita. Tätä on pidetty miesten epäterveellisempien elintapojen syynä. Sittemmin on todettu, että miesten terveysajatteluun sisältyy ristiriitaisia elementtejä, joita tulisi tarkastella kontekstissaan. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan miesten terveyttä ja sukupuolta koskevien käsitysten kontekstuaalista vaihtelua paperityömiesten yksilöhaastatteluiden ja ryhmäkeskusteluiden avulla. Analyysissä miesten käsityksiä terveydestä ja sukupuolesta tarkastellaan sekä aineistotyyppien välisen että niiden sisäisen variaation kannalta. Konteksteissa, joissa vuorovaikutus perustui ensisijaisesti haastattelijan esittämille kysymyksille haastateltavien henkilökohtaisesta elämästä, näkyi miesten innokkuus korostaa elintapojen merkitystä terveydelle. Ei-henkilökohtaisissa konteksteissa, sekä tilanteissa, joissa haastattelija osallistui vuorovaikutukseen passiivisemmin, esiintyi useammin yhteiskunnan rakenteisiin painottuvia terveyden selitysmalleja sekä kriittisiä näkemyksiä elintapojen vaikutuksista terveyteen

    COVID-19 related visiting ban in nursing homes as a source of concern for residents’ family members: a cross sectional study

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    Abstract Background: Visiting a close relative who resides in a nursing home is an opportunity for family members to extend their caring roles and to find reassurance that the older person’s life is continuing as well as possible. At the same time, visits allow family members to observe the quality of formal care in the facility. In Finland, the COVID-19 pandemic led to the imposition of visiting bans in nursing homes in March 2020, thereby preventing customary interaction between residents and their family members. The aim of this study is to investigate family members’ experiences of the visiting ban and its effects on the concern they experienced over the wellbeing of close relatives living in a nursing home. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out to explore self-reported concerns of family members and factors associated with the concerns. In this unpredictable pandemic situation this was considered to be an appropriate approach, for information in the very beginning of the visiting ban was looked for, and interest was not in causal relations. The data consist of a quantitative survey (n=366) conducted among family members in May-June 2020. Binary logistic regression analyses were carried out to explore the association of the independent variables with reported concern. Results: The results showed that increased concern was very common (79%). The factors associated with the notable increase were sufficiency of contact and information, noticing changes in wellbeing of the close one, and questioning whether the visiting restriction was the right solution. Conclusions: In light of the findings, care providers should improve their information delivery to residents’ family members, and to find new ways of allowing visits in nursing homes in the future, at all circumstances.Peer reviewe

    Monimuotoistuva isovanhemmuus, muuttuva isoisyys

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    A home, an institution and a community – frames of social relationships and interaction in assisted living

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Founda-tion and the Björkqvist Fund. The work was done in the framework of the Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare). We would like to thank all the people living and working in and visiting the ALF for giving us a window into their everyday life in the facility. We especially wish to thank staff members for helping us arrange the group discussion and interviews and all the residents who took part in them. Funding Information: This work was supported by the Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation and the Björkqvist Fund. The work was done in the framework of the Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and the Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare). We would like to thank all the people living and working in and visiting the ALF for giving us a window into their everyday life in the facility. We especially wish to thank staff members for helping us arrange the group discussion and interviews and all the residents who took part in them. Publisher Copyright: © The Authors.Assisted living facilities are presented as the older person’s home but, at the same time, defined by institutional and communal characteristics. Using Goffman’s (1974/1986) concept of frame, we aim to find out how home, institution and community frames define social roles and shape social relationships and interaction in assisted living facilities. Directed content analysis was used to analyse the data consisting of observations, one group discussion and ten individual interviews with residents in an assisted living facility. We found that the home frame was characterised by meaningfulness, spontaneousness and informality of social relationships and interaction, whereas the institution frame by indifference and formality of them. Acknowledging and tolerating other people was not only central in the community frame but also dissociating oneself from some people. Frames can shed light on how different interpretations of the multifaceted social environment of assisted living affect homeliness of the facility and well-being of the residents.Peer reviewe

    Perspectives of oncology nurses on peer support for patients with cancer

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    Purpose: To understand the perspectives of oncology nurses on peer support for patients with cancer and the role of oncology nurses in its provision. Method: Thematic semi-structured interviews of 10 oncology nurses working in a single university hospital were conducted. The data were analysed using content analysis. Results: Oncology nurses thought that peer support promotes the psychosocial wellbeing of patients with cancer by increasing their social contact and strengthening their emotional resources. In their daily work, oncology nurses engaged in several activities that promote the interactions between patients with cancer and informal forms of peer support. However, directing patients with cancer to formal peer support services outside specialised health care was not an established practice. Oncology nurses expressed several concerns about the availability of support and the coping ability of peer supporters and expressed scepticism about the reliability of information shared in peer support groups. Conclusions: The awareness of oncology nurses regarding formal peer support services appears rather limited. This knowledge gap should be reduced, such as through closer collaboration between hospitals and third sector cancer organisations, which does not appear effective at present based on the results. In addition, patients with cancer should be systematically informed about peer support.Peer reviewe
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