244 research outputs found

    Biomarkers of focal and diffuse traumatic brain injury

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a pathologically heterogeneous disease affecting people of all ages. The highest incidence of TBI occurs in young people and the average age is 30 to 40 years. Injury grading may range from mild with a low frequency (1 per 100) of life-threatening intracranial hematoma that needs immediate neurosurgical operation and very low mortality (1 per 1,000) to severe with a high likelihood of life-threatening intracranial hematoma (up to 1 per 3), a 40% case fatality rate and a high disability rate (2 per 3) in survivors. Estimation of the prognosis in severe TBI is currently based on demographic and clinical predictors, including age, Glasgow Coma Scale, pupillary reactions, extracranial injury (hypotension and hypoxia) and computed tomography indices (brain swelling, focal mass lesions, subarachnoid hemorrhage). Biomarkers reflecting damage to neurons and astrocytes may add important complementary information to clinical predictors of outcome and provide insight into the pathophysiology of TBI

    Bispectral Index Changes during Acute Brainstem TIA/Ischemia

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    We describe a 76-year-old patient who suffered a brainstem TIA just before being anesthetised for cardiac surgery. The TIA was registered on BIS and resulted in a drop in BIS to a value of 60. When consciousness returned spontaneously, the BIS increased to 85. The relative use of the BIS during an operation is discussed. We believe that the lack of input from the brainstem to the frontal cortex resulted in the reduced cortical electrical activity as registered with the BIS

    Multicenter Evaluation of the Course of Coagulopathy in Patients with Isolated Traumatic Brain Injury:Relation to CT Characteristics and Outcome

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    This prospective multicenter study investigated the association of the course of coagulation abnormalities with initial computed tomography (CT) characteristics and outcome in patients with isolated traumatic brain injury (TBI). Patient demographics, coagulation parameters, CT characteristics, and outcome data of moderate and severe TBI patients without major extracranial injuries were prospectively collected. Coagulopathy was defined as absent, early but temporary, delayed, or early and sustained. Delayed/sustained coagulopathy was associated with a higher incidence of disturbed pupillary responses (40% versus 27%; p<0.001) and higher Traumatic Coma Data Bank (TCDB) CT classification (5 (2-5) versus 2 (1-5); p=0.003) than in patients without or with early, but short-lasting coagulopathy. The initial CT of patients with delayed/sustained coagulopathy more frequently showed intracranial hemorrhage and signs of raised intracranial pressure (ICP) compared to patients with early coagulopathy only. This was paralleled by higher in-hospital mortality rates (51% versus 33%; p<0.05), and poorer 6-month functional outcome in patients with delayed/sustained coagulopathy. The relative risk for in-hospital mortality was particularly related to disturbed pupillary responses (OR 8.19; 95% CI 3.15,21.32; p<0.001), early, short-lasting coagulopathy (OR 6.70; 95% CI 1.74,25.78; p=0.006), or delayed/sustained coagulopathy (OR 5.25; 95% CI 2.06,13.40; p=0.001). Delayed/sustained coagulopathy is more frequently associated with CT abnormalities and unfavorable outcome at 6 months after TBI than early, short-lasting coagulopathy. Our finding that not only the mere presence but also the time course of coagulopathy holds predictive value for patient outcome underlines the importance of systematic hemostatic monitoring over time in TBI

    К вопросу совершенствования технологии управления процессами воздухораспределения и газовыделения на выемочных участках

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    Розглянуто процес розвитку технологічних схем провітрювання та дегазації виймальних ділянок вугільних шахт. Показане, що вакуумування і відвід по трубопроводу притоків газоповітряної суміші з верхньої частини лави за межі виймальної дільниці відкриває можливість впливати на аеродинамічний процес одночасно у двох напрямках – у керуванні газовиділенням і повітрерозподілом. Вплив такого впливу розглянуте в умовах основних застосовуваних схем провітрювання.The process of technological schemes of ventilation and drainage excavation sites of coal mines. Shown that the evacuation and removal via tributaries of gas-air mixture from the top of the long wall beyond excavation site provides an opportunity to influence the aerodynamic processes in two directions - in the management of any gas and air distribution. The effect of such exposure is considered in terms of the basic circuits used airing

    Rare central nervous system tumors in adults:a population-based study of ependymomas, pilocytic astrocytomas, medulloblastomas, and intracranial germ cell tumors

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    BACKGROUND: Ependymomas, pilocytic astrocytomas, medulloblastomas, and intracranial germ cell tumors occur relative frequently in children, but are rare central nervous system (CNS) tumors in adults. In this population-based survey, we established incidence, treatment, and survival patterns for these tumors diagnosed in adult patients (≥18 years) over a 30-year period (1989-2018). METHODS: Data on 1384 ependymomas, 454 pilocytic astrocytomas, 205 medulloblastomas, and 112 intracranial germ cell tumors were obtained from the Netherlands Cancer Registry (NCR) on the basis of a histopathological diagnosis. For each tumor type, age-standardized incidence rates and estimated annual percentage change were calculated. Trends in incidence and main treatment modalities were reported per 5-year periods. Overall survival was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method, and relative survival rates were estimated using the Pohar-Perme estimator. RESULTS: Incidence and survival rates remained generally stable for pilocytic astrocytomas, medulloblastomas, and germ cell tumors. Increasing incidence was observed for spinal ependymomas, mostly for myxopapillary ependymomas, and survival improved over time for grade II ependymomas (P < .01). Treatment patterns varied over time with shifting roles for surgery in ependymomas and for chemotherapy and radiation in medulloblastomas and germinomas. CONCLUSIONS: The study provides baseline information for highly needed national and international standard treatment protocols, and thus for further improving patient outcomes in these rare CNS tumors

    Adjusting for confounding by indication in observational studies: a case study in traumatic brain injury.

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    INTRODUCTION: Observational studies of interventions are at risk for confounding by indication. The objective of the current study was to define the circumstances for the validity of methods to adjust for confounding by indication in observational studies. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed post hoc analyses of data prospectively collected from three European and North American traumatic brain injury studies including 1,725 patients. The effects of three interventions (intracranial pressure [ICP] monitoring, intracranial operation and primary referral) were estimated in a proportional odds regression model with the Glasgow Outcome Scale as ordinal outcome variable. Three analytical methods were compared: classical covariate adjustment, propensity score matching and instrumental variable (IV) analysis in which the percentage exposed to an intervention in each hospital was added as an independent variable, together with a random intercept for each hospital. In addition, a simulation study was performed in which the effect of a hypothetical beneficial intervention (OR 1.65) was simulated for scenarios with and without unmeasured confounders. RESULTS: For all three interventions, covariate adjustment and propensity score matching resulted in negative estimates of the treatment effect (OR ranging from 0.80 to 0.92), whereas the IV approach indicated that both ICP monitoring and intracranial operation might be beneficial (OR per 10% change 1.17, 95% CI 1.01-1.42 and 1.42, 95% CI 0.95-1.97). In our simulation study, we found that covariate adjustment and propensity score matching resulted in an invalid estimate of the treatment effect in case of unmeasured confounders (OR ranging from 0.90 to 1.03). The IV approach provided an estimate in the similar direction as the simulated effect (OR per 10% change 1.04-1.05) but was statistically inefficient. CONCLUSION: The effect estimation of interventions in observational studies strongly depends on the analytical method used. When unobserved confounding and practice variation are expected in observational multicenter studies, IV analysis should be considered

    Use of multiparametric MRI to characterize uterine fibroid tissue types

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    Background: Although the biological characteristics of uterine fibroids (UF) have implications for therapy choice and effectiveness, there is limited MRI data about these characteristics. Currently, the Funaki classification and Scale

    Carriage of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the Upper Respiratory Tract of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Children: An Observational Study

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    Background:Mycoplasma pneumoniae is thought to be a common cause of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in children. The diagnosis of M. pneumoniae RTIs currently relies on serological methods and/or the detection of bacterial DNA in the upper respiratory tract (URT). It is conceivable, however, that these diagnostic methods also yield positive results if M. pneumoniae is carried asymptomatically in the URT. Positive results from these tests may therefore not always be indicative of a symptomatic infection. The existence of asymptomatic carriage of M. pneumoniae has not been established. We hypothesized that asymptomatic carriage in children exists and investigated whether colonization and symptomatic infection could be differentiated by current diagnostic methods.Methods and Findings:This study was conducted at the Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital and the after-hours General Practitioners Cooperative in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Asymptomatic children (n = 405) and children with RTI symptoms (n = 321) aged 3 mo to 16 y were enrolled in a cross-sectional study from July 1, 2008, to November 30, 2011. Clinical data, pharyngeal and nasopharyngeal specimens, and serum samples were collected. The primary objective was to differentiate between colonization and symptomatic infection with M. pneumoniae by current diagnostic methods, especially real-time PCR. M. pneumoniae DNA was detected in 21.2% (95% CI 17.2%-25.2%) of the asymptomatic children and in 16.2% (95% CI 12.2%-20.2%) of the symptomatic children (p = 0.11). Neither serology nor quantitative PCR nor culture differentiated asymptomatic carriage from infection. A total of 202 children were tested for the presence of other bacterial and viral pathogens. Two or more pathogens were found in 56% (63/112) of the asymptomatic children and in 55.5% (50/90) of the symptomatic children. Finally, longitudinal sampling showed persistence of M. pneumoniae in the URT for up to 4 mo. Fifteen of the 21 asymptomatic children with M. pneumoniae and 19 of the 22 symptomatic children with M. pneumoniae in this longitudinal follow-up tested negative after 1 mo.Conclusions:Although our study has limitations, such as a single study sit

    Effects of age, amyloid, sex, and APOE ε4 on the CSF proteome in normal cognition

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    Introduction: It is important to understand which biological processes change with aging, and how such changes are associated with increased Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk. We studied how cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteomics changed with age and tested if associations depended on amyloid status, sex, and apolipoprotein E Ɛ4 genotype. Methods: We included 277 cognitively intact individuals aged 46 to 89 years from Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, European Medical Information Framework for Alzheimer's Disease Multimodal Biomarker Discovery, and Metabolic Syndrome in Men. In total, 1149 proteins were measured with liquid chromatography mass spectrometry with multiple reaction monitoring/Rules-Based Medicine, tandem mass tag mass spectrometry, and SOMAscan. We tested associations between age and protein levels in linear models and tested enrichment for Reactome pathways. Results: Levels of 252 proteins increased with age independently of amyloid status. These proteins were associated with immune and signaling processes. Levels of 21 proteins decreased with older age exclusively in amyloid abnormal participants and these were enriched for extracellular matrix organization. Discussion: We found amyloid-independent and -dependent CSF proteome changes with older age, perhaps representing physiological aging and early AD pathology