26 research outputs found

    Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 is required for MMP-2 function in bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells: implications for cytoskeleton assembly and proliferation

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    Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cell- (BM-MSC-) based therapy is a promising option for regenerative medicine. An important role in the control of the processes influencing the BM-MSC therapeutic efficacy, namely, extracellular matrix remodelling and proliferation and secretion ability, is played by matrix metalloproteinase- (MMP-) 2. Therefore, the identification of paracrine/autocrine regulators of MMP-2 function may be of great relevance for improving BM-MSC therapeutic potential. We recently reported that BM-MSCs release the bioactive lipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) and, here, we demonstrated an impairment of MMP-2 expression/release when the S1P receptor subtype S1PR1 is blocked. Notably, active S1PR1/MMP-2 signalling is required for F-actin structure assembly (lamellipodia, microspikes, and stress fibers) and, in turn, cell proliferation. Moreover, in experimental conditions resembling the damaged/regenerating tissue microenvironment (hypoxia), S1P/S1PR1 system is also required for HIF-1α expression and vinculin reduction. Our findings demonstrate for the first time the trophic role of S1P/S1PR1 signalling in maintaining BM-MSCs' ability to modulate MMP-2 function, necessary for cytoskeleton reorganization and cell proliferation in both normoxia and hypoxia. Altogether, these data provide new perspectives for considering S1P/S1PR1 signalling a pharmacological target to preserve BM-MSC properties and to potentiate their beneficial potential in tissue repair

    En psykolingvistisk test til kvantificering af progression i indlæringen af italiensk som fremmedsprog: metoder og resultater

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    This article describes a psycholinguistic protocol designed to elicit individual differences in performance regarding phonological (sound discrimination) and lexical (vocabulary memorization) aspects of learning Italian as a foreign language. An experiment built on that protocol revealed a wide range among participants regarding the number of novel vocabulary items memorized as well as a minor spread regarding the discrimination of a novel Italian consonant contrast. No correlation could be revealed between learning success in vocabulary acquisition and phonological discrimination. We conclude that the two types of tasks can be used as instruments for quantifying aspects of learning Italian as a foreign language

    Female gender and psychological profile of outpatients attending Post-COVID-19 follow-up: some preliminary results

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    Background: The Post-COVID syndrome, characterized by persistence of psychological, neurologic, and physical symptoms, affects a large proportion of COVID-19 survivors. Specifically, females seem at increased risk of experiencing more psychological manifestations of Post-COVID Syndrome. Methods: A sample of 60 PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) confirmed COVID-19 outpatients (48.3% female; age mean= 56.1; SD= 10.8) attending an outpatient clinic dedicated to Post-COVID-19 follow-up was enrolled for this study. Each participant completed the Psychosocial Index to assess stress, well-being, psychological distress, and illness behavior, the Impact of Event Scale – Revised to evaluate post-traumatic stress symptoms and, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale to assess anxiety and depression; the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale to assess resilience; and N scale of NEO Five Factor to assess “Neuroticism”. Results: More than half of patients showed clinical or subclinical anxiety and depressive symptoms. Post-traumatic stress symptoms were found in 58.3% of sample. Resilience levels were in a medium range (71.0 ± 15.2). Statistical analysis found a predominance of depressive symptomatology (p = 0.0453), hyperarousal manifestations (p = 0.0049), perception of stress (p = 0.0001) and trait of neuroticism in women (p 0.0001). Our results show psychological distress, post-traumatic symptoms, poor psychological well-being, depression and anxiety symptoms for several weeks after infection in patients who had COVID-19. Moreover, female outpatients had a higher perception of distress, hyperarousal manifestations and depressive symptomatology than the male counterpart.                    Conclusions: As a novelty, this study gives us a deeper understanding of the psychological Post-COVID-19 profile in a clinical sample of pneumological outpatients. Moreover, it focused on gender differences identifying the female gender as a risk factor with respect to psychological illness. Our findings suggest the relevance of planning personalized interventions and assessment aimed at higher psychopathological risk groups, such as females

    Le reti di Ventotene

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    ItLa ricerca si focalizza sulle dinamiche di sviluppo territoriale nell'isola di Ventotene, considerata area interna per via della sua marginalità e dell'inefficienza dei servizi essenziali (sanità, istruzione e trasporti). In reazione a uno sviluppo non sostenibile, si analizzano le buone pratiche messe in atto dalle istituzioni e dagli abitanti, al fine di valutare le ripercussioni nella società e la relativa capacità di riprodurre il territorio che rischia d'incorrere in problemi di spopolamento e insostenibilità sociale. Il ricorso a differenti prospettive, nel corso degli anni, ha permesso il delinearsi di un commentario critico: il punto di vista interno, quello delle interviste, dei media e degli studi e, infine, quello dei dati e delle statistiche. Lungi dal formulare un modello di sviluppo locale applicabile indistintamente, la ricerca intende piuttosto mettere in evidenza i fattori intrinseci del territorio. Il risultato mostra un sistema di reti che tracciano la direzione da intraprendere per lo sviluppo sostenibile dell'isola.Dans la présente étude on a mis au point une analyse géographique des dynamiques du développement territorial sur l'île de Ventotene, considérée " région intérieure " à cause de la marginalité et de l'inefficacité de ses services essentiels (santé, éducation et mobilité). En réaction à un développement non durable, on a analysées " les bonnes pratiques " élaborées par les institutions et les habitants, pour évaluer le résultat dans la communauté et leur capacité de reproduire le territoire, qui risque d'encourir sinon des problèmes de non-durabilité sociale et de dépeuplement. L'utilisation de différentes prospectives au cours des années a permis un commentaire critique: le regard intérieur, celui des entrevues, celui des médias et des études et, enfin, celui des données et des statistiques. Les recherches menées ne veulent pas formuler un modèle de développement local appliquable partout, mais plutôt essaie de mettre en évidence des facteurs intrinsèques du territoire. Le résultat montre une intrigue de réseaux interconnectés qui tracent la direction du développement durable

    Ottimizzazione multilivello di corporate chimiche operanti su larga scala

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    This research activity is related to the development, implementation, and integration of algorithms for the solution of different optimization issues in the field of chemical and oil&gas industry. By means of parallel computing techniques and object-oriented programming, nowadays it is possible to solve in an integrated way and with a single solver numerous online problems such as the data reconciliation, the model predictive control, the dynamic optimization, the fault detection, and the decision-making support. The work describes the novel advances in numerical methods and their validation by the field