1,405 research outputs found

    The transient response of global-mean precipitation to increasing carbon dioxide levels

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    The transient response of global-mean precipitation to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels of 1% yr(-1) is investigated in 13 fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) and compared to a period of stabilization. During the period of stabilization, when carbon dioxide levels are held constant at twice their unperturbed level and the climate left to warm, precipitation increases at a rate of similar to 2.4% per unit of global-mean surface-air-temperature change in the AOGCMs. However, when carbon dioxide levels are increasing, precipitation increases at a smaller rate of similar to 1.5% per unit of global-mean surface-air-temperature change. This difference can be understood by decomposing the precipitation response into an increase from the response to the global surface-temperature increase (and the climate feedbacks it induces), and a fast atmospheric response to the carbon dioxide radiative forcing that acts to decrease precipitation. According to the multi-model mean, stabilizing atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide would lead to a greater rate of precipitation change per unit of global surface-temperature change

    A Services Science Major in a Bachelor of Science (IT) Program: The Case of UAE University

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    This paper presents a proposed design for a new undergraduate major in services science within a bachelor of science in information technology program. Potential students in the major will be Emerati nationals with strong verbal skills but sometimes weak writing, math and problem solving skills. Math and problem solving skill are essential in the new services dominated environment, so it is important that these skills be developed in students if the nation is to continue to lead the region in IT service provisioning. The curriculum proposes three new courses and inclusion of four existing course from related majors

    Investigating the potential of Zernike polynomials to characterise spatial distribution of macular pigment

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    It has been postulated that particular patterns of macular pigment (MP) distribution may be associated with the risk for eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This work investigates the potential of Zernike polynomials (ZP) to characterise the level and distribution of MP, and their suitability as a representation for analysis of the effects of age and AMD on MP patterns. As the case study, MP distribution maps computed using an experimental method based on fundus reflectance (MRIA) were obtained for ninety volunteers representing three groups: under-fifty without AMD, fifty and over without AMD, and fifty and over with AMD. ZP with 105 coefficients were fitted to the maps using least-squares optimisation and found to represent MP maps accurately (RMSE<10-1). One-way MANOVA analysis carried out on ZP representations showed that the three subject groups have significantly different means (Wilk's Lambda 0.125, p<0.0001). Linear discriminant analysis with leave-one-out scheme resulted in accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of classification according to, respectively, disease status regardless of age (81% all); disease status in the age-matched groups (87%, 88%, 86%); age irrespective of disease status (81%, 83%, 73%); and age for subjects without AMD (83%, 88%, 80%). Mean MP distributions computed from ZP coefficients for the three groups showed more elevated and more peaked MP for the healthy under-fifty group; more irregular and more elevated peripheral levels in over-fifty AMD group than in over-fifty non-AMD group; and moderate radial asymmetry in non-AMD over-50 group. The results suggest that ZP coefficients are capable of accurately representing MP in a way that captures certain spatial patterns of its distribution. Using the ZP representation MP maps could be classified according to both age and disease status with accuracy significantly greater than chance, with peak elevation, pattern irregularity and radial asymmetry identified as important features

    The Woods-Saxon Potential in the Dirac Equation

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    The two-component approach to the one-dimensional Dirac equation is applied to the Woods-Saxon potential. The scattering and bound state solutions are derived and the conditions for a transmission resonance (when the transmission coefficient is unity) and supercriticality (when the particle bound state is at E=-m) are then derived. The square potential limit is discussed. The recent result that a finite-range symmetric potential barrier will have a transmission resonance of zero-momentum when the corresponding well supports a half-bound state at E=-m is demonstrated.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to JPhys

    Gerakan Sosial Politik Meme pada Media Sosial Instagram untuk Bali Tolak Reklamasi

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    In a technologically advanced era of political movements, it can use "memes" in social media, one of which is shown by the Balinese People Forum refuse reclamation through the use of memes in Instagram social media accounts. The purpose of this research is to know Motivation, ideology and purpose of Forbali movement to do political movements of social media instagram in the form of meme. This study focused on the Forbali political social movement and Instagram account "Forbali13". The method used is qualitative. data collection is done through interviews and document studies. The theory used rests on framed versions of entman analysis and political propaganda as its supporting theories. The findings of the research mentioned that there are, First, there is a hidden purpose of the meme movement in the second Forbali instagram. In Meme Forbali there is a message conveyed, namely the ideology and motivation of movement through social media used to frame the information and education. penyampain from meme done by framing process method in social media of Instagram. Keywords: Meme, Instagram, Forbali, Netizen, and Postin

    Strategi Pemenangan Calon Dalam Pemilihan Umum Legislatif Tahun 2014 Melalui Jaringan Cekian Di Bali

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    In achieving power through political channels, the network becomes a factor decisive victory of candidates, the establishment of the network through the tournament ceki seen will be able to influence voting results candidates. This research was conducted in Denpasar, Singaraja and Jembrana and examines the development of the network through the game entrenched in society that ceki game. Powercube theory or the theory that describes the power cube in three dimensions, namely levels, space and form. Associated with the tournament ceki, the initiator who is chairman of the political parties that are in the first dimension that has stratified the top, the second dimension is the space where the tournament as a party to organize and coordinate with the community and participants, the third dimension dimensional shapes, participants ceki and volunteers become abgian the third dimension is either in open or closed. Qualitative Descriptive deemed appropriate peel this issue because it will be able to clarify the phenomena that occur in the community post-implementation ceki tournament. Political participation ceki participants showed a positive effect after the holding of the tournament ceki, they assume that their candidate has been championing the aspirations
