433 research outputs found

    Connaissance et mise en valeur du lagon nord de Nouvelle Calédonie : campagne d'échantillonnage du stock d'Amusium japonicum balloti du 14 au 25 mai 1990

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    Une campagne d'Ă©chantillonnage des stocks d'#Amusium dans le lagon nord de la Nouvelle CalĂ©donie a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e Ă  bord du N.O. Alis du 14 au 25 mai 1990 ... Tous les #Amusium dissĂ©quĂ©s Ă©taient en phase de prĂ©-reproduction. Le taux moyen de parasitisme du muscle par les nĂ©matodes #Sulcascaris sulcata et #Echinocephalus sp. Ă©tait de 21 %. Ces parasites ont Ă©tĂ© essentiellement remarquĂ©s au sud de l'aire de rĂ©partition des #Amusium, vers la Grande Terre, soit dans la zone oĂč les rendements ont connu leur plus nette diminution depuis les campagnes prĂ©cĂ©dentes. Les gisements situĂ©s Ă  proximitĂ© de l'archipel des Belep Ă©taient moins infestĂ©s. En premiĂšre approximation, le taux de parasitisme semble d'autant plus important que les individus sont ĂągĂ©s. La variabilitĂ© des rendements de pĂȘche observĂ©s entre les diffĂ©rentes campagnes d'Ă©chantillonnage suggĂšre une instabilitĂ© de l'abondance des #Amusium Ă  petite comme Ă  grande Ă©chelle. Dans ces conditions, toute estimation de la biomasse du stock ne revĂȘt qu'un caractĂšre indicatif et ne peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e que comme un ordre de grandeur. Dans l'hypothĂšse d'une mise en exploitation des stocks, il faudra s'attendre Ă  une forte variation interannuelle des captures analogues Ă  celle qui a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e en Australi

    Feedback on the lightning protection of high-risk industrial facilities in France

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    International audienceThis paper aims to assess the effectiveness of current legislation in France concerning the lightning protection of industrial facilities classified as presenting a risk to the environment. A satisfaction survey carried out among site managers reveals that many facilities are not yet protected and that damage incurred primarily involves electrical equipment. A draft protection program could be included in the legislation

    La mer d’Iroise : une singularitĂ© dans l’approvisionnement en silex des hommes du PalĂ©olithique breton

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    L’étude des prĂ©lĂšvements rĂ©alisĂ©s en mer d’Iroise montre que cette rĂ©gion, contrairement au reste de la marge continentale bretonne, semble dĂ©pourvue de cordons littoraux anciens sous le niveau des plus hautes mers actuelles. Cette particularitĂ© rĂ©sulte de la densitĂ© des anciennes riviĂšres, reconnues grĂące Ă  leurs palĂ©o-vallĂ©es, qui ont provoquĂ© un fort effet de chasse et au dĂ©capage des sĂ©diments dĂ©posĂ©s lors de chaque rĂ©gression importante de la mer. Par ailleurs, lors des pĂ©riodes transgressives, la distance importante qui existe entre les sources de silex et les cordons de galets cĂŽtiers actuels a provoquĂ© un important tri granulomĂ©trique. De telle façon que ce cordon ne livre que des galets de petite taille, Ă  l’exception toutefois de rares rognons plus massifs d’origine glacielle, qui sont arrivĂ©s plus tard et dont l’origine est inconnue. Cette configuration particuliĂšre se reflĂšte dans la lithologie et la dimension de l’outillage lithique des premiers habitants qui vivaient en bordure de l’Iroise (PalĂ©olithique infĂ©rieur). Ceux-ci Ă©taient moins favorisĂ©s que ceux qui occupaient les rivages de la Baie d’Audierne (Menez-Dregan). Toutefois, Ă  dĂ©faut de silex, ils pouvaient disposer, en relative abondance et Ă  peu de distance, d’autres matĂ©riaux tels que les quartzites de la presqu’üle de Crozon ou les grĂšs Ă©ocĂšnes de la vallĂ©e du Juch (Kervouster). Mais, ici encore, il semble qu’ils aient prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© le silex et privilĂ©giĂ© un approvisionnement local.Study of the sediments sampled in the Iroise Sea shows that this particular area, contrary to the other shelves surrounding Brittany, does not display any boulder bar. This particularity results from the strong flushing developed by the local braided rivers which were running on the shelf during each regression of the sea. On the other hand, the long distance which exists between the source of the flints and the present remains of the coastal boulder bar, was large enough to be responsible for a strong granulometric selection of the boulders during each transgressive episodes. It is the reason why the actual coastal boulder bar is almost only made of small sized boulders. Some associated rare and bigger elements were deposited by ice rafts during a more recent period of time. This particular environment is well expressed in the lithology and size of the lithic tools. The first inhabitants living along the Iroise sea shore (Lower Palaeolithic) were rather less favoured than those living close to the Audierne Bay (Menez Dregan) and were often forced to use different types of rocks, such as the PaleozoĂŻc or Eocene sandstones of the valley of Le Juch (Kervouster), to replace the missing flints. But even in this case, it seems that they preferred flints to another kind of rocks and favoured a local supply

    Apport de la gĂ©ologie marine Ă  la dĂ©termination des sources de matiĂšres premiĂšres au palĂ©olithique dans le massif armoricain : origine possible du silex utilisĂ© sur les stations palĂ©olithique infĂ©rieur de Menez‑Dregan (Plouhinec, FinistĂšre, France). Implications palĂ©oclimatiques et palĂ©oenvironnementales

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    Le silex n’est pas prĂ©sent dans le sous‑sol armoricain. Sa mise en Ɠuvre au PalĂ©olithique est principalement liĂ©e Ă  la collecte de galets marins prĂ©levĂ©s dans les cordons littoraux Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux. Toutefois, dans la couche 5d’ de Menez‑Dregan1, apparaissent des Ă©clats de silex dont le cortex ne porte pas trace d’un transport important. L’exploitation des minutes de dragages et carottages au large de la Baie d’Audierne montre que, pour une part, le matĂ©riau qui a servi Ă  la taille de l’outillage rĂ©coltĂ© au niveau 5d’ de Menez Dregan peut provenir d’un estran situĂ© vers ‑40 m et localisĂ© Ă  une distance de 5 Ă  10 km de la cĂŽte actuelle lors d’une phase de rĂ©gression marine associĂ©e Ă  un dĂ©but de dĂ©gradation climatique. Ces rĂ©sultats sont en remarquable concordance avec ceux de la palĂ©obotanique (anthracologie). Ceci nous donne des indications palĂ©ogĂ©ographiques et palĂ©oenvironnementales importantes pour la connaissance des occupations palĂ©olithiques Ă  l’Ouest de la Bretagne.There is no flint in the armorican terrain. Its use during Palaeolithic is mainly dependent from the gathering of marine pebbles taken along the old shorelines located at different levels. However, at Menez‑Dregan1 layer 5d’, flint flakes do not show the cortex aspect which witness for a long transport. Analysis of dredging and coring samples made off Baie d’Audierne shows that, part of the raw material used to make the tools from Menez‑Dregan1 layer 5d’ may come from an old shore located at about ‑40 m depth and at a distance of 5 to 10 km from the actual coast, which developed during a marine regression phase associated with the beginning of a climatic deterioration. These results are in strong concordance with those of paleobotany (anthracology). They provide paleo‑geographic and paleoenvironmental informations for a better knowledge of the Palaeolithic presence in Western Brittany

    European institutions?

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    © 2016 The British Society for Phenomenology. The aim of this article is to sketch a phenomenological theory of political institutions and to apply it to some objections and questions raised by Pierre Manent about the project of the European Union and more specifically the question of “European Construction”, i.e. what is the aim of the European Project. Such a theory of political institutions is nested within a broader phenomenological account of institutions, dimensions of which I have tried to elaborate elsewhere. As a working conceptual delineation, we can describe institutions as (relatively) stable meaning structures. As such, the definition encompasses phenomena like the European Commission, Belgium, marriage, the Dollar, the Labour Party, but also political subjects themselves. In order to develop said theory of institutions, I will draw primarily upon resources in the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and John Searle

    Calculation of combined diffusion coefficients from the simplified theory of transport properties

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    The aim of this study is to check if it is possible to use the combined diffusion coefficients introduced by Murphy at equilibrium in a two-temperature model (electron temperature Te different from that of heavy species Th) such as that denned by Devoto or Bonnefoi for transport properties. Murphy's coefficients describe the diffusive mixing of two non reactive ionized gases while the Devoto's or Bonnefoi's simplified theories allow the calculation of transport coefficients (except diffusion) out of thermal equilibrium. It has to be noticed that in the latter case when Te tends towards Th, the results are those obtained with an equilibrium calculation. The two-temperature (2-T) theory of transport properties was established by separating electrons and other species because of their mass difference. First, the exact combined diffusion coefficients of Murphy are calculated for an Ar-N2 (50wt%) mixture at atmospheric pressure. Then, expressions of combined diffusion coefficients are obtained using the simplified theory of Bonnefoi. The results of the calculation of combined diffusion coefficients from the simplified theory of transport properties, assuming equilibrium is achieved (Te=Th), is compared with those of Murphy at equilibrium. It is shown that large discrepancies occur when ionization is important. These results prove that the simplified 2-T theory cannot be used for the treatment of diffusion. Thus, a new theory of transport coefficients has to be developed taking into account the coupling of electrons and heavy species and work is in progress
