635 research outputs found

    Tourisme pour tous: et les bisses valaisans? : évaluation de la qualité d'accessibilité de 6 bisses pour personnes en fauteuil roulant

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    Ce travail tente d’établir un nouveau lien entre tourisme et handicap. L’étude se consacre particulièrement au handicap moteur et à la région du Valais. La première raison de visiter le Valais est la randonnée pédestre. Parallèlement, les 70'000 personnes handicapées en Suisse sont un public-cible non négligeable pour les prestataires du tourisme. C’est pourquoi il est intéressant d’allier ce public-cible aux chemins de randonnée valaisans et plus particulièrement aux bisses. La première étape de la recherche est une enquête quantitative qui a pour objectif de mieux connaître les attentes de personnes en fauteuil roulant. 70 personnes ont pris part au questionnaire, dont 69 souhaitent parcourir un bisse. La moitié avait déjà effectué un bisse, et l’autre craint une mauvaise accessibilité. Dans un deuxième temps, une enquête qualitative a été menée avec des personnes en fauteuil roulant sur six bisses qui ont été évalués à l’aide d’une grille d’évaluation. Le bisse des Miriouges, le seul ayant été refait et adapté, sert d’exemple. À moyen terme, l’idée serait de renseigner les usagers de l’accessibilité ou non des bisses en informant les personnes concernées. Un pas a déjà été fait en ce qui concerne les chemins de randonnée classiques ; il serait maintenant judicieux de développer les bisses valaisans.Diese Arbeit versucht eine neue Verbindung zwischen dem Tourismus und Menschen mit Behinderungen herzustellen. Die Studie stützt sich auf Menschen mit körperlicher Behinderung und die Region Wallis. Der erste Grund das Wallis zu besuchen ist Wandern. Die körperlich Behinderten oder die Personen mit beschränkter Mobilität – 70’000 Personen in der Schweiz - sind ein interessantes Publikum, für die touristischen Leistungsträger. Deswegen ist es interessant, diese Tourismussorte mit den Walliser Wanderwegen vor allem den Suonen in Verbindung zu setzen. Die erste Etappe der Arbeit ist eine quantitative Umfrage, um die Erwartungen der Behinderten im Rollstuhl besser kennenzulernen. 70 Personen haben an dieser Umfrage teilgenommen. Interessant ist, dass 69 Personen eine Suone entdecken möchten, zudem hat die Hälfte schon eine Suone gemacht. Die andere Hälfte hat Angst, dass der Zugang dazu nicht möglich ist. Der zweite Teil der Analyse ist eine qualitative Umfrage. Sechs Suonen wurden mit Personen, die im Rollstuhl sind, gemacht und über Bewertungskriterien evaluiert. Die Suone von Miriouges ist der Einzige, der saniert und gepflegt wurde, diese Suone wird als Beispiel zitiert. Mittelfristig ist das Ziel, die Behinderten über die Zugänglichkeit zu informieren. Ein Schritt in diese Richtung ist für die klassischen Wanderwege schon gemacht worden. Es würde Sinn machen, diese Wege als Beispiel zu nehmen um die Walliser Suonen zu verbessern

    Neutrophil Elastase Activity Imaging: Recent Approaches in the Design and Applications of Activity-Based Probes and Substrate-Based Probes

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    International audienceThe last few decades of protease research has con rmed that a number of important biological processes are strictly dependent on proteolysis. Neutrophil elastase (NE) is a critical protease in immune response and host defense mechanisms in both physiological and disease-associated conditions. Particularly, NE has been identi ed as a promising biomarker for early diagnosis of lung in ammation. Recent studies have shown an increasing interest in developing methods for NE activity imaging both in vitro and in vivo. Unlike anatomical imaging modalities, functional molecular imaging, including enzymatic activities, enables disease detection at a very early stage and thus constitutes a much more accurate approach. When combined with advanced imaging technologies, opportunities arise for measuring imbalanced proteolytic activities with unprecedented details. Such technologies consist in building the highest resolved and sensitive instruments as well as the most speci c probes based either on peptide substrates or on covalent inhibitors. is review outlines strengths and weaknesses of these technologies and discuss their applications to investigate NE activity as biomarker of pulmonary in ammatory diseases by imaging

    Caractérisation du facteur hématopoïétique spécifique MNDA (Myeloid Nuclear Differentiation Antigen)

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Breeding for microbiome-mediated disease resistance

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    Plant-associated microbial communities play a crucial role for the expression of various plant traits including disease resistance. Increasing evidence suggests that host genotype influences the composition and function of certain microbial key groups, which, in turn, effects how the plant reacts to environmental stresses. Several studies indicate that modern plant breeding may have selected against plant traits essential for hosting and supporting beneficial microbes. However, they also highlight the presence of an exploitable genetic base for the regulation of the rhizosphere microbiota. We illustrate the concept of breeding for microbial symbioses with pea (Pisum sativum L.). Firstly, genotypic variation for the efficiency of a mycorrhizal symbiosis is shown, as measured by an estimation of the plant benefit per symbiotic unit. Secondly, we extend the view towards the wider fungal community using ITS amplicon sequencing. Two pea genotypes with contrasting resistance levels against pathogen complexes are investigated to provide information on the functional diversity of the rhizosphere microbiome in a naturally infested agricultural soil. In the near future, microbial hubs and diversity indices will be linked with root exudation in order to elucidate the plant’s capacity to influence the microbial composition leading to disease susceptibility or resistance. Current and future research activities of our group aim to make use of plant-microbiome interactions to develop advanced screening tools for breeders for an improved expression and stability of important plant traits

    Knowledge management and innovative design: state of the art

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    International audienceThe objective of this article is to make a state of the art on knowledge management and its bond with the innovating designs. After having presented some general information on knowledge, its typology and its cycle of management, we will move on its patrimonial management, then we will finish on the knowledge management for the innovative design

    Les parcours scolaires au cégep et l’accès aux études postsecondaires : une approche selon le territoire

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    Introduction Notre communication s’inscrit à l’intersection de l’effet des politiques éducatives, qui ont pris en compte depuis plusieurs années les enjeux liés au territoire, et des parcours scolaires des étudiant·es au moment où ils peuvent entreprendre des études postsecondaires. Elle examine dans quelle mesure la variation de l’accès aux études postsecondaires au Québec tient aux caractéristiques des régions et à l’appartenance socioculturelle des étudiant·es. Deux questions guident notre..

    Sternal recumbency or suspension by the hind legs immediately after delivery improves respiratory and metabolic adaptation to extra uterine life in newborn calves delivered by caesarean section.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of body positioning immediately after delivery on respiratory and metabolic adaptation to extra-uterine life in newborn calves. One hundred and one Belgian White and Blue calves were delivered at term by an elective caesarean section and were assigned into three categories according to the body position imposed immediately after umbilical cord rupture: 71 calves were placed in lateral recumbency; 16 calves were placed in sternal recumbency and 14 calves were suspended by the hind legs for less than 90 seconds (75 +/- 5 s). Following this initial body position, the calves were allowed to move without restraint. They were examined at birth, 5, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes, and 2, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours after birth by the following measurements: physical examination, heart rate, arterial blood gas analysis, pulmonary function tests using the esophageal balloon catheter technique, arterial and venous blood acid-base balance analysis, rectal temperature, jugular venous blood sampling for the determination of blood glucose, plasma lactate and serum cortisol concentrations, haematologic variables and passive immune transfer variables. Body positioning immediately after delivery clearly influenced respiratory and metabolic adaptation to extra-uterine life in term calves delivered by an elective caesarean section. Systematic sternal recumbency and suspension by the hind legs for less than 90 seconds immediately after umbilical cord rupture had a positive functional impact on postnatal pulmonary mechanics and gas exchange and on postnatal correction of mixed acidosis present at birth, contributing in turn to an enhanced passive immune transfer. These two body positions should be encouraged to improve adaptation at birth in healthy term calves delivered by an elective caesarean section. Evaluation of possible side-effects is required before application in severely asphyxiated calves.Peer reviewe
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