2,128 research outputs found

    More on microstate geometries of 4d black holes

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    We construct explicit examples of microstate geometries of four-dimensional black holes that lift to smooth horizon-free geometries in five dimensions. Solutions consist of half-BPS D-brane atoms distributed in R3\mathbb{R}^3. Charges and positions of the D-brane centers are constrained by the bubble equations and boundary conditions ensuring the regularity of the metric and the match with the black hole geometry. In the case of three centers, we find that the moduli spaces of solutions includes disjoint one-dimensional components of (generically) finite volume.Comment: 25 page

    SARS-CoV-2 infection serology: a useful tool to overcome lockdown?

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    The outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (Covid-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 has spread rapidly, inducing a progressive growth in infected patients number. Social isolation (lockdown) has been assessed to prevent and control virus diffusion, leading to a worldwide financial and political crisis. Currently, SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in nasopharyngeal swab takes place by real-time PCR (RT-qPCR). However, molecular tests can give some false-negative results. In this context, serological assays can be useful to detect IgG/IgM antibodies, to assess the degree of immunization, to trace the contacts, and to support the decision to re-admit people at work. A lot of serological diagnostic kits have been proposed on the market but validation studies have not been published for many of them. The aim of our work was to compare and to evaluate different assays analytical performances (two different immunochromatographic cards, an immunofluorescence chromatographic card, and a chemiluminescence-automated immunoassay) on 43 positive samples with RT-qPCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and 40 negative control subjects. Our data display excellent IgG/IgM specificities for all the immunocromatographic card tests (100% IgG and 100% IgM) and for the chemiluminescence-automated assay (100% IgG and 94% IgM); IgG/IgM sensitivities are moderately lower for all methods, probably due to the assay viral antigen's nature and/or to the detection time of nasopharyngeal swab RT-qPCR, with respect to symptoms onset. Given that sensitivities (around 94% and 84% for IgG and IgM, respectively) implicate false-negative cases and given the lack of effective vaccines or treatments, the only currently available procedure to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission is to identify and isolate persons who are contagious. For this reason, we would like to submit a flowchart in which serological tests, integrated with nasopharyngeal swab RT-qPCR, are included to help social and work activities implementation after the pandemic acute phase and to overcome lockdown

    CpHMD-Then-QM/MM Identification of the Amino Acids Responsible for the Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin pH-Dependent Electronic Absorption Spectrum

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    International audienceAnabaena Sensory Rhodopsin (ASR), a microbial photoactive protein featuring the retinal chromophore in two different conformations, exhibits a pH-dependent electronic absorption spectrum. Using the recently developed CpHMD-then-QM/MM multiscale protocol applied to ASR embedded in a membrane model, the pH-induced changes in its maximum absorption wavelength have been reproduced and analyzed. While the acidic 1 tiny red-shift is essentially correlated with the deprotonation of an aspartic acid located on the ASR extracellular side, the larger blue-shift experimentally reported at pH values larger than 5 involves a cluster of titrating residues sitting on the cytoplasmic side. The ASR pH-dependent spectrum is the consequence of the competitive stabilization of retinal ground and excited states by the protein electrostatic potential

    Fare scuola a classi aperte in rete. Sperimentazione di didattica condivisa in piccole scuole isolate e con pluriclassi

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    Fare scuola a classi aperte in rete Sperimentazione di didattica condivisa in piccole scuole isolate e con pluriclassi Giuseppina Rita Jose Mangione, Michelle Pieri, Massimo Faggioli In the school year 2020-2021, INDIRE launched in Italian small schools a pilot experimentation of a teaching meth- od already validated in QuĂ©bec and considered useful for overcoming the educational limits typical of remoteness scenarios (Mangione and Cannella, 2020). “Classi in rete” is characterized by a shared didactic practice where “de- localized” classes are involved in a common disciplinary path by adapting calendars, spaces, and teacher roles, using virtual twinning environments, videoconferencing and spaces for discussion such as the Knowledge Forum (KF) (Mangione and Pieri 2019; Mangione et al., 2021). The experimentation of the model in Abruzzo involved 12 small schools and is based on a design-based research methodological approach (Sandoval, 2014). This paper aims to answer the following questions: Q1 Has the experience of networked classes fostered changes in the teaching practices and strategies of teachers? Q2 Which are the elements that conditioned the teamwork in open classes? The analysis uses a mixed method that integrates a standard search through data matrix and an interpretative search through group interviews aimed at the involved teachers and students. In fact, alongside a structured quantitative survey aimed at understanding the impact that the model had in the experimental classes in terms of collaboration, interdisciplinarity, reorganization of times and workspaces, we conducted a qualitative analysis based on focus groups with the teachers involved aimed at understanding to what extent the model has affected their propensity for change. Keywords: “Classi in rete”, small schools, remoteness, design based research, mixed method Nell’anno scolastico 2020-2021, INDIRE ha avviato una sperimentazione pilota nelle piccole scuole italiane di un metodo didattico giĂ  validato in QuĂ©bec e ritenuto utile per superare i limiti educativi che si verificano in situazioni di remoteness (Mangione e Cannella, 2020). “Classi in rete” si caratterizza per una pratica didattica condivisa dove classi “delocalizzate” vengono coinvolte in un percorso disciplinare comune adattando calendari, spazi e ruoli dei docenti utilizzando ambienti di gemellaggio virtuale, di videoconferenza e spazi di argomentazione come il Knowledge Forum (KF) (Mangione e Pieri 2019; Mangione et al., 2021). La sperimentazione del modello in Abruzzo ha coinvolto 12 piccole scuole e poggia su un approccio metodologico di analisi di tipo design-based research (Sandoval, 2014) L’arti- colo vuole restituire una risposta alle seguenti domande: D1 L’esperienza di classi in rete ha favorito cambiamenti nelle prassi e strategie didattiche dei docenti? D2 Quali sono gli elementi che hanno condizionato il lavoro per gruppi a classi aperte? L’analisi si avvale di un metodo misto che integra una ricerca standard tramite matrice dati e una ricerca di tipo inter- pretativo tramite interviste di gruppo rivolte ai docenti coinvolti e agli studenti. Infatti, accanto a un’indagine quanti- tativa strutturata volta a comprendere l’impatto che il modello ha avuto nelle classi sperimentali in termini di collab- orazione, interdisciplinaritĂ , riorganizzazione dei tempi e degli spazi di lavoro, Ăš stata condotta un’analisi qualitativa basata su focus group con i docenti per rilevare quanto il modello abbia inciso sulla loro propensione al cambiamento

    Chemical and biological indicators of water quality in three agricultural watersheds of the Po valley, Italy

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    open9noAgriculture has both direct and indirect effects on quality of surface water and is one of the key activities causing water quality degradation. Its environmental impact can be evaluated by the determination of indicators of the quality of water bodies that collect drainage and runoff waters from agricultural watersheds. For this research, the water quality draining from three watersheds, totally or partially cultivated, all within the Po river valley (Italy), was determined, using chemical indicators (N-NO3 and N-NH4 concentration, N balance), trophic status (chlorophyll-a concentration) and benthic population indexes. Together, they should provide an overview of the water status, which is supposed to be strictly related to the land use and the management. Results show that the chemical parameters are well related to land use and farming management: intensive agricultural activity leads to high N-NO3 concentration in water and N surplus and vice versa. The chlorophyll-a concentration follows the same trend, being linked to nitrogen loads and land use. Not always there is accordance between chemical and biological indicators: no direct correspondence is evident between the N-NO3 concentration in waters and benthic community. Its presence and abundance seems to be mostly correlated with the geomorphology, hydrology, riparian strips, etc. of the habitat than to the land use. Only the integration of chemical and biological parameters allows a correct understanding of the state of health of water body and benthic communities.openPIERI L.; VENTURA F.; VENTURA M.; TAGLIAVINI M.; PONTI M.; PISTOCCHI R.; ALBERTAZZI S.; VIGNUDELLI M.; ROSSI PISA P.PIERI L.; VENTURA F.; VENTURA M.; TAGLIAVINI M.; PONTI M.; PISTOCCHI R.; ALBERTAZZI S.; VIGNUDELLI M.; ROSSI PISA P

    Designing a diving protocol for thermocline identification using dive computers in marine citizen science

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    Dive computers have an important potential for citizen science projects where recreational SCUBA divers can upload the depth temperature profile and the geolocation of the dive to a central database which may provide useful information about the subsurface temperature of the oceans. However, their accuracy may not be adequate and needs to be evaluated. The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy and precision of dive computers and provide guidelines in order to enable their contribution to citizen science projects. Twenty-two dive computers were evaluated during real ocean dives for consistency and scatter in the first phase. In the second phase, the dive computers were immersed in sufficient depth to initiate the dive record inside a precisely controlled sea aquarium while using a calibrated device as a reference. Results indicate that the dive computers do not have the accuracy required for monitoring temperature changes in the oceans, however, they can be used to detect thermoclines if the users follow a specific protocol with specific dive computers. This study enabled the authors to define this protocol based on the results of immersion in two different sea aquarium tanks set to two different temperatures in order to simulate the conditions of a thermocline

    Urine Parameters in Patients with COVID-19 Infection

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    ABSTRACT A urine test permits the measure of several urinary markers. This is a non-invasive method for early monitoring of potential kidney damage. In COVID-19 patients, alterations of urinary markers were observed. This review aims to evaluate the utility of urinalysis in predicting the severity of COVID-19. A total of 68 articles obtained from PubMed studies reported that (i) the severity of disease was related to haematuria and proteinuria and that (ii) typical alterations of the urinary sediment were noticed in COVID-19-associated AKI patients. This review emphasizes that urinalysis and microscopic examination support clinicians in diagnosing and predicting COVID-19 severity

    The yeast prion Ure2p native-like assemblies are toxic to mammalian cells regardless of their aggregation state.

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    The yeast prion Ure2p assembles in vitro into oligomers and fibrils retaining the alpha-helix content and binding properties of the soluble protein. Here we show that the different forms of Ure2p native-like assemblies (dimers, oligomers, and fibrils) are similarly toxic to murine H-END cells when added to the culture medium. Interestingly, the amyloid fibrils obtained by heat treatment of the toxic native-like fibrils appear harmless. Moreover, the Ure2p C-terminal domain, lacking the N-terminal segment necessary for aggregation but containing the glutathione binding site, is not cytotoxic. This finding strongly supports the idea that Ure2p toxicity depends on the structural properties of the flexible N-terminal prion domain and can therefore be considered as an inherent feature of the protein, unrelated to its aggregation state but rather associated with a basic toxic fold shared by all of the Ure2p native-like assemblies. Indeed, the latter are able to interact with the cell surface, leading to alteration of calcium homeostasis, membrane permeabilization, and oxidative stress, whereas the heat-treated amyloid fibrils do not. Our results support the idea of a general mechanism of toxicity of any protein/peptide aggregate endowed with structural features, making it able to interact with cell membranes and to destabilize them. This evidence extends the widely accepted view that the toxicity by protein aggregates is restricted to amyloid prefibrillar aggregates and provides new insights into the mechanism by which native-like oligomers compromise cell viability

    Low Vitamin D Status at Admission as a Risk Factor for Poor Survival in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19: An Italian Retrospective Study

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    Preliminary findings suggest a relationship between lower serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels and incidence and severity of COVID-19. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between vitamin D status at admission and different markers of inflammation, coagulation, and sepsis in hospitalized patients with COVID-19
