129 research outputs found

    The imprint of thermally induced devolatilization phenomena on radon signal. Implications for the geochemical survey in volcanic areas

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    Thermal gradients due to magma dynamics in active volcanic areas may affect the emanating power of the substrate and the background level of radon signal. This is particularly effective in subvolcanic substrates where intense hydrothermal alteration and/or weathering processes generally form hydrous minerals, such as zeolites able to store and release great amounts of H2O (up to ∼25 wt.%) at relative low temperatures. To better understand the role played by thermally induced devolatilization reactions on the radon signal, a new experimental setup has been developed for measuring in real time the radon emission from a zeolitized volcanic tuff. Progressive dehydration phenomena with increasing temperature produce radon emissions two orders of magnitude higher than those measured during rock deformation, microfracturing and failure. In this framework, mineral devolatilization reactions can contribute significantly to produce radon emissions spatially heterogeneous and non-stationary in time, resulting in a transient state dictated by temperature gradients and the carrier effects of subsurface gases. Results from these experiments can be extrapolated to the temporal and spatial scales of magmatic processes, where the ascent of small magma batches from depth causes volatile release due to dehydration phenomena that increase the radon signal from the degassing host rock material

    An analytical model for gas overpressure in slug-driven explosions:insights into Strombolian volcanic eruptions

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    Strombolian eruptions, common at basaltic volcanoes, are mildly explosive events that are driven by a large bubble of magmatic gas (a slug) rising up the conduit and bursting at the surface. Gas overpressure within the bursting slug governs explosion dynamics and vigor and is the main factor controlling associated acoustic and seismic signals. We present a theoretical investigation of slug overpressure based on magma-static and geometric considerations and develop a set of equations that can be used to calculate the overpressure in a slug when it bursts, slug length at burst, and the depth at which the burst process begins. We find that burst overpressure is controlled by two dimensionless parameters: V', which represents the amount of gas in the slug, and A', which represents the thickness of the film of magma that falls around the rising slug. Burst overpressure increases nonlinearly as V' and A' increase. We consider two eruptive scenarios: (1) the "standard model," in which magma remains confined to the vent during slug expansion, and (2) the " overflow model," in which slug expansion is associated with lava effusion, as occasionally observed in the field. We find that slug overpressure is higher for the overflow model by a factor of 1.2-2.4. Applying our model to typical Strombolian eruptions at Stromboli, we find that the transition from passive degassing to explosive bursting occurs for slugs with volume >24-230 m(3), depending on magma viscosity and conduit diameter, and that at burst, a typical Strombolian slug (with a volume of 100-1000 m(3)) has an internal gas pressure of 1-5 bars and a length of 13-120 m. We compare model predictions with field data from Stromboli for low-energy " puffers," mildly explosive Strombolian eruptions, and the violently explosive 5 April 2003 paroxysm. We find that model predictions are consistent with field observations across this broad spectrum of eruptive styles, suggesting a common slug-driven mechanism; we propose that paroxysms are driven by unusually large slugs (large V')

    Impulsive supply of volatile-rich magmas in the shallow plumbing system of Mt. Etna volcano

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    Magma dynamics at Mt. Etna volcano are frequently recognized as the result of complex crystallization regimes that, at shallow crustal levels, unexpectedly change from H2O -undersaturated to H2O-saturated conditions, due to the impulsive and irregular arrival of volatile-rich magmas from mantle depths. On this basis, we have performed hydrous crystallization experiments for a quantitative understanding of the role of H2O in the differentiation of deep-seated trachybasaltic magmas at the key pressure of the Moho transition zone. For H2O = 2.1–3.2 wt %, the original trachybasaltic composition shifts towards phonotephritic magmas never erupted during the entire volcanic activity of Mt. Etna. Conversely, for H2O = 3.8–8.2 wt %, the obtained trachybasalts and basaltic trachyandesites reproduce most of the pre-historic and historic eruptions. The comparison with previous low pressure experimental data and natural compositions from Mt. Etna provides explanation for (1) the abundant release of H2O throughout the plumbing system of the volcano during impulsive ascent of deep-seated magmas; (2) the upward acceleration of magmas feeding gas-dominated, sustained explosive eruptions; (3) the physicochemical changes of gas-fluxed magmas ponding at shallow crustal levels; and (4) the huge gas emissions measured at the summit craters and flank vents which result in a persistent volcanic gas plume

    Volatile diffusion in silicate melts and its effects on melt inclusions

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    A compendium of diffusion measurements and their Arrhenius equations for water, carbon dioxide, sulfur, fluorine, and chlorine in silicate melts similar in composition to natural igneous rocks is presented. Water diffusion in silicic melts is well studied and understood, however little data exists for melts of intermediate to basic compositions. The data demonstrate that both the water concentration and the anhydrous melt composition affect the diffusion coefficient of water. Carbon dioxide diffusion appears only weakly dependent, at most, on the volatilefree melt composition and no effect of carbon dioxide concentration has been observed, although few experiments have been performed. Based upon one study, the addition of water to rhyolitic melts increases carbon dioxide diffusion by orders of magnitude to values similar to that of 6 wt% water. Sulfur diffusion in intermediate to silicic melts depends upon the anhydrous melt composition and the water concentration. In water-bearing silicic melts sulfur diffuses 2 to 3 orders of magnitude slower than water. Chlorine diffusion is affected by both water concentration and anhydrous melt composition; its values are typically between those of water and sulfur. Information on fluorine diffusion is rare, but the volatile-free melt composition exerts a strong control on its diffusion. At the present time the diffusion of water, carbon dioxide, sulfur and chlorine can be estimated in silicic melts at magmatic temperatures. The diffusion of water and carbon dioxide in basic to intermediate melts is only known at a limited set of temperatures and compositions. The diffusion data for rhyolitic melts at 800°C together with a standard model for the enrichment of incompatible elements in front of growing crystals demonstrate that rapid crystal growth, greater than 10-10 ms-1, can significantly increase the volatile concentrations at the crystal-melt interface and that any of that melt trapped by the formation of melt inclusions may not be representative of the bulk melt. However, basaltic melt inclusions trapped at 1300°C are more likely to contain bulk melt concentrations of water and carbon dioxide

    Sector-zoned clinopyroxene as a recorder of magma history, eruption triggers, and ascent rates

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    Sector-zoned clinopyroxene is common in igneous rocks, but has been overlooked in the study of magmatic processes. Whilst concentric zoning is commonly used as a record of physicochemical changes in the melt feeding crystal growth, clinopyroxene is also highly sensitive to crystallisation kinetics. In sector-zoned crystals, the fidelity of compositional changes as recorders of magma history is dubious and the interplay between thermodynamic and kinetic controls remains poorly understood. Here we combine electron probe and laser ablation micro-chemical maps of titanaugite crystals from Mt. Etna (Sicily, Italy) to explore the origin of sector zoning at the major and trace element levels, and its implications for the interpretation of magmatic histories. Elemental maps afford the possibility to revisit sector zoning from a spatially controlled perspective. The most striking observation is a clear decoupling of elements into sectors vs. concentric zones within single crystals. Most notably, Al-Ti enrichments and Si-Mg depletions in the prism sectors {1 0 0}, {1 1 0} and {0 1 0} relative to the hourglass (or basal) sectors {−1 1 1} correlate with enrichments in rare earth elements and highly charged high field strength elements due to cation exchanges driven by kinetic effects. In contrast, transition metals (Cr, Ni, Sc) show little partitioning into sectors and strong enrichments in concentric zones following resorbed surfaces, interpreted as evidence of mafic recharge and magma mixing. Our results document that kinetic partitioning has minor effects on the compositional variations of cations with low charge relative to the ideal charge/radius of the structural site they occupy in the clinopyroxene lattice. We suggest that this may be due to a lower efficiency in charge balance mechanisms compared to highly charged cations. It follows that compatible metals such as Cr can be considered trustworthy recorders of mafic intrusions and eruption triggers even in sector-zoned crystals. We also observe that in alkaline systems where clinopyroxene crystallisation takes place at near-equilibrium conditions, sector zoning should have little effect on Na-Ca partitioning and in turn, on the application of experimentally calibrated thermobarometers. Our data show that whilst non-sector-zoned crystals form under relatively stagnant conditions, sector zoning develops in response to low degrees of undercooling, such as during slow magma ascent. Thus, we propose that the chemistry of sector-zoned crystals can provide information on magma history, eruption triggers, and possibly ascent rates

    Physical and Transport Property Variations Within Carbonate-Bearing Fault Zones: Insights From the Monte Maggio Fault (Central Italy)

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    AbstractThe physical characterization of carbonate‐bearing normal faults is fundamental for resource development and seismic hazard. Here we report laboratory measurements of density, porosity, Vp, Vs, elastic moduli, and permeability for a range of effective confining pressures (0.1–100 MPa), conducted on samples representing different structural domains of a carbonate‐bearing fault. We find a reduction in porosity from the fault breccia (11.7% total and 6.2% connected) to the main fault plane (9% total and 3.5% connected), with both domains showing higher porosity compared to the protolith (6.8% total and 1.1% connected). With increasing confining pressure, P wave velocity evolves from 4.5 to 5.9 km/s in the fault breccia, is constant at 5.9 km/s approaching the fault plane and is low (4.9 km/s) in clay‐rich fault domains. We find that while the fault breccia shows pressure sensitive behavior (a reduction in permeability from 2 × 10−16 to 2 × 10−17 m2), the cemented cataclasite close to the fault plane is characterized by pressure‐independent behavior (permeability 4 × 10−17 m2). Our results indicate that the deformation processes occurring within the different fault structural domains influence the physical and transport properties of the fault zone. In situ Vp profiles match well the laboratory measurements demonstrating that laboratory data are valuable for implications at larger scale. Combining the experimental values of elastic moduli and frictional properties it results that at shallow crustal levels, M ≤ 1 earthquakes are less favored, in agreement with earthquake‐depth distribution during the L'Aquila 2009 seismic sequence that occurred on carbonates

    A new biaxial apparatus integrated within a pressure vessel to test the physical properties of brittle rock: the state-of-the-art

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    A main goal of the European Research Council, Starting Grant, GLASS (InteGrated Laboratories to investigate the mechanics of ASeismic vs Seismic faulting), is to develop a prototype rock deformation biaxial apparatus to examine the physical properties of brittle rocks. Two layers of fault rock are sandwiched between three steel block by a normal load applied using a horizontal oil-dynamics piston. A vertical oil-dynamics piston pushes the internal rock sample of the sandwich in order to slide at constant velocity. With GLASS we are going to build-up a confining pressure around the rock samples under load stress (tri-axial mode) and to measure the fluid flow properties of the rock during the deformation. Working in tri-axial mode with a fluid circulation, the machine is able to measure and to characterize frictional properties of faults on the sample for a wide spectrum of realistic conditions. We have concurrently been working to improve the control and the acquisition system for having a machine very flexible and easy to use for several applications and capable to detect different signals on the rock during frictional sliding in a fluid-rich environment with the goal of comparing these signals to those observed in nature. We began designing the servo controlled machine in October 2010 and have recently installed the apparatus in the HP-HT lab at the INGV in Rome. First tests of this biaxial apparatus confirm the main target of the project