66 research outputs found

    Possible effects on avionics induced by terrestrial gamma-ray flashes

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    Abstract. Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are impulsive (intrinsically sub-millisecond) events associated with lightning in powerful thunderstorms. TGFs turn out to be very powerful natural accelerators known to accelerate particles and generate radiation up to hundreds of MeV energies. The number ratio of TGFs over normal lightning has been measured in tropical regions to be near 10−4. We address in this Article the issue of the possible susceptibility of typical aircraft electronics exposed to TGF particle, gamma ray and neutron irradiation. We consider possible scenarios regarding the intensity, the duration, and geometry of TGFs influencing nearby aircraft, and study their effects on electronic equipment. We calculate, for different assumptions, the total dose and the dose-rate, and estimate single-event-effects. We find that in addition to the electromagnetic component (electrons/positrons, gamma rays) also secondary neutrons produced by gamma-ray photo production in the aircraft structure substantially contribute to single-event effects in critical semiconductors components. Depending on the physical characteristics and geometry, TGFs may deliver a large flux of neutrons within a few milliseconds in an aircraft. This flux is calculated to be orders of magnitude larger than the natural cosmic-ray background, and may constitute a serious hazard to aircraft electronic equipment. We present a series of numerical simulations supporting our conclusions. Our results suggest the necessity of dedicated measurement campaigns addressing the radiative and particle environment of aircraft near or within thunderstorms

    Multi messenger astronomy and CTA: TeV cosmic rays and electrons

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    Cosmic rays are a sample of solar, galactic and extragalactic matter. Their origin and properties are one of the most intriguing question in modern astrophysics. The most energetic events and active objects in the Universe: supernovae explosion, pulsars, relativistic jets, active galactic nuclei, have been proposed as sources of cosmic rays although unambiguous evidences have still to be found. Electrons, while comprising ~1% of the cosmic radiation, have unique features providing important information regarding the origin and propagation of cosmic rays in the Galaxy that is not accessible from the study of the cosmic-ray nuclear components due to their differing energy-loss processes. In this paper we will analyse, discussing the experimental uncertainties and challenges, the most recent measurements on cosmic-ray nuclei and, in particular, electrons with energies from tens of GeV into the TeV region.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure, to appear in Astroparticle Physics as a special issue on CT

    Silicon photomultipliers: On ground characterizations and modelling for use in front-end electronics aimed to space-borne experiments

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    Abstract Silicon Photomultipliers (Si-PM) consist of an array of semiconductor photodiodes joint on the common substrate and operating in limited geiger mode. A new generation of Si-PM is currently under test in INFN Rome Tor Vergata facilities: they consist of a 5625 element, 3 * 3 mm 2 array with an improved light response. These elements have been characterized. Furthermore, a functional model of the Si-PM has been developed to be used in a VLSI development of front-end electronics

    Antimatter research in Space

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    Two of the most compelling issues facing astrophysics and cosmology today are to understand the nature of the dark matter that pervades the universe and to understand the apparent absence of cosmological antimatter. For both issues, sensitive measurements of cosmic-ray antiprotons and positrons, in a wide energy range, are crucial. Many different mechanisms can contribute to antiprotons and positrons production, ranging from conventional reactions up to exotic processes like neutralino annihilation. The open problems are so fundamental (i.e.: is the universe symmetric in matter and antimatter ?) that experiments in this field will probably be of the greatest interest in the next years. Here we will summarize the present situation, showing the different hypothesis and models and the experimental measurements needed to lead to a more established scenario.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Invited talk at the 18th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Moscow, July 2002, submitted to Journal of Physics

    The Gamma-Flash data acquisition system for observation of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes

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    Gamma-Flash is an Italian project funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and led by the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), devoted to the observation and study of high-energy phenomena, such as terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and gamma-ray glows produced in the Earth's atmosphere during thunderstorms. The project's detectors and the data acquisition and control system (DACS) are placed at the "O. Vittori" observatory on the top of Mt. Cimone (Italy). Another payload will be placed on an aircraft for observations of thunderstorms in the air. This work presents the architecture of the data acquisition and control system and the data flow.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and System XXXII (2022

    Neural Network Based Approach to Recognition of Meteor Tracks in the Mini-EUSO Telescope Data

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    Mini-EUSO is a wide-angle fluorescence telescope that registers ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the nocturnal atmosphere of Earth from the International Space Station. Meteors are among multiple phenomena that manifest themselves not only in the visible range but also in the UV. We present two simple artificial neural networks that allow for recognizing meteor signals in the Mini-EUSO data with high accuracy in terms of a binary classification problem. We expect that similar architectures can be effectively used for signal recognition in other fluorescence telescopes, regardless of the nature of the signal. Due to their simplicity, the networks can be implemented in onboard electronics of future orbital or balloon experiments.Comment: 15 page

    Gamma-Ray Burst observations by the high-energy charged particle detector on board the CSES-01 satellite between 2019 and 2021

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    In this paper we report the detection of five strong Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) by the High-Energy Particle Detector (HEPD-01) mounted on board the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES-01), operational since 2018 on a Sun-synchronous polar orbit at a \sim 507 km altitude and 97^\circ inclination. HEPD-01 was designed to detect high-energy electrons in the energy range 3 - 100 MeV, protons in the range 30 - 300 MeV, and light nuclei in the range 30 - 300 MeV/n. Nonetheless, Monte Carlo simulations have shown HEPD-01 is sensitive to gamma-ray photons in the energy range 300 keV - 50 MeV, even if with a moderate effective area above \sim 5 MeV. A dedicated time correlation analysis between GRBs reported in literature and signals from a set of HEPD-01 trigger configuration masks has confirmed the anticipated detector sensitivity to high-energy photons. A comparison between the simultaneous time profiles of HEPD-01 electron fluxes and photons from GRB190114C, GRB190305A, GRB190928A, GRB200826B and GRB211211A has shown a remarkable similarity, in spite of the different energy ranges. The high-energy response, with peak sensitivity at about 2 MeV, and moderate effective area of the detector in the actual flight configuration explain why these five GRBs, characterised by a fluence above \sim 3 ×\times 105^{-5} erg cm2^{-2} in the energy interval 300 keV - 50 MeV, have been detected.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ

    The AGILE Mission

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    AGILE is an Italian Space Agency mission dedicated to observing the gamma-ray Universe. The AGILE's very innovative instrumentation for the first time combines a gamma-ray imager (sensitive in the energy range 30 MeV-50 GeV), a hard X-ray imager (sensitive in the range 18-60 keV), a calorimeter (sensitive in the range 350 keV-100 MeV), and an anticoincidence system. AGILE was successfully launched on 2007 April 23 from the Indian base of Sriharikota and was inserted in an equatorial orbit with very low particle background. Aims. AGILE provides crucial data for the study of active galactic nuclei, gamma-ray bursts, pulsars, unidentified gamma-ray sources, galactic compact objects, supernova remnants, TeV sources, and fundamental physics by microsecond timing. Methods. An optimal sky angular positioning (reaching 0.1 degrees in gamma- rays and 1-2 arcmin in hard X-rays) and very large fields of view (2.5 sr and 1 sr, respectively) are obtained by the use of Silicon detectors integrated in a very compact instrument. Results. AGILE surveyed the gamma- ray sky and detected many Galactic and extragalactic sources during the first months of observations. Particular emphasis is given to multifrequency observation programs of extragalactic and galactic objects. Conclusions. AGILE is a successful high-energy gamma-ray mission that reached its nominal scientific performance. The AGILE Cycle-1 pointing program started on 2007 December 1, and is open to the international community through a Guest Observer Program

    AMS DAYS AT CERN - The Future of Cosmic Ray Physics and Latest Results

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    JEM-EUSO on board the International Space Station is a mission that aims at unveiling the nature and the origin of the ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs), and to address basic problems of fundamental physics at extreme energies.  The instrument is designed to measure the arrival direction, the energy and, possibly, the nature of these particles. It basically consists of a wide-field of view telescope that looks down from the International Space Station during night-time to detect UV photons  emitted from air showers generated by UHECRs in the atmosphere, in order to identify their individual sources and their association with known nearby astronomical objects. An infrared camera and an atmosphere monitoring system improve the performance of the instrument. The program is proceeding in different steps. At present, K-EUSO attached at the Russian module of the ISS, an improvement of KLYPVE experiment already approved by Roscosmos, is in the stage of final definition. Two pathfinders have already been developed, the first, EUSO-Balloon flew on board a stratospheric balloon in August 2014, a second, EUSO-TA on ground, is in operation at the Telescope Array site. A third, Mini-EUSO, approved by Roscosmos, will be installed inside the ISS. More short and long duration balloon flights are envisaged. 17 Countries, and about 300 researchers are collaborating in JEM-EUSO