118 research outputs found

    Constraining pulsar gap models with the light-curve and flux properties of the gamma-ray pulsar population

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    We compare population synthesis results for inner and outer magnetosphere emission models with the various characteristics measured in the first LAT pulsar catalogue for both the radio-loud and radio-weak or radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars. We show that all models fail to reproduce the observations: for each model there is a lack of luminous and energetic objects that suggest a non dipolar magnetic field structure or spin-down evolution. The large dispersion that we find in the simulated gamma-ray luminosity versus spin-down power relation does not allow to use the present trend seen in the Fermi data to distinguish among models. For each model and each Fermi detected pulsar, we have generated light curves as a function of obliquity and inclination angles. The theoretical curves were fitted to the observed one, using a maximum-likelihood approach, to derive the best-fit orientations and to compare how well each model can reproduce the data. Including the radio light-curve gives an additional key constraint to restrict the orientation spaceComment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the Pulsar 2010 Conference, Italy, 10 - 15 October 201

    Young and middle age pulsar light-curve morphology: Comparison of Fermi observations with gamma-ray and radio emission geometries

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    Thanks to the huge amount of gamma-ray pulsar photons collected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope since June 2008, it is now possible to constrain gamma-ray geometrical models by comparing simulated and observed light-curve morphological characteristics. We assumed vacuum-retarded dipole pulsar magnetic field and tested simulated and observed morphological light-curve characteristics in the framework of two pole emission geometries, Polar Cap (PC), radio, and Slot Gap (SG), and Outer Gap (OG)/One Pole Caustic (OPC) emission geometries. We compared simulated and observed/estimated light-curve morphological parameters as a function of observable and non-observable pulsar parameters. The PC model gives the poorest description of the LAT pulsar light-curve morphology. The OPC best explains both the observed gamma-ray peak multiplicity and shape classes. The OPC and SG models describe the observed gamma-ray peak-separation distribution for low- and high-peak separations, respectively. This suggests that the OPC geometry best explains the single-peak structure but does not manage to describe the widely separated peaks predicted in the framework of the SG model as the emission from the two magnetic hemispheres. The OPC radio-lag distribution shows higher agreement with observations suggesting that assuming polar radio emission, the gamma-ray emission regions are likely to be located in the outer magnetosphere. The larger agreement between simulated and LAT estimations in the framework of the OPC suggests that the OPC model best predicts the observed variety of profile shapes. The larger agreement between observations and the OPC model jointly with the need to explain the abundant 0.5 separated peaks with two-pole emission geometries, calls for thin OPC gaps to explain the single-peak geometry but highlights the need of two-pole caustic emission geometry to explain widely separated peaks.Comment: 28 pages, 20 figures, 8 tables; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Population Synthesis of Radio and Gamma-ray Pulsars in the Fermi Era

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    We present results of our pulsar population synthesis of normal pulsars from the Galactic disk using our previously developed computer code. On the same footing, we use slot gap and outer gap models for gamma-ray emission from normal pulsars to obtain statistics of radio-loud and radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars. From recently improved understanding of HII and star forming regions in the Galaxy, we develop a new surface density model of the birth location of neutron stars. We explore models of neutron star evolution with magnetic field-decay, and with different initial period and magnetic field distributions. We present preliminary results including simulated population statistics that are compared with recent detections by Fermi of normal, isolated pulsars.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the Pulsar 2010 Conference, Italy, 10 - 15 October 201

    Light-curve modelling constraints on the obliquities and aspect angles of the young Fermi pulsars

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    In more than four years of observation the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi satellite has identified pulsed γ\gamma-ray emission from more than 80 young pulsars, providing light curves with high statistics. Fitting the observations with geometrical models can provide estimates of the magnetic obliquity α\alpha and aspect angle ζ\zeta, yielding estimates of the radiation beaming factor and luminosity. Using γ\gamma-ray emission geometries (Polar Cap, Slot Gap, Outer Gap, One Pole Caustic) and radio emission geometry, we fit γ\gamma-ray light curves for 76 young pulsars and we jointly fit their γ\gamma-ray plus radio light curves when possible. We find that a joint radio plus γ\gamma-ray fit strategy is important to obtain (α\alpha, ζ\zeta) estimates that can explain simultaneous radio and γ\gamma-ray emission. The intermediate-to-high altitude magnetosphere models, Slot Gap, Outer Gap, and One pole Caustic, are favoured in explaining the observations. We find no evolution of α\alpha on a time scale of a million years. For all emission geometries our derived γ\gamma-ray beaming factors are generally less than one and do not significantly evolve with the spin-down power. A more pronounced beaming factor vs. spin-down power correlation is observed for Slot Gap model and radio-quiet pulsars and for the Outer Gap model and radio-loud pulsars. For all models, the correlation between γ\gamma-ray luminosity and spin-down power is consistent with a square root dependence. The γ\gamma-ray luminosities obtained by using our beaming factors not exceed the spin-down power. This suggests that assuming a beaming factor of one for all objects, as done in other studies, likely overestimates the real values. The data show a relation between the pulsar spectral characteristics and the width of the accelerator gap that is consistent with the theoretical prediction for the Slot Gap model.Comment: 90 pages, 80 figures (63 in Appendices), accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A candidate optical counterpart to the middle-aged gamma-ray pulsar PSR J1741-2054

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    We carried out deep optical observations of the middle-aged γ\gamma-ray pulsar PSR J1741-2054 with the Very Large Telescope (VLT). We identified two objects, of magnitudes mv=23.10±0.05m_v=23.10\pm0.05 and mv=25.32±0.08m_v=25.32\pm0.08, at positions consistent with the very accurate Chandra coordinates of the pulsar, the faintest of which is more likely to be its counterpart. From the VLT images we also detected the known bow-shock nebula around PSR J1741-2054. The nebula is displaced by \sim 0\farcs9 (at the 3σ3\sigma confidence level) with respect to its position measured in archival data, showing that the shock propagates in the interstellar medium consistently with the pulsar proper motion. Finally, we could not find evidence of large-scale extended optical emission associated with the pulsar wind nebula detected by Chandra, down to a surface brightness limit of 28.1\sim 28.1 magnitudes arcsec2^{-2}. Future observations are needed to confirm the optical identification of PSR J1741-2054 and characterise the spectrum of its counterpart.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Observations of three young gamma-ray pulsars with the Gran Telescopio Canarias

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    We report the analysis of the first deep optical observations of three isolated γ\gamma-ray pulsars detected by the {\em Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope}: the radio-loud PSR\, J0248+6021 and PSR\, J0631+1036, and the radio-quiet PSR\, J0633+0632. The latter has also been detected in the X rays. The pulsars are very similar in their spin-down age (τ\tau \sim40--60 kyrs), spin-down energy (E˙1035\dot{E} \sim10^{35} erg s1^{-1}), and dipolar surface magnetic field (B3B \sim 3--5×10125\times10^{12} G). These pulsars are promising targets for multi-wavelength observations, since they have been already detected in γ\gamma rays and in radio or X-rays. None of them has been detected yet in the optical band. We observed the three pulsar fields in 2014 with the Spanish 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC). We could not find any candidate optical counterpart to the three pulsars close to their most recent radio or {\em Chandra} positions down to 3σ3 \sigma limits of g27.3g'\sim27.3, g27g'\sim27, g27.3g'\sim27.3 for PSR\, J0248+6021, J0631+1036, and J0633+0632, respectively. From the inferred optical upper limits and estimated distance and interstellar extinction, we derived limits on the pulsar optical luminosity. We also searched for the X-ray counterpart to PSR\, J0248+6021 with \chan\ but we did not detect the pulsar down to a 3σ\sigma flux limit of 5×10145 \times 10^{-14} erg cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} (0.3--10 keV). For all these pulsars, we compared the optical flux upper limits with the extrapolations in the optical domain of the γ\gamma-ray spectra and compared their multi-wavelength properties with those of other γ\gamma-ray pulsars of comparable age.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Constraining gamma-ray pulsar gap models with a simulated pulsar population

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    With the large sample of young gamma-ray pulsars discovered by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), population synthesis has become a powerful tool for comparing their collective properties with model predictions. We synthesised a pulsar population based on a radio emission model and four gamma-ray gap models (Polar Cap, Slot Gap, Outer Gap, and One Pole Caustic) normalizing to the number of detected radio pulsars in select group of surveys. The luminosity and the wide beams from the outer gaps can easily account for the number of Fermi detections in 2 years of observations. The wide slot-gap beams requires an increase by a factor of ~10 of the predicted luminosity to produce a reasonable number of gamma-ray pulsars. Such large increases in the luminosity may be accommodated by implementing offset polar caps. The narrow polar-cap beams contribute at most only a handful of LAT pulsars. Standard distributions in birth location and pulsar spin-down power (Edot) fail to reproduce the LAT findings: all models under-predict the number of LAT pulsars with high Edot, and they cannot explain the high probability of detecting both the radio and gamma-ray beams at high Edot. The beaming factor remains close to 1 over 4 decades in Edot evolution for the slot gap whereas it significantly decreases with increasing age for the outer gaps. The evolution of the slot-gap luminosity with Edot is compatible with the large dispersion of gamma-ray luminosity seen in the LAT data. The stronger evolution predicted for the outer gap, which is linked to the polar cap heating by the return current, is apparently not supported by the LAT data. The LAT sample of gamma-ray pulsars therefore provides a fresh perspective on the early evolution of the luminosity and beam width of the gamma-ray emission from young pulsars, calling for thin and more luminous gaps.Comment: 23 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in A&