120 research outputs found


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    Les futurs enseignants et enseignantes prĂ©sentent de nombreuses lacunes dans l’apprentissage de la didactique des mathĂ©matiques, lesquelles sont souvent accentuĂ©es par des attitudes nĂ©gatives vĂ©hiculĂ©es face aux mathĂ©matiques. Ces lacunes et ces attitudes ne sont pas sans consĂ©quence quant Ă  l’enseignement de cette matiĂšre aux enfants. Ces prĂ©occupations Ă©tant Ă  l’origine de notre Ă©tude, cet article traite des difficultĂ©s qu’éprouvent les futurs maĂźtres en fin de formation Ă  effectuer l’intĂ©gration de leurs connaissances mathĂ©matiques et didactiques en classe d’enseignement. Mots‐clĂ©s: Didactique des mathĂ©matiques, futurs enseignants, difficultĂ©s en mathĂ©matiques, attitudes, rĂ©flexion critique. Preservice teachers demonstrate many knowledge gaps in learning to teach mathematics and these gaps are often accentuated by their negative attitudes to the subject. These gaps and attitudes can be important when teaching this material to children. Our study, which grew out of these concerns, discusses the difficulties still being experienced by student teachers at the end of their teacher education program in trying to integrate their knowledge of both mathematics and mathematics teaching methods. Key words: Didactics, preservice teachers, mathematical difficulties, attitudes, critical reflexion

    L’amĂ©nagement d’unitĂ©s de soins gĂ©nĂ©raux et intensifs en milieu hospitalier : Ă©laboration d’un outil d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision architecturale et Ă©valuation par les experts en santĂ© et en architecture hospitaliĂšre

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    Ce mĂ©moire est issu d’une collaboration de recherche entre l’École d’architecture de l’UniversitĂ© Laval et L’HĂŽtel-Dieu de QuĂ©bec (L’HDQ) Ă  l’étĂ© et l’automne 2009 qui visait Ă  dĂ©velopper et mettre Ă  l’épreuve un outil d’aide Ă  la conception et Ă  la dĂ©cision architecturale pour des unitĂ©s de soins hospitaliĂšres. L’outil conçu prĂ©sente les donnĂ©es les plus probantes identifiĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature scientifique quant Ă  l’amĂ©nagement d’unitĂ©s de soins gĂ©nĂ©raux et intensifs optimales, accompagnĂ©es d’objectifs et de critĂšres de conception. Cet outil s’adresse aux diffĂ©rents comitĂ©s engagĂ©s dans le projet d’agrandissement et de rĂ©novation d’unitĂ©s de soins Ă  L’HDQ ainsi qu’aux architectes responsables de dĂ©velopper des hypothĂšses d’amĂ©nagement. Conçu dans sa premiĂšre version Ă  l’étĂ© 2009, il a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© dans le cadre du module de spĂ©cialisation en Programmation et design du programme de maĂźtrise en architecture Ă  l’automne 2009. Deux groupes distincts, constituĂ©s d’une part, des 15 candidats Ă  la maĂźtrise participant Ă  cette formation et d’autre part, des membres du comitĂ© expert accompagnant le travail de conception des Ă©tudiants, ont Ă©valuĂ© la pertinence de l’outil utilisĂ© sur une pĂ©riode de 15 semaines. Le comitĂ© expert Ă©tait composĂ© de six professionnels de L’HDQ et de spĂ©cialistes de l’amĂ©nagement des hĂŽpitaux des secteurs privĂ© et public. L’ensemble de ce travail a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre de deux mĂ©moires de recherche en sciences de l’architecture, soit ceux d’Isabelle Couillard et de Marie-Pier Morin. La recension des Ă©crits scientifiques ayant servi Ă  nourrir l’outil d’aide Ă  la conception et Ă  la dĂ©cision architecturale a Ă©tĂ© partagĂ©e entre elles. Celle de Marie-Pier Morin traite de l’efficacitĂ© du personnel soignant, de chute de patients, d’erreurs mĂ©dicales, d’ergonomie des lieux de travail ainsi que de contrĂŽle, de surveillance et de communication interpersonnelle; tandis que celle d’Isabelle Couillard porte sur la flexibilitĂ© et l’adaptabilitĂ© des lieux, les infections nosocomiales et le concept de « milieu guĂ©rissant ». Quant Ă  la mise Ă  l’épreuve de l’outil, le mĂ©moire de Marie-Pier Morin prĂ©sente le point de vue des intervenants engagĂ©s dans le projet d’agrandissement et de rĂ©novation d’unitĂ©s de soins Ă  L’HDQ sur l’outil en tant qu’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision architecturale, alors que celui d’Isabelle Couillard traite plutĂŽt celui des Ă©tudiants concepteurs ayant Ă©valuĂ© l’outil en tant qu’aide Ă  la conception architecturale.This thesis stems from a research collaboration between l’École d’architecture de l’UniversitĂ© Laval and L’HĂŽtel-Dieu de QuĂ©bec (L’HDQ) during summer and autumn 2009, which aimed to develop and test an architectural conception and decision-making tool for nursing units. The tool presents the best available evidence from research to plan optimal general and intensive care units, along with objectives and design criteria. This tool is addressed to the different committees engaged in L’HDQ’s extension and renovation project of nursing units and to the architects in charge of the development of design hypotheses. Conceived in its first version during summer 2009, it was tested in the context of a specialization module in Programming and design of a master’s degree at UniversitĂ© Laval during autumn 2009. Two distinct groups, constituted on one hand of 15 students participating in this formation, and on the other hand of members of an expert committee guiding the conception works of the students, evaluated the relevance of the tool used during 15 weeks. The expert committee was composed of six professionals from L’HDQ and hospital planning specialists from public and private sectors. The whole work was done in the context of two theses in architectural sciences, being the ones of Isabelle Couillard and Marie-Pier Morin. The systematic review used to feed the architectural conception and decision-making tool was divided between them. Marie-Pier Morin’s one focuses on the subjects related to staff efficiency, patient fall, medical errors, workplace ergonomics and control, monitoring and interpersonal communication while Isabelle Couillard’s one concerns the flexibility and adaptability of the environment, hospital-acquired infection and healing environment. As for the test of the tool, Marie-Pier Morin’s thesis presents the point of view of the professionals engaged in L’HDQ’s extension and renovation project of nursing units on the tool to assist decision-making while Isabelle Couillard’s thesis rather presents the students’ point of view on the tool to help the conception of an architectural project

    Statut d'immigration, agentivité et référents identitaires : l'expérience migratoire d'immigrantes maghrébines

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Quelles fonctions de deux systÚmes didactiques auxiliaires destinés à des élÚves en difficulté lors de la résolution d'une situation-problÚme mathématique ?

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    Solving mathematical problems is a major challenge for students with difficulties. In this article, we examine an assistance system tested by an elementary school teacher during a two-year collaborative research. This system consists of setting up two auxiliary educational systems (AES), in the form of a work session with the students presumed by the teacher to be having trouble, that is held prior to the solving of the problem with the whole class and another work session held after the solving of the problem. Within the AES, the teacher explains the problem to the students, and discusses concepts with the student regarded as prerequisites by the teacher. In the AES held after the solving of the problem, the teacher revisits the institutionalisation made with the whole class. In this article, we analyze the potential functions of our assistance system through the triple dimensions identified by Sensevy et al. (2000): Chronogenesis, mesogenesis and topogenesis.RĂ©soudre des situations-problĂšmes mathĂ©matiques constitue un dĂ©fi important pour les Ă©lĂšves en difficultĂ©. Dans cet article, nous analysons un dispositif d'aide mis en Ɠuvre par une enseignante dans le cadre d'une recherche collaborative. Ce dispositif consiste en la mise sur pied de deux systĂšmes didactiques auxiliaires (SDA). Le premier SDA prend la forme d'une rencontre de travail avec les Ă©lĂšves prĂ©sumĂ©s en difficultĂ© qui a lieu avant la rĂ©solution de la situation-problĂšme en classe. Durant ce SDA, l'enseignante prĂ©sente la consigne et discute de concepts qu'elle considĂšre ĂȘtre des prĂ©requis pour travailler sur la situation-problĂšme. Au cours du SDA rĂ©alisĂ© aprĂšs la rĂ©solution de la situation-problĂšme en classe, l'enseignante revisite l'institutionnalisation avec les Ă©lĂšves en difficultĂ©. Dans cet article, nous analysons les fonctions de ces SDA Ă  travers le triplet des genĂšses de Sensevy et al. (2000): chronogenĂšse, mĂ©sogenĂšse et topogenĂšse

    Explicit and implicit information needs of people with depression: a qualitative investigation of problems reported on an online depression support forum

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health management is impeded when consumers do not possess adequate knowledge about their illness. At a public health level, consumer knowledge about depression is particularly important because depression is highly prevalent and causes substantial disability and burden. However, currently little is known about the information needs of people with depression. This study aimed to investigate the explicit and implicit information needs of users of an online depression support forum.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A sample of 2680 posts was systematically selected from three discussion forums on an online depression bulletin board (blueboard.anu.edu.au). Data were examined for evidence of requests for information (reflecting explicit needs) and reports of past or current problems (implicit needs). Thematic analysis was conducted using a data-driven inductive approach with the assistance of NVivo 7, and instances of questions and people reporting particular types of problems were recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 134 participants with personal experience of depression contributed to the data analysed. Six broad themes represented participant queries and reported problems: Understanding depression; disclosure and stigma; medication; treatment and services; coping with depression; and comorbid health problems. A variety of specific needs were evident within these broad thematic areas. Some people (n = 46) expressed their information needs by asking direct questions (47 queries) but the majority of needs were expressed implicitly (351 problems) by the 134 participants. The most evident need for information related to coping with depression and its consequences, followed by topics associated with medication, treatment and services.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>People with depression have substantial unmet information needs and require strategies to deal with the difficulties they face. They require access to high quality and relevant online resources and professionals; thus, there is a need to rectify current gaps in the provision of information and limitations of dissemination. Greater knowledge about depression and its treatment is also needed at the general community level.</p
