282 research outputs found

    The posterior-Viterbi: a new decoding algorithm for hidden Markov models

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    Background: Hidden Markov models (HMM) are powerful machine learning tools successfully applied to problems of computational Molecular Biology. In a predictive task, the HMM is endowed with a decoding algorithm in order to assign the most probable state path, and in turn the class labeling, to an unknown sequence. The Viterbi and the posterior decoding algorithms are the most common. The former is very efficient when one path dominates, while the latter, even though does not guarantee to preserve the automaton grammar, is more effective when several concurring paths have similar probabilities. A third good alternative is 1-best, which was shown to perform equal or better than Viterbi. Results: In this paper we introduce the posterior-Viterbi (PV) a new decoding which combines the posterior and Viterbi algorithms. PV is a two step process: first the posterior probability of each state is computed and then the best posterior allowed path through the model is evaluated by a Viterbi algorithm. Conclusions: We show that PV decoding performs better than other algorithms first on toy models and then on the computational biological problem of the prediction of the topology of beta-barrel membrane proteins.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    SChloro: directing Viridiplantae proteins to six chloroplastic sub-compartments

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    Motivation: Chloroplasts are organelles found in plants and involved in several important cell processes. Similarly to other compartments in the cell, chloroplasts have an internal structure comprising several sub-compartments, where different proteins are targeted to perform their functions. Given the relation between protein function and localization, the availability of effective computational tools to predict protein sub-organelle localizations is crucial for large-scale functional studies. Results: In this paper we present SChloro, a novel machine-learning approach to predict protein sub-chloroplastic localization, based on targeting signal detection and membrane protein information. The proposed approach performs multi-label predictions discriminating six chloroplastic sub-compartments that include inner membrane, outer membrane, stroma, thylakoid lumen, plastoglobule and thylakoid membrane. In comparative benchmarks, the proposed method outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in both single-and multi-compartment predictions, with an overall multi-label accuracy of 74%. The results demonstrate the relevance of the approach that is eligible as a good candidate for integration into more general large-scale annotation pipelines of protein subcellular localization

    NET-GE: a novel NETwork-based Gene Enrichment for detecting biological processes associated to Mendelian diseases

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    Enrichment analysis is a widely applied procedure for shedding light on the molecular mechanisms and functions at the basis of phenotypes, for enlarging the dataset of possibly related genes/proteins and for helping interpretation and prioritization of newly determined variations. Several standard and Network-based enrichment methods are available. Both approaches rely on the annotations that characterize the genes/proteins included in the input set; network based ones also include in different ways physical and functional relationships among different genes or proteins that can be extracted from the available biological networks of interactions

    In silico evidence of the relationship between miRNAs and siRNAs

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    Both short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) mediate the repression of specific sequences of mRNA through the RNA interference pathway. In the last years several experiments have supported the hypothesis that siRNAs and miRNAs may be functionally interchangeable, at least in cultured cells. In this work we verify that this hypothesis is also supported by a computational evidence. We show that a method specifically trained to predict the activity of the exogenous siRNAs assigns a high silencing level to experimentally determined human miRNAs. This result not only supports the idea of siRNAs and miRNAs equivalence but indicates that it is possible to use computational tools developed using synthetic small interference RNAs to investigate endogenous miRNAs.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    BUSCA: An integrative web server to predict subcellular localization of proteins

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    Here, we present BUSCA (http://busca.biocomp.unibo.it), a novel web server that integrates different computational tools for predicting protein subcellular localization. BUSCA combines methods for identifying signal and transit peptides (DeepSig and TPpred3), GPI-anchors (PredGPI) and transmembrane domains (ENSEMBLE3.0 and BetAware) with tools for discriminating subcellular localization of both globular and membrane proteins (BaCelLo, MemLoci and SChloro). Outcomes from the different tools are processed and integrated for annotating subcellular localization of both eukaryotic and bacterial protein sequences. We benchmark BUSCA against protein targets derived from recent CAFA experiments and other specific data sets, reporting performance at the state-of-the-art. BUSCA scores better than all other evaluated methods on 2732 targets from CAFA2, with a F1 value equal to 0.49 and among the best methods when predicting targets from CAFA3. We propose BUSCA as an integrated and accurate resource for the annotation of protein subcellular localization

    PredGPI: a GPI-anchor predictor

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    Background Several eukaryotic proteins associated to the extracellular leaflet of the plasma membrane carry a Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor, which is linked to the C-terminal residue after a proteolytic cleavage occurring at the so called ω-site. Computational methods were developed to discriminate proteins that undergo this post-translational modification starting from their aminoacidic sequences. However more accurate methods are needed for a reliable annotation of whole proteomes. Results Here we present PredGPI, a prediction method that, by coupling a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and a Support Vector Machine (SVM), is able to efficiently predict both the presence of the GPI-anchor and the position of the ω-site. PredGPI is trained on a non-redundant dataset of experimentally characterized GPI-anchored proteins whose annotation was carefully checked in the literature. Conclusion PredGPI outperforms all the other previously described methods and is able to correctly replicate the results of previously published high-throughput experiments. PredGPI reaches a lower rate of false positive predictions with respect to other available methods and it is therefore a costless, rapid and accurate method for screening whole proteomes

    An ENSEMBLE machine learning approach for the prediction of all-alpha membrane proteins

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    Abstract Motivation: All-alpha membrane proteins constitute a functionally relevant subset of the whole proteome. Their content ranges from about 10 to 30% of the cell proteins, based on sequence comparison and specific predictive methods. Due to the paucity of membrane proteins solved with atomic resolution, the training/testing sets of predictive methods for protein topography and topology routinely include very few well-solved structures mixed with a hundred proteins known with low resolution. Moreover, available predictors fail in predicting recently crystallised membrane proteins (Chen et al., 2002). Presently the number of well-solved membrane proteins comprises some 59 chains of low sequence homology. It is therefore possible to train/test predictors only with the set of proteins known with atomic resolution and evaluate more thoroughly the performance of different methods. Results: We implement a cascade-neural network (NN), two different hidden Markov models (HMM), and their ensemble (ENSEMBLE) as a new method. We train and test in cross validation the three methods and ENSEMBLE on the 59 well resolved membrane proteins. ENSEMBLE scores with a per-protein accuracy of 90% for topography and 71% for topology, outperforming the best single method of 7 and 5 percentage points, respectively. When tested on a low resolution set of 151 proteins, with no homology with the 59 proteins, the per-protein accuracy of ENSEMBLE is 76% for topography and 68% for topology. Our results also indicate that the performance of ENSEMBLE is higher than that of the best predictors presently available on the Web. Contact: [email protected]; http://www.biocomp.unibo.it *To whom correspondence should be addressed

    A new decoding algorithm for hidden Markov models improves the prediction of the topology of all-beta membrane proteins

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    BACKGROUND: Structure prediction of membrane proteins is still a challenging computational problem. Hidden Markov models (HMM) have been successfully applied to the problem of predicting membrane protein topology. In a predictive task, the HMM is endowed with a decoding algorithm in order to assign the most probable state path, and in turn the labels, to an unknown sequence. The Viterbi and the posterior decoding algorithms are the most common. The former is very efficient when one path dominates, while the latter, even though does not guarantee to preserve the HMM grammar, is more effective when several concurring paths have similar probabilities. A third good alternative is 1-best, which was shown to perform equal or better than Viterbi. RESULTS: In this paper we introduce the posterior-Viterbi (PV) a new decoding which combines the posterior and Viterbi algorithms. PV is a two step process: first the posterior probability of each state is computed and then the best posterior allowed path through the model is evaluated by a Viterbi algorithm. CONCLUSION: We show that PV decoding performs better than other algorithms when tested on the problem of the prediction of the topology of beta-barrel membrane proteins

    Large scale analysis of protein stability in OMIM disease related human protein variants

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    Modern genomic techniques allow to associate several Mendelian human diseases to single residue variations in different proteins. Molecular mechanisms explaining the relationship among genotype and phenotype are still under debate. Change of protein stability upon variation appears to assume a particular relevance in annotating whether a single residue substitution can or cannot be associated to a given disease. Thermodynamic properties of human proteins and of their disease related variants are lacking. In the present work, we take advantage of the available three dimensional structure of human proteins for predicting the role of disease related variations on the perturbation of protein stability

    ISPRED4: interaction sites PREDiction in protein structures with a refining grammar model

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    The identification of protein-protein interaction (PPI) sites is an important step towards the characterization of protein functional integration in the cell complexity. Experimental methods are costly and time-consuming and computational tools for predicting PPI sites can fill the gaps of PPI present knowledge. We present ISPRED4, an improved structure-based predictor of PPI sites on unbound monomer surfaces. ISPRED4 relies on machine-learning methods and it incorporates features extracted from protein sequence and structure. Cross-validation experiments are carried out on a new dataset that includes 151 high-resolution protein complexes and indicate that ISPRED4 achieves a per-residue Matthew Correlation Coefficient of 0.48 and an overall accuracy of 0.85. Benchmarking results show that ISPRED4 is one of the top-performing PPI site predictors developed so far