116 research outputs found

    A direct image of the obscuring disk surrounding an active galactic nucleus

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    Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are generally accepted to be powered by the release of gravitational energy in a compact accretion disk surrounding a massive black hole. Such disks are also necessary to collimate powerful radio jets seen in some AGN. The unifying classification schemes for AGN further propose that differences in their appearance can be attributed to the opacity of the accreting material, which may obstruct our view of the central region of some systems. The popular model for the obscuring medium is a parsec-scale disk of dense molecular gas, although evidence for such disks has been mostly indirect, as their angular size is much smaller than the resolution of conventional telescopes. Here we report the first direct images of a pc-scale disk of ionised gas within the nucleus of NGC 1068, the archetype of obscured AGN. The disk is viewed nearly edge-on, and individual clouds within the ionised disk are opaque to high-energy radiation, consistent with the unifying classification scheme. In projection, the disk and AGN axes align, from which we infer that the ionised gas disk traces the outer regions of the long-sought inner accretion disk.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, PSfig, to appear in Nature. also available at http://hethp.mpe-garching.mpg.de/Preprint

    Abrogation of Junctional Adhesion Molecule-A Expression Induces Cell Apoptosis and Reduces Breast Cancer Progression

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    Intercellular junctions promote homotypic cell to cell adhesion and transfer intracellular signals which control cell growth and apoptosis. Junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A) is a transmembrane immunoglobulin located at tight junctions of normal epithelial cells of mammary ducts and glands. In the present paper we show that JAM-A acts as a survival factor for mammary carcinoma cells. JAM-A null mice expressing Polyoma Middle T under MMTV promoter develop significantly smaller mammary tumors than JAM-A positive mice. Angiogenesis and inflammatory or immune infiltrate were not statistically modified in absence of JAM-A but tumor cell apoptosis was significantly increased. Tumor cells isolated from JAM-A null mice or 4T1 cells incubated with JAM-A blocking antibodies showed reduced growth and increased apoptosis which paralleled altered junctional architecture and adhesive function. In a breast cancer clinical data set, tissue microarray data show that JAM-A expression correlates with poor prognosis. Gene expression analysis of mouse tumor samples showed a correlation between genes enriched in human G3 tumors and genes over expressed in JAM-A +/+ mammary tumors. Conversely, genes enriched in G1 human tumors correlate with genes overexpressed in JAM-A−/− tumors. We conclude that down regulation of JAM-A reduces tumor aggressive behavior by increasing cell susceptibility to apoptosis. JAM-A may be considered a negative prognostic factor and a potential therapeutic target

    Assessing the construct validity of the Italian version of the EQ-5D: preliminary results from a cross-sectional study in North Italy

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    BACKGROUND: Information on health related quality of life (HR-QOL) can be integrated with other classical health status indicators and be used to assist policy makers in resource allocation decisions. For this reason instruments such as the SF-12 and EQ-5D have been widely proposed as assessment tools to monitor changes in HR-QOL in general populations and very recently in general practice settings as well AIM: The primary goal of our study was to assess the construct validity of the Italian version of the EQ-5D in a general population of North Italy using socio-demographic factors and diagnostic sub-groups. Our secondary goal was to assess the concurrent validity of the EQ-5D and SF-12. METHODS: The SF-12, the EQ-5D plus an additional questionnaire on socio-demographic characteristics, clinical conditions and symptoms were completed by 1,622 adults, randomly selected from the Registry of the Health Authorities of the city of Bologna, Italy. The primary care physician of each subject was contacted to report on the subject's health status. RESULTS: Our findings indicate that the Italian version of the EQ-5D is well accepted by the general population (91% response rate), has good reliability (Cronbach's alpha 0.73), and shows evidence of construct validity. CONCLUSION: Our data provide a basis for further research to be conducted to assess the validity of the EQ-5D in Italy. In particular future studies should focus on assessing its ability to detect a clinically important change in health related quality of life over time (responsiveness)

    Rethinking ‘Rational Imitation’ in 14-Month-Old Infants: A Perceptual Distraction Approach

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    In their widely noticed study, Gergely, Bekkering, and Király (2002) showed that 14-month-old infants imitated an unusual action only if the model freely chose to perform this action and not if the choice of the action could be ascribed to external constraints. They attributed this kind of selective imitation to the infants' capacity of understanding the principle of rational action. In the current paper, we present evidence that a simpler approach of perceptual distraction may be more appropriate to explain their results. When we manipulated the saliency of context stimuli in the two original conditions, the results were exactly opposite to what rational imitation predicts. Based on these findings, we reject the claim that the notion of rational action plays a key role in selective imitation in 14-month-olds

    Incidence, Risk Factors, and Impact of Severe Neutropenia After Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Mitomycin C

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    Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) are considered the standard of care for patients with peritoneal dissemination of appendiceal cancer and are increasingly being evaluated for use in patients with carcinomatosis from colon cancer. Mitomycin C (MMC) is one of the most frequently used HIPEC agents in the management of peritoneal-based gastrointestinal malignancies. This study analyzes the incidence and risk factors for developing neutropenia following MMC-HIPEC combined with CRS. All patients undergoing CRS and MMC-HIPEC for appendiceal cancer between January 1993 and October 2006 were retrospectively reviewed. Logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for the development of neutropenia, defined as an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) <1,000/mm3. One hundred and twenty MMC-HIPEC were performed in 117 patients with appendiceal cancer. The incidence of neutropenia was 39%. Neutropenia occurred in 57.6% of female and 21.3% of male patients (p < 0.0001). Female gender and MMC dose per body surface area (BSA) were independent risk factors for neutropenia on multivariable logistic regression [odds ratio (OR) of neutropenia in females = 3.58 (95% confidence interval, CI: 1.52, 8.43); OR for 5 unit (mg/m2) increase in MMC dose per BSA = 3.37 (95% CI: 1.72, 6.63)]. Neutropenia did not increase the risk of mortality, postoperative infection or length of hospital stay. Neutropenia is a frequent complication associated with MMC-HIPEC. Female sex and MMC dose per BSA are independent risk factors for neutropenia. These differences must be considered in the management of patients undergoing MMC-HIPEC to minimize the toxicity of the procedure

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa LPS or Flagellin Are Sufficient to Activate TLR-Dependent Signaling in Murine Alveolar Macrophages and Airway Epithelial Cells

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    BACKGROUND:The human lung is exposed to a large number of airborne pathogens as a result of the daily inhalation of 10,000 liters of air. Innate immunity is thus essential to defend the lungs against these pathogens. This defense is mediated in part through the recognition of specific microbial ligands by Toll-like receptors (TLR) of which there are at least 10 in humans. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the main pathogen that infects the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. Based on whole animal experiments, using TLR knockout mice, the control of this bacterium is believed to occur by the recognition of LPS and flagellin by TLRs 2,4 and 5, respectively. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:In the present study, we investigated in vitro the role of these same TLR and ligands, in alveolar macrophage (AM) and epithelial cell (EC) activation. Cellular responses to P. aeruginosa was evaluated by measuring KC, TNF-alpha, IL-6 and G-CSF secretion, four different markers of the innate immune response. AM and EC from WT and TLR2, 4, 5 and MyD88 knockout mice for were stimulated with the wild-type P. aeruginosa or with a mutant devoid of flagellin production. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:The results clearly demonstrate that only two ligand/receptor pairs are necessary for the induction of KC, TNF-alpha, and IL-6 synthesis by P. aeruginosa-activated cells, i.e. TLR2,4/LPS and TLR5/flagellin. Either ligand/receptor pair is sufficient to sense the bacterium and to trigger cell activation, and when both are missing lung EC and AM are unable to produce such a response as were cells from MyD88(-/-) mice

    E-NTPDases in human airways: Regulation and relevance for chronic lung diseases

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    Chronic obstructive lung diseases are characterized by the inability to prevent bacterial infection and a gradual loss of lung function caused by recurrent inflammatory responses. In the past decade, numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of nucleotide-mediated bacterial clearance. Their interaction with P2 receptors on airway epithelia provides a rapid ‘on-and-off’ signal stimulating mucus secretion, cilia beating activity and surface hydration. On the other hand, abnormally high ATP levels resulting from damaged epithelia and bacterial lysis may cause lung edema and exacerbate inflammatory responses. Airway ATP concentrations are regulated by ecto nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (E-NTPDases) which are expressed on the mucosal surface and catalyze the sequential dephosphorylation of nucleoside triphosphates to nucleoside monophosphates (ATP → ADP → AMP). The common bacterial product, Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide (LPS), induces an acute reduction in azide-sensitive E-NTPDase activities, followed by a sustained increase in activity as well as NTPDase 1 and NTPDase 3 expression. Accordingly, chronic lung diseases, including cystic fibrosis (CF) and primary ciliary dyskinesia, are characterized by higher rates of nucleotide elimination, azide-sensitive E-NTPDase activities and expression. This review integrates the biphasic regulation of airway E-NTPDases with the function of purine signaling in lung diseases. During acute insults, a transient reduction in E-NTPDase activities may be beneficial to stimulate ATP-mediated bacterial clearance. In chronic lung diseases, elevating E-NTPDase activities may represent an attempt to prevent P2 receptor desensitization and nucleotide-mediated lung damage

    Differentially Evolved Genes of Salmonella Pathogenicity Islands: Insights into the Mechanism of Host Specificity in Salmonella

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    BACKGROUND: The species Salmonella enterica (S. enterica) includes many serovars that cause disease in avian and mammalian hosts. These serovars differ greatly in their host range and their degree of host adaptation. The host specificity of S. enterica serovars appears to be a complex phenomenon governed by multiple factors acting at different stages of the infection process, which makes identification of the cause/s of host specificity solely by experimental methods difficult. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we have employed a molecular evolution and phylogenetics based approach to identify genes that might play important roles in conferring host specificity to different serovars of S. enterica. These genes are 'differentially evolved' in different S. enterica serovars. This list of 'differentially evolved' genes includes genes that encode translocon proteins (SipD, SseC and SseD) of both Salmonella pathogenicity islands 1 and 2 encoded type three secretion systems, sptP, which encodes an effector protein that inhibits the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway of the host cell, and genes which encode effector proteins (SseF and SifA) that are important in placing the Salmonella-containing vacuole in a juxtanuclear position. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Analysis of known functions of these 'differentially evolved genes' indicates that the products of these genes directly interact with the host cell and manipulate its functions and thereby confer host specificity, at least in part, to different serovars of S. enterica that are considered in this study