18 research outputs found

    Modified frame antenna eddy-current device for identification of metals

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    Для ідентифікації металів можна використовати як хімічні, оптоемісійні, рентгенівські методи та і вихрострумовий метод, активним елементом якого є антена. Питання побудови антени, моделювання її параметрів і розглядається у даній публікації.For identification of metals can be used as chemical, optoelectric, X-ray methods and the eddy-current method, the active element of which is the antenna. The question of constructing an antenna, modeling its parameters and is considered in this publication


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    Dry whey enriched with magnesium and manganese (DW) that contains protein in the amount of 13 %, and a whey protein concentrate (WPC) with a protein content of 65 %, have been chosen as functional bases in the production of complex baking improvers with a targeted effect. When developing a composition of the complex improver, the rational dosage of DW is 2 % by weight of flour, and that of WPC – 3 % by weight of flour. Adding DW and WPC during the kneading of wheat flour dough predetermines a decrease in its gluten content, by 4 % and 6.1 %, respectively, after 20 minutes of the dough rest, and by 7.5 and 10.7 % after two hours of the dough fermentation. This is due to the introduction of lactic acid with milk processing products, which peptizes proteins resulting in that the gluten proteins are partially converted into water-soluble ones. If DW and WPC are included in the dough formulation, there is an increase in the total amount of proteins in it, as well as a change in their fractional composition: the mass fraction of water-soluble and intermediate fractions of proteins increases while the amount of gluten proteins decreases. That confirms a decrease in the amount of gluten washed out from the dough with the addition of DW and WPC. Increasing the mass fraction of water-soluble proteins contributes to the intensification of the fermentation process through the additional nutrition of microflora with nitrogenous substances and an increase in the content of free water in the dough, which predetermines its thinning. It was established that despite the high water absorption capacity of DW and WPC, the water-absorbing ability of the dough that contains them decreases compared to control by 8.4 and 10.7 %, respectively. Studying the dough at the farinograph has shown that in the case of using DW, its stability is somewhat prolonged while in the case of WPC introduction the dough stability is extended by almost 10 minutes, which leads to prolonging the dough kneading. Along with this, in the case of using WPC, there is a rapid descent of the farinogram curve, which could lead to a strong weakening of the dough during fermentation and rest, even though that the thinning after 12 minutes is lower than that of contro

    Interactive Design of CNC Equipment Operator Panels

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    Taking into account the development trends of Industry 4.0, the task of improving human-machine interfaces is becoming increasingly important. The development of user-friendly interfaces for interaction between the operator and the equipment is one of the most difficult tasks in the creation of specialized technological systems. The operator panel is a specialized input-output device designed to implement the human-machine interface in a technological system with CNC. The functional elements of the operator panel are controls and indicators. In this paper, an information model of the operator panel elements is proposed. The model combines a geometric, logical, and functional description. The possibility of various complexity and structure functional block formation is shown. Software for the interactive design of the operator panel has been created. It includes solving the problems of panel layout and logical control functions, debugging operating modes, working out the convenience of controlling CNC equipment in panel emulation mode, and automating the generation of output reports. In the software applied the approaches used to create "digital twins". This allows to implement the offline debugging mode of the operator panel project and the emulation mode of the operator panel for debugging interaction with the control system without manufacturing the operator panel or its prototype. The possibility of forming a visualization of the operator panels varying complexity and examples of manufactured panels for different types of equipment are shown

    Characteristics of mucous-forming polysaccharides extracted from flax seeds

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    The research used the seeds of long flax of the "Vruchy" variety and oil-curly flax of the "Original" variety. To extract mucus, whole flax seeds were hydrated for 3 hours. in tap water, at a ratio of 1:20 and a temperature of 18 – 20 °C with constant stirring with a magnetic stirrer. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of temperature and duration of extraction on the yield of mucilaginous polysaccharides in aqueous solution from flaxseed. Change range: the temperature is selected in the range from 0 °С to 100 °С with a step of 20 °С; with a duration, ranging from 10 min to 140 min in 10 min increments. The yield of polysaccharides from flax seeds was determined for each combination of controlled factors. It was established that in the first 10 – 20 min. there is an increase in the yield of polysaccharides and the rate slows over time. For 90 min. equilibrium occurs at a temperature of 80 °C. This period of the process is optimal for the extraction of mucilage-forming polysaccharides from flaxseed. The mass of the extracted polysaccharides, from the mass of the seeds after a time of 95 min was 5.74%, and 6.00% at a temperature of 80 °С. A package of applied statistical programs was employed during the research to process the experimental data. A mathematical model of the process of extracting mucus-forming polysaccharides in an aqueous solution of flax seeds was built using regression analysis methods. The obtained regression equations determined the optimal regimes of the sought values in terms of temperature (80 – 85 °C), time (85 – 90 min) and conducted in compliance with the prescribed amount of water of 200 cm3. Within 10 – 20 min the formation of a transparent gel capsule around the flax with a phase separation boundary under seed contact with water, which does not change further. This indicates the completion of the hydration process

    The Expression of Prolactin Receptors in Benign Breast Tumors Is Not Associated with Serum Prolactin Level

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    The role of prolactin (PRL) and its receptors in the initiation and development of benign breast tumors (BBT) has not been sufficiently studied. An imbalance in the system of hormone homeostasis is crucial in the development of BBT. In particular, an association between elevated prolactin levels and the development of BBT has been reported. Our study showed no significant differences between PRL receptor (PRL-R) expression in BBT tissue under normal and elevated serum PRL levels. There was also no significant correlation between age, PRL-R expression in BBT tissue, intact tissue, and PRL level in the serum. There was a strong significant correlation (p < 0.01; r = 0.92) between PRL-R expression in BBT samples and intact breast tissue, which did not depend on the serum PRL level. There was also no significant difference in the expression of the proliferative marker Ki-67 in BBT tissues from women with normal and elevated levels of serum PRL (p > 0.05). No signs of PRL and its receptors were detected in the BBT cystic fluid women with elevated serum PRL levels. In summary, our prospective study showed that the expression of PRL-R in the tissue of BBT and physiological breast tissue does not depend on the level of serum PRL

    The features of morphological changes in the urinary bladder under combined effect of heavy metal salts

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    Abstract: Purpose: This study is aimed to the investigation of the features of morphological changes in the urinary bladder of mature rats. Results: Received results shown that the experimental group of rats that had the intake of heavy metal salts (HMS) mixture during 30 and 90 days were observed histological and immunohistochemical changes in all structures of the urinary bladder. Depending on the period of influence of heavy metal ions on the wall of the organ, the pathological changes developed in cellular layers of the wall can lead to degenerative and later to atrophic and sclerotic changes. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that high concentrations ofHMS can significantly influence the body. The histological and immunohistochemical studies showed that the influence of the HMS combination leads to deep morphological changes in all structures of the urinary bladder. These changes depend on the period of intake of HMS. Analysis of the obtained results demonstrates the dependence of expression of morphological changes in the urinary bladder on the experiment duration. The final result of these changes may lead to the disorders of bladder’s functions

    Пристрій для гістологічного та гістохімічного забарвлення препаратів

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    Пристрій для гістологічного та гістохімічного забарвлення препаратів, що складається з корпусу із станиною, на якій розміщені ємності з реагентами, встановленого в корпусі програмного мікропроцесора та зв’язаного з ним блока переміщення корзини з рухомим кронштейном, на якому закріплена корзина для вертикального розміщення стандартних гістологічних скелець, який відрізняється тим, що корпус забезпечений кришкою з пневматичним амортизаторами, і на станині встановлений лоток для розміщення ємностей для реагентів, блок переміщення корзини складається з двох нерухомих нижніх горизонтальних напрямних, які закріплені на станині, встановлених в них двох рухомих вертикальних стойок, з’єднаних верхньою горизонтальною напрямною, на якій розміщена рухома вертикальна стійка для кріплення рухомого кронштейна, крім того блок переміщення корзини забезпечений трьома електродвигунами, один з яких з’єднаний з рухомими вертикальними стойками, для забезпечення їх руху ʺвперед-назадʺ, другий з’єднаний з рухомою вертикальною стойкою, для забезпечення її руху ʺправоруч-ліворучʺ, а третій з’єднаний з рухомим кронштейном, для забезпечення його руху ʺвгору-внизʺ

    Нормування сигналів вихрострумових перетворювачів для коректного їх порівняння

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    Задача виявлення металевих предметів у різних середовищах завжди була актуальною. Оптимальними для дихотомічного розрізнення металів є імпульсні металошукачі типу VLF. Передавальна антена такого металошукача випромінює первинне електромагнітне поле, яке приймається приймальною антеною, налаштованою так, щоб за відсутності металевих предметів між приймальною та передавальною антенами на вході приймача був мінімальний сигнал. У сучасних металошукачах ідентифікація типу металу здійснюється шляхом виділення інформативного сигналу на фоні заважаючого фактора. На сьогодні використовують амплітудний, фазовий та частотний методи обробки сигналу. Діелектрична та магнітна проникності для кольорових і чорних металів різна, що призводить до різних за амплітудою сигналів на вході приймальної антени. Тому для коректного порівняння сигналів, крім порогового методу розрізнення, необхідне їх нормування за амплітудою. Крім того, сканування досліджуваного середовища антеною відбувається вручну, а це потребує нормування прийнятого сигналу за тривалістю. Автори розробили методику та алгоритм нормування сигналів, знятих з антени вихрострумового металошукача, який дозволяє подальшу ідентифікацію типів виявлених металів.The problem of detecting metal objects in different environments has always been important. Optimal for dichotomous distinction metals are impulsive VLF metal type. Transmitting antenna of the metal detector emits primary electromagnetic field which adopted the receiving antenna configured to the absence of metal objects between transmitting and receiving antennas at the receiver input signal was minimal. In modern metal detectors identify the type of metal is by providing informative signal to background interfering factor. Now use the amplitude, phase and frequency domain signal processing. Permittivity and magnetic permeability for nonferrous and ferrous metals are different, resulting in different amplitude of the signal at the input of the receiving antenna. Therefore, for correct comparison of signals other than the method of distinguishing threshold required for the normalization of their amplitude. Also investigated environment scanning antenna by hand, and it requires normalization of the received signal in duration. The solution to this problem and is devoted this articl

    . Formation and diagnostics levels of educational abilities of students in physical education

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    Purpose: specify and theoretical basis for the content of educational tasks methodical practice, as a means of diagnosing the level of formation and pedagogical skills of students. Material and Methods: the analysis of more than 20 references, 12 work programs in the discipline "Physical Education" HEI III–IV accreditation levels. Results: disclosed system of pedagogical skills, providing social and personal competence in the sphere of physical culture, which forms during the methodical practice through completing quests. Conclusions: this study allows a qualitatively new level to solve the issues of forming and diagnostics level pedagogical skills of students in physical education

    Про мажоранти в теоремі Харді-Літтлвуда для похідних вищих порядків

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    Одержано умови на мажоранту, за яких класична теорема Харді-Літтлвуда для класу аналітичних у крузі функцій справедлива в термінах похідних довільного фіксованого порядку