69 research outputs found

    TeV-scale Seesaw with Quintuplet Fermions

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    We propose a new seesaw model based on fermionic hypercharge zero weak quintuplet in conjunction with additional scalar quadruplet which attains an induced vev. The model provides both tree-level seesaw ~ v^6/M^5 and a loop-suppressed radiative ~ (1 / 16 \pi^2) v^2/M contributions to active neutrino masses. The empirical masses m_\nu ~ 10^{-1} eV can be achieved with M ~ TeV new states, accessible at the LHC. For 5 fb^{-1} of accumulated integrated luminosity at the LHC, there could be ~ 500 doubly-charged \Sigma^{++} or \bar{\Sigma^{++}} fermions with mass M_\Sigma = 400 GeV, leading to interesting multi-lepton signatures. The neutral component of the fermion quintuplet, previously identified as minimal dark matter candidate, becomes unstable in the proposed seesaw setup. The stability can be restored by introducing a Z_2 symmetry, in which case neutrinos get mass only from radiative contributions.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, corresponds to published versio

    Novel TeV-scale seesaw mechanism with Dirac mediators

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    We propose novel tree level seesaw mechanism with TeV-scale vectorlike Dirac mediators that produce Majorana masses of the known neutrinos. The gauge quantum number assignment to the Dirac mediators allows them to belong to a weak triplet and a five-plet of nonzero hypercharge. The latter leads to new seesaw formula m_\nu ~ v^6/M^5, so that the empirical masses m_\nu ~ 10^{-1} eV can be achieved by M ~ TeV new states. There is a limited range of the parameter space with M < a few 100 GeV where the tree level contribution dominates over the respective loop contributions and the proposed mechanism is testable at the LHC. We discuss specific signatures for Dirac type heavy leptons produced by Drell-Yan fusion at the LHC.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, version corresponding to PL

    Exotic Seesaw-Motivated Heavy Leptons at the LHC

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    We study the LHC potential for discovering TeV-scale SU(2)_L 5-plet fermions introduced recently to explain small neutrino masses. We show that the Drell-Yan production and the decays of new exotic Sigma leptons are testable at the LHC. Their production is abundant due to nontrivial electroweak gauge charges. For 1 fb^-1 of integrated luminosity at the present LHC sqrt{s}=7 TeV, there can be 270 Sigma-Sigmabar pairs produced for M_Sigma = 400 GeV. Besides producing same-sign dilepton events, they could lead, due to a chosen small mixing between heavy and light leptons, to ~10 golden decays Sigma^{+++}(Sigma^{+++}-bar) --> W^\pm W^\pm l^\pm with a specific decay signature.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, corresponds to the PRD versio

    Critique of Fermionic R\nuMDM and its Scalar Variants

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    We examine the stability of minimal dark matter (MDM) particle-candidates in the setup in which they participate in radiative neutrino (R\nu) masses. We first point out the existence of an additional renormalizable term in recently proposed R\nuMDM Lagrangian, which violates the claimed accidental Z_2 symmetry and spoils the stability of the fermionic MDM quintuplet component. We then explore the viability of Rν\nuMDM variants based on scalar MDM multiplets. There are ubiquitous super-renormalizable terms in the scalar potential which make these scalar multiplets unstable.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, corresponds to published versio

    Bounds and Decays of New Heavy Vector-like Top Partners

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    We study the phenomenology of new heavy vector-like fermions that couple to the third generation quarks via Yukawa interactions, covering all the allowed representations under the standard model gauge groups. We first review tree and loop level bounds on these states. We then discuss tree level decays and loop-induced decays to photon or gluon plus top. The main decays at tree level are to W b and/or Z and Higgs plus top via the new Yukawa couplings. The radiative loop decays turn out to be quite close to the naive estimate: in all cases, in the allowed perturbative parameter space, the branching ratios are mildly sensitive on the new Yukawa couplings and small. We therefore conclude that the new states can be observed at the LHC and that the tree level decays can allow to distinguish the different representations. Moreover, the observation of the radiative decays at the LHC would suggest a large Yukawa coupling in the non-perturbative regime.Comment: 32 pages, 2 tables, 10 figure

    A clean signal for a top-like isosinglet fermion at the Large Hadron Collider

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    We predict a clean signal at the Large Hadron Collider (s)\sqrt s)=14 TeV for a scenario where there is a top-like, charge +2/3 vectorlike isosinglet fermion. Such a quark, via mixing with the standard model top, can undergo decays via both flavour-changing Z-boson coupling and flavour-changing Yukawa interactions. We concentrate on the latter channel, and study the situation where, following its pair-production, the heavy quark pair gives rise to two tops and two Higgs boson. We show that the case where each Higgs decays in the bbˉb\bar{b} channel, there can be a rather distinct and background-free signal that can unveil the existence of the vectorlike isosinglet quark of this kind.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Hyperon weak radiative decays in chiral perturbation theory

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    We investigate the leading-order amplitudes for weak radiative decays of hyperons in chiral perturbation theory. We consistently include contributions from the next-to-leading order weak-interaction Lagrangian. It is shown that due to these terms Hara's theorem is violated. The data for the decays of charged hyperons can be easily accounted for. However, at this order in the chiral expansion, the four amplitudes for the decays of neutral hyperons satisfy relations which are in disagreement with the data. The asymmetry parameters for all the decays can not be accounted for without higher-order terms. We shortly comment on the effect of the 27-plet part of the weak interaction.Comment: 8 pages of REVTeX and using macro-package "feynman.tex" (available at http://xxx.lanl.gov/ftp/hep-ph/papers/macros) for the 2 figure

    Systematic study of the d=5 Weinberg operator at one-loop order

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    We perform a systematic study of the d=5d=5 Weinberg operator at the one-loop level. We identify three different categories of neutrino mass generation: (1) finite irreducible diagrams; (2) finite extensions of the usual seesaw mechanisms at one-loop and (3) divergent loop realizations of the seesaws. All radiative one-loop neutrino mass models must fall into one of these classes. Case (1) gives the leading contribution to neutrino mass naturally and a classic example of this class is the Zee model. We demonstrate that in order to prevent that a tree level contribution dominates in case (2), Majorana fermions running in the loop and an additional Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 symmetry are needed for a genuinely leading one-loop contribution. In the type-II loop extensions, the lepton number violating coupling will be generated at one loop, whereas the type-I/III extensions can be interpreted as loop-induced inverse or linear seesaw mechanisms. For the divergent diagrams in category (3), the tree level contribution cannot be avoided and is in fact needed as counter term to absorb the divergence.Comment: 18 pages, 5 Figures, 4 Tables - Version to appear in JHE

    The Hunt for New Physics in the Flavour Sector with up vector-like quarks

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    We analyse the possible presence of New Physics (NP) in the Flavour Sector and evaluate its potential for solving the tension between the experimental values of \AJPKs and \BTNu with respect to the Standard Model (SM) expectations. Updated model independent analyses, where NP contributions are allowed in Bd - anti-Bd and Bs - anti-Bs transitions, suggest the need of New Physics in the bdbd sector. A detailed analysis of recent Flavour data is then presented in the framework of a simple extension of the SM, where a Q=2/3Q=2/3 vector-like isosinglet quark is added to the spectrum of the SM. Special emphasis is given to the implications of this model for correlations among various measurable quantities. We include constraints from all the relevant quark flavour sectors and give precise predictions for selected rare processes. We find important deviations from the SM in observables in the bdbd sector like the semileptonic asymmetry \asld, Bd0μ+μB_{d}^{0}\to \mu ^{+}\mu ^{-} and ASLsASLdA^s_{SL}-A^d_{SL}. Other potential places where NP can show up include AJ/ΨΦA_{J/\Psi\Phi}, γ\gamma, KL0π0ννˉK_{L}^{0}\to \pi^{0}\nu \bar{\nu}, tZqt\to Zq and D0μ+μD^{0}\to \mu ^{+}\mu ^{-} among others. The experimental data favours in this model the existence of an up vector-like quark with a mass below 600(1000)600(1000) GeV at 1(2)1(2) σ\sigma .Comment: 36 pages, 41 figures; minor changes and references added, matches version accepted for publicatio