24 research outputs found

    Notas sobre el comportamiento ante un sismo de los edificios históricos con estructura de mampostería: Definición de la regola dell’arte1 en las construcciones murarias y su identificación en la edificación histórica

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    Se describe el comportamiento estructural de las construcciones históricas de mampostería, las características de la construcción según la regola dell’arte y la actitud antisísmica de las mismas. Se realiza un registro de la constitución y estado de conservación y unas verificaciones “expeditivas” basadas en los criterios de cálculo. Surge en el artículo la definición del proyecto de consolidación, basado en el conjunto de técnicas de intervención dotadas de requisitos específicos: la aplicación de los procedimientos para la comprobación de la seguridad como se indica en la normativa y un análisis de los efectos del terremoto en el área de la ciudad italiana de L’Aquila

    Landslides and predisposing factors of the Southern Apennines, Italy

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    The FiumarelladiCorletodrainagebasinisanemblematicsectorofthesouthernApennine thrust beltintheBasilicataregion(SouthernItaly),whichisstronglyaffected bylandslides. Landslides bothaffect theurbanareaandthefacilitiesrelatedtohydrocarbonexploitation, such asthepipelinesandoilwellsconnectedwiththeoilcentrelocatedjustoutsidethe eastern borderofthestudyarea.Basedonadetailed field survey,supportedby stereoscopic analysis,alandslideinventorymaphasbeenrealized,whichalsoreportsthe associated processesandlandforms.Therelationshipsbetweenthedifferent typesof landslides andthevariouspredisposingfactorslikeoutcroppinglithologies,slopes steepness, slopeexpositionandlandusehavebeenalsoinvestigated.Theacquireddata relate toageologicallycomplexareaofthesouthernApenninessubjecttorecentupliftand represent afundamentalcontributionusefulforthecorrectmanagementoftheterritory

    The Italian version of the Physical Therapy Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire - [PTPSQ-I(15)]: psychometric properties in a sample of inpatients

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    Background: In a previous study we described the translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the Italian version of the PTPSQ [PTPSQ-I(15)] in outpatients. To the authors' knowledge, the PTPSQ was never studied in a hospital setting.The aims of this study were: (1) to establish the psychometric properties of the Physical Therapy Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire [PTPSQ- I(15)] in a sample of Italian inpatients, and (2) to investigate the relationships between the characteristics of patients and physical therapists and the indicators of satisfaction. Methods. The PTPSQ-I(15) was administered to inpatients in a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit. Reliability of the PTPSQ-I(15) was measured by internal consistency (Cronbach's ) and test-retest stability (ICC 3,1). The internal structure was investigated by factor analysis. Divergent validity was measured by comparing the PTPSQ-I(15) with a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain and with a 5-point Likert-type scale evaluating the Global Perceived Effect (GPE) of the physical therapy treatment. Results: The PTPSQ-I(15) was administered to 148 inpatients, and 73 completed a second administration. The PTPSQ-I(15) showed high internal consistency ( = 0.949) and test-retest stability (ICC = 0.996). Divergent validity was moderate for the GPE (r = - 0.502, P < 0.001) and strong for the VAS (r = -0.17, P = 0.07). Factor analysis showed a one-factor structure. Conclusions: The administration of PTPSQ-I(15) to inpatients demonstrated strong psychometric properties and its use can be recommended with Italian-speaking population. Further studies are suggested on the concurrent validity and on the psychometric properties of the PTPSQ-I(15) in different hospital settings or with other pathological condition

    Notas sobre el comportamiento ante un sismo de los edificios históricos con estructura de mampostería. Definición de la regola dell’arte1 en las construcciones murarias y su identificación en la edificación histórica

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    Se describe el comportamiento estructural de las construcciones históricas de mampostería, las características de la construcción según la regola dell’arte y la actitud antisísmica de las mismas. Se realiza un registro de la constitución y estado de conservación y unas verificaciones “expeditivas” basadas en los criterios de cálculo. Surge en el artículo la definición del proyecto de consolidación, basado en el conjunto de técnicas de intervención dotadas de requisitos específicos: la aplicación de los procedimientos para la comprobación de la seguridad como se indica en la normativa y un análisis de los efectos del terremoto en el área de la ciudad italiana de L’Aquila.This article describes the structural behavior of historic masonry buildings, the construction characteristics according to regola dell’arte, and the antiseismic attitude of these constructions. Within this article there is also a record of the structure and conservation condition of constructions, as well as some “prompt” checks based on the criteria of calculation. The article shows a consolidation project definition based on a set of intervention techniques provided by specific requirements such as the application of procedures for checking safety conditions as outlined in regulations, and an analysis on the earthquake effects within the Italian city of L’Aquila

    La cultura della normativa antisismica e la sua evoluzione.

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    Il centenario dell’evento sismico che ha interessato lo Stretto è stato colto come occasione di riflessioni sulle attività antisismiche sviluppatesi nell’arco del secolo XX. In particolare il contributo al libro e al convegno ha trattato l’evoluzione della normativa antisismica italiana che origina proprio nel periodo successivo alla calamità che colpì Reggio e Messina. A queste riflessioni se ne aggiungono altre sulle tecniche tradizionali e sulle moderne applicazioni tecnologiche per il loro consolidamento e rinforzo. In particolare sono state evidenziate quelle tipologie di murature armate (con ferro e legno) che spesso sono state adottate nell’area mediterranea e che con la loro reiterazione e permanenza nel tempo assumono caratteri di tradizionalità costruttiva. / The following study wants to underline the evolution of the knowledge and the constructive procedures in relationship to the seismic action and the normative production of the last three/four centuries. It is possible to find out in the ancient framework constructions, in a way alternative to the blocks structures or to the masonry building, a common matrix in the Mediterranean area, developed in the last century, when the elastic framework started to be considered as a valid answer to seismic possibility. Through the examination of the norms, it is possible to track a first phase in which the technical-normative devices come after the events – as the occasion of the seism of Calabria – Sicily and the Abruzzo regions (where the event was influenced by similar cultural context) – with local characteristic and constructive directions. There is a second phase in which the technical-normative set of rules, extended to the whole national territory, including project indications based on the numerical verification, precedes the event with a pre-caution attitude. At the same time, in the development of the reinforced concrete technique it is found a parable that is sorted out among its own technical identity and the application in the field of consolidation of historical and monumental constructions. In this contest, we can witness at first to the one ‘triumphal’ and ‘aggressive’ phase of great successes and expectations – regularly recorded by essays and publications of that time – so to give way to a reflection in which – apart from the positive effects in safety terms – incompatibility and lacks were also recognized, especially in terms of duration. At the same time, with an evident causal connection, a recovery of the structural values of the masonries occurred until, in the actual phase, particular ‘guidelines’ are developed with maximum respect for the existing structures, in the order to preserve their historical and documentary capability and also their ‘material part’. At the same time, the techniques and the cares of the historical construction tradition are also recovered through their employment

    Analysing Demographic Life Courses through Sequence Analysis

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    Considering demographic life courses as sequences, non recurrent and recurrent sequences are distinguished from each other. The description of life courses in 10 terms of sequences leads to distinguish atomistic from holistic and static from dynamic approaches. Optimal matching and a monothetic divisive algorithm for the clustering of sequences of life courses are shown to be useful tools. The methods are applied to the sequence analysis of the transition to adulthood from the Italian Fertility and Family Survey

    Life Courses as Sequences: An Experiment in Clustering via Monothetic Divisive Algorithms

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    We consider the problem of clustering demographic life courses, consistently with the so-called sequence representation. We use a monothetic divisive algorithm, which allows for a better readability of results with respect to the increasingly common approach based on optimal matching analysis. The algorithm eases the interpretation of splitting procedures and determinants of group membership when data represent the occurrence or non-occurrence of non-renewable events. We then apply the algorithm to the transition to adulthood in Italy, using retrospective individual-level data from a Fertility and Family Survey