16 research outputs found

    Chemical reaction monitoring using zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance enables study of heterogeneous samples in metal containers

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    We demonstrate that heterogeneous/biphasic chemical reactions can be monitored with high spectroscopic resolution using zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This is possible because magnetic susceptibility broadening is negligible at ultralow magnetic fields. We show the two-step hydrogenation of dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate with para-enriched hydrogen gas in conventional glass NMR tubes, as well as in a titanium tube. The low frequency zero-field NMR signals ensure that there is no significant signal attenuation arising from shielding by the electrically conductive sample container. This method paves the way for in situ monitoring of reactions in complex heterogeneous multiphase systems and in reactors made of conductive materials while maintaining resolution and chemical specificity

    Zero-Field J-spectroscopy of Quadrupolar Nuclei

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    Zero- to ultralow-field (ZULF) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a version of NMR that allows studying molecules and their transformations in the regime dominated by intrinsic spin-spin interactions. While spin dynamics at zero magnetic field can be probed indirectly, J-spectra can also be measured at zero field by using non-inductive sensors, for example, optically-pumped magnetometers (OPMs). A J-spectrum can be detected when a molecule contains at least two different types of magnetic nuclei (i.e., nuclei with different gyromagnetic ratios) that are coupled via J-coupling. Up to date, no pure J-spectra of molecules featuring the coupling to quadrupolar nuclei were reported. Here we show that zero-field J-spectra can be collected from molecules containing quadrupolar nuclei with I = 1 and demonstrate this for solutions containing various isotopologues of ammonium cations. Lower ZULF NMR signals are observed for molecules containing larger numbers of deuterons compared to protons; this is attributed to less overall magnetization and not to the scalar relaxation of the second kind. We analyze the energy structure and allowed transitions for the studied molecular cations in detail using perturbation theory and demonstrate that in the studied systems, different lines in J-spectra have different dependencies on the magnetic pulse length allowing for unique on-demand zero-field spectral editing. Precise values for the 15N-1H, 14N-1H, and D-1H coupling constants are extracted from the spectra and the difference in the reduced coupling constants is explained by the secondary isotope effect. Simple symmetric cations such as ammonium do not require expensive isotopic labeling for the observation of J-spectra and, thus, may expand applicability of ZULF NMR spectroscopy in biomedicine and energy storage.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic Gradiometer for the Detection of Zero- to Ultralow-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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    Magnetic sensors are important for detecting nuclear magnetization signals in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). As a complementary analysis tool to conventional high-field NMR, zero- and ultralow-field (ZULF) NMR detects nuclear magnetization signals in the sub-microtesla regime. Current ZULF NMR systems are always equipped with high-quality magnetic shieldings to ensure that ambient magnetic field noise does not dwarf the magnetization signal. An alternative approach is to separate the magnetization signal from the noise based on their differing spatial profiles, as can be achieved using a magnetic gradiometer. Here, we present a gradiometric ZULF NMR spectrometer with a magnetic gradient noise of 17 fT_{rms}{cm}^{-1}{Hz}^{-1/2} in the frequency range of 100-400 Hz, based on a single vapor cell (0.7x0.7x1.0{cm}^3). With applied white magnetic-field noise, we show that the gradiometric spectrometer achieves 13-fold enhancement in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to the single-channel configuration. By reducing the influence of common-mode magnetic noise, this work enables the use of compact and low-cost magnetic shields. Gradiometric detection may also prove to be beneficial for eliminating systematic errors in ZULF-NMR experiments searching for exotic spin-dependent interactions and molecular parity violation.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Combined Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Hydrogenation with Parahydrogen to Yield Catalyst-Free Solutions of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Succinate

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    We show that catalyst-free aqueous solutions of hyperpolarized [1-13C]succinate can be produced using parahydrogen-induced polarization (PHIP) and a combination of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic hydrogenation reactions. We generate hyperpolarized [1-13C]fumarate at 23% 13C polarization via PHIP with a homogeneous ruthenium catalyst, and subsequently remove the toxic catalyst and reaction side products via a purification procedure. Following this, we perform a second hydrogenation reaction to convert the fumarate into succinate using a solid Pd/Al2O3 catalyst. The catalyst is filtered off to yield a clean aqueous solution containing [1-13C]succinate at 11.9% 13C polarization for the hyperpolarized molecules. In this proof-of-principle demonstration we simplified the purification procedure by adding unpolarized fumarate to the mixtures so the observed succinate polarization was lower, but this step is not necessary for applications. This inexpensive polarization protocol has a turnover time of a few minutes, and represents a major advance for in vivo applications of [1-13C]succinate as a hyperpolarized contrast agent

    Relayed hyperpolarization for zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance.

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    Zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance (ZULF NMR) is a rapidly developing form of spectroscopy that provides rich spectroscopic information in the absence of large magnetic fields. However, signal acquisition still requires a mechanism for generating a bulk magnetic moment for detection, and the currently used methods only apply to a limited pool of chemicals or come at prohibitively high cost. We demonstrate that the parahydrogen-based SABRE (signal amplification by reversible exchange)–Relay method can be used as a more general means of generating hyperpolarized analytes for ZULF NMR by observing zero-field J-spectra of [(13)C]-methanol, [1-(13)C]-ethanol, and [2-(13)C]-ethanol in both (13)C-isotopically enriched and natural abundance samples. We explore the magnetic field dependence of the SABRE-Relay efficiency and show the existence of a second maximum at 19.0 ± 0.3 mT. Despite presence of water, SABRE-Relay is used to hyperpolarize ethanol extracted from a store-bought sample of vodka (%P(H) ~ 0.1%)

    Chemical Reaction Monitoring using Zero‐Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Enables Study of Heterogeneous Samples in Metal Containers

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    We demonstrate that heterogeneous/biphasic chemical reactions can be monitored with high spectroscopic resolution using zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This is possible because magnetic susceptibility broadening is negligible at ultralow magnetic fields. We show the two-step hydrogenation of dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate with para-enriched hydrogen gas in conventional glass NMR tubes, as well as in a titanium tube. The low frequency zero-field NMR signals ensure that there is no significant signal attenuation arising from shielding by the electrically conductive sample container. This method paves the way for in situ monitoring of reactions in complex heterogeneous multiphase systems and in reactors made of conductive materials while maintaining resolution and chemical specificity

    Chemical Reaction Monitoring Using Zero-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Enables Study of Heterogeneous Samples in Metal Containers

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    We demonstrate that heterogeneous/biphasic chemical reactions can be monitored with high spectroscopic resolution using zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance. This is possible because magnetic susceptibility broadening is insignificant at ultralow magnetic fields. We show the two-step hydrogenation of dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate with para-enriched hydrogen gas in conventional glass NMR tubes, as well as in a titanium tube. The low frequency zero-field NMR signals ensure that there is no significant signal attenuation due to shielding by the electrically conductive sample container. This method paves the way for in situ monitoring of reactions in complex heterogeneous multiphase systems and in reactors made from conductive materials without magnetic susceptibility induced line broadening.</div

    Zero- to Ultralow-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Enhanced with Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

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    Zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance is a modality of magnetic resonance experiment which does not require strong superconducting magnets. Contrary to conventional high-field nuclear magnetic resonance, it has the advantage of allowing high resolution detection of nuclear magnetism through metal as well as within heterogeneous media. To achieve high sensitivity, it is common to couple zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance with hyperpolarization techniques. To date, the most common technique is parahydrogen-induced polarization, which is only compatible with a small number of compounds. In this article, we establish dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization as a versatile method to enhance signals in zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance experiments on virtually all small molecules with > 1 s relaxation times. We show as first examples J-spectra of hyperpolarized [13C]sodium formate, [1-13C]glycine and [2-13C]sodium acetate. We find signal enhancements of up to 11000 compared with thermal prepolarization in a 2 T permanent magnet. To increase the signal in future experiments, we investigate the relaxation effects of the TEMPOL radicals used for the hyperpolarization process at zero- and ultralow-field

    Zero- to Ultralow-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Enhanced with Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization

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    Zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance is a modality of magnetic resonance experiment which does not require strong superconducting magnets. Contrary to conventional high-field nuclear magnetic resonance, it has the advantage of allowing high-resolution detection of nuclear magnetism through metal as well as within heterogeneous media. To achieve high sensitivity, it is common to couple zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance with hyperpolarization techniques. To date, the most common technique is parahydrogen-induced polarization, which is only compatible with a small number of compounds. In this article, we establish dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization as a versatile method to enhance signals in zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance experiments on sample mixtures of [13C]sodium formate, [1-13C]­glycine, and [2-13C]sodium acetate, and our technique is immediately extendable to a broad range of molecules with >1 s relaxation times. We find signal enhancements of up to 11,000 compared with thermal prepolarization in a 2 T permanent magnet. To increase the signal in future experiments, we investigate the relaxation effects of the TEMPOL radicals used for the hyperpolarization process at zero- and ultralow-fields