236 research outputs found

    Projet qualité hôpitaux universitaires de Genève - Hospices cantonaux: évaluation comparative de quatre questionnaires de satisfaction des patients hospitalisés

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    [Table des matières] 1. Contexte suisse. 2. Méthode. 2.1. Description comparative des instruments disponibles. 2.2. Comparaison de quatre questionnaires de satisfaction. 2.3. Population. 2.4. Taille de l'échantillon. 2.5. Variables mesurées. 2.6. Informations concernant l'envoi par courrier. 2.7. Saisie des données. 2.8. Analyse. 3. Résultats. 3.1. Enquête comparative. 3.2. Participation à l'étude comparative. 4. Commentaires et recommandations. 4.1. Recommandations. 4.2. Choix du questionnaire. 5.1. Questionnaire d'évaluation des questionnaires de satisfaction. 5.2. Détail des proportions de réponses à valeur supérieure (plafond) des échelles de masure. 5. 3. Glossaire de la terminologie psychométrique. 5.4. Questionnaires Hospices, Picker, SEQUS, PJS-24

    Comparison of the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 gene methylation levels between severely obese subjects with and without the metabolic syndrome

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    Background : The dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) enzyme is a novel adipokine potentially involved in the development of the metabolic syndrome (MetS). Previous observations demonstrated higher visceral adipose tissue (VAT) DPP4 gene expression in non-diabetic severely obese men with (MetS+) vs. without (MetS−) MetS. DPP4 mRNA abundance in VAT correlated also with CpG site methylation levels (%Meth) localized within and near its exon 2 (CpG94 to CpG102) in non-diabetic severely obese women, regardless of their MetS status. The actual study tested whether DPP4 %Meth levels in VAT are different between MetS− and MetS+ non-diabetic severely obese subjects, whether variable metabolic and plasma lipid profiles are observed between DPP4 %Meth quartiles, and whether correlation exists in DPP4 %Meth levels between VAT and white blood cells (WBCs). Methods : DNA was extracted from the VAT of 26 men (MetS−: n=12, MetS+: n=14) and 79 women (MetS−: n=60; MetS+: n=19), as well as from WBCs in a sub-sample of 17 women (MetS−: n=9; MetS+: n=8). The %Meth levels of CpG94 to CpG102 were assessed by pyrosequencing of sodium bisulfite-treated DNA. ANOVA analyses were used to compare the %Meth of CpGs between MetS− and MetS+ groups, and to compare the metabolic phenotype and plasma lipid levels between methylation quartiles. Pearson correlation coefficient analyses were computed to test the relationship between VAT and WBCs CpG94-102 %Meth levels. Results : No difference was observed in CpG94-102 %Meth levels between MetS− and MetS+ subjects in VAT (P=0.67), but individuals categorized into CpG94-102 %Meth quartiles had variable plasma total-cholesterol concentrations (P=0.04). The %Meth levels of four CpGs in VAT were significantly correlated with those observed in WBCs (r=0.55−0.59, P≤0.03). Conclusions : This study demonstrated that %Meth of CpGs localized within and near the exon 2 of the DPP4 gene in VAT are not associated with MetS status. The actual study also revealed an association between the %Meth of this locus with plasma total-cholesterol in severe obesity, which suggests a link between the DPP4 gene and plasma lipid levels

    What is the impact of the rearing management applied during the heifers' whole life on the toughness of five raw rib muscles in relation with carcass traits?

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    The aims of this study were, analysing the effects of rearing managements, carcass traits, and muscle type (M. complexus [CP], M. infraspinatus [IF], M. longissimus [LM], M. rhomboideus [RH], and M. serratus ventralis [SV]) on toughness of raw meat; developing prediction models to act on their toughness. According to our results obtained on the data of 77 heifers, the IF raw muscle was the toughest and appeared the most sensitive to a change in the rearing management. The four other raw muscles had a similar toughness within heifers from the same rearing management. The five raw muscles were less tough when the carcass was heavier and had higher dressing percentage and conformation. The 3 models explained about 40% of the variability observed. Our models showed that it is possible to improve the potential tenderness of raw meat, acting on: age of the heifer's mother, growth rate during the growth and fattening periods, slaughter age, carcass weight and temperature 24h post-mortem

    Quel modèle de bibliothèque ?

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    Le modèle s’essouffle-t-il ? Quel modèle ? Faut-il un modèle ? De quoi parle-t-on ? Voilà quelques-unes des questions que cet ouvrage aborde. Le « modèle de bibliothèque publique à la française » est à la fois une évidence et un trou noir. Une évidence indiscutée qui a structuré, accompagné, encouragé le développement récent des bibliothèques publiques. Un trou noir précisément parce qu’il est une évidence indiscutée, en voie de fossilisation, voire de nécrose. Cet ouvrage collectif rassemble 9 contributions (et une postface) qui interrogent à la fois le concept même de modèle de bibliothèque publique, ses composantes, ses contradictions, la place qu’il réserve aux usagers, aux collections ou aux services. Il fait la part belle aux inspirations étrangères de ce modèle ou aux comparaisons avec d’autres héritages. Loin de répondre, il questionne. Et c’est très bien ainsi

    Archival of the water stable isotope signal in East Antarctic ice cores

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    The oldest ice core records are obtained from the East Antarctic plateau. Water stable isotopes records are key for reconstructions of past climatic conditions both over the ice sheet and at the evaporation source. The accuracy of such climate reconstructions crucially depends on the knowledge of all the processes affecting the water vapour, precipitation and snow isotopic composition. Atmospheric fractionation processes are well understood and can be integrated in Rayleigh distillation and complex isotope enabled climate models. However, a comprehensive quantitative understanding of processes potentially altering the snow isotopic composition after the deposition is still missing, especially for exchanges between vapour and snow. In low accumulation sites such as found on the East Antarctic Plateau, these poorly constrained processes are especially likely to play a significant role. This limits the interpretation of isotopic composition from ice core records, specifically at short time scales. Here, we combine observations of isotopic composition in the vapour, the precipitation, the surface snow and the buried snow from various sites of the East Antarctic Plateau. At the seasonal scale, we highlight a significant impact of metamorphism on surface snow isotopic signal compared to the initial precipitation isotopic signal. In particular, in summer, exchanges of water molecules between vapour and snow are driven by the sublimation/condensation cycles at the diurnal scale. Using highly resolved isotopic composition profiles from pits in five East Antarctic sites, we identify a common 20 cm cycle which cannot be attributed to the seasonal variability of precipitation. Altogether, the smaller range of isotopic compositions observed in the buried and in the surface snow compared to the precipitation, and also the reduced slope between surface snow isotopic composition and temperature compared to precipitation, constitute evidences of post-deposition processes affecting the variability of the isotopic composition in the snow pack. To reproduce these processes in snow-models is crucial to understand the link between snow isotopic composition and climatic conditions and to improve the interpretation of isotopic composition as a paleoclimate proxy

    Mutations in STAT3 and IL12RB1 impair the development of human IL-17–producing T cells

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    The cytokines controlling the development of human interleukin (IL) 17–producing T helper cells in vitro have been difficult to identify. We addressed the question of the development of human IL-17–producing T helper cells in vivo by quantifying the production and secretion of IL-17 by fresh T cells ex vivo, and by T cell blasts expanded in vitro from patients with particular genetic traits affecting transforming growth factor (TGF) β, IL-1, IL-6, or IL-23 responses. Activating mutations in TGFB1, TGFBR1, and TGFBR2 (Camurati-Engelmann disease and Marfan-like syndromes) and loss-of-function mutations in IRAK4 and MYD88 (Mendelian predisposition to pyogenic bacterial infections) had no detectable impact. In contrast, dominant-negative mutations in STAT3 (autosomal-dominant hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome) and, to a lesser extent, null mutations in IL12B and IL12RB1 (Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases) impaired the development of IL-17–producing T cells. These data suggest that IL-12Rβ1– and STAT-3–dependent signals play a key role in the differentiation and/or expansion of human IL-17–producing T cell populations in vivo