518 research outputs found

    Littérature algérienne : écriture, édition, diffusion

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    « Djazaïr, une année de l\u27Algérie en France » a pris fin, mais les sources ne sont pas taries. L\u27ABF-PACA et la BDP des Bouches-du-Rhône ont organisé une journée d\u27étude consacrée à la littérature algérienne, le 2 octobre, au CRFCB de Marseille. Près de 90 personnes bibliothécaires venus de plusieurs régions et documentalistes des collèges des Bouches-du-Rhône y participaient

    Smoothness of the law of manifold-valued Markov processes with jumps

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    Consider on a manifold the solution XX of a stochastic differential equation driven by a L\'evy process without Brownian part. Sufficient conditions for the smoothness of the law of XtX_t are given, with particular emphasis on noncompact manifolds. The result is deduced from the case of affine spaces by means of a localisation technique. The particular cases of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces are discussed

    Voyage au Québec - 1er épisode

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    Au printemps 2001, la Section étude et recherche de l’ABF a organisé un voyage d’étude au Québec qui a donné lieu à plusieurs rapports, riches d’enseignements et de confrontations pour nos deux pays. Nous vous les présenterons au fil des numéros de BIBLIOthèque(s) et commençons ce feuilleton par la visite de trois bibliothèques publiques, commentée par Pascale Deligny et Catherine Ribet-Picard

    Maroc à suivre

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    En 2008, l’ABF a initié un cycle d’actions de formation qui se poursuivront cette année. De son côté la région Paca souhaitait réactiver des accords de coopération. Ce voyage d’étude organisé par le groupe ABF-Paca et le Cobiac a embarqué quatorze bibliothécaires de la région travaillant en BM, BDP et BU, désireux de découvrir à leur tour ce jeune réseau de lecture publique en plein essor

    Les perturbateurs endocriniens :enjeux pour le consommateur et défis scientifiques

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    Les perturbateurs endocriniens potentiellement associés à des problèmes de santé publique présentent une multitude d’enjeux sociétaux, législatifs et sanitaires. Actuellement aucune définition officiellement validée ne précise la nature de ces substances et leur cadre d’évaluation peut varier en fonction de leurs usages. Les systèmes endocriniens participent à la régulation de la plupart des fonctions biologiques et ils sont des acteurs clefs du développement et du maintien de l’homéostasie de l’organisme. Des perturbations de leur fonctionnement seront donc associées à de multiples effets sur la santé y compris de façon transgénérationnelle. La complexité de la régulation des différents systèmes hormonaux, de leurs interactions et de leurs effets pour maintenir l’homéostasie de l’organisme est une source de défis scientifiques majeurs. A ceci viennent s’ajouter les notions de faibles doses, de fenêtre de susceptibilité, de relation dose/réponse peu classiques dites non monotones (courbes dose/ réponse en U par exemple) et d’effets différés dans le temps rendant les investigations toxicologiques et épidémiologiques encore plus complexes et parfois en marge des approches de toxicologie classiques. Cette complexité souligne la nécessité d’élaborer des stratégies d’études pluridisciplinaires intégrant tous les niveaux de régulation du vivant jusqu’aux approches de populations

    Accurate Measurement of Rare Earth Elements by ICP-MS after Ion-Exchange Separation: Application to Ultra-Depleted Samples

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    International audienceThis study reports precise and accurate data for rare earth elements (REE) measured on eight geological reference materials, five enriched in REE (BE-N, BHVO-2, BR, BR-24 and RGM-1) and three very depleted in REE (BIR-1, UB-N and DTS-2). Data were acquired by quadrupole ICP-MS after isolation of the REE using an ion-exchange chromatography procedure. All the measured REE abundances were similar within 5% (10% for the most REE-depleted sample DTS-2) to the high-quality measurements previously published in the literature. We also show that by using an internal Tm spike, the reproducibility of the data was improved to 1%. Applying this technique to the analysis of ultra-depleted rock samples (sub ng g-1), we show that significant improvements were obtained relative to the routine trace element measurement method. The chondrite-normalised patterns were smooth instead of displaying irregularities. Although the classical method gives excellent results on REE-rich samples, we believe that our technique improves the precision and accuracy of measurements for highly REE-depleted rocks

    Specific fibre composition and metabolism of the rectus abdominis muscle of bovine Charolais cattle

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    Background: An important variability of contractile and metabolic properties between muscles has been highlighted. In the literature, the majority of studies on beef sensorial quality concerns M. longissimus thoracis. M. rectus abdominis (RA) is easy to sample without huge carcass depreciation and may appear as an alternative to M. longissimus thoracis for fast and routine physicochemical analysis. It was considered interesting to assess the muscle fibres of M. rectus abdominis in comparison with M. longissimus thoracis (LT) and M. triceps brachii (TB) on the basis of metabolic and contractile properties, area and myosin heavy chain isoforms (MyHC) proportions. Immunohistochemical, histochemical, histological and enzymological techniques were used. This research concerned two populations of Charolais cattle: RA was compared to TB in a population of 19 steers while RA was compared to LT in a population of 153 heifers. Results: RA muscle had higher mean fibre areas (3350 μm2 vs 2142 to 2639 μm2) than the two other muscles. In RA muscle, the slow-oxidative fibres were the largest (3957 μm2) and the fast-glycolytic the smallest (2868 μm2). The reverse was observed in TB muscle (1725 and 2436 μm2 respectively). In RA muscle, the distinction between fast-oxidative-glycolytic and fast-glycolytic fibres appeared difficult or impossible to establish, unlike in the other muscles. Consequently the classification based on ATPase and SDH activities seemed inappropriate, since the FOG fibres presented rather low SDH activity in this muscle in comparison to the other muscles of the carcass. RA muscle had a higher proportion of I fibres than TB and LT muscles, balanced by a lower proportion either of IIX fibres (in comparison to TB muscle) or of IIA fibres (in comparison to LT muscle). However, both oxidative and glycolytic enzyme activities were lower in RA than in TB muscle, although the LDH/ICDH ratio was higher in RA muscle (522 vs 340). Oxidative enzyme activities were higher in RA than in LT muscle, whereas glycolytic enzyme activity was lower. In RA muscle, contractile and metabolic properties appeared to be less well-correlated than in the two other muscles. Conclusions: RA muscle has some particularities in comparison to the LT and TB muscles, especially concerning the unusual large cross-section surface of SO fibres and the very low oxidative activity of intermediate IIA fibres

    Common Sense Reasoning for Detection, Prevention, and Mitigation of Cyberbullying

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    Cyberbullying (harassment on social networks) is widely recognized as a serious social problem, especially for adolescents. It is as much a threat to the viability of online social networks for youth today as spam once was to email in the early days of the Internet. Current work to tackle this problem has involved social and psychological studies on its prevalence as well as its negative effects on adolescents. While true solutions rest on teaching youth to have healthy personal relationships, few have considered innovative design of social network software as a tool for mitigating this problem. Mitigating cyberbullying involves two key components: robust techniques for effective detection and reflective user interfaces that encourage users to reflect upon their behavior and their choices. Spam filters have been successful by applying statistical approaches like Bayesian networks and hidden Markov models. They can, like Google’s GMail, aggregate human spam judgments because spam is sent nearly identically to many people. Bullying is more personalized, varied, and contextual. In this work, we present an approach for bullying detection based on state-of-the-art natural language processing and a common sense knowledge base, which permits recognition over a broad spectrum of topics in everyday life. We analyze a more narrow range of particular subject matter associated with bullying (e.g. appearance, intelligence, racial and ethnic slurs, social acceptance, and rejection), and construct BullySpace, a common sense knowledge base that encodes particular knowledge about bullying situations. We then perform joint reasoning with common sense knowledge about a wide range of everyday life topics. We analyze messages using our novel AnalogySpace common sense reasoning technique. We also take into account social network analysis and other factors. We evaluate the model on real-world instances that have been reported by users on Formspring, a social networking website that is popular with teenagers. On the intervention side, we explore a set of reflective user-interaction paradigms with the goal of promoting empathy among social network participants. We propose an “air traffic control”-like dashboard, which alerts moderators to large-scale outbreaks that appear to be escalating or spreading and helps them prioritize the current deluge of user complaints. For potential victims, we provide educational material that informs them about how to cope with the situation, and connects them with emotional support from others. A user evaluation shows that in-context, targeted, and dynamic help during cyberbullying situations fosters end-user reflection that promotes better coping strategies

    Toward a better understanding of the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds on health : Human-relevant case studies from sheep models

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    The 3 case studies reviewed in this article were supported by funders including: SRF Academic Scholarship Award 2013, the Wellcome Trust (080388), the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no 212885 and French Region Midi-Pyrénées [31000642] the French National Research Program for Environmental and Occupational Health of Anses [grant number 2015/1/112, 2015] and the French National Research Agency [ANR-13-CESA0007-1].Peer reviewedPostprin