357 research outputs found

    Cephalopod paralarvae and upwelling conditions off Galician waters (NW Spain)

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    A total of 103 cephalopod paralarvae were sampled during June 1995 in Galician waters (NW Spain). Samples were taken with Bongo nets of 300 and 500 m mesh size at 48 sampling stations along 10 transverse transects ranging from 80 to 600 m water depth. Paralarvae of loliginid squid were most abundant (40%). TheRhynchoteuthion paralarvae of ommastrephid squid accounted for 25%, whereas sepiolids comprised 23% of the total sample. Octopods were scarce, at only 6.6%. Other cephalopod families accounted for 5%. Sizes of paralarvae ranged from 1.0 to 7.1 mm mantle length. Temperature and salinity distribution showed the presence of an intense upwelling during the survey period. The sampling data obtained before and during the presence of upwelled water off Rias of Pontevedra and Vigo (southern zone) showed that paralarval cephalopod abundance and distribution were closely related to the upwelled Eastern North-Atlantic Central Water (ENACW)

    A redescription of Planctoteuthis levimana (Lönnberg, 1896) (Mollusca: Cephalopoda), with a brief review of the genus

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    We re-describe Planctoteuthis levimana (Lönnberg, 1896), a poorly known species of oegopsid squid in the Chiroteuthidae, based on two specimens taken from near the type locality. We also designate a neotype for P. levimana. We demonstrate that P. levimana is a valid taxon through brief comparisons with other members of the genus, and we assess the importance of the funnel locking-apparatus as a species-level character in Planctoteuthis

    Predation on cephalopods by Pygoscelis papua and Arctocephalus gazelle at south Orkney Islands

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    The cephalopod diet of the gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua and the Ant− arctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella was comparatively analyzed at Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands. A total of 125 stomach samples were collected by the water off−loading method from gentoo penguins during the autumns of 1993, 1995 and 1996, and 39 fur seal scats were collected from mid March to April 1988. Cephalopods preyed upon by gentoo penguins were represented by 1974 beaks (1628 lower, 346 upper) which occurred in 50.4% of the samples. Lower beaks identified belonged exclusively to the squid Psychroteuthis glacialis. The mean lower rostral length (LRL) of these beaks was 1.1 mm (range 0.4– 1.8 mm). From the Antarctic fur seal scats 103 beaks (41 lower, 62 upper) were removed from 60.6% of scats which contained prey remains. The cephalopod species identified were Slosarczykovia circumantarctica and P. glacialis which constituted 78.8% and 21.1% in terms of numbers, respectively. The mean lower rostral length for S. circumantarctica was 2.7 mm (range 2.0–3.5 mm), while that of P. glacialis was 1.6 mm (range 1.0–2.5 mm). The foraging behaviour of the two top predators was analyzed and discussed according to the composition and size of their cephalopod prey

    Polarization control of metal-enhanced fluorescence in hybrid assemblies of photosynthetic complexes and gold nanorods

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    Fluorescence imaging of hybrid nanostructures composed of a bacterial light-harvesting complex LH2 and Au nanorods with controlled coupling strength is employed to study the spectral dependence of the plasmon-induced fluorescence enhancement. Perfect matching of the plasmon resonances in the nanorods with the absorption bands of the LH2 complexes facilitates a direct comparison of the enhancement factors for longitudinal and transverse plasmon frequencies of the nanorods. We find that the fluorescence enhancement due to excitation of longitudinal resonance can be up to five-fold stronger than for the transverse one. We attribute this result, which is important for designing plasmonic functional systems, to a very different distribution of the enhancement of the electric field due to the excitation of the two characteristic plasmon modes in nanorods

    An ellipsoidal mirror for focusing neutral atomic and molecular beams

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    Manipulation of atomic and molecular beams is essential to atom optics applications including atom lasers, atom lithography, atom interferometry and neutral atom microscopy. The manipulation of charge-neutral beams of limited polarizability, spin or excitation states remains problematic, but may be overcome by the development of novel diffractive or reflective optical elements. In this paper, we present the first experimental demonstration of atom focusing using an ellipsoidal mirror. The ellipsoidal mirror enables stigmatic off-axis focusing for the first time and we demonstrate focusing of a beam of neutral, ground-state helium atoms down to an approximately circular spot, (26.8±0.5) ÎŒm×(31.4±0.8) ÎŒm in size. The spot area is two orders of magnitude smaller than previous reflective focusing of atomic beams and is a critical milestone towards the construction of a high-intensity scanning helium microscope

    Stomach contents of sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus stranded in the North Sea 1990-1996

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    Stomach contents of 17 sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus stranded in Scotland and Denmark during 1990-96 were analysed. All were sub-adult or adult males and stranded between November and March. They had presumably entered the North Sea during their southward migration from feeding grounds in Arctic waters. Other studies indicate that the majority of the whales were apparently healthy. The diet of these whales was found to consist almost entirely of cephalopods, principally squid of the genus Gonatus (hereafter 'Gonatus', but probably G. fabricii, an oceanic species characteristic of Arctic waters). The other prey species identified were also mostly oceanic cephalopods: the squids Histioteuthis bonnellii, Teuthowenia megalops and Todarodes sagittatus and the octopus Haliphron atlanticus. Although these results are consistent with other recent studies in the area based on single stranded whales, they differ from results of work on whales caught during commercial whaling operations in Icelandic waters (1960s to 1980s) in that little evidence of predation on fish was found in the present study. Remains of single individuals of the veined squid Loligo forbesi, the northern octopus Eledone cirrhosa and the saithe Pollachius virens provided the only possible evidence of feeding in the North Sea. We infer that sperm whales do not enter the North Sea to feed. The timing, and large and uniform sizes of the Gonatus species eaten (most had mantle lengths in the range 195 to 245 mm), as estimated from measurements of the lower beaks, and the seasonality of the strandings is consistent with the whales having fed on mature squid, possibly spawning concentrations--as has recently been reported for bottlenose whales. Assuming that the diet recorded in this study was representative of sperm whales during the feeding season, as much as 500000 t of Gonatus could be removed by sperm whales in Norwegian waters each year and up to 3 times that figure from the eastern North Atlantic as a whole. Evidence from other studies indicates that Gonatus is an important food resource for a wide range of marine predators in Arctic waters

    An ellipsoidal mirror for focusing neutral atomic and molecular beams

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    Manipulation of atomic and molecular beams is essential to atom optics applications including atom lasers, atom lithography, atom interferometry and neutral atom microscopy. The manipulation of charge-neutral beams of limited polarizability, spin or excitation states remains problematic, but may be overcome by the development of novel diffractive or reflective optical elements. In this paper, we present the first experimental demonstration of atom focusing using an ellipsoidal mirror. The ellipsoidal mirror enables stigmatic off-axis focusing for the first time and we demonstrate focusing of a beam of neutral, ground-state helium atoms down to an approximately circular spot, (26.8±0.5) ÎŒm×(31.4±0.8) ÎŒm in size. The spot area is two orders of magnitude smaller than previous reflective focusing of atomic beams and is a critical milestone towards the construction of a high-intensity scanning helium microscope

    Evaluation of the Effects of Powder Coating Cure Temperatures on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy Substrates

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    The effects of curing temperature, based on new, low-temperature powder coating methods and traditional high-temperature powder coating methods, were studied. Heat-sensitive aluminum alloys (2024-T3, 6061-T6, and 7075-T6) were subjected to two different heat-treatment cycles, which were based on temperatures of 121 and 204 degrees C. Findings indicate that although both cure temperatures achieved powder coatings adhesion and thickness appropriate for industrial uses, the high-temperature cure treatment negatively affected the mechanical properties
