126 research outputs found

    Décoloniser l'Asie centrale ?

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    RésuméFondé sur l’étude d’archives originales (régionales et nationales) de Moscou, Tashkent et Almaty, cet article a pour objet la réforme dite « de l’eau et de la terre », mise en œuvre dans les années 1921-1922 dans la région du Semireč´e (le sud-est de l’actuel Kazakhstan et le nord-est de l’actuel Kirghizstan). Au cours de cette réforme, des dizaines de milliers de paysans slaves (environ 30 000 au Semireč´e et 10 000 de plus dans d’autres régions du Turkestan) furent expulsés des terres dont ils s’étaient emparés à la suite de la révolte kazakhe et kirghize de 1916, période d’extrême violence qui opposa les paysans slaves aux éleveurs d’Asie centrale. La réforme de la terre et de l’eau fut la première action notable de « décolonisation » menée au Turkestan après la conquête de la région par l’Armée rouge menée par Mihail Frunze. Cette réforme, avec une politique similaire menée dans les mêmes années dans le Caucase du Nord, constitue d’ailleurs le seul exemple de toute l’histoire de la Russie tsariste et soviétique d’une politique d’expropriation et d’expulsion de colons paysans slaves. Nous analysons ici les mécanismes de la prise de décision qui a abouti à cette réforme, les différentes étapes de sa mise en œuvre, ses résultats et ses significations politiques. Nous considérons également la portée de cet événement sur le pouvoir bolchevik dans l’entre-deux-guerres en Asie centrale.AbstractDecolonizing Central Asia ? Bolsheviks and Settlers in Semirech´e, 1920-1922Based on original archival research in Moscow, Tashkent and Almaty (in both republican and regional archives), the present article deals with the so-called “land-water reform” implemented in the Central Asian region of Semirech´e (nowadays South-Eastern Kazakhstan and North-Eastern Kyrgyzstan) in 1921-1922. During the reform, tens of thousands of Slavic peasants (around 30,000 in Semirech´e, plus another 10,000 in other regions of Turkestan) were expelled from the land they had seized in retaliation of the Kazakh and Kyrgyz revolt of 1916, when a period of extreme violence between Slavic peasants and Central Asian pastoralists had begun. The land-water reform was the first major act of “decolonization” carried out in Turkestan after the conquest of the region by Mikhail Frunze’s Red Army. Moreover, along with similar policies carried out in the Northern Caucasus at the same time, the 1921-1922 “land-water reform” was the only instance during the entire Tsarist and Soviet history of the implementation of a policy of expropriation and expulsion of Slavic agricultural settlers from Central Asia. The paper analyzes the decision-making process at the origin of the reform, the different stages of the reform’s implementation, its results and political meanings, and assesses its significance for the interpretation of Bolshevik rule in interwar Central Asia

    Kazakhstan: Ethnicity, Language and PowerBhavna DAVE

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    Bhavna DAVE, Kazakhstan: Ethnicity, Language and Power, London — New York : Routledge, 2007, 242 p. Bhavna Dave relies upon three different streams of scholarly enquiry (“the new Western historiography of the Soviet era, the postcolonial theory and the ethnographies of post-socialist transition,” p. 11) in order to analyze the evolution of Kazakh “national consciousness”, as embedded in pre-Soviet, Soviet and post-Soviet power relations. The question is explored principally in terms of the la..

    Bhavna Dave, Kazakhstan

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    Bhavna Dave relies upon three different streams of scholarly enquiry (“the new Western historiography of the Soviet era, the postcolonial theory and the ethnographies of post-socialist transition,” p. 11) in order to analyze the evolution of Kazakh “national consciousness”, as embedded in pre-Soviet, Soviet and post-Soviet power relations. The question is explored principally in terms of the language policies adopted in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. In Dave’s words, “the crucial argumen..

    I classici: vicini e lontani. Come nave in tempesta di Giuseppe Cambiano

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    Nell’ultimo libro di Giuseppe Cambiano dedicato alla filosofia antica, Come nave in tempesta. Il governo della città in Platone e Aristotele, il lettore ritrova nell’accuratezza dell’analisi linguistica e concettuale dei testi e nella sobrietà filosofica sottesa al lavoro dello storico i tratti che caratterizzano i suoi scritti, a partire dall’apprendistato iniziale alla scuola di Nicola Abbagnano, sotto la cui guida si è laureato con una tesi su Platone e le tecniche che è stata alla base de..

    Optimization of processing and storage of clinical samples to be used for the molecular diagnosis of pertussis

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    Coqueluche o pertussis es una infección respiratoria aguda, muy contagiosa y particularmente grave en menores de un año. En la enfermedad clásica, el diagnóstico clínico puede realizarse sin dificultad. En otros casos se requiere la confirmación por el laboratorio. Los métodos usados son el cultivo, la serología y la PCR. Para esta última, la muestra de elección es el aspirado nasofaríngeo y la metodología más sencilla de procesamiento utiliza proteinasa K. Aunque por lo general los resultados son satisfactorios, frecuentemente se presentan dificultades relacionadas con la naturaleza mucosa de los especímenes. Por otra parte, existen incertidumbres respecto de las condiciones óptimas de conservación de las muestras. En el presente estudio se evaluaron distintas técnicas de procesamiento y diversas condiciones de conservación de los materiales. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron seleccionar un método que optimiza el procesamiento de estas muestras, con un desempeño comparable al de los métodos comerciales y costos muy inferiores. Asimismo, las experiencias diseñadas para evaluar la conservación de las muestras nos permitieron elaborar una serie de recomendaciones, que pueden resultar muy valiosas cuando se debe guiar la derivación desde los lugares donde se atienden los pacientes hasta los centros donde se realizan las determinaciones basadas en metodologías moleculares.Pertussis or whooping cough is an acute, highly contagious respiratory infection, which is particularly severe in infants under one year old. In classic disease, clinical diagnosis may present no difficulties. In other cases, it requires laboratory confirmation. Generally used methods are: culture, serology and PCR. For the latter, the sample of choice is a nasopharyngeal aspirate, and the simplest method for processing these samples uses proteinase K. Although results are generally satisfactory, difficulties often arise regarding the mucosal nature of the specimens. Moreover, uncertainties exist regarding the optimal conditions for sample storage. This study evaluated various technologies for processing and storing samples. Results enabled us to select a method for optimizing sample processing, with performance comparable to commercial methods and far lower costs. The experiments designed to assess the conservation of samples enabled us to obtain valuable information to guide the referral of samples from patient care centres to laboratories where such samples are processed by molecular methods.Instituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    Whole-Genome Sequencing Applied to the Molecular Epidemiology of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Argentina

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    Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains are worldwide associated with sporadic human infections and outbreaks. In this work, we report the availability of high-quality draft whole-genome sequences for 19 O157:H7 strains isolated in Argentina.Fil: Masana, Marcelo Oscar. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos; Argentina.Fil: Carbonari, Claudia Carolina. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas-ANLIS ‘‘Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán’’. Servicio Fisiopatogenia; Argentina.Fil: Fittipaldi, Nahuel. Public Health Ontario. Toronto Laboratories; Canada. University of Toronto. Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology; Canada.Fil: Teatero, Sarah. Public Health Ontario. Toronto Laboratories; Canada.Fil: Athey, Taryn B. T. Public Health Ontario. Toronto Laboratories; Canada.Fil: Pianciola, Luis. Subsecretaría de Salud de Neuquén. Laboratorio Central; Argentina.Fil: Melano, Roberto G. Public Health Ontario. Toronto Laboratories; Canada. University of Toronto. Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology; Canada.Fil: Rivas, Marta. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas-ANLIS ‘‘Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán’’. Servicio Fisiopatogenia; Argentina.Fil: Chinen, Isabel. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas-ANLIS ‘‘Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán’’. Servicio Fisiopatogenia; Argentina

    Magnetoresistance in Fe1x_{1-x}Gax_x thin films presenting striped magnetic pattern: the role of closure domains and domain walls

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    In this work we show the existence of closure domains in Fe1x_{1-x}Gax_x thin films featuring a striped magnetic pattern and study the effect of the magnetic domain arrangement on the magnetotransport properties. By means of X-ray resonant magnetic scattering, we experimentally demonstrate the presence of such closure domains and estimate their sizes and relative contribution to surface magnetization. Magnetotransport experiments show that the behavior of the magnetoresistance depends on the measurement geometry as well as on the temperature. When the electric current ows perpendicular to the stripe direction, the resistivity decreases when a magnetic field is applied along the stripe direction (negative magnetoresistance) in all the studied temperature range, and the calculations indicate that the main source is the anisotropic magnetoresistance. In the case of current flowing parallel to the stripe domains, the magnetoresistance changes sign, being positive at room temperature and negative at 100 K. To explain this behavior, the contribution to magnetoresistance from the domain walls must be considered besides the anisotropic one.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Antigens characterization of Echinococcus granulosus of pigs using SDS-PAGE and Western Blot

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    La hidatidosis, una zoonosis endémica en la Patagonia Argentina, es causada por el parásito Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato. Existen al menos 10 genotipos del parásito que originan diferencias en la especificidad de hospedador intermediario (HI), el ciclo biológico, la antigenicidad, etc. El líquido hidatídico (LH), fuente principal de antígenos para uso diagnóstico, contiene una mezcla compleja de proteínas que provienen del HI y del parásito. Los componentes principales son el antígeno (Ag) 5 y el Ag B. Se han descripto importantes diferencias en la secuencia de aminoácidos del Ag B provenientes de diferentes genotipos y HI. Los LH utilizados en las pruebas diagnósticas son generalmente de origen ovino o bovino. En la provincia de Neuquén, los porcinos (Sus scrofa) intervienen como reservorios de E. granulosus sensu lato. Sin embargo, no se han identificado los antígenos presentes en los LH de origen porcino. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron: 1) identificar las fracciones de proteínas de LH provenientes de porcinos de la provincia de Neuquén, durante el período 2005-2012 y 2) evaluar su antigenicidad frente a sueros de humanos con hidatidosis confirmada.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Genetic characterization of human hydatid cysts shows coinfection by Echinococcus canadensis G7 and Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto G1 in Argentina

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    Human cystic echinococcosis caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato (s.l.) is a highly endemic disease in the province of Neuquen, Patagonia, Argentina. Human infections with E. granulosus sensu stricto (s.s.) G1 and Echinococcus canadensis G6 were reported in Neuquen in previous studies, whereas four genotypes were identified in livestock: G1, G3, G6, and G7. The aim of this study was to identify the genotypes of E. granulosus s.l. isolates from humans of Neuquen province, Patagonia, Argentina, through the 2005–2014 period. Twenty six hydatid cysts were obtained from 21 patients. The most frequent locations were the liver and lungs. Single cysts were observed in 81.0% of patients, and combined infection of liver and lungs was detected in 9.5% of cases. Partial sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1) genes identified the presence of E. granulosus s.s. G1 (n = 11; 42.3%) including three different partial sequences; E. canadensis G6 (n = 14; 53.8%) and E. canadensis G7 (n = 1; 3.9%). Coinfection with G1 and G7 genotypes was detected in one patient who harbored three liver cysts. Most of the liver cysts corresponded to G1 and G6 genotypes. This study presents the first report in the Americas of a human infection with E. canadensis G7 and the second worldwide report of a coinfection with two different species and genotypes of E. granulosus s.l in humans. The molecular diversity of this parasite should be considered to redesign or improve the control program strategies in endemic regions.Centro Universitario de Estudios Microbiológicos y Parasitológico