284 research outputs found

    Ochrobactrum sp. MPV1 from a dump of roasted pyrites can be exploited as bacterial catalyst for the biogenesis of selenium and tellurium nanoparticles

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    Background: Bacteria have developed different mechanisms for the transformation of metalloid oxyanions to non-toxic chemical forms. A number of bacterial isolates so far obtained in axenic culture has shown the ability to bioreduce selenite and tellurite to the elemental state in different conditions along with the formation of nanoparticles-both inside and outside the cells-characterized by a variety of morphological features. This reductive process can be considered of major importance for two reasons: firstly, toxic and soluble (i.e. bioavailable) compounds such as selenite and tellurite are converted to a less toxic chemical forms (i.e. zero valent state); secondly, chalcogen nanoparticles have attracted great interest due to their photoelectric and semiconducting properties. In addition, their exploitation as antimicrobial agents is currently becoming an area of intensive research in medical sciences. Results: In the present study, the bacterial strain Ochrobactrum sp. MPV1, isolated from a dump of roasted arsenopyrites as residues of a formerly sulfuric acid production near Scarlino (Tuscany, Italy) was analyzed for its capability of efficaciously bioreducing the chalcogen oxyanions selenite (SeO32-) and tellurite (TeO32-) to their respective elemental forms (Se0 and Te0) in aerobic conditions, with generation of Se- and Te-nanoparticles (Se- and TeNPs). The isolate could bioconvert 2 mM SeO32- and 0.5 mM TeO32- to the corresponding Se0 and Te0 in 48 and 120 h, respectively. The intracellular accumulation of nanomaterials was demonstrated through electron microscopy. Moreover, several analyses were performed to shed light on the mechanisms involved in SeO32- and TeO32- bioreduction to their elemental states. Results obtained suggested that these oxyanions are bioconverted through two different mechanisms in Ochrobactrum sp. MPV1. Glutathione (GSH) seemed to play a key role in SeO32- bioreduction, while TeO32- bioconversion could be ascribed to the catalytic activity of intracellular NADH-dependent oxidoreductases. The organic coating surrounding biogenic Se- and TeNPs was also characterized through Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. This analysis revealed interesting differences among the NPs produced by Ochrobactrum sp. MPV1 and suggested a possible different role of phospholipids and proteins in both biosynthesis and stabilization of such chalcogen-NPs. Conclusions: In conclusion, Ochrobactrum sp. MPV1 has demonstrated to be an ideal candidate for the bioconversion of toxic oxyanions such as selenite and tellurite to their respective elemental forms, producing intracellular Se- and TeNPs possibly exploitable in biomedical and industrial applications.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Improved Face Tracking Thanks to Local Features Correspondence

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    In this paper, we propose a technique to enhance the quality of detected face tracks in videos. In particular, we present a tracking algorithm that can improve the temporal localization of the tracks, remedying to the unavoidable failures of the face detection algorithms. Local features are extracted and tracked to “fill the gaps” left by missed detections. The principal aim of this work is to provide robust and well localized tracks of faces to a system of Interactive Movietelling, but the concepts can be extended whenever there is the necessity to localize the presence of a determined face even in environments where the face detection is, for any reason, difficult. We test the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in terms of faces localization both in space and time, first assessing the performance in an ad-hoc simulation scenario and then showing output examples of some real-world video sequences

    Advancing SeNP synthesis: Innovative confined environments for enhanced stability and size control

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    Nanotechnology's exponential growth has spurred a demand for high-quality and safe nanomaterials, prompting increased interest in cost-effective and fast colloidal syntheses that must mitigate their irreversible aggregation, an issue particularly pertaining to spherical selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs), promising materials in a wide array of technological and biological fields. This study presents a novel approach to SeNP synthesis in confined environments developed from the highly biocompatible surfactant sodium oleate (NaOl) and the amino acid l-cysteine as a selenite-reducing agent. l-cysteine@NaOl (C@NaOl) confined environments were modulable as a function of the amino acid and surfactant concentrations and yielded high-quality spherical SeNPs with enhanced stability. This approach enables generating SeNPs even under alkaline conditions and improving up to 3-fold the final SeNP yield compared to other processes. Besides, we introduce a groundbreaking method for determining SeNP size by adapting Mie's scattering theory to metalloid NPs. This innovative technique proves effective for SeNPs in the 40–100 nm range, offering a reliable alternative to conventional sizing methods. These findings provide valuable insights regarding the generation of bio- and eco-compatible confined environments and SeNPs, paving the way for developing safe, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly strategies for their synthesis with broad applications in various scientific and technological domains

    Biogenic selenium nanoparticles: A fine characterization to unveil their thermodynamic stability

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    Among the plethora of available metal(loid) nanomaterials (NMs), those containing selenium are interesting from an applicative perspective, due to their high biocompatibility. Microorganisms capable of coping with toxic Se-oxyanions generate mostly Se nanoparticles (SeNPs), representing an ideal and green alternative over the chemogenic synthesis to obtain thermody-namically stable NMs. However, their structural characterization, in terms of biomolecules and interactions stabilizing the biogenic colloidal solution, is still a black hole that impairs the exploitation of biogenic SeNP full potential. Here, spherical and thermodynamically stable SeNPs were produced by a metal(loid) tolerant Micrococcus sp. Structural characterization obtained by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed that these SeNPs were surrounded by an organic material that contributed the most to their electrosteric stabilization, as indicated by Zeta (ζ) potential measurements. Proteins were strongly adsorbed on the SeNP surface, while lipids, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids more loosely interacted with SeNMs as highlighted by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and overall supported by multivariate statistical analysis. Nevertheless, all these contributors were fundamental to maintain SeNPs stable, as, upon washing, the NM-containing extract showed the arising of aggregated SeNPs alongside Se nanorods (SeNRs). Besides, Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculation unveiled how thiol-containing molecules appeared to play a role in SeO32− bioreduction, stress oxidative response, and SeNP stabilization

    Cross-linked natural IntegroPectin films from citrus biowaste with intrinsic antimicrobial activity

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    Pectin recovered via hydrodynamic cavitation (IntegroPectin) from lemon and grapefruit agri-food waste intrinsically containing antimicrobial bioactive substances (flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenes, and terpenoids) was used to generate innovative and eco-compatible films that efficiently inhibit the growth of Gram-negative pathogens. Extensive characterization of films confirmed the presence of these substances, which differently interact with the polysaccharide polymer (pectin), plasticizer (glycerol), surfactant (Tween 60), and cross-linker (Ca2+), conferring to these films a unique structure. Besides, IntegroPectin-based films constitute versatile systems for the sustained, controlled, and slow-release (up to 72 h) of bioactive substances in an aqueous environment. This feature is crucial for the good in vitro antimicrobial activity exerted by IntegroPectin films against three Gram-negative bacteria (two indicator pathogen strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145, P. aeruginosa PAO1, and the clinical isolate Klebsiella pneumoniae) that are involved in the global emergence of the antimicrobial resistance. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    The actinomycete Kitasatospora sp. SeTe27, subjected to adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) in the presence of selenite, varies its cellular morphology, redox stability, and tolerance to the toxic oxyanion

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    The effects of oxyanions selenite (SeO32−) in soils are of high concern in ecotoxicology and microbiology as they can react with mineral particles and microorganisms. This study investigated the evolution of the actinomycete Kitasatospora sp. SeTe27 in response to selenite. To this aim, we used the Adaptive Laboratory Evolution (ALE) technique, an experimental approach that mimics natural evolution and enhances microbial fitness for specific growth conditions. The original strain (wild type; WT) isolated from uncontaminated soil gave us a unique model system as it has never encountered the oxidative damage generated by the prooxidant nature of selenite. The WT strain exhibited a good basal level of selenite tolerance, although its growth and oxyanion removal capacity were limited compared to other environmental isolates. Based on these premises, the WT and the ALE strains, the latter isolated at the end of the laboratory evolution procedure, were compared. While both bacterial strains had similar fatty acid profiles, only WT cells exhibited hyphae aggregation and extensively produced membrane-like vesicles when grown in the presence of selenite (challenged conditions). Conversely, ALE selenite-grown cells showed morphological adaptation responses similar to the WT strain under unchallenged conditions, demonstrating the ALE strain improved resilience against selenite toxicity. Whole-genome sequencing revealed specific missense mutations in genes associated with anion transport and primary and secondary metabolisms in the ALE variant. These results were interpreted to show that some energy-demanding processes are attenuated in the ALE strain, prioritizing selenite bioprocessing to guarantee cell survival in the presence of selenite. The present study indicates some crucial points for adapting Kitasatospora sp. SeTe27 to selenite oxidative stress to best deal with selenium pollution. Moreover, the importance of exploring non-conventional bacterial genera, like Kitasatospora, for biotechnological applications is emphasized

    Unpolarized transverse momentum distributions from a global fit of Drell-Yan and semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering data

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    We present an extraction of unpolarized transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution and fragmentation functions based on more than two thousand data points from several experiments for two different processes: semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering and Drell-Yan production. The baseline analysis is performed using the Monte Carlo replica method and resumming large logarithms at (NLL)-L-3 accuracy. The resulting description of the data is very good (chi(2)/N-dat = 1.06). For semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering, predictions for multiplicities are normalized by factors that cure the discrepancy with data introduced by higher-order perturbative corrections

    Developing a 3-DOF Compliant Perching Arm for a Free-Flying Robot on the International Space Station

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    This paper presents the design and control of the 3-DOF compliant perching arm for the free-flying Astrobee robots that will operate inside the International Space Station (ISS). The robots are intended to serve as a flexible platform for future guest scientists to use for zero-gravity robotics research - thus, the arm is designed to support manipulation research. It provides a 1-DOF underactuated tendon-driven gripper capable of enveloping a range of objects of different shapes and sizes. Co-located RGB camera and LIDAR sensors provide perception. The Astrobee robots will be capable of grasping each other in flight, to simulate orbital capture scenarios. The arm's end-effector module is swappable on-orbit, allowing guest scientists to add upgraded grippers, or even additional arm degrees of freedom. The design of the arm balances research capabilities with Astrobee's operational need to perch on ISS handrails to reduce power consumption. Basic arm functioning and grip strength were evaluated using an integrated Astrobee prototype riding on a low-friction air bearing