78 research outputs found

    Comparison of different approaches for estimating age-specific alcohol-attributable mortality : The cases of France and Finland

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    Background Accurate estimates of the impact of alcohol on overall and age-specific mortality are crucial for formulating health policies. However, different approaches to estimating alcohol-attributable mortality provide different results, and a detailed comparison of age-specific estimates is missing. Methods Using data on cause of death, alcohol consumption, and relative risks of mortality at different consumption levels, we compare eight estimates of sex- and age-specific alcohol-attributable mortality in France (2010) and Finland (2013): five estimates using cause-of-death approaches (with one accounting for contributory causes), and three estimates using attributable fraction (AF) approaches. Results AF-related approaches and the approach based on alcohol-related underlying and contributory causes of death provided estimates of alcohol-attributable mortality that were twice as high as the estimates found using underlying cause-of-death approaches in both countries and sexes. The differences across the methods were greatest among older age groups An inverse U-shape in age-specific alcohol-attributable mortality (peaking at around age 65) was observed for cause-of-death approaches, with this shape being more pronounced in Finland. AF-related approaches resulted in different estimates at older ages: i.e., mortality was found to increase with age in France; whereas in Finland mortality estimates depended on the underlying assumptions regarding the effects of alcohol consumption on cardiovascular mortality. Conclusions While the most detailed approaches (i.e., the AF-related approach and the approach that includes underlying and contributory causes) are theoretically able to provide more accurate estimates of alcohol-attributable mortality, they–especially the AF approaches- depend heavily on data availability and quality. To enhance the reliability of alcohol-attributable mortality estimates, data quality for older age groups needs to be improved.Peer reviewe

    Effectiveness and efficiency of an 11-week exercise intervention for patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis: a protocol for a controlled study in the context of health services research

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    Abstract Background Osteoarthritis is the most common reason for pain in older adults, and the individual and economic burden of this disease is immense. The chronic character of osteoarthritis requires a long-term therapeutic treatment. In this regard life-style interventions such as physical exercises that can be carried out by the patient himself are recommended as first line treatment. There is evidence for the short-term benefit of exercise therapy in terms of pain reduction and physical functioning. Nonetheless research agendas highlight the need for multifaceted interventions that incorporate exercise strategies into patient care. Studies should be conducted with appropriate sample sizes and should allow statements on long-term effects as well as cost-utility and safety. These open questions are under the scope of this study. Methods/design This is a controlled study in the context of health services research. The study population consists of n = 1400 subjects with hip or knee osteoarthritis. The intervention group will be recruited from participants of a country-wide health insurance offer for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis. Potential participants for the control group (ratio 10:1 (control vs. intervention) will be filtered out from the insurance data base according to pre-defined matching criteria and asked by letter for their participation. The final statistical twins from the responders (1:1) will be determined via propensity score matching. The progressive training intervention comprises 8 supervised group sessions, supplemented by home exercises (2/week over 11 weeks). Exercises include mobilization, strengthening and training of postural control. Primary outcomes are pain and function measured with the WOMAC Index immediately after the intervention period. Among other things, health related quality of life, self-efficacy, cost utility and safety will be evaluated as secondary outcomes. Participants will be followed up 6, 12 and 24 month after baseline. Discussion Results of this trial will document the effects of clinical as well as economic outcomes in a regular health care setting on the basis of a large sample size. As such, results of this trial might have great impact on future implementations of group- and home-based exercises in hip or knee osteoarthritis. Trail registration German Clinical Trial Register DRKS00009251 . Registered 10 September 2015

    Current state of social media utilization in neurosurgery amongst European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) member countries.

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    BACKGROUND Social Media (SoMe) is becoming increasingly used in the medical community, and its use has been related with academic productivity. However, utilization of SoMe in the European neurosurgical community has not been assessed systematically. METHODS An online search was undertaken to discover SoMe accounts of (1) national and related neurosurgical societies listed on the EANS website, (2) neurosurgical journals present on EANS website, (3) neurosurgery centers within EANS member countries, as listed on their website. SoMe accounts of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram were searched for journals and societies, and Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for neurosurgery departments. The number of likes/followers/subscribers was recorded. RESULTS Five (31%) neurosurgery journals had a SoMe presence. The highest number of followers, likes, and tweets was found for JNNP, and Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B had the most subscribers and video views. SoMe usage was identified for 11 national (28.2%) and 2 multi-national neurosurgical societies. From these, the French Society of Neurosurgery had the largest number of Facebook followers (> 2800) and Likes (> 2700), the Society of British Neurological Surgeons had the largest number of Twitter followers (> 2850), whereas EANS overall had the most followers on Twitter > 5100 and Facebook > 5450. A total of 87 SoMe neurosurgery center accounts were found on either Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, for 64 of 1000 centers (6.4%) in 22 of 40 different countries (55%). Of these 67% (n = 43/64) arose from 6 countries (England, Germany, Italy, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine). There were more Facebook accounts (n = 42) than Instagram accounts (n = 23) or Twitter accounts (n = 22). CONCLUSION SoMe use amongst neurosurgical societies and departments in Europe is very limited. From our perspective, explanations are lacking for the correlated numbers to the market shares of SoMe in the respective countries. Further research, including a survey, to follow up on this important topic should be undertaken among EANS members

    Gender differences in work-life balance of European neurosurgeons

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    Neurosurgery is one of the most demanding medical specialties. For neurosurgeons, balancing professional activity with personal life can be challenging. To evaluate gender differences in contribution of neurosurgeons in the household and child-rearing, as well as their impact on personal life and career. An anonymous, electronic, 59-item web-based survey was administered to National Neurosurgical Societies of Europe, and European Member Societies of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (June-October 2021). A total of 205 European neurosurgeons (87 females and 118 males, mean age 40.7) are included in our survey. In neurosurgery, females are significantly more likely to be alone (37.9%), while males are significantly more likely to have children (66.9%). In terms of household efforts, females spend more time than males on the same tasks. Most participants (71.2%) view gender issues as a disadvantage in career pursuing. Women feel less accepted (54.3%) and having fewer opportunities (58.6%), while men believe that pregnancy/child-rearing (65.8%) and having many roles (51.3%) are the main obstacles. Both genders (77.6%) favor more convenient working conditions for young parents. Discussion and Conclusion. In our study we found that, women neurosurgeons take more responsibilities at home, especially in the child-rearing years. Female neurosurgeons are more likely to live alone or stay childless more often compared to their male colleagues. Supportive facilities, flexible programs, universal life policies and presumably curbing of the social stereotypes are of importance to overcome gender inequities that women are still facing in neurosurgery

    Efficacy of conservative treatment regimes for hip osteoarthritis - Evaluation of the therapeutic exercise regime "Hip School": A protocol for a randomised, controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hip osteoarthritis (hip OA) is a disease with a major impact on both national economy and the patients themselves. Patients suffer from pain and functional impairment in activities of daily life which are associated with a decrease in quality of life. Conservative therapeutic interventions such as physical exercises aim at reducing pain and increasing function and health-related quality of life. However, there is only silver level evidence for efficacy of land-based physical exercise in the treatment of hip OA. The purpose of this randomized controlled trial is to determine whether the specific 12-week exercise regime "Hip School" can decrease bodily pain and improve physical function and life quality in subjects with hip osteoarthritis.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>217 participants with hip OA, confirmed using the clinical score of the American College of Rheumatology, are recruited from the community and randomly allocated to one of the following groups: (1) exercise regime "Hip School", n = 70; (2) Non-intervention control group, n = 70; (3) "Sham" ultrasound group, n = 70; (4) Ultrasound group, n = 7. The exercise regime combines group exercises (1/week, 60-90') and home-based exercises (2/week, 30-40'). Sham ultrasound and ultrasound are given once a week, 15'. Measures are taken directly prior to (M1) and after (M2) the 12-week intervention period. Two follow-ups are conducted by phone 16 and 40 weeks after the intervention period. The primary outcome measure is the change in the subscale <it>bodily pain </it>of the SF36 from M1 to M2. Secondary outcomes comprise the WOMAC score, SF36, isometric strength of hip muscles, spatial-temporal and discrete measures derived from clinical gait analysis, and the length of the centre of force path in different standing tasks. An intension-to-treat analysis will be performed using multivariate statistics (group Ă— time).</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Results from this trial will contribute to the evidence regarding the effect of a hip-specific exercise regime on physical function, pain, and health-related quality of life in patients with hip osteoarthritis.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>German Clinical Trial Register DRKS00000651.</p

    Long-Term Positional Headaches Due to Cervical Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak After Acupuncture Treatment – A Case-Report

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    Acupuncture is a frequent alternative treatment for both acute and chronic pain and its usage has spread widely during the last decades. This technique is however not free of adverse effects, mainly due to mi- grating material or excessive depth of needling, and some might durably impair ' quality of life. In this article, we present a case of post-acupuncture traumatic cervical dural leak in a young female patient leading to chronic positional headaches resulting in a significant impairment of the ' everyday life

    Secondary Analysis of a Study on Exercise Therapy in Hip Osteoarthritis: Follow-Up Data on Pain and Physical Functioning

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    We evaluated the short- and longer-term effects of exercise therapy in hip osteoarthritis patients (OA) at baseline, three, six, and 12 months in a randomized setting, followed by a non-randomized setting. The primary randomized intervention (E = exercise, P = placebo–ultrasound, C = control) was followed by a voluntary three-month exercise therapy for P and C (renamed P-E, C-E). Participants randomized to E were not offered treatment again (E-C). Effect sizes (ES; 95% CI) were calculated for within-group effects across time for bodily pain (SF-36) and WOMAC pain, function, and stiffness. ANCOVAs of post-treatment scores were used for group comparison after the group-specific exercise intervention phase. Exercise adherence was assessed and related to post-treatment scores of clinical outcomes. Data of 115 participants of the RCT eligible for follow-up and completing exercise therapy were included into our analyses. Small to medium beneficial long-term effects of cumulative interventional effects, including exercise training, persisted in all groups. Group E-C (n = 49) showed significant 12 months vs. baseline within-group ES in all outcomes (ES 0.39–0.59) except stiffness. Findings were less prominent for exercise therapy in a non-randomized setting (C-E, P-E, both n = 33). Differences are partially explained by adherence rates, highlighting the relevance of therapy compliance strategies. Short-term between-group differences (ANCOVAs) only showed statistically significant differences for WOMAC function between P-E and E-C in favor of E-C (6.4 (95% CI 1.6–11.2; score range 0–100))
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