24 research outputs found
Beyond ‘know-what’ and ‘know-how’ to ‘know-who’: enhancing human capital with social capital in an Australian start-up accelerator
This study investigates the enhancement of human capital with social capital in a start-up accelerator and how this integration affects the entrepreneurial learning experience. In particular, it examines the relative importance of the three components ‘know-what’, ‘know-how’ and ‘know-who’. The study involved thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with participants in an Australian start-up accelerator that is delivered using ideas such as Design Thinking, the Business Model Canvas and Lean Start-up methodology. We find that although the programme emphasised ‘know-what’ and ‘know-how’, ‘know-who’ was most significant for participant learning. The results indicate that mentors and experts were especially helpful in shaping learning and in developing entrepreneurial networks. Moreover, our results show that the processes of ‘know-what’, ‘know-how’ and ‘know-who’ are interrelated–by knowing ‘who’, participants learnt ‘what’ and ‘how to’ through social learning. The research contributes to entrepreneurial learning theory and application particularly in the Asia Pacific context, by providing evidence that ‘know-who’ closes the learning loop for ‘know-what’ and ‘know-how’ as ‘know-who’ can actually provide entrepreneurs with the means to enhance their entrepreneurial self-efficacy
Beyond ‘know-what’ and ‘know-how’ to ‘know-who’: enhancing human capital with social capital in an Australian start-up accelerator
This study investigates the enhancement of human capital with social capital in a start-up accelerator and how this integration affects the entrepreneurial learning experience. In particular, it examines the relative importance of the three components ‘know-what’, ‘know-how’ and ‘know-who’. The study involved thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with participants in an Australian start-up accelerator that is delivered using ideas such as Design Thinking, the Business Model Canvas and Lean Start-up methodology. We find that although the programme emphasised ‘know-what’ and ‘know-how’, ‘know-who’ was most significant for participant learning. The results indicate that mentors and experts were especially helpful in shaping learning and in developing entrepreneurial networks. Moreover, our results show that the processes of ‘know-what’, ‘know-how’ and ‘know-who’ are interrelated–by knowing ‘who’, participants learnt ‘what’ and ‘how to’ through social learning. The research contributes to entrepreneurial learning theory and application particularly in the Asia Pacific context, by providing evidence that ‘know-who’ closes the learning loop for ‘know-what’ and ‘know-how’ as ‘know-who’ can actually provide entrepreneurs with the means to enhance their entrepreneurial self-efficacy
Impacto social de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas de Cuba como expresión de la extensión universitaria
The Cuban model of university outreach, existing since 2004, entails a management model of the university community outreach, which encompasses two dimensions in the field of university sociocultural work. It highlights the need to include participative, dialogic, creative and contextualized aspects and poses the scientific challenge of systematizing the study of university outreach by employing new concepts and innovative actions, which aim at the transformation of the university as an institution that contributes to sustainable social development. This work is the result of the authors' study on the social impact of the University of Computer Sciences in Cuba as an expression of university outreach. It aims to contribute to the study of the contradiction between the traditional management of the outreach process in the current Cuban higher education system and the need to systematize its implementation with a transformative outlook that cuts through the institutional walls and is able to foster social changes springing from the integration of university processes.El modelo cubano de Extensión Universitaria vigente desde el año 2004 expresa un modelo de gestión de la extensión universitaria a partir de dos dimensiones en el ámbito del Trabajo Sociocultural Universitario destacando la necesidad de lo participativo, dialógico, creativo y contextualizado. Ese modelo plantea el reto científico de sistematizar el estudio de la extensión universitaria con nuevos conceptos y acciones innovadoras que apunten a la transformación de la Universidad como institución que aporte al desarrollo social sostenible. Este trabajo es el resultado del estudio de los autores sobre el impacto social de la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas de Cuba como expresión de la extensión universitaria, con el objetivo de contribuir al estudio de la contradicción entre la gestión tradicional del proceso extensionista en la educación superior cubana actual y la necesidad de sistematizar su práctica con una mirada transformadora que trascienda los muros institucionales y logre potenciar cambios sociales desde la integración de los procesos universitarios
Extensión Universitaria e Innovación: Concepciones de la Universidad Cubana
El trabajo aborda un estudio teórico de la Extensión Universitaria en su relación con la Innovación en el contexto de la universidad cubana actual tomando como referente de partida el modelo teórico y de gestión del proceso extensionista que se desarrolla en los centros de educación superior de Cuba. Se identifican retos de la educación contemporánea que exigen la necesidad de alcanzar la Universidad Innovadora a través del mejoramiento continuo de sus procesos, cuya esencia se revela en la generación de conocimientos y su utilización para la solución de problemas. El objetivo de la investigación se orienta hacia el estudio de la Extensión Universitaria como función y proceso que debe contribuir a la construcción de una cultura de innovación en las universidades cubanas. Los fundamentos teóricos que se exponen aportan a las políticas y estrategias para una extensión universitaria innovadora, como necesidad del actual escenario del sistema universitario cubano
Diagnóstico del grado de alfabetización informacional en los profesionales del Centro Tecnologías para la Formación de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas
The increase in information curren tly available as a result of the evolution of the Internet has brought about socio-cultural phenomena such as the «infoxication» of informational service users. So much information on any single subject, together with the ease of publishing even further on the same topic, makes it confusing, and even diffi cult, to know what to look for and what is best suited to the information need in question. One way to address this phenomenon is through information literacy, thus providing mechanisms, strategies and criteria for searching and retrieving information available on the web. The mission statements of some information institutions emphasize the importance of offering information literacy programs for the benefi t of their users. From this premise the Information and Knowledge Management Group (GIC) of the Technologies Training Center (FORTES) at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI), which researches and develops software products related to educational technologies, has developed products and services for improving information literacy among its users. The group has carried out the current research in order to diagnose the state of information literacy among the GIC’s users at FORTES.El auge informacional disponible en la actualidad a partir de la evolución de Internet, ha traído consigo fenómenos socioculturales, como la denominada infoxicación de los usuarios de los servicios informacionales. Existe tanta información sobre un mismo tema, y la posibilidad además de publicar otras sobre la misma problemática, que ya resulta confuso y hasta complejo saber qué buscar y qué es lo más idóneo para la necesidad informativa en cuestión. Una de las vías para resolver este fenómeno, es la Alfabetización Informacional, capaz de brindar mecanismos, estrategias y criterios de búsqueda y recuperación de la información disponible en la web. Algunas instituciones de información incluyen dentro de su misión ejecutar la alfabetización informacional por los beneficios que reporta para sus usuarios. Bajo esta premisa surge el Grupo de Gestión de Información y del Conocimiento (GIC) del Centro Tecnologías para la Formación FORTES de la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas (UCI) de Cuba que ha desarrollado productos y servicios para alfabetizar a los usuarios de este centro, el cual investiga y desarrolla productos informáticos referentes a las tecnologías educativas. Para poder alfabetizar a sus usuarios, el grupo GIC ha realizado la presente investigación, con el objetivo de diagnosticar el estado infotecnológico de los usuarios del centro FORTES
Diagnóstico del grado de alfabetización informacional en los profesionales del Centro Tecnologías para la Formación de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas
The increase in information curren tly available as a result of the evolution of the Internet has brought about socio-cultural phenomena such as the «infoxication» of informational service users. So much information on any single subject, together with the ease of publishing even further on the same topic, makes it confusing, and even diffi cult, to know what to look for and what is best suited to the information need in question. One way to address this phenomenon is through information literacy, thus providing mechanisms, strategies and criteria for searching and retrieving information available on the web. The mission statements of some information institutions emphasize the importance of offering information literacy programs for the benefi t of their users. From this premise the Information and Knowledge Management Group (GIC) of the Technologies Training Center (FORTES) at the University of Informatics Sciences (UCI), which researches and develops software products related to educational technologies, has developed products and services for improving information literacy among its users. The group has carried out the current research in order to diagnose the state of information literacy among the GIC’s users at FORTES.<br><br>El auge informacional disponible en la actualidad a partir de la evolución de Internet, ha traído consigo fenómenos socioculturales, como la denominada infoxicación de los usuarios de los servicios informacionales. Existe tanta información sobre un mismo tema, y la posibilidad además de publicar otras sobre la misma problemática, que ya resulta confuso y hasta complejo saber qué buscar y qué es lo más idóneo para la necesidad informativa en cuestión. Una de las vías para resolver este fenómeno, es la Alfabetización Informacional, capaz de brindar mecanismos, estrategias y criterios de búsqueda y recuperación de la información disponible en la web. Algunas instituciones de información incluyen dentro de su misión ejecutar la alfabetización informacional por los beneficios que reporta para sus usuarios. Bajo esta premisa surge el Grupo de Gestión de Información y del Conocimiento (GIC) del Centro Tecnologías para la Formación FORTES de la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas (UCI) de Cuba que ha desarrollado productos y servicios para alfabetizar a los usuarios de este centro, el cual investiga y desarrolla productos informáticos referentes a las tecnologías educativas. Para poder alfabetizar a sus usuarios, el grupo GIC ha realizado la presente investigación, con el objetivo de diagnosticar el estado infotecnológico de los usuarios del centro FORTES
Mutational spectrum by phenotype: panel-based NGS testing of patients with clinical suspition of RASopathy and children with multiple café-au-lait macules
Children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) may exhibit an incomplete clinical presentation, making difficult to reach a clinical diagnosis. A phenotypic overlap may exist in children with other RASopathies or with other genetic conditions if only multiple café‐au‐lait macules (CALMs) are present. The syndromes that can converge in these inconclusive phenotypes have different clinical courses. In this context, an early genetic testing has been proposed to be clinically useful to manage these patients. We present the validation and implementation into diagnostics of a custom NGS panel (I2HCP, ICO‐IMPPC Hereditary Cancer Panel) for testing patients with a clinical suspicion of a RASopathy (n = 48) and children presenting multiple CALMs (n = 102). We describe the mutational spectrum and the detection rates identified in these two groups of individuals. We identified pathogenic variants in 21 out of 48 patients with clinical suspicion of RASopathy, with mutations in NF1 accounting for 10% of cases. Furthermore, we identified pathogenic mutations mainly in the NF1 gene, but also in SPRED1, in more than 50% of children with multiple CALMs, exhibiting an NF1 mutational spectrum different from a group of clinically diagnosed NF1 patients (n = 80). An NGS panel strategy for the genetic testing of these two phenotype‐defined groups outperforms previous strategie
Smaug1 mRNA-silencing foci respond to NMDA and modulate synapse formation
S-foci, the first reported mRNA-silencing foci specific to neurons, may control local mRNA translation in response to NMDA receptor stimulation and synaptic plasticity
Reseña / Glosario de términos que se utilizan en extensión universitaria
La extensión universitaria, reconocida como función y proceso de la educación superior en la región latinoamericana, es muchas veces insuficientemente entendida por los sujetos que no la gestionan de manera directa en su agenda diaria de trabajo.Hablar de jerarquización de la extensión resulta superfluo para muchos directivos y profesores universitarios porque es “lo demás”, es “donde cabe todo lo que no sea docencia e investigación”, es “solo arte, deporte y otras manifestaciones del ocio”, “es ir a la comunidad y regresar”. Ello prueba cuánto más resta por hacer en el debate y la práctica para que el proceso logre ser realmente imprescindible en el ser y hacer en las universidades.Desde esa prueba se justifica la publicación necesaria del Glosario de términos que se utilizan en la extensión universitaria, libro sugerente para los estudiosos de la llamada “tercera función” y para estudiantes y profesores universitarios que mezclan términos lingüísticos cuando de la gestión de modelos de la extensión se trata.A extensão universitária, reconhecida como uma função e processo do ensino superior na região da América Latina, é muitas vezes insuficientemente compreendida por sujeitos que não o gerenciam diretamente em sua agenda diária de trabalho.Falar sobre a hierarquia de extensão é supérfluo para muitos gestores e professores universitários, porque é "o resto", é "onde tudo o que não é de ensino e pesquisa se encaixa", é "apenas arte, esporte e outras manifestações de lazer" ". é ir à comunidade e voltar ”. Isso prova quanto mais resta a ser feito no debate e na prática, para que o processo se torne verdadeiramente essencial no ser e no fazer nas universidades.A partir deste teste, justifica-se a publicação necessária do Glossário de termos usado na extensão universitária, um livro sugestivo para estudantes da chamada "terceira função" e para estudantes universitários e professores que misturam termos linguísticos ao gerenciar os modelos do extensão é sobre.University extension, recognized as a function and process of higher education in the Latin American region, is often insufficiently understood by subjects who do not directly manage it in their daily work agenda.Talking about the hierarchy of extension is superfluous for many university managers and professors, because it is "the rest", it is "where everything that is not teaching and research fits", it is "only art, sport and other manifestations of leisure", " is to go to the community and come back ”. This proves how much more remains to be done in debate and practice so that the process becomes truly essential in being and doing in universities.From this test, the necessary publication of the Glossary of terms used in the university extension is justified, a suggestive book for students of the so–called "third function" and for university students and professors who mix linguistic terms when managing the models of the extension is about
Reseña / Glosario de términos que se utilizan en extensión universitaria
University extension, recognized as a function and process of higher education in the Latin American region, is often insufficiently understood by subjects who do not directly manage it in their daily work agenda.Talking about the hierarchy of extension is superfluous for many university managers and professors, because it is "the rest", it is "where everything that is not teaching and research fits", it is "only art, sport and other manifestations of leisure", " is to go to the community and come back ”. This proves how much more remains to be done in debate and practice so that the process becomes truly essential in being and doing in universities.From this test, the necessary publication of the Glossary of terms used in the university extension is justified, a suggestive book for students of the so–called "third function" and for university students and professors who mix linguistic terms when managing the models of the extension is about.A extensão universitária, reconhecida como uma função e processo do ensino superior na região da América Latina, é muitas vezes insuficientemente compreendida por sujeitos que não o gerenciam diretamente em sua agenda diária de trabalho.Falar sobre a hierarquia de extensão é supérfluo para muitos gestores e professores universitários, porque é "o resto", é "onde tudo o que não é de ensino e pesquisa se encaixa", é "apenas arte, esporte e outras manifestações de lazer" ". é ir à comunidade e voltar ”. Isso prova quanto mais resta a ser feito no debate e na prática, para que o processo se torne verdadeiramente essencial no ser e no fazer nas universidades.A partir deste teste, justifica-se a publicação necessária do Glossário de termos usado na extensão universitária, um livro sugestivo para estudantes da chamada "terceira função" e para estudantes universitários e professores que misturam termos linguísticos ao gerenciar os modelos do extensão é sobre.La extensión universitaria, reconocida como función y proceso de la educación superior en la región latinoamericana, es muchas veces insuficientemente entendida por los sujetos que no la gestionan de manera directa en su agenda diaria de trabajo.Hablar de jerarquización de la extensión resulta superfluo para muchos directivos y profesores universitarios porque es “lo demás”, es “donde cabe todo lo que no sea docencia e investigación”, es “solo arte, deporte y otras manifestaciones del ocio”, “es ir a la comunidad y regresar”. Ello prueba cuánto más resta por hacer en el debate y la práctica para que el proceso logre ser realmente imprescindible en el ser y hacer en las universidades.Desde esa prueba se justifica la publicación necesaria del Glosario de términos que se utilizan en la extensión universitaria, libro sugerente para los estudiosos de la llamada “tercera función” y para estudiantes y profesores universitarios que mezclan términos lingüísticos cuando de la gestión de modelos de la extensión se trata