1,483 research outputs found

    Intranasal sodium citrate solution improves olfaction in post-viral hyposmia

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    Background: Calcium plays an integral role in olfactory signal transduction, including feedback inhibition. Sodium citrate acts as a calcium sequestrant and when applied intranasally, reduces free calcium available for feedback inhibition, which should theoretically improve olfaction. We aimed to investigate the utility of intranasal sodium citrate in improving the olfactory function of hyposmic patients, by performing this prospective placebo controlled, single-blinded trial. Methodology: Monorhinal olfactory testing for odour identification and threshold was performed in hyposmic patients using “Sniffin’ Sticks”, before and after treatment. Treatment consisted of sodium citrate solution application to the olfactory cleft. Sodium chloride solution was applied to the contralateral olfactory cleft, which therefore acted as placebo control. Patients were blinded to the side of sodium citrate application, and side of treatment was randomized between patients. Results: 57 patients participated in the trial, aged 22-79. Causes of hyposmia included: post-viral (7); posttraumatic (10); sinonasal (30) and idiopathic (10). Compared with placebo, there was significant improvement in the identification scores of participants with post-viral hyposmia, following sodium citrate treatment. No significant change in olfactory function occurred for either identification or threshold in any other aetiological subgroup. Conclusions: Intranasal sodium citrate may be of benefit to patients with post-viral hyposmia

    Price formation in the raw wool market

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    Econometric analysis of the demand for raw wool at auction published by other authors has been mainly confined to an analysis of the determinants of the consumption of raw wool. However the purchaser of raw wool at auction must hold his purchases either in transit or in store for some months before either reselling or consuming wool in his own mills. Thus the conventional analysis of the determinants of the demand for wool for consumption is not directly relevant when considering the short run demand for wool at auction. As a result, models based on the conventional analysis do not adequately explain fluctuations in prices paid at auction in primary markets. An earlier attempt by Philpott to explain such fluctuations used annual data. Based on this earlier work we develop in this paper two models of quarterly demand for raw wool at auction and we test these models against quarterly data for the period 1952 to the first quarter of 1967

    Ab initio many-body calculation of excitons in solid Ne and Ar

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    Absorption spectra, exciton energy levels and wave functions for solid Ne and Ar have been calculated from first principles using many-body techniques. Electronic band structures of Ne and Ar were calculated using the GW approximation. Exciton states were calculated by diagonalizing an exciton Hamiltonian derived from the particle-hole Green function, whose equation of motion is the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Singlet and triplet exciton series up to n=5 for Ne and n=3 for Ar were obtained. Binding energies and longitudinal-transverse splittings of n=1 excitons are in excellent agreement with experiment. Plots of correlated electron-hole wave functions show that the electron-hole complex is delocalised over roughly 7 a.u. in solid Ar.Comment: 6 page

    Experiment K-6-16. Morphological examination of rat testes. The effect of Cosmos 1887 flight on spermatogonial population and testosterone level in rat testes

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    Testes from rats flown on Cosmos 1887 for twelve and a half days were compared to basal control, synchronous control and vivarium maintained rats. When the mean weights of flight testes, normalized for weight/100 gms, were compared to the vivarium controls they were 6.7 percent lighter. Although the flight testes were lighter than the synchronous, the difference is not significant. Counts of spermatogonial cells from 5 animals in each group revealed a 4 percent decrease in flight compared to vivarium controls. In both cases the t-Test significance was less than 0.02. The serum testosterone levels of all animals (flight, synchronous and vivarium) were significantly below the basal controls

    Polarization Diffusion from Spacetime Uncertainty

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    A model of Lorentz invariant random fluctuations in photon polarization is presented. The effects are frequency dependent and affect the polarization of photons as they propagate through space. We test for this effect by confronting the model with the latest measurements of polarization of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Complete eigenstates of identical qubits arranged in regular polygons

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    We calculate the energy eigenvalues and eigenstates corresponding to coherent single and multiple excitations of an array of N identical qubits or two-level atoms (TLA's) arranged on the vertices of a regular polygon. We assume only that the coupling occurs via an exchange interaction which depends on the separation between the qubits. We include the interactions between all pairs of qubits, and our results are valid for arbitrary distances relative to the radiation wavelength. To illustrate the usefulness of these states, we plot the distance dependence of the decay rates of the n=2 (biexciton) eigenstates of an array of 4 qubits, and tabulate the biexciton eigenvalues and eigenstates, and absorption frequencies, line widths, and relative intensities for polygons consisting of N=2,...,9 qubits in the long-wavelength limit.Comment: Added a figure showing how these results can be used to compute deviations from "equal collective decoherence" approximation

    A Mini-PET beamline for optimized proton delivery to the ISOTRACE™ target system

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    Introduction The ISOTRACE™ Super-Conducting Cyclotron is PMB-Alcen’s redeveloped and modernized version of Oxford Instrument’s OSCAR superconducting cyclotron [1]. Its extracted 80+ mi-croamperes of 12 MeV protons are used for the production of PET radioisotopes. Following the philosophy of Dickie, Stevenson, Szlavik [2] for minimizing dose to personnel, and as developed by Dehnel et al [3,4], and Stokely et al [5], the ISOTRACE™ shall utilize an innovative, light-weight, integrated and self-supporting Mini-Beamline. This permits the relatively high residual radiation fields around PET targets to be moved ~1 metre away from the cyclotron, and facilitates the use of local shielding (around the targets) that limits prompt gammas and neutrons, but more importantly attenuates the residual target radiation, so that maintenance/research staff can work on the cyclotron in a relatively low activity environment. In addition, the mini-beamline for PET utilizes a compound quadrupole/steerer doublet that permits active and dynamic focusing/steering of the extracted proton beam for optimized production and minimized losses [3], so it improves on the successful work of Theroux et al [6]. The integrated beamline unit is extremely small, so that it is very unlike bulky traditional PET and SPECT beamlines that require substantial support structures, such as described by Dehnel in [7,8]. Material and Methods The ISOTRACE™ cyclotron is pictured in FIG. 1. The exit port flange and gate valve to which the integrated mini-beamline for PET shall be mounted is shown. Immediately upstream of the exit port, hidden from view, is a 4 jaw collimator (called BPI for Beam Position Indicator) with spilled beam current readbacks to the control system. TABLE 1 shows the nominal beam emittance and Twiss parameter values at the exit port flange location. This ion-optical information is necessary to simulate ion beam transport, develop the mini-beamline, and determine a nominal tune (i.e. magnet settings). Results and Conclusion TABLE 2 shows the ion-optical system parameters. FIGS. 2 and 3 show the horizontal and vertical beam profiles. The Horizontally focusing Quadrupole magnet (HQ), and Vertically focusing Quadrupole magnet (VQ) aperture diameter, 33 mm, was chosen to give sufficient beam acceptance. The focusing strength is a function of BL, so the effective length, L = 150 mm, was chosen to ensure Bmax less than 0.3 Tesla, while keeping overall magnet mass down. The quad-rupole magnets are fitted with water-cooled compound coils in which the copper/mylar strip wound portion of each coil is a winding for the quadrupole focusing function, and the wire wound portion is for the steering function. To increase beam acceptance and provide additional section strength for the pipe support function, the internal aperture of the low-activation aluminium beam pipe and the external shape are in the shape of a cross. FIG. 4 shows the beam crosssection at the mid-point of the downstream quadrupole magnet, and illustrates the additional acceptance as compared to a round beampipe. In order to machine the interior profile, the pipe is comprised of two premachined pieces that are friction stirwelded together. FIG. 5 is an isometric of the mini-beamline for PET. The four upstream HQ compound coils are excited with a 75A power supply for the horizontally focusing quadrupole magnet function, and a ± 10A power supply for a vertical steering function. The same power supplies are used for the four downstream VQ compound coils for the purpose of a vertically focusing quadrupole magnet function and horizontal steering function
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