1,831 research outputs found

    Developing a Business Case for the Care Coordination and Transition Management Model: Need, Metrics, and Measures

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    In this descriptive qualitative study, nurse and healthcare leaders\u27 experiences, perceptions of care coordination and transition management (CCTMÂź), and insights as to how to foster adoption of the CCTM RN role in nursing education, practice across the continuum, and policy were explored. Twenty-five barriers to recognition and adoption of CCTM RN practice across the continuum were identified and categorized. Implications of these findings, recommendations for adoption of CCTM RN practice across the care continuum, and strategies for reimbursement policies are discussed

    Grifonin-1: A Small HIV-1 Entry Inhibitor Derived from the Algal Lectin, Griffithsin

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    Background: Griffithsin, a 121-residue protein isolated from a red algal Griffithsia sp., binds high mannose N-linked glycans of virus surface glycoproteins with extremely high affinity, a property that allows it to prevent the entry of primary isolates and laboratory strains of T- and M-tropic HIV-1. We used the sequence of a portion of griffithsin's sequence as a design template to create smaller peptides with antiviral and carbohydrate-binding properties. Methodology/Results: The new peptides derived from a trio of homologous ÎČ-sheet repeats that comprise the motifs responsible for its biological activity. Our most active antiviral peptide, grifonin-1 (GRFN-1), had an EC50 of 190.8±11.0 nM in in vitro TZM-bl assays and an EC50 of 546.6±66.1 nM in p24gag antigen release assays. GRFN-1 showed considerable structural plasticity, assuming different conformations in solvents that differed in polarity and hydrophobicity. Higher concentrations of GRFN-1 formed oligomers, based on intermolecular ÎČ-sheet interactions. Like its parent protein, GRFN-1 bound viral glycoproteins gp41 and gp120 via the N-linked glycans on their surface. Conclusion: Its substantial antiviral activity and low toxicity in vitro suggest that GRFN-1 and/or its derivatives may have therapeutic potential as topical and/or systemic agents directed against HIV-1

    The influence of 'significant others' on persistent back pain and work participation: a qualitative exploration of illness perceptions

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    Background Individual illness perceptions have been highlighted as important influences on clinical outcomes for back pain. However, the illness perceptions of 'significant others' (spouse/partner/close family member) are rarely explored, particularly in relation to persistent back pain and work participation. The aim of this study was to initiate qualitative research in this area in order to further understand these wider influences on outcome. Methods Semi-structured interviews based on the chronic pain version of the Illness Perceptions Questionnaire-Revised were conducted with a convenience sample of UK disability benefit claimants, along with their significant others (n=5 dyads). Data were analysed using template analysis. Results Significant others shared, and perhaps further reinforced, claimants' unhelpful illness beliefs including fear of pain/re-injury associated with certain types of work and activity, and pessimism about the likelihood of return to work. In some cases, significant others appeared more resigned to the permanence and negative inevitable consequences of the claimant's back pain condition on work participation, and were more sceptical about the availability of suitable work and sympathy from employers. In their pursuit of authenticity, claimants were keen to stress their desire to work whilst emphasising how the severity and physical limitations of their condition prevented them from doing so. In this vein, and seemingly based on their perceptions of what makes a 'good' significant other, significant others acted as a 'witness to pain', supporting claimants' self-limiting behaviour and statements of incapacity, often responding with empathy and assistance. The beliefs and responses of significant others may also have been influenced by their own experience of chronic illness, thus participants lives were often intertwined and defined by illness. Conclusions The findings from this exploratory study reveal how others and wider social circumstances might contribute both to the propensity of persistent back pain and to its consequences. This is an area that has received little attention to date, and wider support of these findings may usefully inform the design of future intervention programmes aimed at restoring work participation

    Approximating k-Forest with Resource Augmentation: A Primal-Dual Approach

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    In this paper, we study the kk-forest problem in the model of resource augmentation. In the kk-forest problem, given an edge-weighted graph G(V,E)G(V,E), a parameter kk, and a set of mm demand pairs ⊆V×V\subseteq V \times V, the objective is to construct a minimum-cost subgraph that connects at least kk demands. The problem is hard to approximate---the best-known approximation ratio is O(min⁥{n,k})O(\min\{\sqrt{n}, \sqrt{k}\}). Furthermore, kk-forest is as hard to approximate as the notoriously-hard densest kk-subgraph problem. While the kk-forest problem is hard to approximate in the worst-case, we show that with the use of resource augmentation, we can efficiently approximate it up to a constant factor. First, we restate the problem in terms of the number of demands that are {\em not} connected. In particular, the objective of the kk-forest problem can be viewed as to remove at most m−km-k demands and find a minimum-cost subgraph that connects the remaining demands. We use this perspective of the problem to explain the performance of our algorithm (in terms of the augmentation) in a more intuitive way. Specifically, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the kk-forest problem that, for every Ï”>0\epsilon>0, removes at most m−km-k demands and has cost no more than O(1/Ï”2)O(1/\epsilon^{2}) times the cost of an optimal algorithm that removes at most (1−ϔ)(m−k)(1-\epsilon)(m-k) demands

    Determinants of a healthy lifestyle and use of preventive screening in Canada

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    BACKGROUND: This study explores the associations between individual characteristics such as income and education with health behaviours and utilization of preventive screening. METHODS: Data from the Canadian National Population Health Survey (NPHS) 1998–9 were used. Independent variables were income, education, age, sex, marital status, body mass index, urban/rural residence and access to a regular physician. Dependent variables included smoking, excessive alcohol use, physical activity, blood pressure checks, mammography in past year and Pap smear in past 3 years. Logistic regression models were developed for each dependent variable. RESULTS: 13,756 persons 20 years of age and older completed the health portion of the NPHS. In general, higher levels of income were associated with healthier behaviours, as were higher levels of education, although there were exceptions to both. The results for age and gender also varied depending on the outcome. The presence of a regular medical doctor was associated with increased rates of all preventive screening and reduced rates of smoking. CONCLUSION: These results expand upon previous data suggesting that socioeconomic disparities in healthy behaviours and health promotion continue to exist despite equal access to medical screening within the Canadian healthcare context. Knowledge, resources and the presence of a regular medical doctor are important factors associated with identified differences

    Stochasticity in the miR-9/Hes1 oscillatory network can account for clonal heterogeneity in the timing of differentiation.

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    Recent studies suggest that cells make stochastic choices with respect to differentiation or division. However, the molecular mechanism underlying such stochasticity is unknown. We previously proposed that the timing of vertebrate neuronal differentiation is regulated by molecular oscillations of a transcriptional repressor, HES1, tuned by a post-transcriptional repressor, miR-9. Here, we computationally model the effects of intrinsic noise on the Hes1/miR-9 oscillator as a consequence of low molecular numbers of interacting species, determined experimentally. We report that increased stochasticity spreads the timing of differentiation in a population, such that initially equivalent cells differentiate over a period of time. Surprisingly, inherent stochasticity also increases the robustness of the progenitor state and lessens the impact of unequal, random distribution of molecules at cell division on the temporal spread of differentiation at the population level. This advantageous use of biological noise contrasts with the view that noise needs to be counteracted

    Terahertz imaging through emissivity control

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Optica Publishing Group via the DOI in this recordData availability: Data underlying the results presented in this paper are not publicly available at this time but may be obtained from the authors upon reasonable request.Electromagnetic radiation in the terahertz (THz) frequency band has unique potential for future communication and imaging applications.However, the adoption of THz technologies is hindered by the lack of cost-effective THz sources. Here we demonstrate a way to generate and control THz radiation, via spatio-temporal emissivity modulation. By patterning the optical photoexcitation of a surface-passivated silicon wafer, we locally control the free-electron density, and thereby pattern the wafer's emissivity in the THz part of the electromagnetic spectrum.We show how this unconventional source of controllable THz radiation enables a form of incoherent computational THz imaging.We use it to image various concealed objects, demonstrating that this scheme has the penetrating capability of other THz imaging approaches, without the requirement of femtosecond pulsed laser sources. Furthermore, the incoherent nature of thermal radiation also ensures the obtained images are free of interference artifacts. Our spatio-temporal emissivity control could enable a family of long-wavelength structured illumination, imaging, and spectroscopy systems.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)European Research Council (ERC)Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE

    Cerium Heavy-Fermion Compounds Near Their T=0 Magnetic-Non-Magnetic Boundary.

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    Measurements of the temperature-dependent specific heat and thermal expansion coefficient near a T=0 magnetic-nonmagnetic boundary, accessed in CeRh2Si2 by application of pressure and in CeRh2-xRuxSi2 at ambient pressure by chemical substitution, emphasize the role of disorder in producing non-Fermi-liquid behavior. Interestingly, superconductivity also develops near this boundary in some crystallographically-ordered Ce-based heavy-fermion compounds. [CeRh2-xRuxSi2, specific heat, thermal expansion, susceptibility, non-Fermi-liquid]. © 1998, The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology. All rights reserved

    The birth of airplane stability theory

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    Airplane stability theory was born at the end of the XIX century and matured around 100 years ago, when airplanes were hardly controllable yet. The success and safety of flights in the pioneer years depended upon largely unknown stability and control characteristics. Understanding the modes of airplane motion has been of paramount importance for the development of aviation. The contributions made by a few scientists in the decades preceding and following the first flight by the Wright brothers set the concepts and equations that, with minor notation aspects, have remained almost unchanged till present day.Magraner Rullan, JP.; Martinez-Val, R. (2014). The birth of airplane stability theory. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 228(9):1498-1506. doi:10.1177/0954410013494139S149815062289PERKINS, C. D. (1970). Development of airplane stability and control technology /1970 Von Karman Lecture/. Journal of Aircraft, 7(4), 290-301. doi:10.2514/3.44167Abzug, M. J., & Larrabee, E. E. (2002). Airplane Stability and Control, Second Edition. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511607141Graham, W. R. (1999). Asymptotic analysis of the classical aircraft stability equations. The Aeronautical Journal, 103(1020), 95-103. doi:10.1017/s0001924000027792Bryan, G. H., & Williams, W. E. (1904). The Longitudinal Stability of Aerial Gliders. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 73(488-496), 100-116. doi:10.1098/rspl.1904.0017Wegener, P. P. (1997). What Makes Airplanes Fly? doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-2254-5Pradeep, S., & Kamesh, S. (1999). Does the Phugoid Frequency Depend on Speed? Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 22(2), 372-373. doi:10.2514/2.4391Phillips, W. F. (2000). Phugoid Approximation for Conventional Airplanes. Journal of Aircraft, 37(1), 30-36. doi:10.2514/2.2586Pamadi, B. N. (2004). Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control of Airplanes, Second Edition. doi:10.2514/4.862274Ananthkrishnan, N., & Ramadevi, P. (2002). Consistent Approximations to Aircraft Longitudinal Modes. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 25(4), 820-824. doi:10.2514/2.4952McRuer, D. T., Graham, D., & Ashkenas, I. (1990). Aircraft Dynamics and Automatic Control. doi:10.1515/978140085598

    Impact of socioeconomic deprivation on rate and cause of death in severe mental illness

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    Background: Socioeconomic status has important associations with disease-specific mortality in the general population. Although individuals with Severe Mental Illnesses (SMI) experience significant premature mortality, the relationship between socioeconomic status and mortality in this group remains under investigated.<p></p> Aims: To assess the impact of socioeconomic status on rate and cause of death in individuals with SMI (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) relative to the local (Glasgow) and wider (Scottish) populations.<p></p> Methods: Cause and age of death during 2006-2010 inclusive for individuals with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder registered on the Glasgow Psychosis Clinical Information System (PsyCIS) were obtained by linkage to the Scottish General Register Office (GRO). Rate and cause of death by socioeconomic status, measured by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), were compared to the Glasgow and Scottish populations.<p></p> Results: Death rates were higher in people with SMI across all socioeconomic quintiles compared to the Glasgow and Scottish populations, and persisted when suicide was excluded. Differences were largest in the most deprived quintile (794.6 per 10,000 population vs. 274.7 and 252.4 for Glasgow and Scotland respectively). Cause of death varied by socioeconomic status. For those living in the most deprived quintile, higher drug-related deaths occurred in those with SMI compared to local Glasgow and wider Scottish population rates (12.3% vs. 5.9%, p = <0.001 and 5.1% p = 0.002 respectively). A lower proportion of deaths due to cancer in those with SMI living in the most deprived quintile were also observed, relative to the local Glasgow and wider Scottish populations (12.3% vs. 25.1% p = 0.013 and 26.3% p = <0.001). The proportion of suicides was significantly higher in those with SMI living in the more affluent quintiles relative to Glasgow and Scotland (54.6% vs. 5.8%, p = <0.001 and 5.5%, p = <0.001). Discussion and conclusions: Excess mortality in those with SMI occurred across all socioeconomic quintiles compared to the Glasgow and Scottish populations but was most marked in the most deprived quintiles when suicide was excluded as a cause of death. Further work assessing the impact of socioeconomic status on specific causes of premature mortality in SMI is needed
