213 research outputs found

    Capsular polysaccharides of cultured phototrophic biofilms

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    Phototrophic biofilm samples from an Italian wastewater treatment plant were studied in microcosm experiments under varying irradiances, temperatures and flow regimes to assess the effects of environmental variables and phototrophic biomass on capsular exopolysaccharides (CPS). The results, obtained from circular dichroism spectroscopy and High Performance Liquid Chromatography, suggest that CPS have a stable spatial conformation and a complex monosaccharide composition. The total amount present was positively correlated with the biomass of cyanobacteria and diatoms, and negatively with the biovolume of green algae. The proportion of uronic acids showed the same correlation with these taxon groups, indicating a potential role of cyanobacteria and diatoms in the removal of residual nutrients and noxious cations in wastewater treatment. While overall biofilm growth was limited by low irradiance, high temperature (30 degrees C) and low flow velocity (25 l h(-1)) yielded the highest phototrophic biomass, the largest amount of CPS produced, and the highest proportion of carboxylic acids present

    BV Estimates in Optimal Transportation and Applications

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    In this paper we study the BV regularity for solutions of certain variational problems in Optimal Transportation. We prove that the Wasserstein projection of a measure with BV density on the set of measures with density bounded by a given BV function f is of bounded variation as well and we also provide a precise estimate of its BV norm. Of particular interest is the case f = 1, corresponding to a projection onto a set of densities with an L∞ bound, where we prove that the total variation decreases by projection. This estimate and, in particular, its iterations have a natural application to some evolutionary PDEs as, for example, the ones describing a crowd motion. In fact, as an application of our results, we obtain BV estimates for solutions of some non-linear parabolic PDE by means of optimal transportation techniques. We also establish some properties of the Wasserstein projection which are interesting in their own right, and allow, for instance, for the proof of the uniqueness of such a projection in a very general framework

    Characterization of exopolysaccharides produced by seven biofilm-forming cyanobacterial strains for biotechnological applications

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    The molecular identification of seven biofilmforming cyanobacteria and the characterization of their exopolysaccharides were made and considered in terms of potential biotechnological applications. The studied strains were isolated from phototrophic biofilms taken from various Italian sites including a wastewater treatment plant, an eroded soil, and a brackish lagoon. The polysaccharides were characterized by use of ion exchange chromatography, circular dichroism, and cytochemical stains. All strains produced exopolysaccharides with differing ratios of hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties depending on the species, the polysaccharide fraction (i.e., whether capsular or released), and the ambient conditions. It was shown that the anionic nature of the exopolysaccharides was due to the presence of carboxylic and sulfated groups and is likely the main characteristic with industrial applicability. Potential biotechnological applications are discusse

    The role of the tyrosine kinase Wzc (Sll0923) and the phosphatase Wzb (Slr0328) in the production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by Synechocystis PCC 6803

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    Many cyanobacteria produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) mainly composed of heteropolysaccharides with unique characteristics that make them suitable for biotechnological applications. However, manipulation/optimization of EPS biosynthesis/characteristics is hindered by a poor understanding of the production pathways and the differences between bacterial species. In this work, genes putatively related to different pathways of cyanobacterial EPS polymerization, assembly, and export were targeted for deletion or truncation in the unicellular Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. No evident phenotypic changes were observed for some mutants in genes occurring in multiple copies in Synechocystis genome, namely ¿wzy (¿sll0737), ¿wzx (¿sll5049), ¿kpsM (¿slr2107), and ¿kpsM¿wzy (¿slr2107¿sll0737), strongly suggesting functional redundancy. In contrast, ¿wzc (¿sll0923) and ¿wzb (¿slr0328) influenced both the amount and composition of the EPS, establishing that Wzc participates in the production of capsular (CPS) and released (RPS) polysaccharides, and Wzb affects RPS production. The structure of Wzb was solved (2.28 Å), revealing structural differences relative to other phosphatases involved in EPS production and suggesting a different substrate recognition mechanism. In addition, Wzc showed the ATPase and autokinase activities typical of bacterial tyrosine kinases. Most importantly, Wzb was able to dephosphorylate Wzc in vitro, suggesting that tyrosine phosphorylation/dephosphorylation plays a role in cyanobacterial EPS production.Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), Grant/Award Number: NORTE‐01‐0145‐FE?ER‐000008 and NORTE‐01‐0145‐FE?ER‐000012; FCT ‐ Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/ Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, Grant/Award Number: PTDC/BIA‐ MIC/28779/2017, SFRH/BD /119920/2016, SFRH/B?/84914/2012 and SFRH/BD/99715/ 2014; FEDER ‐ Fundo Europeu de Desen‐ volvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020 ‐ Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Grant/Award Number: POCI‐01‐0145‐ FE?ER‐007274 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This work was financed by FEDER—Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020— Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI); projects NORTE‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐000012—Structured Programme on Bioengineering Therapies for Infectious ?iseases and Tissue Regeneration and NORTE‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐000008— Porto Neurosciences and Neurologic Disease Research Initiative at i3S, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement; and by Portuguese funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior in the framework of the project “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐007274 and PTDC/BIA‐ MIC/28779/2017) and grants SFRH/BD /119920/2016 (MS), SFRH/ BD /99715/2014 (CF), and SFRH/BD /129921/2017 (JPL). The au‐ thors thank F. Chauvat and the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), Direction des Sciences du Vivant, for providing the cas‐ sette for the deletion of the Synechocystis sll0923, the staff of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France) and SOLEIL (Essonne, France) synchrotrons, Filipe Pinto, Frederico Silva, Hugo Osório, and Joana Furtado for their technical assistance

    Differential proteomes of the cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. CCY 0110 upon exposure to heavy metals

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    The proteomes of the highly efficient extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)-producer cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. CCY 0110, grown in medium supplemented with an essential metal (Cu(2+)) or a non-essential metal (Cd(2+)),were compared using iTRAQ technology. The data were obtained within a larger study that evaluated the overall effects of different heavy metals on growth/survival, EPS production and ultrastructure of this cyanobacterium [1]. To allow a broader understanding of the strategies triggered to coupe with toxic effects of the metals, Cyanothece's proteomes were evaluated after chronic and acute exposure to Cu(2+) and Cd(2+) in two independent 8-plex iTRAQ studies. For the chronic exposure 0.1 mg/l of Cu(2+) or 5 mg/l of Cd(2+) were used for 10 and 20 days, while in the acute experiments the cells were exposed to 10× these concentrations for 24 h. 202 and 268 proteins were identified and quantified for studies 1 (Cu(2+)) and 2 (Cd(2+)), respectively. The majority of the proteins with significant fold changes were associated with photosynthesis, CO2 fixation and carbohydrate metabolism, translation, and nitrogen and amino acid metabolism

    The prescribed mean curvature equation in weakly regular domains

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    We show that the characterization of existence and uniqueness up to vertical translations of solutions to the prescribed mean curvature equation, originally proved by Giusti in the smooth case, holds true for domains satisfying very mild regularity assumptions. Our results apply in particular to the non-parametric solutions of the capillary problem for perfectly wetting fluids in zero gravity. Among the essential tools used in the proofs, we mention a \textit{generalized Gauss-Green theorem} based on the construction of the weak normal trace of a vector field with bounded divergence, in the spirit of classical results due to Anzellotti, and a \textit{weak Young's law} for (Λ,r0)(\Lambda,r_{0})-minimizers of the perimeter.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure --- The results on the weak normal trace of vector fields have been now extended and moved in a self-contained paper available at: arXiv:1708.0139

    Trisonomia 9 in pazienti affetti da MPN PH-: aspetti clinici e laboratoristici

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    Le neoplasie mieloproliferative ( MPN), comprendenti la Policitemia vera (PV), la Trombocitemia essenziale (TE) e la Mielofibrosi idiopatica (MFI), sono disordini clonali Philadelphia negativi caratterizzati, nel 20% dei casi, da anomalie cromosomiche ricorrenti. La trisomia 9 rappresenta la seconda anomalia cromosomica pi\uf9 frequente nelle MPN dopo la delezione 20q. Abbiamo eseguito l\u2019analisi citogenetica su aspirato midollare di una casistica monocentrica di 325 pazienti affetti da MPN; tutti i pazienti sono risultati Ph-, la trisomia 9 \ue8 stata riscontrata in 13 pazienti (9 affetti da PV e 4 da TE), in 10 casi come unica anomalia cromosomica, in un caso associata a trisomia 8 e in 2 casi in un cariotipo pi\uf9 complesso. Sono state analizzate le caratteristiche cliniche e di laboratorio e l\u2019evoluzione di malattia, al fine di individuare se tale anomalia citogenetica avesse delle particolari stigmate. I pazienti sono stati seguiti regolarmente per un periodo medio di 10,6 anni (range 1- 23 anni). L\u2019et\ue0 media alla diagnosi era 62 anni e il rapporto M:F di 1,2:1. I dati di laboratorio mostravano un valore medio di emoglobina di 16,7 g/dl, un numero medio di globuli bianchi di 9657/mmc, mentre la conta piastrinica media era di 690000/mmc. Il dosaggio dell\u2019 eritropoietina serica \ue8 risultato ridotto in tutti i pazienti e tutti presentavano la mutazione JAK2 V617F (carica allelica media 47,1%). E\u2019 interessante notare che nei pazienti affetti da TE, i valori di emoglobina alla diagnosi, pur non essendo sufficienti per porre diagnosi di PV erano comunque ai limiti superiori di norma. Dei 4 pazienti con TE, 3 (75%) sono evoluti a distanza di anni in PV, evento relativamente raro. I dati ottenuti evidenziano una maggior frequenza della trisomia 9 nei pazienti con PV rispetto alle altre neoplasie mieloproliferative ed inoltre sottolineano come i pazienti con TE portatori di tale alterazione citogenetica, abbiano un fenotipo simil-PV e un aumentato rischio di evoluzione in franca PV. Non \ue8 stata osservata trisomia 9 nelle Mielofibrosi. E\u2019 inoltre da segnalare che sul braccio corto del cromosoma 9 \ue8 stato mappato il gene JAK-2, gene che risulta mutato frequentemente nelle MPN Ph- e soprattutto nelle PV di cui rappresenta un marker molecolare

    Characterization of Generalized Young Measures Generated by Symmetric Gradients

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    This work establishes a characterization theorem for (generalized) Young measures generated by symmetric derivatives of functions of bounded deformation (BD) in the spirit of the classical Kinderlehrer\ue2\u80\u93Pedregal theorem. Our result places such Young measures in duality with symmetric-quasiconvex functions with linear growth. The \ue2\u80\u9clocal\ue2\u80\u9d proof strategy combines blow-up arguments with the singular structure theorem in BD (the analogue of Alberti\ue2\u80\u99s rank-one theorem in BV), which was recently proved by the authors. As an application of our characterization theorem we show how an atomic part in a BD-Young measure can be split off in generating sequences