1,195 research outputs found

    Can clicker use support learning in a dual-focused second language German course?

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    This study investigated clicker-use impact in a legal German lecture, given to 65 French students of Law in which the learning focus was both language and content. 36 participants who attended the entire course were tested. Upon their introductory session, students took a preliminary two-fold multiple-choice questionnaire involving 16 questions on legal terminology and 16 on course content. Throughout the 10- week semester, the lecturer administered all questions during regular courses. Each weekly session was conducted alternately with or without clickers. Students answered half of the questions about language and content using clickers, whereas the remaining half involved standard conditions with volunteers raising their hands to answer. At the end of their term, students took the same initial questionnaire as a post-test. A quantitative analysis was performed to assess (a) the enhancement of the acquisition of legal terminology and course content through clicker use and (b) the impact of learners’ pre-test scores on learning gains regarding terminology and content with or without clickers. The clicker group outperformed the non-clicker group with regard to a post-test concerning legal terminology. The findings demonstrate that clicker use alleviates the cognitive load induced by learning both new terminology and content

    La coordination entre forces de police et justice dans le traitement des délits

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    International audienceChronologiquement, la premiĂšre Ă©tape du traitement des dĂ©lits relĂšve de l’interface entre l’officier de police judiciaire en charge de l’enquĂȘte et le parquetier en charge de la dĂ©cision sur l’action publique. Cette interface s’est vue institutionnalisĂ©e par le traitement en temps rĂ©el (TTR) depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1990. La crĂ©ation, au sein de certaines juridictions, d’un service de traitement direct (STD) a rapprochĂ© ces acteurs de la justice pĂ©nale. DĂšs lors, la nĂ©cessaire interactivitĂ© entre les institutions policiĂšre et judiciaire a supposĂ© une adaptation rĂ©guliĂšre de leurs modes relationnels, de façon Ă  fluidifier l’écoulement du flux des dossiers, entre standardisation du contentieux de masse et individualisation des affaires sensibles. Il a fallu coordonner leur action respective. Si la police judiciaire s’avĂšre davantage impliquĂ©e dans la dĂ©cision d’orientation, cette imbrication renouvelle le concept mĂȘme de sa direction par le ministĂšre public

    Influence of the supersaturation on Si diffusion and growth of Si nanoparticles in silcion-rich silica

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    International audienceComb-drive micro-electro-mechanical systems oscillators for low temperature experiments Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 025003 (2013) Influence of the embedding matrix on optical properties of Ge nanocrystals-based nanocomposite J. Appl. Phys. 113, 053512 (2013) Fabrication of Bi2Te3 nanowire arrays and thermal conductivity measurement by 3ω-scanning thermal microscopy J. Appl. Phys. 113, 054308 (2013) Controlled route to the fabrication of carbon and boron nitride nanoscrolls: A molecular dynamics investigation J. Appl. Phys. 113, 054306 (2013) Electrodynamic control of the nanofiber alignment during electrospinning Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 053111 (2013) Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. SiO X /SiO 2 multilayers have been prepared using magnetron sputtering and annealed in order to induce the growth of Si nanoparticles in Si-rich sublayers. This sample has undergone several successive annealing treatments and has been analyzed using a laser-assisted tomographic atom probe. This allows the phase separation between Si and SiO 2 and the growth process to be studied at the atomic scale as a function of annealing temperature. Si diffusion coefficient is estimated from the accurate measurement of matrix composition and Si particle size. We demonstrate that the diffusion coefficient in SiO X is supersaturation dependent, leading to a decrease in silicon particle growth kinetics during annealing. In addition, we use our measurements to predict the critical thickness for efficient SiO 2 diffusion barriers

    La restructuration du travail et l'autonomie des professionnels des cégeps

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    Depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1980, la nouvelle gestion publique tente de redĂ©finir le rĂŽle et la place de l'État dans la sociĂ©tĂ©. Les secteurs public et parapublic sont touchĂ©s par ces changements. Au QuĂ©bec, le rĂ©seau collĂ©gial n'Ă©chappe pas Ă  cette tendance. Les cĂ©geps subissent en plus les consĂ©quences des rĂ©formes des annĂ©es 1990 Ă  la suite d'une rĂ©flexion en profondeur sur l'avenir du rĂ©seau collĂ©gial. Durant la mĂȘme pĂ©riode, le Gouvernement du QuĂ©bec tente d'assainir les finances publiques, ce qui se traduit par des coupures budgĂ©taires pour les cĂ©geps. Cette Ă©tude porte prĂ©cisĂ©ment sur la restructuration du travail et l'autonomie des professionnels oeuvrant au sein des cĂ©geps. Les professionnels ne sont pas Ă©pargnĂ©s par les changements organisationnels puisqu'ils voient leurs conditions de travail se dĂ©tĂ©riorer. Cependant, leur autonomie historique n'est pas Ă©branlĂ©e. Il semble aussi qu'il y a des diffĂ©rences selon la taille, l'emplacement gĂ©ographique du cĂ©gep et le secteur pour lequel le professionnel travaille. Ces constations proviennent de cette Ă©tude quantitative par questionnaire distribuĂ© Ă  l'ensemble des professionnels syndiquĂ©s par la FPPC-CSQ et ce, Ă  la grandeur du QuĂ©bec. Selon les rĂ©sultats et le cadre d'analyse, il semble que plusieurs facteurs expliquent la forte autonomie des professionnels, mĂȘme en contexte de fortes incertitudes

    New ionic half-metallocenes of early lanthanides

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    International audienceWe present in this study a new and one-step method allowing the preparation of an unprecedented family of stable half-lanthanidocenes. X-ray analysis shows that the isolated compounds all display the same ionic Ln–Mg bimetallic structure consisting of two anionic (CpR)Ln(BH4)3 species and one cationic Mg(THF)6 (CpR =C5Me5, Ln = Nd, 1a, Ln = La, 1b; CpR =C5H5, Ln = Nd, 2a; CpR =C5H2Ph3, Ln = Nd, 3a). Such complexes display high stability with respect to disproportionation in solution. Combined with dialkylmagnesium, neodymium complexes provide powerful catalysts for stereospecific isoprene polymerisation

    Molecular Imaging of Microglial Activation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    There is growing evidence of activated microglia and inflammatory processes in the cerebral cortex in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Activated microglia is characterized by increased expression of the 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO) in the brain and may be a useful biomarker of inflammation. In this study, we evaluated neuroinflammation in ALS patients using a radioligand of TSPO, 18F-DPA-714. Ten patients with probable or definite ALS (all right-handed, without dementia, and untreated by riluzole or other medication that might bias the binding on the TSPO), were enrolled prospectively and eight healthy controls matched for age underwent a PET study. Comparison of the distribution volume ratios between both groups were performed using a Mann-Whitney’s test. Significant increase of distribution of volume ratios values corresponding to microglial activation was found in the ALS sample in primary motor, supplementary motor and temporal cortex (p = 0.009, p = 0.001 and p = 0.004, respectively). These results suggested that the cortical uptake of 18F-DPA-714 was increased in ALS patients during the ‘‘time of diagnosis’’ phase of the disease. This finding might improve our understanding of the pathophysiology of ALS and might be a surrogate marker of efficacy of treatment on microglial activation

    De l’impossible coexistence ? De la nĂ©cessaire reconnaissance au fondement de la coexistence organisationnelle

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    Lu mode en gestion est gĂ©nĂ©ralement le reflet d’une pseudo rĂ©conciliation de l’économique et du social avec pour postulat une corrĂ©lation entre objectif de l’entreprise et objectif de l’individu. Or il s’agit lĂ  d’un cas particulier plutĂŽt que la rĂšgle. Rares sont les situations oĂč les objectifs personnels et organisationnels sont les mĂȘmes. TrĂšs souvent le salariĂ© doit tisser sa relation sur une trame d’entreprise rationnelle. La rationalitĂ© instrumentale qui se donne comme norme, parle du s..

    Description, Implementation and Evaluation of an Affinity Clause for Task Directives

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    International audienceOpenMP 4.0 introduced dependent tasks, which give the programmer a way to express fine grain parallelism. Using appropriate OS support (such as NUMA libraries), the runtime can rely on the information in the depend clause to dynamically map the tasks to the architecture topology. Controlling data locality is one of the key factors to reach a high level of performance when targeting NUMA architectures. On this topic, OpenMP does not provide a lot of flexibility to the programmer yet, which lets the runtime decide where a task should be executed. In this paper, we present a class of applications which would benefit from having such a control and flexibility over tasks and data placement. We also propose our own interpretation of the new affinity clause for the task directive, which is being discussed by the OpenMP Architecture Review Board. This clause enables the programmer to give hints to the runtime about tasks placement during the program execution, which can be used to control the data mapping on the architecture. In our proposal, the programmer can express affinity between a task and the following resources: a thread, a NUMA node, and a data. We then present an implementation of this proposal in the Clang-3.8 compiler, and an implementation of the corresponding extensions in our OpenMP runtime LIBKOMP. Finally , we present a preliminary evaluation of this work running two task-based OpenMP kernels on a 192-core NUMA architecture, that shows noticeable improvements both in terms of performance and scalability
