262 research outputs found

    Biplanar quadrature coil for versatile low-field extremity MRI

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    Biplanar magnets offer extended flexibility in MRI, particularly appealing due to unmatched accessibility to the patient. At low field strength (<0.2 T), such geometries could be particularly suitable for interventional settings or purpose-built applications such as musculoskeletal imaging. In the proposed work, we present a dual-channel, biplanar coil array for low-field MRI featuring almost fully open access when sited in a biplanar magnet. The proposed detector relies on the assembly of two orthogonal biplanar coils (single transmit channel, two receive channels in quadrature) respectively interfaced with custom inductive couplers. Simulations of the B1 field in each element were performed before the quadrature coil was built and used at ∼ 0.1 T (4.33 MHz). Once assembled, the best performance in our setup was achieved in undermatched conditions in place of conventional 50-Ω matching. Phantom images display the extended coverage of the quadrature coil, with similar SNR from each individual biplanar coil. The combined images show an expected SNR gain of 2 that confirms good decoupling between the two channels (−36 dB). To the best of our knowledge, the proposed coil represents the first implementation of a biplanar geometry at low field and the first quadrature detection for a biplanar design. The open design and overall good sensitivity of our biplanar design enabled fast and quasi-isotropic 3D imaging with (1.6 × 1.6 × 2.2) mm3 resolution in vivo in human extremities

    A Prospective Study on Algorithms Adapted to the Spatial Frequency in Tomography

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    The use of iterative algorithms in tomographic reconstruction always leads to a frequency adapted rate of convergence in that low frequencies are accurately reconstructed after a few iterations, while high frequencies sometimes require many more computations. In this paper, we propose to build frequency adapted (FA) algorithms based on a condition of incomplete backprojection and propose an FA simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (FA-SART) algorithm as an example. The results obtained with the FA-SART algorithm demonstrate a very fast convergence on a highly detailed phantom when compared to the original SART algorithm. Though the use of such an FA algorithm may seem difficult, we specify in which case it is relevant and propose several ways to improve the reconstruction process with FA algorithms

    Imaginaire sécuritaire et alliances militaires

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    L’adhésion à l’OTAN façonne-t-elle l’imaginaire sécuritaire ? À travers l’analyse des discours des locuteurs autorisés australiens et français sur le thème de la guerre en Afghanistan (2001-2012), ce mémoire vise à comparer les imaginaires sécuritaires de ces deux États au regard de leur relation avec l’OTAN. Lorsque ces éléments constitutifs sont mis bout à bout, avec le récit entourant le cadre d’opération (chapitre 1), celui de la représentation de l’ennemi (chapitre 2) ainsi que celui de la la désignation de la menace (chapitre 3), l’ensemble que l’on appelle l’imaginaire sécuritaire permet de mieux comprendre les décisions qui sont prises en matière de politique étrangère. La comparaison de l’imaginaire sécuritaire entre la France, qui est pourtant membre de l’organisation transatlantique, et l’Australie, qui n’en est pas membre, indique que l’Australie partage un imaginaire sécuritaire proche de la France laissant apparaître que l’OTAN n’a pas d’impact et qu’il faut chercher dans un ensemble plus large la réponse. L’analyse suggère que les deux gouvernements (re)produisent un discours dans lequel ils cherchent à accroitre l’espace discursif entre un « eux » barbare et un « nous » magnifié.Does NATO membership shape the security imaginary? Through a discourse analysis of Australian and French authorized speakers on the subject of the war in Afghanistan (2001-2012) this dissertation compares the security imaginary of these two states in terms of their relationship with NATO. Accounting for the narrative surrounding the operating framework (Chapter 1), the representation of the enemy (Chapter 2) as well as the designation of the threat (Chapter 3), security imaginary allows a better understanding of foreign policy decisions. Comparing France’s security imaginary, which is a NATO member, with Australia’s, which is not, reveals that Australia shares a security imaginary similar to France’s. Thus, NATO membership does not seem to have an impact on security imaginary. The analysis suggests that both governments (re)produce a discourse in which they seek to increase the discursive space between a barbaric "them" and a magnified "us"

    Biplanar quadrature coil for versatile low-field extremity MRI

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    Funding This work is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant Numbers 170575, 186861, and 198905). Acknowledgments The authors warmly thank Prof. Dr. André Constantinesco for sharing his expertise in low-field technologies, as well as for his generosity and strong support especially during the early days of the AMT Center, when the platform was still in the making.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Vector theories in cosmology

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    This article provides a general study of the Hamiltonian stability and the hyperbolicity of vector field models involving both a general function of the Faraday tensor and its dual, f(F2,FF~)f(F^2,F\tilde F), as well as a Proca potential for the vector field, V(A2)V(A^2). In particular it is demonstrated that theories involving only f(F2)f(F^2) do not satisfy the hyperbolicity conditions. It is then shown that in this class of models, the cosmological dynamics always dilutes the vector field. In the case of a nonminimal coupling to gravity, it is established that theories involving Rf(A2)R f(A^2) or Rf(F2)Rf(F^2) are generically pathologic. To finish, we exhibit a model where the vector field is not diluted during the cosmological evolution, because of a nonminimal vector field-curvature coupling which maintains second-order field equations. The relevance of such models for cosmology is discussed.Comment: 17 pages, no figur

    Importance of outer-sphere and aggregation phenomena in the relaxation properties of phosphonated gadolinium complexes with potential applications as MRI contrast agents

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    [Abstract] A series composed of a tetra-, a tris- and a bisphosphonated ligand based on a pyridine scaffold (L4, L3 and L2, respectively) was studied within the frame of lanthanide (Ln) coordination. The stability constants of the complexes formed with lanthanide cations (Ln=La, Nd, Eu, Gd, Tb, Er and Lu) were determined by potentiometry in aqueous solutions (25.0 °C, 0.1 M NaClO4), showing that the tetraphosphonated complexes are among the most stable LnIII complexes reported in the literature. The complexation of L4 was further studied by different titration experiments using mass spectrometry and various spectroscopic techniques including UV/Vis absorption, and steady state and time-resolved luminescence (Ln=Eu and Tb). Titration experiments confirmed the formation of highly stable [LnL4] complexes. 31P NMR experiments of the LuL4 complex revealed an intramolecular interconversion process which was studied at different temperatures and was rationalized by DFT modelling. The relaxivity properties of the GdIII complexes were studied by recording their 1H NMRD profiles at various temperatures, by temperature dependent 17O NMR experiments (GdL4) and by pH dependent relaxivity measurements at 0.47 T (GdL3 and GdL2). In addition to the high relaxivity values observed for all complexes, the results showed an important second-sphere contribution to relaxivity and pH dependent variations associated with the formation of aggregates for GdL2 and GdL3. Finally, intravenous injection of GdL4 to a mouse was followed by dynamic MRI imaging at 1.5 T, which showed that the complex can be immediately found in the blood stream and rapidly eliminated through the liver and in large part through the kidneys.Torino. Compagnia di San Paolo; CSP-2012 NANOPROGL

    Identification and verification of heat shock protein 60 as a potential serum marker for colorectal cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major public health issue worldwide, and novel tumor markers may contribute to its efficient management by helping in early detection, prognosis or surveillance of disease. The aim of our study was to identify new serum biomarkers for CRC, and we followed a phased biomarker discovery and validation process to obtain an accurate preliminary assessment of potential clinical utility. We compared colonic tumors and matched normal tissue from 15 CRC patients, using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), and identified 17 proteins that had significant differential expression. These results were further confirmed by western blotting for heat shock protein (HSP) 60, glutathione-S-transferase Pi, α-enolase, T-complex protein 1 subunit β, and leukocyte elastase inhibitor, and by immunohistochemistry for HSP60. Using mAbs raised against HSP60, we developed a reliable (precision of 5–15%) and sensitive (0.3 ng·mL−1) immunoassay for the detection of HSP60 in serum. Elevated levels of HSP60 were found in serum from CRC patients in two independent cohorts; the receiver-operating characteristic curve obtained in 112 patients with CRC and 90 healthy controls had an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.70, which was identical to the AUC of carcinoembryonic antigen. Combination of serum markers improved clinical performance: the AUC of a three-marker logistic regression model combining HSP60, carcinoembryonic antigen and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 reached 0.77. Serum HSP60 appeared to be more specific for late-stage CRC; therefore, future studies should evaluate its utility for determining prognosis or monitoring therapy rather than early detection