92 research outputs found

    Involvement of ethylene signalling in a non-climacteric fruit: new elements regarding the regulation of ADH expression in grapevine

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    Although grape berries have been classified as non climacteric fruits, ongoing studies on grape ethylene signalling lead to challenge the role of ethylene in their ripening. One of the significant molecular changes in berries is the up regulation of ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase, EC. enzyme activity at the inception of fruit ripening and of VvADH2 transcript levels. This paper shows that the ethylene signal transduction pathway could be involved in the control of VvADH2 expression in grapevine berries and in cell suspensions. The induction of VvADH2 transcription, either in berries at the inception of ripening or in cell suspensions, was found to be partly inhibited by 1 methylcyclopropene (1 MCP), an inhibitor of ethylene receptors. Treatment of cell suspensions with 2 chloroethylphosphonic acid (2-CEPA), an ethylene releasing compound, also resulted in a significant increase of ADH activity and VvADH2 transcription under anaerobiosis, showing that concomitant ethylene and anaerobic treatments in cell suspensions could result in changes of VvADH2 expression. All these results, associated with the presence in the VvADH2 promoter of regulatory elements for ethylene and anaerobic response, suggest that ethylene transduction pathway and anaerobic stress could be in part involved in the regulation of VvADH2 expression in ripening berries and cell suspensions. These data open new aspects of the expression control of a ripening-related gene in a non climacteric fruit

    Contact of a Finger on Rigid Surfaces and Textiles: Friction Coefficient and Induced Vibrations

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    The tactile information about object surfaces is obtained through perceived contact stresses and frictioninduced vibrations generated by the relative motion between the fingertip and the touched object. The friction forces affect the skin stress-state distribution during surface scanning, while the sliding contact generates vibrations that propagate in the finger skin activating the receptors (mechanoreceptors) and allowing the brain to identify objects and perceive information about their properties. In this article, the friction coefficient between a real human finger and both rigid surfaces and fabrics is retrieved as a function of the contact parameters (load and scanning speed). Then, the analysis of the vibration spectra is carried out to investigate the features of the induced vibrations, measured on the fingernail, as a function of surface textures and contact parameters. While the friction coefficient measurements on rigid surfaces agree with empirical laws found in literature, the behaviour of the friction coefficient when touching a fabric is more complex, and is mainly the function of the textile constructional properties. Results show that frequency spectrum distribution, when touching a rigid surface, is mainly determined by the relative geometry of the two contact surfaces and by the contact parameters. On the contrary, when scanning a fabric, the structure and the deformation of the textile itself largely affect the spectrum of the induced vibration. Finally, some major features of the measured vibrations (frequency distribution and amplitude) are found to be representative of tactile perception compared to psychophysical and neurophysiologic works in literature

    Effect of proline pretreatment on grapevine shoot-tip response to a droplet-vitrification protocol

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    Equipe DAVEM = DiversitĂ© et Adaptation de la Vigne et des EspĂšces MĂ©diterranĂ©ennesProline has been shown to accumulate in plants in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Exogenous proline has thus been used for improving some plant cryopreservation protocols. Further enhancement of cryopreservation efficiency for in vitro grapevines could be expected if stresses linked to cryopreservation procedures could be reduced. We therefore studied the possible beneficial effect of proline in grapevine cryopreservation. Single-node explants from in vitro grown grapevine plantlets (Vitis vinifera L. cv Portan) were cultured on shooting media (half-strength MS + 1 ÎŒM BAP) con- taining no proline (control) or 50, 500, or 2000 ÎŒM filter-sterilized L-proline. Shoot tips excised from these micro- shoots were subjected to a PVS2-based droplet-vitrification procedure. Control and rewarmed explants were grown on a recovery medium containing 1 ÎŒM BAP. Shoot development on control medium and lower proline concentrations did not notably differ whereas the highest concentration of proline inhibited shoot development. Carry-over effects were observed since lower survival and regrowth were obtained both for non-frozen or LN-treated explants excised from micro-shoots obtained on the 2000 ÎŒM proline medium. No significant differences in survival and regrowth were ob- served for non-frozen explants subjected to pretreatment without LN exposure. A slightly enhancing effect (although non-significant) on post-cryopreservation survival was observed for explants derived from shoots developed on 50 or 500 ÎŒM proline, but no significant improvement of regrowth percentage was observed for these two conditions. Al- though a slight increase in survival could be observed, no significant beneficial effect of proline pretreatment on post- cryoconservation regrowth could be evidenced in our conditions. However, the 2-week period before explant excision could have allowed at least partial metabolism and catabolism of exogenous proline; the results observed could thus have been the consequence of complex interactions. Shorter proline treatments applied closer to the actual LN exposure step might produce different results and allow for clearer interpretation

    A small XY chromosomal region explains sex determination in wild dioecious V. vinifera and the reversal to hermaphroditism in domesticated grapevines

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    Publis014-agap-029Background In Vitis vinifera L., domestication induced a dramatic change in flower morphology: the wild sylvestris subspecies is dioecious while hermaphroditism is largely predominant in the domesticated subsp. V. v. vinifera. The characterisation of polymorphisms in genes underlying the sex-determining chromosomal region may help clarify the history of domestication in grapevine and the evolution of sex chromosomes in plants. In the genus Vitis, sex determination is putatively controlled by one major locus with three alleles, male M, hermaphrodite H and female F, with an allelic dominance M > H > F. Previous genetic studies located the sex locus on chromosome 2. We used DNA polymorphisms of geographically diverse V. vinifera genotypes to confirm the position of this locus, to characterise the genetic diversity and traces of selection in candidate genes, and to explore the origin of hermaphroditism. Results In V. v. sylvestris, a sex-determining region of 154.8 kb, also present in other Vitis species, spans less than 1% of chromosome 2. It displays haplotype diversity, linkage disequilibrium and differentiation that typically correspond to a small XY sex-determining region with XY males and XX females. In male alleles, traces of purifying selection were found for a trehalose phosphatase, an exostosin and a WRKY transcription factor, with strikingly low polymorphism levels between distant geographic regions. Both diversity and network analysis revealed that H alleles are more closely related to M than to F alleles. Conclusions Hermaphrodite alleles appear to derive from male alleles of wild grapevines, with successive recombination events allowing import of diversity from the X into the Y chromosomal region and slowing down the expansion of the region into a full heteromorphic chromosome. Our data are consistent with multiple domestication events and show traces of introgression from other Asian Vitis species into the cultivated grapevine gene pool. La vigne domestiquée, Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera, cultivée pour la production de fruit et de vin à travers le monde, dérive de la vigne sauvage, Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris, sous-espÚce endémique de l'Eurasie. Au cours de la domestication, le systÚme de reproduction a évolué de la diécie à l'hermaphrodisme. Nous montrons que la région du sexe est sous le contrÎle d'une région chromosomique qui couvre au maximum 154kpbp, moins de 1% du chromosome 2. La caractérisation de ce locus en terme de diversité haplotypique, de signature de sélection et de déséquilibre de liaison a permis de révéler un systÚme de détermination sexuelle de type XY. La petite taille de cette région chromosomique semble indiquer un stade trÚs précoce dans l'évolution de chromosomes sexuels, malgré que la diécie soit le trait ancestral chez toutes les espÚces de Vitis, ayant divergé du sous-genre Muscadinia il y a plusieurs millions d'années. L'analyse des distances génétiques entre haplotypes dans le locus du sexe a révélé que l'hermaphrodisme observé chez la vigne domestiquée résulte de la mutation de l'allÚle mùle présent chez la vigne sauvage. Le réseau d'haplotypes a montré qu'en plus de la contribution de V. sylvestris, une autre espÚce de Vitis asiatique a pu contribuer à la constitution du génome actuel de la vigne cultivée moderne. Ces travaux résultent d'une collaboration entre l'équipe DAAV d'AGAP et l'UMR CBAE (Montpellier)

    Emergence of Epidemic Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup X Meningitis in Togo and Burkina Faso

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    Serogroup X meningococci (NmX) historically have caused sporadic and clustered meningitis cases in sub-Saharan Africa. To study recent NmX epidemiology, we analyzed data from population-based, sentinel and passive surveillance, and outbreak investigations of bacterial meningitis in Togo and Burkina Faso during 2006–2010. Cerebrospinal fluid specimens were analyzed by PCR. In Togo during 2006–2009, NmX accounted for 16% of the 702 confirmed bacterial meningitis cases. Kozah district experienced an NmX outbreak in March 2007 with an NmX seasonal cumulative incidence of 33/100,000. In Burkina Faso during 2007–2010, NmX accounted for 7% of the 778 confirmed bacterial meningitis cases, with an increase from 2009 to 2010 (4% to 35% of all confirmed cases, respectively). In 2010, NmX epidemics occurred in northern and central regions of Burkina Faso; the highest district cumulative incidence of NmX was estimated as 130/100,000 during March–April. Although limited to a few districts, we have documented NmX meningitis epidemics occurring with a seasonal incidence previously only reported in the meningitis belt for NmW135 and NmA, which argues for development of an NmX vaccine

    Genetic diversity, linkage disequilibrium and power of a large grapevine (Vitis vinifera L) diversity panel newly designed for association studies

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    UMR-AGAP Equipe DAVV (DiversitĂ©, adaptation et amĂ©lioration de la vigne) ; Ă©quipe ID (IntĂ©gration de DonnĂ©es)International audienceAbstractBackgroundAs for many crops, new high-quality grapevine varieties requiring less pesticide and adapted to climate change are needed. In perennial species, breeding is a long process which can be speeded up by gaining knowledge about quantitative trait loci linked to agronomic traits variation. However, due to the long juvenile period of these species, establishing numerous highly recombinant populations for high resolution mapping is both costly and time-consuming. Genome wide association studies in germplasm panels is an alternative method of choice, since it allows identifying the main quantitative trait loci with high resolution by exploiting past recombination events between cultivars. Such studies require adequate panel design to represent most of the available genetic and phenotypic diversity. Assessing linkage disequilibrium extent and panel power is also needed to determine the marker density required for association studies.ResultsStarting from the largest grapevine collection worldwide maintained in Vassal (France), we designed a diversity panel of 279 cultivars with limited relatedness, reflecting the low structuration in three genetic pools resulting from different uses (table vs wine) and geographical origin (East vs West), and including the major founders of modern cultivars. With 20 simple sequence repeat markers and five quantitative traits, we showed that our panel adequately captured most of the genetic and phenotypic diversity existing within the entire Vassal collection. To assess linkage disequilibrium extent and panel power, we genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms: 372 over four genomic regions and 129 distributed over the whole genome. Linkage disequilibrium, measured by correlation corrected for kinship, reached 0.2 for a physical distance between 9 and 458 Kb depending on genetic pool and genomic region, with varying size of linkage disequilibrium blocks. This panel achieved reasonable power to detect associations between traits with high broad-sense heritability (> 0.7) and causal loci with intermediate allelic frequency and strong effect (explaining > 10 % of total variance).ConclusionsOur association panel constitutes a new, highly valuable resource for genetic association studies in grapevine, and deserves dissemination to diverse field and greenhouse trials to gain more insight into the genetic control of many agronomic traits and their interaction with the environment

    Contact of a Finger on Rigid Surfaces and Textiles: Friction Coefficient and Induced Vibrations

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    The tactile information about object surfaces is obtained through perceived contact stresses and frictioninduced vibrations generated by the relative motion between the fingertip and the touched object. The friction forces affect the skin stress-state distribution during surface scanning, while the sliding contact generates vibrations that propagate in the finger skin activating the receptors (mechanoreceptors) and allowing the brain to identify objects and perceive information about their properties. In this article, the friction coefficient between a real human finger and both rigid surfaces and fabrics is retrieved as a function of the contact parameters (load and scanning speed). Then, the analysis of the vibration spectra is carried out to investigate the features of the induced vibrations, measured on the fingernail, as a function of surface textures and contact parameters. While the friction coefficient measurements on rigid surfaces agree with empirical laws found in literature, the behaviour of the friction coefficient when touching a fabric is more complex, and is mainly the function of the textile constructional properties. Results show that frequency spectrum distribution, when touching a rigid surface, is mainly determined by the relative geometry of the two contact surfaces and by the contact parameters. On the contrary, when scanning a fabric, the structure and the deformation of the textile itself largely affect the spectrum of the induced vibration. Finally, some major features of the measured vibrations (frequency distribution and amplitude) are found to be representative of tactile perception compared to psychophysical and neurophysiologic works in literature
