275 research outputs found

    The Missing Link: Bayesian Detection and Measurement of Intermediate-Mass Black-Hole Binaries

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    We perform Bayesian analysis of gravitational-wave signals from non-spinning, intermediate-mass black-hole binaries (IMBHBs) with observed total mass, MobsM_{\mathrm{obs}}, from 50M50\mathrm{M}_{\odot} to 500M500\mathrm{M}_{\odot} and mass ratio 1\mbox{--}4 using advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors. We employ inspiral-merger-ringdown waveform models based on the effective-one-body formalism and include subleading modes of radiation beyond the leading (2,2)(2,2) mode. The presence of subleading modes increases signal power for inclined binaries and allows for improved accuracy and precision in measurements of the masses as well as breaking of extrinsic parameter degeneracies. For low total masses, Mobs50MM_{\mathrm{obs}} \lesssim 50 \mathrm{M}_{\odot}, the observed chirp mass Mobs=Mobsη3/5\mathcal{M}_{\rm obs} = M_{\mathrm{obs}}\,\eta^{3/5} (η\eta being the symmetric mass ratio) is better measured. In contrast, as increasing power comes from merger and ringdown, we find that the total mass MobsM_{\mathrm{obs}} has better relative precision than Mobs\mathcal{M}_{\rm obs}. Indeed, at high MobsM_{\mathrm{obs}} (300M\geq 300 \mathrm{M}_{\odot}), the signal resembles a burst and the measurement thus extracts the dominant frequency of the signal that depends on MobsM_{\mathrm{obs}}. Depending on the binary's inclination, at signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 1212, uncertainties in MobsM_{\mathrm{obs}} can be as large as \sim 20 \mbox{--}25\% while uncertainties in Mobs\mathcal{M}_{\rm obs} are \sim 50 \mbox{--}60\% in binaries with unequal masses (those numbers become 17%\sim 17\% versus 22%\sim22\% in more symmetric binaries). Although large, those uncertainties will establish the existence of IMBHs. Our results show that gravitational-wave observations can offer a unique tool to observe and understand the formation, evolution and demographics of IMBHs, which are difficult to observe in the electromagnetic window. (abridged)Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; updated to reflect published versio

    High Energy Variability Of Synchrotron-Self Compton Emitting Sources: Why One Zone Models Do Not Work And How We Can Fix It

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    With the anticipated launch of GLAST, the existing X-ray telescopes, and the enhanced capabilities of the new generation of TeV telescopes, developing tools for modeling the variability of high energy sources such as blazars is becoming a high priority. We point out the serious, innate problems one zone synchrotron-self Compton models have in simulating high energy variability. We then present the first steps toward a multi zone model where non-local, time delayed Synchrotron-self Compton electron energy losses are taken into account. By introducing only one additional parameter, the length of the system, our code can simulate variability properly at Compton dominated stages, a situation typical of flaring systems. As a first application, we were able to reproduce variability similar to that observed in the case of the puzzling `orphan' TeV flares that are not accompanied by a corresponding X-ray flare.Comment: to appear in the 1st GLAST symposium proceeding

    Modeling the Swift BAT Trigger Algorithm with Machine Learning

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    To draw inferences about gamma-ray burst (GRB) source populations based on Swift observations, it is essential to understand the detection efficiency of the Swift burst alert telescope (BAT). This study considers the problem of modeling the Swift BAT triggering algorithm for long GRBs, a computationally expensive procedure, and models it using machine learning algorithms. A large sample of simulated GRBs from Lien et al. (2014) is used to train various models: random forests, boosted decision trees (with AdaBoost), support vector machines, and artificial neural networks. The best models have accuracies of approximately greater than 97% (approximately less than 3% error), which is a significant improvement on a cut in GRB flux which has an accuracy of 89:6% (10:4% error). These models are then used to measure the detection efficiency of Swift as a function of redshift z, which is used to perform Bayesian parameter estimation on the GRB rate distribution. We find a local GRB rate density of eta(sub 0) approximately 0.48(+0.41/-0.23) Gpc(exp -3) yr(exp -1) with power-law indices of eta(sub 1) approximately 1.7(+0.6/-0.5) and eta(sub 2) approximately -5.9(+5.7/-0.1) for GRBs above and below a break point of z(sub 1) approximately 6.8(+2.8/-3.2). This methodology is able to improve upon earlier studies by more accurately modeling Swift detection and using this for fully Bayesian model fitting. The code used in this is analysis is publicly available online

    A multi-zone model for simulating the high energy variability of TeV blazars

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    We present a time-dependent multi-zone code for simulating the variability of Synchrotron-Self Compton (SSC) sources. The code adopts a multi-zone pipe geometry for the emission region, appropriate for simulating emission from a standing or propagating shock in a collimated jet. Variations in the injection of relativistic electrons in the inlet propagate along the length of the pipe cooling radiatively. Our code for the first time takes into account the non-local, time-retarded nature of synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) losses that are thought to be dominant in TeV blazars. The observed synchrotron and SSC emission is followed self-consistently taking into account light travel time delays. At any given time, the emitting portion of the pipe depends on the frequency and the nature of the variation followed. Our simulation employs only one additional physical parameter relative to one-zone models, that of the pipe length and is computationally very efficient, using simplified expressions for the SSC processes. The code will be useful for observers modeling GLAST, TeV, and X-ray observations of SSC blazars.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    Parameter estimation on gravitational waves from neutron-star binaries with spinning components

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    Inspiraling binary neutron stars are expected to be one of the most significant sources of gravitational-wave signals for the new generation of advanced ground-based detectors. We investigate how well we could hope to measure properties of these binaries using the Advanced LIGO detectors, which began operation in September 2015. We study an astrophysically motivated population of sources (binary components with masses 1.2 M1.2~\mathrm{M}_\odot--1.6 M1.6~\mathrm{M}_\odot and spins of less than 0.050.05) using the full LIGO analysis pipeline. While this simulated population covers the observed range of potential binary neutron-star sources, we do not exclude the possibility of sources with parameters outside these ranges; given the existing uncertainty in distributions of mass and spin, it is critical that analyses account for the full range of possible mass and spin configurations. We find that conservative prior assumptions on neutron-star mass and spin lead to average fractional uncertainties in component masses of 16%\sim 16\%, with little constraint on spins (the median 90%90\% upper limit on the spin of the more massive component is 0.7\sim 0.7). Stronger prior constraints on neutron-star spins can further constrain mass estimates, but only marginally. However, we find that the sky position and luminosity distance for these sources are not influenced by the inclusion of spin; therefore, if LIGO detects a low-spin population of BNS sources, less computationally expensive results calculated neglecting spin will be sufficient for guiding electromagnetic follow-up.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Parameter Estimation for Binary Neutron-star Coalescences with Realistic Noise during the Advanced LIGO Era

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    Advanced ground-based gravitational-wave (GW) detectors begin operation imminently. Their intended goal is not only to make the first direct detection of GWs, but also to make inferences about the source systems. Binary neutron-star mergers are among the most promising sources. We investigate the performance of the parameter-estimation (PE) pipeline that will be used during the first observing run of the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (aLIGO) in 2015: we concentrate on the ability to reconstruct the source location on the sky, but also consider the ability to measure masses and the distance. Accurate, rapid sky localization is necessary to alert electromagnetic (EM) observatories so that they can perform follow-up searches for counterpart transient events. We consider PE accuracy in the presence of non-stationary, non-Gaussian noise. We find that the character of the noise makes negligible difference to the PE performance at a given signal-to-noise ratio. The source luminosity distance can only be poorly constrained, since the median 90% (50%) credible interval scaled with respect to the true distance is 0.85 (0.38). However, the chirp mass is well measured. Our chirp-mass estimates are subject to systematic error because we used gravitational-waveform templates without component spin to carry out inference on signals with moderate spins, but the total error is typically less than 10^(-3) M_☉. The median 90% (50%) credible region for sky localization is ~ 600 deg^2 (~150 deg^2), with 3% (30%) of detected events localized within 100 deg^2. Early aLIGO, with only two detectors, will have a sky-localization accuracy for binary neutron stars of hundreds of square degrees; this makes EM follow-up challenging, but not impossible

    The Mock LISA Data Challenges: from Challenge 3 to Challenge 4

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    The Mock LISA Data Challenges are a program to demonstrate LISA data-analysis capabilities and to encourage their development. Each round of challenges consists of one or more datasets containing simulated instrument noise and gravitational waves from sources of undisclosed parameters. Participants analyze the datasets and report best-fit solutions for the source parameters. Here we present the results of the third challenge, issued in Apr 2008, which demonstrated the positive recovery of signals from chirping Galactic binaries, from spinning supermassive--black-hole binaries (with optimal SNRs between ~ 10 and 2000), from simultaneous extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (SNRs of 10-50), from cosmic-string-cusp bursts (SNRs of 10-100), and from a relatively loud isotropic background with Omega_gw(f) ~ 10^-11, slightly below the LISA instrument noise.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the 8th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, New York, June 21-26, 200

    Rare mutations in SQSTM1 modify susceptibility to frontotemporal lobar degeneration

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    Mutations in the gene coding for Sequestosome 1 (SQSTM1) have been genetically associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Paget disease of bone. In the present study, we analyzed the SQSTM1 coding sequence for mutations in an extended cohort of 1,808 patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), ascertained within the European Early-Onset Dementia consortium. As control dataset, we sequenced 1,625 European control individuals and analyzed whole-exome sequence data of 2,274 German individuals (total n = 3,899). Association of rare SQSTM1 mutations was calculated in a meta-analysis of 4,332 FTLD and 10,240 control alleles. We identified 25 coding variants in FTLD patients of which 10 have not been described. Fifteen mutations were absent in the control individuals (carrier frequency < 0.00026) whilst the others were rare in both patients and control individuals. When pooling all variants with a minor allele frequency < 0.01, an overall frequency of 3.2 % was calculated in patients. Rare variant association analysis between patients and controls showed no difference over the whole protein, but suggested that rare mutations clustering in the UBA domain of SQSTM1 may influence disease susceptibility by doubling the risk for FTLD (RR = 2.18 [95 % CI 1.24-3.85]; corrected p value = 0.042). Detailed histopathology demonstrated that mutations in SQSTM1 associate with widespread neuronal and glial phospho-TDP-43 pathology. With this study, we provide further evidence for a putative role of rare mutations in SQSTM1 in the genetic etiology of FTLD and showed that, comparable to other FTLD/ALS genes, SQSTM1 mutations are associated with TDP-43 pathology