11 research outputs found


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    Monetary policy is an important policy of a country in maintaining balance in the economy. This study aims to test impact of monetary policy shocks in Indonesia against to economic variables. The data used in this study are the level of domestic prices (P), economic growth (EG), interest rates (IR), and the real exchange rate (R) with quarterly time periods in 2019-quarter 3 in 2021. This research used the Structural Vector model Autoregression (SVAR). The result shows that the contribution of monetary policy instruments varies considerably to economic variables such as economic growth, the level of domestic prices, and the real exchange rate. But, the biggest contribution of the BI rate is felt by the variable price (inflation)

    Financial Literacy of the Banking Sector in Micro and Small Business in Semarang

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    The purposes of this research are to analyze the characteristics and financial literacy of MSMEs in Semarang. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The method used in this study is descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study were small micro-businesses and small businesses in the city of Semarang. The level of financial literacy in Semarang by giving questions as many as 28 questions taken and modified from Chen and Volpe. The results showed that 79% of MSMEs literacy in Semarang was in the medium category, 18% low and 3% high. If viewed further on the financial literacy of MSMEs, it is divided into 4 aspects, they are personal finance knowledge, savings and debts, Investments and insurance aspects. The average MSMEs for general knowledge of personal finance in the medium category was 76.60%, the savings and debts dimension medium category 81.91%, the investment aspect was the medium category 45.74% and the low category 59.57% of MSMEs financial literacy for insurance. This shows that the financial literacy level of SMEs in Semarang still needs to be improved in order to be able to compete and improve business. Keywords: literacy, financial, banking, micro and small busines


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana faktor sosialisasi, jaminan, persepsi kualitas layanan KUR (orang-orang bisnis kredit), dan persepsi suku bunga yang mempengaruhi akses KUR ke UKM Food Processing Cluster di Semarang. Jumlah populasi penelitian adalah 105 orang, dengan 36 orang sebagai sampel. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan data primer. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah kuesioner, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Ordinary Least Square (OLS) sebagai alat untuk menganalisis data.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat persepsi minat berpengaruh negatif terhadap akses KUR (usaha kredit orang). Persepsi kualitas layanan secara positif mempengaruhi akses KUR (bisnis kredit orang). Baik jaminan, maupun sosialisasi tidak mempengaruhi akses KUR oleh anggota klaster Pengolahan Makanan di Semarang. Pemerintah harus menurunkan tingkat bunga KUR dengan menambahkan subsidi bunga kepada bank yang menyediakan. Kualitas layanan bank dalam mendistribusikan KUR perlu ditingkatkan sehingga dapat menarik debitur untuk mengakses KUR, dan dengan demikian tujuan pemerintah pada program ini dapat dicapai untuk memberdayakan UKM dan mempercepat pengembangan sektor riil

    Labor development strategy in the bag industry

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    The research aims to formulate strategies for improving the labor competencies in the bag industry in Kudus Regency. The data comprise business players, which will be analyzed using the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis. The results reveal that the proper strategy for improving employment in the bag industry is growth and build strategy. Growth and development strategy are intensive actions undertaken through the development of labor competencies to improve the quality of output. It can be made with creating learning resources by designing methods and trainings refer to the Competency Based Training (CBT)

    Scale Up Kapabilitas Keuangan Badan Usaha Milik Desa Dengan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Desa Mandiri (SIDesRi)

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    Kabupaten Semarang memiliki kontur wilayah yang beragam serta potensi yang variatif, tidak terkecuali sektor pariwisatanya. Salah satu desa yang memiliki potensi wisata serta telah memiliki BUM Desa adalah Kopeng. Adanya potensi wisata di Kopeng dikemas dalam wujud desa wisata, kondisi ini mendorong pertumbuhan UMKM di sekitar. Namun, UMKM di desa ini belum menunjukkan adanya ekspansi bisnis secara masif dengan ciri khas variatif maupun inovatif. Hal ini salah satunya dilatarbelakangi oleh pencatatan laporan keuangan yang masih sangat sederhana dan kurang sistematis, serta kurangnya pengetahuan UMKM mengenai pemisahan kekayaan pribadi dan aset bisnis. Kondisi tersebut membuat para pelaku UMKM kesulitan untuk mencetuskan strategi pemasaran maupun ekspansi bisnis yang lebih luas, terutama terkait dengan alokasi anggaran. Hal inilah yang mendorong pengabdian bertema “Scale Up Kapabilitas Keuangan Badan Usaha Milik Desa dengan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Desa Mandiri (SIDesRi)”. Metode pengabdian dilaksanakan mulai dari persiapan, sosialisasi dan pelatihan, serta pemantauan lapangan. Adanya pengabdian yang berisi kegiatan peningkatan literasi keuangan dan pengenalan aplikasi pencatatan keuangan digital ini diharapkan mampu mendorong kapabilitas keuangan UMKM dan BUM Desa pada khususnya serta dihasilkan laporan keuangan yang lebih sistematis dan praktis, sehingga pertumbuhan bisnis UMKM yang lebih maju dan inovatif dapat terwujud

    The Profile of Pekalongan as a Center of Economic Growth at Tangkallangka Strategic Areas

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    This study aims to analyze leading sectors, economic interactions and development strategies of Pekalongan as center of economic growth at Tangkallangka Strategic Areas. Data used in this research are primary and secondary ones. Methods used for data collection are interviews, questionnaries and documentation. Data are then analyzed using Location Quotient (LQ), Growth Ratio Model (GRM), Overlay, Gravity, and SWOT Analysis. The results show that Pekalongan has some leading sectors which have competitive and comparable potentials in infrastructures, trades and finances. Pekalongan has the greatest spatial interaction with Batang. Aggressive strategies are used in developing Pekalongan. Keywords: Regional Development, Growth Center, Klassen Typological Analysis, JEL Classifications: B22; D60 ; O1

    Tourism village clusters: Potential for development at Jepara, Indonesia

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    The tourism sector is one of the leading national economic sectors in Indonesia and it has developed very rapidly. Efforts to improve the rural economy are also directed at tourism development. Central Java is a province with a number of tourist villages and development in some regions like Jepara Regency has locations that are close to each other. This research aims at identifying the cluster pattern of tourist village development in Jepara Regency, Central Java Province. It applies a quantitative approach using secondary data with a k-means cluster analysis. The results found that there are three clusters of tourist villages in Jepara Regency: (a) cluster 1 has six tourist villages which have high numbers of visitors, easy access, appropriate public and tourist facilities, but have few attractions and their locations are quite far from each other; (b) cluster 2 has eight tourist villages with many attractions, appropriate public facilities, close distances between locations and easy access, but have low numbers of visitors and limited tourist facilities; (c) cluster 3 has ten tourist villages, easy access, but a low rate of tourist visits, limited attractions, long distances between locations, and also limited public and tourist facilities


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    <p>The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of population, income per capita, inflation and the number of Trade Permit toward billboard tax revenue in Purbalingga. The results of this study is expected to provide benefit and input to the Local Government of Purbalingga, especially Departement of management of financial income and regional asset. Analysis tool used is multiple linear regression (Multiple Linear Regression Method) by the method of least squares Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Jointly test results showed that overall independent variables (population, income per capita, inflation, and the number of trade permit) together to show their effects on the billboard tax revenue. Adjusted R-Squared value of 0,951, which means 95,1 percent of the four independent variables. While the remaining 4,9 percent is explained by other causes outside the model. The results showed that the per capita income variable and the number of trade permit have a significant positive effect, the inflation variable has a significant negative effect, whereas a number of population variable have a positive effect which is not significant at α = 5 percent of tax revenue in Purbalingga billboard.</p><p> </p><p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh jumlah penduduk, pendapatan per kapita, inflasi dan jumlah surat ijin usaha perdagangan (SIUP) terhadap penerimaan pajak reklame di Kabupaten Purbalingga. Manfaat penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi bahan masukan Pemerintah Kabupaten Purbalingga khususnya Dinas Pengelolaan, Pendapatan, Keuangan dan Aset Daerah. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh secara bersama-sama variabel jumlah penduduk, pendapatan per kapita, inflasi dan jumlah surat ijin usaha perdagangan terhadap penerimaan pajak reklame. Koefisien determinasi 95,1% dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen, dan sisanya dijelaskan oleh variabel lain diluar model yang diteliti. Pendapatan per kapita dan jumlah surat ijin usaha berpengaruh signifikan positif, sedangkan inflasi berpengaruh signifikan negatif dan jumlah penduduk tidak berpengaruh terhadap penerimaan pajak reklame.</p


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    This study aims to analyze domestic investment, FDI realization, labor, capital expenditures, and infrastructure to the economic growth on the Java island from 2007 up to 2011. This study used panel data in chronological order (time series). The methods used in this study were the OLS (Ordinary Least Square) and eviews of 6 program.The results show that domestic investment, capital expenditures, labor,infrastructure have a significant positive effect on the economic growth in Java island. Further, non-asphalt roads have positive effect but it is not significant to the economic growth in Java island Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis investasi domestic, realisasi FDI, tenaga kerja, pengeluaran modal, dan infrastruktur terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Pulau Jawa pada periode 2007 – 2011. Data yang diguna-kan berbentuk data panel yang dianalisis dengan metode kuadrat terkecil (OLS) dan bantuan program eviews 6. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa investasi domestic, pengeluaran modal, tenaga kerja dan infrastruktur berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Pulau Jawa. Sementara jalan bukan aspal berpengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan.</p

    Mundell-Fleming Model: The Effectiveness of Indonesia’s Fiscal and Monetary Policies

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    This study examines the fiscal and monetary policy in Indonesia using the Mundell-Fleming model. The main objective of this study was to determine which policies are effective between fiscal and monetary policies of the national income in Indonesia because Indonesia is a small open economy with not perfect capital mobility. The analysis technique used is Two Stage Least Square (TSLS)  by using secondary data base on International Financial Statistics, 2000.I – 2014.II . The research result is monetary policy is more effective than the fiscal policy in which monetary policy multiplier at 0.0028 greater than fiscal policy multiplier 0.001316. The results are consistent with the theory of the Mundell-Fleming.</p