1,863 research outputs found

    Cambio tecnológico y conflicto político en la producción de medicamentos en la Argentina en las décadas de 1930 y1940

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    La evolución de la industria en las décadas de la sustitución de importaciones sigue planteando interrogantes que estimulan el retomo a las fuentes documentales en búsqueda de respuesta. Conocemos el alcance de la categoría "industria de interés nacional" para la manufactura local en la etapa peronista; pero ¿qué significado tuvo la misma cuando se otorgaba esta franquicia a grandes empresas multinacionales en el contexto del Primer Plan Quinquenal? En Argentina la producción de este medicamento constituyó un objetivo político y económico para el Estado en la segunda mitad de la década de 1940. La elaboración de remedios involucraba a la salud de la población generando tensiones entre lo público y lo privado; al mismo tiempo que los problemas tecnológicos y de escala enfrentaban los intereses de los laboratorios nacionales y extranjeros. Tanto en el caso de la penicilina como la estreptomicina, el gobierno nacional favoreció la instalación de laboratorios extranjeros. Esta medida de Perón es cuanto menos curiosa por haberse implementado en plena etapa antiimperialista de su gobierno ¿Cuáles fueron los móviles de tal decisión?, ¿se podría explicar en el contexto de la política social de salud impulsada por el Dr. Ramón Carrillo?, ¿los laboratorios nacionales estaban en condiciones de obtener la última tecnología?, o bien, ¿la excusa de las nuevas tecnologías permitía castigar a empresarios antiperonistas? En el presente trabajo se estudiarán las diferentes tecnologías de producción conocidas en la época para conocer las ventajas y desventajas de cada una de ellas; al mismo tiempo se analizarán las leyes y decretos gubernamentales que permitieron la importación de equipos sofisticados y materia prima libre de franquicias a algunos laboratorios. Finalmente se intentará conocer la versión de las empresas que participaron en aquel conflicto con el objetivo de reproducir las vicisitudes de las relaciones gobierno empresarios en un período determinado del desarrollo industrial farmacéutico argentino.Fil: Pfeiffer, Ana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina.Fil: Campis, Mónica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina

    La industria farmacéutica argentina y su entorno socio-económico (1958-2010)

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    This paper will attempt to offer a vision of the evolution of the argentine pharmaceutical sector in the last sixty years. The period is divided into two distinct stages: 1958-1976, maturation and crisis of the sustitution of pharmaceutical imports, and since then, development industrial with growing internationalization. The aim of the article is to put emphasis in all levels, macro, sectorial and micro to show the impact of this economic action in society. However the great diversity of this branch, the performance of international subgroup encouraged expectations for the future of the sector for its ability to show the way and integrate small firms as good providers. The State always regulated this industry because of its strategic nature both in the provision of goods that serve the health of the population as for the high added value of production. Jorge Sábato stressed the importance of the interaction between the State, business and science as an engine in the development of countries. He understood the State as executor of deliberate actions involving an act not arbitrary but based on a preliminary investigation of the variables. The application of these ideas from the democratic transition accelerated the growth of this industry that had built tecnoproductive capabilities and competitiveness since the beginning of 20th century in Argentina.El presente trabajo intentará ofrecer una visión de la evolución del sector farmacéutico en los últimos sesenta años. El período se dividió en dos etapas distintivas: 1958-1976, maduración y crisis de la sustitución de importaciones farmacéuticas y desde entonces, desarrollo industrial con creciente internacionalización. El objetivo del artículo fue poner el énfasis tanto a nivel macro, como a nivel sectorial y micro para mostrar el impacto de esta acción económica en la sociedad. No obstante la gran diversidad de esta rama, el desempeño del subgrupo de los transnacionalizados alienta expectativas respecto del futuro del sector por su capacidad de mostrar el camino e integrar a los pequeños como buenos proveedores. El Estado siempre reguló esta rama industrial dado su carácter estratégico tanto en la provisión de bienes que atienden la salud de la población como por el alto valor agregado de su producción. Jorge Sábato destacó la importancia de la interacción entre el Estado, las empresas y la ciencia como motor en el desarrollo de los países. Entendía al Estado como ejecutor de acciones deliberadas que implicaban un actuar no arbitrario sino basado en una investigación previa de las variables. La aplicación de estas ideas a partir de la transición democrática aceleró el crecimiento del sector farmacéutico que venía construyendo en Argentina capacidades tecnoproductivas y empresariales competitivas desde principios del siglo XX

    Rasprostranjenost pajasena (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle), invazivne biljne vrste, na području grada Osijeka

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    The research on the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) distribution within the Osijek city area was carried out in the summer period of 2017. In total of 589 individuals of the tree of heaven on 130 locations were recorded. The trees grew individually or in groups, mostly on abandoned places, and were rarely found in well-maintained areas. In the vicinity of the tree of heaven, mostly perennial herbaceous weeds were found. These plants thrive in different types of habitats. In order to prevent the uncontrolled spread of this invasive plant in the urban environment, it is necessary to continuously monitor and timely remove the tree of heaven individuals. Moreover, it is important to continuously educate the general public about the adverse impact of this species on the environment and biological diversity.Istraživanje prisutnosti pajasena (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) na području grada Osijeka provedeno je u ljetnom razdoblju 2017. godine. Na 130 lokaliteta zabilježeno je ukupno 589 jedinki stabala pajasena. Pajasen je rastao pojedinačno ili u skupinama, uglavnom na napuštenim područjima, dok je na uređenim i održavanim površinama bio rijetko prisutan. U neposrednoj blizini pajasena zabilježene su korovne, višegodišnje zeljaste biljke koje uspijevaju na različitim tipovima staništa. U svrhu sprječavanja nekontroliranog širenja ove invazivne biljke u gradskoj sredini potrebno je kontinuirano provoditi praćenje i pravovremeno uklanjanje pajasena, kao i kontinuiranu edukaciju šire javnosti o nepovoljnom utjecaju ove vrste na okoliš i biološku raznolikost

    Socio-Cultural, Organizational, and Community Level Influences on Physical Activity Levels of Latino Preschool-Age Children: A Qualitative Study

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    Objectives: As more children grow up in families with immigrant parents of Latino origin, there is a need to understand key influences on physical activity behaviors of young Latino children to prevent obesity in this high-risk group.Design: We conducted six focus groups with low-income Latina mothers (N = 33) whose preschool-aged children (2-5 years) were enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program in Rhode Island. Data was analyzed using content analysis to identify recurrent themes.Results: Despite understanding the importance of physical activity for overall health, physical activity was not a top priority for the Latino mothers participating in the focus groups. Mothers reported facing numerous barriers to establishing and maintaining healthful physical activity habits for their preschool-aged children and themselves, particularly financial and socio-cultural barriers. Analyses revealed that Latina mothers perceive the WIC as a program focused on the development and maintenance of healthy eating habits and nutritional status of children and not physical activity.Conclusions: Recognizing the importance of socioeconomic position and the influence of cultural factors on physical activity is essential if effective prevention and intervention programs for Latino families and their children are to be designed. Study findings emphasize the importance of the family as a central unit of change and suggest that successful interventions to promote physical activity of low-income Latino preschool children must take into account the needs and constraints of the family unit as a whole. The WIC program has the potential to be a venue for promoting awareness of and educating low-income Latino parents about the importance of helping their children develop and maintain early healthful physical activity habits. The WIC program can also play an important role in facilitating access and creating programs and services that provide increased opportunities for physical activity of young children and their families

    Evaluating the use of programmed reinforcement in a correction procedure with children diagnosed with autism

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    Background: Procedures that reduce errors while learning a repertoire play an important role in Applied Behavior Analysis for people with autism due to the detrimental effects that excessive exposure to error may have on learning. Previous studies have investigated the effects of correction procedures that require active student response after a trial with error. Some intervention manuals recommend against reinforcing responses after correction to prevent the establishment of prompt dependence. This study directly investigated the effect of reinforcement after an active-response correction procedure during tact training in four children with autism. An echoic-to-tact training procedure was used to train tacts. A “no reinforcement after correction” (NRC) condition was compared to a “reinforcement after correction” (RC) condition, using an adapted alternated treatments design. Results: All participants needed less correction trials in RC than in NRC, and considering all 26 sessions in which both training procedures were implemented, participants’ performance was higher with RC than without in 17 sessions and was the same in 3 sessions. Conclusions: We discuss the effectiveness of reinforcing correct responding after an active-response correction procedure, the absence of prompt dependence, and the implications of better correction procedures for applied settings

    Modelling laser modified secondary electron yield response of surfaces

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    Electron clouds hinder the operation of particle accelerators. In the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the copper beam screens are located within close proximity to the beam path, resulting in beam-induced electron multipacting, which is the main source of electron cloud formation. Conditions for multipacting are encountered when such surfaces have a Secondary Electron Yield (SEY) greater than unity. Roughening the surface through laser processing offers an effective solution for reducing secondary electrons. Laser ablation leaves behind a complex rough, multi-scale geometrical surface with an altered chemical composition. Current models often over-simplify the geometry, do not have sufficient experimental data to derive input parameters, and exclude SEY-reducing mechanisms such as the surface chemistry. Leading to electron-matter interactions which do not resemble that of a real surface. Here, this complex surface is studied on copper used in the LHC, and the influence of microgeometry, inhomogeneous nanostructure and complex surface chemistry on the SEY is investigated. A novel, improved model is proposed that characterises these sophisticated structures, enabling the efficient design of surfaces to reduce SEY. To validate the model, samples were made using a variety of laser parameters. Modelling insights revealed that secondary electron suppression is not only caused by the microgeometry but also the nanostructure and chemical modification play a role. Contrary to the conventional theory, high aspect ratio structures are not necessarily required for effective SEY reduction. Currently, the model is applicable to a variety of surface morphologies and could be employed for other materials

    A systematic mapping review of the evolution of the rat Forced Swim Test: Protocols and outcome parameters

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    As depression is projected to become the leading mental disease burden globally by 2030, understanding the underlying pathology, as well as screening potential anti-depressants with a higher efficacy, faster onset of action, and/or fewer side-effects is essential. A commonly used test for screening novel antidepressants and studying depression-linked aspects in rodents is the Porsolt Forced Swim Test. The present systematic mappping review gives a comprehensive overview of the evolution and of the most prevalently used set-ups of this test in rats, including the choice of animals (strain, sex, and age), technical aspects of protocol and environment, as well as reported outcome measures. Additionally, we provide an accessible list of all existing publications, to support informed decision-making for procedural and technical aspects of the test, to thereby enhance reproducibility and comparability. This should further contribute to reducing the number of unnecessarily replicated experiments, and consequently, reduce the number of animals used in future

    Picosecond pulsed 532 nm laser system for roughening and secondary electron yield reduction of inner surfaces of up to 15 m long tubes

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    Laser-induced surface structuring is a promising method to suppress electron mulitpacting in the vacuum pipes of particle accelerators. Electrons are scattered inside the rough surface structure, resulting in a low Secondary Electron Yield (SEY) of the material. However, laser processing of internal pipe surfaces with a large aspect ratio is technologically challenging in terms of laser beam guidance and focusing. We present a 532 nm ultrashort-pulse laser setup to process the inner parts of 15 m long beam vacuum tubes of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Picosecond pulses at a repetition rate of 200 kHz are guided through an optical fiber toward an inchworm robot traveling inside the beam pipe. The system was installed, characterized, and tested for reliability. First surface treatments achieved the required scan precision. Cu2O-dominated nano-features were observed when processing at high average laser power (5 W) and slow scanning speed (5 mm s−1) in nitrogen flow, and the maximum SEY of copper was decreased from 2.1 to 0.7