437 research outputs found

    But in the End, Why is Deleuze “Anti-Hegelian”? At the Root of the Hegel–Deleuze Affair

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    Deleuze said that he detested Hegelianism and dialectics: this paper claims that Deleuze is contra Hegel because he has and proposes a different philosophical system. Thus, I suggest that if we want to understand the reason of such a “disgust,” we need to focus the philosophical question that moves the entire Deleuzian system (§ 1). Then, I explain that if the ground-question of Hegel’s philosophy is “how is it possible that things are surpassed, that they go on?”, the Deleuzian one is “how is it that there is always something new, that things come out?” (§ 2). Finally, I discuss how desire can be considered as a key-example for seeing how the perspectives of the two thinkers diverge (§ 3)

    Validity under international law of the 2013 referendum in the Malvinas Islands

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    El artículo analiza la validez del referéndum de 2013 en las Islas Malvinas de acuerdo al derecho internacional, y propone algunas bases para la posición argentina sobre la cuestión.This article discusses the validity of the 2013 referendum in the Malvinas Islands according to international law, and offers some basis for the Argentine position on the matter.Fil: Pezzano, Luciano. Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Optimization of neural networks for deep learning and applications to CT image segmentation

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    [eng] During the last few years, AI development in deep learning has been going so fast that even important researchers, politicians, and entrepreneurs are signing petitions to try to slow it down. The newest methods for natural language processing and image generation are achieving results so unbelievable that people are seriously starting to think they can be dangerous for society. In reality, they are not dangerous (at the moment) even if we have to admit we reached a point where we have no more control over the flux of data inside the deep networks. It is impossible to open a modern deep neural network and interpret how it processes the information and, in many cases, explain how or why it gives back that particular result. One of the goals of this doctoral work has been to study the behavior of weights in convolutional neural networks and in transformers. We hereby present a work that demonstrates how to invert 3x3 convolutions after training a neural network able to learn how to classify images, with the future aim of having precisely invertible convolutional neural networks. We demonstrate that a simple network can learn to classify images on an open-source dataset without loss in accuracy, with respect to a non-invertible one. All that with the ability to reconstruct the original image without detectable error (on 8-bit images) in up to 20 convolutions stacked in a row. We present a thorough comparison between our method and the standard. We tested the performances of the five most used transformers for image classification on an open- source dataset. Studying the embedded matrices, we have been able to provide two criteria that can help transformers learn with a training time reduction of up to 30% and with no impact on classification accuracy. The evolution of deep learning techniques is also touching the field of digital health. With tens of thousands of new start-ups and more than 1B $ of investments only in the last year, this field is growing rapidly and promising to revolutionize healthcare. In this thesis, we present several neural networks for the segmentation of lungs, lung nodules, and areas affected by pneumonia induced by COVID-19, in chest CT scans. The architecturesm we used are all residual convolutional neural networks inspired by UNet and Inception. We customized them with novel loss functions and layers studied to achieve high performances on these particular applications. The errors on the surface of nodule segmentation masks are not over 1mm in more than 99% of the cases. Our algorithm for COVID-19 lesion detection has a specificity of 100% and overall accuracy of 97.1%. In general, it surpasses the state-of-the-art in all the considered statistics, using UNet as a benchmark. Combining these with other algorithms able to detect and predict lung cancer, the whole work was presented in a European innovation program and judged of high interest by worldwide experts. With this work, we set the basis for the future development of better AI tools in healthcare and scientific investigation into the fundamentals of deep learning.[spa] Durante los últimos años, el desarrollo de la IA en el aprendizaje profundo ha ido tan rápido que Incluso importantes investigadores, políticos y empresarios están firmando peticiones para intentar para ralentizarlo. Los métodos más nuevos para el procesamiento y la generación de imágenes y lenguaje natural, están logrando resultados tan increíbles que la gente está empezando a preocuparse seriamente. Pienso que pueden ser peligrosos para la sociedad. En realidad, no son peligrosos (al menos de momento) incluso si tenemos que admitir que llegamos a un punto en el que ya no tenemos control sobre el flujo de datos dentro de las redes profundas. Es imposible abrir una moderna red neuronal profunda e interpretar cómo procesa la información y, en muchos casos, explique cómo o por qué devuelve ese resultado en particular, uno de los objetivos de este doctorado. El trabajo ha consistido en estudiar el comportamiento de los pesos en redes neuronales convolucionales y en transformadores. Por la presente presentamos un trabajo que demuestra cómo invertir 3x3 convoluciones después de entrenar una red neuronal capaz de aprender a clasificar imágenes, con el objetivo futuro de tener redes neuronales convolucionales precisamente invertibles. Nosotros queremos demostrar que una red simple puede aprender a clasificar imágenes en un código abierto conjunto de datos sin pérdida de precisión, con respecto a uno no invertible. Todo eso con la capacidad de reconstruir la imagen original sin errores detectables (en imágenes de 8 bits) en hasta 20 convoluciones apiladas en fila. Presentamos una exhaustiva comparación entre nuestro método y el estándar. Probamos las prestaciones de los cinco transformadores más utilizados para la clasificación de imágenes en abierto. conjunto de datos de origen. Al estudiar las matrices incrustadas, hemos sido capaz de proporcionar dos criterios que pueden ayudar a los transformadores a aprender con un tiempo de capacitación reducción de hasta el 30% y sin impacto en la precisión de la clasificación. La evolución de las técnicas de aprendizaje profundo también está afectando al campo de la salud digital. Con decenas de miles de nuevas empresas y más de mil millones de dólares en inversiones sólo en el año pasado, este campo está creciendo rápidamente y promete revolucionar la atención médica. En esta tesis, presentamos varias redes neuronales para la segmentación de pulmones, nódulos pulmonares, y zonas afectadas por neumonía inducida por COVID-19, en tomografías computarizadas de tórax. La arquitectura que utilizamos son todas redes neuronales convolucionales residuales inspiradas en UNet. Las personalizamos con nuevas funciones y capas de pérdida, estudiado para lograr altos rendimientos en estas aplicaciones particulares. Los errores en la superficie de las máscaras de segmentación de los nódulos no supera 1 mm en más del 99% de los casos. Nuestro algoritmo para la detección de lesiones de COVID-19 tiene una especificidad del 100% y en general precisión del 97,1%. En general supera el estado del arte en todos los aspectos considerados, estadísticas, utilizando UNet como punto de referencia. Combinando estos con otros algoritmos capaces de detectar y predecir el cáncer de pulmón, todo el trabajo se presentó en una innovación europea programa y considerado de gran interés por expertos de todo el mundo. Con este trabajo, sentamos las bases para el futuro desarrollo de mejores herramientas de IA en Investigación sanitaria y científica sobre los fundamentos del aprendizaje profundo

    Oltre la tecno-fobia/mania: prospettive di “tecno-realismo” a partire dall’antropologia filosofica

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    The paper proposes a rethinking of the “Techniksfrage” and the “post-humanism” focused on the discussion of the human nature and the man’s place in the world. 0) “Philosophy of technology” went in search of an Universal Essence of The Technology, ending with the construction of the opposition “techno-phobics/techno-maniacs”: it forgot the plurality of the technologies, and represented the technology as an unsurpassable destiny (Evil or Good). 1) Indeed, a “philosophical anthropology of the technology” makes it possible to think the relationship man/technology in a “soberly realistic” way: if man is naturally un-natural, the technological animal because of his relational openness to the world, then technai express the modes through which he relates to the world and “declines” his generic nature. 2) Therefore, we cannot oppose a “subject” (human/natural) to an “object” (artificial/unnatural): we have to understand the faktum of the relation which constitutes both them as always opened (subjectile and objectile). 3) According to this, the post-human could be thought as a overcoming-uplifting (post) of the evolutionary and existential logic that characterizes the human nature (human): a over-humanistic horizon could not be realistically conceived without the body, ec-centric center of human action – of the possible domination of the domination of nature

    Throw the bathwater out but save the baby: new perspectives in Critical Theory

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    In this paper, I discuss the status of critical theory and thinking, claiming that we should not throw the baby out with the bathwater: if a certain way of conceiving and practicing it has nowadays become partial and unfit, then it’s not true that it is qua tale useless, old-fashioned, or dead. I start stressing that, in general, Critical Theory highlights that there is a problematic relation between individuals and social structure, which has to be pointed out, to indicate actual and possible transformations. Then, I propose a heuristic distinction between two main paradigms of Critical Theory and thinking (the modern Critical Theory and the postmodern Critical Theory), discussing three main aspects, separated but intertwined. The first is more strictly philosophical, involving the problem of the transcendent or immanent position of the critique: on the one hand, we have the external condemnation of the society, in the name of some kind of superior truth; on the other hand, we have the inner problematization of a given social field, according to criteria that have been posited by itself or that are implicit in it (§ 1). The second is more strictly anthropological, dealing with the problem of human nature and alienation: on the one hand, we have the hope for the restoration of a lost state of originary plenitude; on the other hand, we have the effort of learning the better way to deal with human openness and relationality (§ 2). The third is more strictly sociological, posing the question of ways and forms of life: on the one hand, we have an ironical attitude, aiming to elaborate a true counter-society that should take the place of the false present one; on the other hand, we have a humoristic attitude, that attempts to make the problem that a society both poses and tries to answer a problem that reemerges, so that it can be again for the first time seen as a problem (§ 3)

    The Malvinas 2013 referendum: a chance to reinforce the argentine position

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    El artículo analiza la validez del referéndum de 2013 en las Islas Malvinas de acuerdo al derecho internacional y a la práctica de las Naciones Unidas, teniendo en cuenta los antecedentes de Gibraltar, Mayotte y Nueva Caledonia, y propone algunas bases para la posición argentina sobre la cuestión.This article discusses the validity of the 2013 referendum in the Malvinas Islands according to international law and UN practice, having in mind the antecedents of Gibraltar, Mayotte and New Caledonia, and offers some basis for the Argentine position on the matter.Fil: Pezzano, Luciano. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Estudios Avanzados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Functional Mobility For An Elderly Patient With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Case Report

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    Background and Purpose: This case report provides a detailed description of how balance training was incorporated into physical therapy (PT) treatment to reduce fall risk and maintain functional mobility in an elderly patient diagnosed with ALS. Due to lack of research on ALS, and the terminal nature of the disease, clinicians and researchers may benefit from a palliative care PT plan to maintain functional mobility for patients with neurodegenerative diseases. Case Description: An 82-year old female presented to outpatient PT with the diagnosis of ALS, with decreased functional mobility, high fall risk, and left hip/knee pain due to arthritis. She received 13 sessions over 12 weeks. The outcome measures used include the Berg Balance Score (BBS), Timed Up and Go (TUG) in seconds (s), 6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT) in meters (m), and manual muscle testing (MMT). Outcomes: Balance training was used throughout the sessions to decrease fall risk, as well as therapeutic exercise to maintain strength for activities of daily living (ADL). Throughout treatment, she demonstrated slight decline in function, but was able to maintain function within the minimal clinically important difference (MCID). Maintenance of function was shown by the 6MWT (120 m to 126m) where distance was still within the MCID, and the TUG (23.75 s to 29 s) showed continued independence in transfers. Only slight decline in strength was shown in left dorsiflexion (4 to 3+/5) and in balance on the BBS (37 to 29/56). Discussion: PT serves an important role in palliative care for the maintenance of function in neurodegenerative diseases and further research is needed to determine beneficial interventions

    The ANC between Home and Exile. Reflections on the Anti-Apartheid Struggle in Italy and Southern Africa

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    The ANC between Home and Exile is a collection of essays by South African and Italian scholars and activists originally presented at a conference held in Naples in November 2012 to commemorate the ANC centenary. One of its aims is to reflect historically on the different experiences of the ANC and the struggle against apartheid both in South Africa and in exile, particularly in the Italian context that has been under-represented in the historiography. This imbalance projects the erroneous impression that a country like Italy played only a marginal role in supporting the peoples of southern Africa in their connected struggles against colonialism, white minority rule and apartheid oppression and exploitation. The book thus seeks to accord a more central place to Italy, both as a site from where the ANC operated in exile, and as a key centre of international solidarity. The chapters in the book cover a number of themes in the history of the liberation struggle that span the Italian, South African and African contexts, the relationship between apartheid, exile and artistic creation, and some of the individual experiences of the Italian solidarity with the anti-apartheid struggle. Rather than viewing these as discrete topics, the anthology attempts to bring these various contexts into dialogue by viewing them as part of the same continuum.\ud The book is directed at scholars of southern African history and politics, political commentators, and activists and a broader readership with an interest in South Africa’s liberation struggle

    Functional Mobility For An Elderly Person With Amyotrophic Latera Lsclerosis: A Case Report

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    The purpose of this case study was to describe a palliative care physical therapy (PT) plan for maintenance of functional mobility and fall risk reduction for a patient with ALS. Ice Bucket Challenge began in 2014 to increase public awareness and funding for ALS. Need for further research was highlighted, in the campaign, for medical treatment and rehabilitation. Typical Presentation for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is male, 60 years old, limb onset. This patient was female, 82 years old, with bulbar onset, limb weakness, and fall risk.https://dune.une.edu/pt_studcrposter/1145/thumbnail.jp

    Framing pandemic news. Empirical research on Covid-19 representation in the Italian TV news

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    The article contributes to the vast literature on the media representation of Covid-19, by exposing the results of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of Covid-19 media coverage in Italy, run on the full archive of prime-time TV news – Tg1, Tg2, Tg3, Tg4, Tg5, Studio Aperto, Tg La7 – between February 28, 2020, and February 27, 2021. All verbal contents of TV news have been analyzed, based on a sample of 2,555 news shows and 14,304 news stories related to the epidemic, for a total of 1.6 million words. By applying the media framing models, we realized a two-step work: a mapping of TV coverage across one year; and an in-depth investigation on the most relevant keywords, gathering and variant. The main results show how the different Italian television news broadcast the pandemic "waves", paying attention to issues considered as emergencies. Through a cluster analysis, we found some recurring and absent narratives of the media representation on Covid19. Along with the reflection on the framing of the pandemic, we will come out with some insights into the blaming strategies put in motion by the TV news