11 research outputs found

    An fMRI study of cortical representation of mechanical allodynia in patients with neuropathic pain

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    International audienceTo investigate cerebral activity associated with allodynia in patients with neuropathic pain. Methods: The brain responses of 27 patients with peripheral (5), spinal (3), brainstem (4), thalamic (5), lenticular (5), or cortical (5) lesions were studied with fMRI as innocuous mechanical stimuli were addressed to either the allodynic territory or the homologous contralateral region. Results: When applied to the normal side, brush and cold rubbing stimuli did not evoke pain and activated a somatosensory "control" network including contralateral primary (SI) and secondary (SII) somatosensory cortices and insular regions. The same stimuli became severely painful when applied to the allodynic side and activated regions in the contralateral hemisphere that mirrored the "control" network, with, however, lesser activation of the SII and insular cortices. Increased activation volumes were found in contralateral SI and primary motor cortex (MI). Whereas ipsilateral responses appeared very small and restricted after control stimuli, they represented the most salient effect of allodynia and were observed mainly in the ipsilateral parietal operculum (SII), SI, and insula. Allodynic stimuli also recruited additional responses in motor/premotor areas (MI, supplementary motor area), in regions involved in spatial attention (posterior parietal cortices), and in regions linking attention and motor control (mid-anterior cingulate cortex). Conclusion: On a background of deafferentation in the hemisphere contralateral to stimuli, enhanced or additional responses to innocuous stimuli in the ipsilateral hemisphere may contribute to the shift of perception from innocuous toward painful and ill-defined sensations

    Role of Operculoinsular Cortices in Human Pain Processing: Converging Evidence from PET, fMRI, Dipole Modeling, and Intracerebral Recordings of Evoked Potentials

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    International audienceInsular and SII cortices have been consistently shown by PET, fMRI, EPs, and MEG techniques to be activated bilaterally by a nociceptive stimulation. The aim of the present study was to refer to, and to compare within a common stereotactic space, the nociceptive responses obtained in humans by (i) PET, (ii) fMRI, (iii) dipole modeling of scalp LEPs, and (iv) intracerebral recordings of LEPs. PET, fMRI, and scalp LEPs were obtained from normal subjects during thermal pain. Operculoinsular LEPs were obtained from 13 patients using deep brain electrodes implanted for presurgical evaluation of drug-resistant epilepsy. Whatever the technique, we obtained responses which were located bilaterally in the insular and SII cortices. In electrophysiological responses (LEPs) the SII insular contribution peaked between 150 and 250 ms poststimulus and corresponded to the earliest portions of the whole cerebral response. Group analysis of PET and fMRI data showed highly consistent responses contralateral to stimulation. On single-subject analysis, LEPs and fMRI activations were concentrated in relatively restricted volumes even though spatial sampling was quite different for both techniques. Despite our multimodal approach, however, it was not possible to separate insular from SII activities. Individual variations in the anatomy and function of SII and insular cortices may explain this limitation. This multimodal study provides, however, cross-validated spatial and temporal information on the pain-related processes occurring in the operculoinsular region, which thus appears as a major site for the early cortical pain encoding in the human brain

    Les réponses operculo-insulaires aux stimulations cutanées nociceptives chez l'homme. Revue de la littérature et données récentes

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    International audienceTo record somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median nerve stimulation by chronically implanted electrodes in the parieto-rolandic opercular area of 9 epileptic patients, in order to evaluate whether somatosensory evoked responses could be generated in the second somatosensory area (SII) earlier than 40 ms after stimulus